Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #42

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you have something fun planned for this weekend. I have been loving this spring weather. I have been trying to spend as much time as possible outside to soak up the sun! Iā€™ve even been grilling and enjoying reading outdoors. Some of my favorite summer activities.

Summer grilling has begun!

Iā€™m linking up with Erika and Andrea! for another edition of Friday Favorites. Hereā€™s a roundup of some things Iā€™ve been loving this week. 

Running– I canā€™t believe this is on my Friday Favorites list, but here we are. As the weather has been getting warmer, Iā€™ve been running outside more. Iā€™ve never been a runner, but one of my goals this summer is to run a 5K, so Iā€™ve been preparing for it. I try to get longer runs on the weekends, and shorter runs on the weekdays. Slowly but surely, Iā€™m getting there and Iā€™m proud of myself for how far Iā€™ve come.

Getting my runs in!

Coronation Behind the Scenes Video: Even though itā€™s been a few weeks, Iā€™m still reading and following things about the Coronation of King Charles III. Last week, Will and Kate released a behind the scenes of Coronation weekend. You can watch it here. I loved seeing them getting ready for the big day and getting into the community for all the events. The video was so well produced, such a great recap of the weekend!

Such a good recap!

Jury Duty– Have you seen Jury Duty yet? Itā€™s on Freevee through Amazon Prime and without giving too much away itā€™s about a group of people seated on a jury for a trial in Los Angeles, they are all actors who know the case is fake except for one of the jurors. Thereā€™s so many great one-liners and scenes, definitely worth the watch. 

Such a fun show!

Cuffed Jeans– As we are making our way through Spring, I have been wearing lots of transitional pieces of clothing that work for cooler mornings and hotter afternoons. Cuffed jeans and graphic t-shirts have been my go-to for the spring. Old Navy is a one stop shop for jeans, I love all the cuts and styles, but their regular cuts are my favorite. I have been wearing cuffed jeans non-stop this Spring.

A weekend look!

New Outlander Trailer- I am a big fan of the show, Outlander on Starz and the new trailer for Season 7 which airs this June dropped last week. This season brings us to the American Revolution. The trailer looks dramatic, intense and has some pretty big cliffhangers sprinkled throughout. I canā€™t wait to watch the new season. 

June can’t come soon enough!

So many favorite things this week, from shows to clothes and outdoor fun! I know Iā€™ll be planning to soak up some sunshine this weekend and get some family time in too! How do you plan to spend your weekend? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great weekend and a fantastic Friday!!

Fabulous living

Me Dates

Happy March! 

Although we are getting closer and closer to spring it still feels very much like winter with cold temperatures and snow and rain and sleet. But fingers crossed we see more sunshine and temperatures above 50 in our near future.

At least the snow is pretty.

One of my resolutions for 2022 was to have monthly “Me Dates”. My friend Sydney gave me the idea of carving out special time for yourself every month to do something fun or pamper yourself, outside of our daily routines. You donā€™t have to spend a ton of money to enjoy some time for yourself, but thereā€™s nothing wrong with a little splurge every once in a while.Ā Ā No matter if you are college student, working professional or stressed out mom or dad, we all could you use some extra time for ourselves outside of work and household responsibilities.

The year is still early so I havenā€™t had too many ā€œMe Datesā€ yet, but my goal is to have them once a month. In February, I had a spa night at home with a facial and watching my favorite show and doing my nails. It was only 45 minutes but so worth it and something different in my daily routine.

If you want to try this for yourself, hereā€™s a few ideas of ā€œMe Datesā€, some are inexpensive, others are a special treat.

  • A Book DateĀ 
    • Grab a book, whether itā€™s one youā€™ve had on your shelf for months, one from the library or browse your favorite local book shop for a new read. Then head to a coffee shop and enjoy your read with a warm drink. It doesnā€™t have to be a pricey date, but itā€™s a good way to get out of the house and change up your scenery and get lost in a different world.
  • A Pampering DayĀ 
    • This one can be completely free or something you spend some extra money on. You can have a quiet night in with a bath, face mask, and doing your nails for a stay-at-home self-care night. This is a nice way to relax and unwind at home without spending money. If you are looking to splurge or have a big event coming up, getting your nails done at a nail salon would be a fun way to pamper yourself and while getting ready for something fun.
  • Movie dateĀ 
    • This is a very easy me-date that gets you out of the house and allows you to escape the stressors of the world and dive into a new one, even if itā€™s only for a few hours. Plus, if you are nervous about being out and about by yourself, itā€™s a lot less nerve racking when you head to a movie and it doesnā€™t matter if you are with a group of ten or by yourself.Ā 
  • Spending time on a hobby
    • During the pandemic, a lot of people picked up on new hobbies and activities while being quarantined, once things got back to normal, our lives got busy, and we may have let them fall to the wayside. By giving yourself permission to enjoy that hobby, even if its for 30 minutes every week or month, it lets you get in touch with your creative side.
  • Getting Outside for a Walk
    • Even with the cold weather, getting some exercise and fresh air are huge game changers. Whether itā€™s for a walk while you listen to some music or a podcast or you head out for a long run, getting out allows you to clear your mind and gets your endorphins flowing too.
  • Table for One
    • If you really want to be bold and step out of your comfort zone, head out to get a meal by yourself. You can head to your go-to restaurant or try a new place in town. Ask for a table for one and bring a book to read or just enjoy some quite time savoring a tasty meal.

These are just a few ideas of ways to put yourself first and enjoy a date with yourself. It can be intimidating to go out and have solo dates, but whatā€™s important is that you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and some taking advantage of some extra time for yourself. While itā€™s always fun to plan things with family or do things with friends, thereā€™s nothing like taking some time for yourself. It may sound clichĆ©, but you truly canā€™t pour from an empty cup. We all need to take time for ourselves so we do our best for our families and in our jobs. What are some ways you like to put yourself first?