Fabulous living

Summer Book Review

Hi friends! With summer winding down and school starting back up again I wanted to take this time to share all the books I read this summer and a quick review on them My goal was to read between 12-15ā€¦letā€™s see if I achieved it?!

  1. Rising Strong by Brene Brown

I had watched Breneā€™s Netflix special and I loved it. I found it so informative and powerful. After watching it, I wanted to read her previous works. I thoroughly enjoyed Rising Strong, it is all about being vulnerable and opening up to others whether it be in the workplace, at home, or with friends. She also shares personal stories of her being vulnerable in her own life which I loved. There were a lot of valuable lessons in the book and I plan to read more of Breneā€™s other books. I did find it at times to be a bit heavy and contain a lot information which could be overwhelming, but overall, I found the book to be eye opening and a good read.Ā 

Grade: B

2. Sex and the City and USby Jennifer Keishin Armstrong

I have no shame in admitting I am a fan of Sex and the City, Iā€™ve seen the series and movies and I love the message the shows has about women, friendship, New York, fashion, and love. This book documents everything from the book that inspired the series, the behind the scenes of creating the show, as well as interviews with writers, crew members, and cast members. I love learning all the behind the scenes facts when it comes to my favorite shows. This was a fun and light read and it made me want to rewatch the series again! LOL! For any Sex and the City fan-this is a must read. Fall in love with Carrie Bradshaw all over again!

Grade: A-

3. Bossypants by Tina Fey

I loved this book by Tina Fey. I love her as a comedian and find her funny in anything I watch, whether itā€™s SNL, 30 Rock, or one of the many comedies she has starred in. I found this book to be very light and easy to read. I got it done in two sittings. Fey shares her early childhood, making it into the industry, her time working on SNL and 30 Rock. As I was reading, I found myself laughing to myself about some of the antics she was encountering. I found the book to be very real and relatable. I would recommend it for a beach read or something light between more intense reads. You will find yourself laughing along the way.Ā 

Grade: B+

4. Daring Greatlyby Brene Brown

After reading one of Breneā€™s books, I wanted to try and read another. I found this one to be enjoyable and informative. Once again, she shares her vast knowledge and research when it comes to shame and vulnerability. I loved how she shares her personal stories about dealing with shame in her life. I would recommend reading this book before Rising Strong. Overall, I was happy I continued to learn more about the importance of being vulnerable since it is something that I donā€™t think we talk about enough. I did find it to be a bit heavy with the research so it took some extra time to read and comprehend it. I would definitely recommend it to a friend. 

Grade: B-

5. Whiskey in a Teacup by Reese Witherspoon

I absolutely loved this book. I finished it in two sittings by the pool after work. I have always been a fan of Reese Witherspoon, I find her so down to Earth and charming. In this books she shares everything she learned from growing up in the south and how it made her into the person she is today. She shares family recipes, tips for decorating, family photos, and gorgeous photos. I learned so much about Reese and how she incorporates her southern roots into her life in California. I also love the layout of the books, she has her favorite recipes mixed in with photos of her home, family, and life down south. I would highly recommend reading this book or evening having it for a coffee table book. Itā€™s bright, colorful, sweet and charming just like Reese is!

Grade: A+

6. How to Date Men When You Hate Men by Blythe Roberson

This book kept popping up on different blogs I read as well as suggested books. I was intrigued and decided to give it a try. I will be honest with you, it was okay, but I could have definitely bypassed it. Overall, it was funny and had a lot of good one liners and pop culture references which made the book relatable and easy to read. However, I found it to be negative towards dating, love, and relationships. I was hoping it would be more reflective and positive about relationships and dating but I was let down by it. Some things were relatable and resonated with me, but for the most part it was hard to get through it. It was okay but definitely not my favoriteā€¦oh well, you win some, you lose some. 

Grade: C-

7. Swear on this Life by Renee Carlino

I loved this book! It was one of my favorites that I have read this whole year. It tells the story of a young women who reads a book and realizes itā€™s a book based on her whole life by her childhood best friend and first love. This book goes back and forth between her present day life and the book based on her childhood. She must decide if she wants to track her best friend or leave the past in the past. Itā€™s so well written and sucks you in immediately. Once I started reading it, I couldnā€™t put it down. I finished in two sittings. I enjoyed it so much I looked into other books by this author. I loved the concept of how oneā€™s first love, maybe oneā€™s only love. I would highly recommend it. 

Grade: A+

8. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

Another favorite book I read this summer. I have heard about The Last Lecture for years but never got around to reading it. Once I started I couldnā€™t put it down, I finished it in one day. It tells the story of Pauschā€™s last lecture that he gives before he dies of cancer. He talks about achieving his childhood dreams and what lessons he wants to leave behind to his children, family, friends, and students. I was incredibly moved by this book, I often found myself writing down quotes that I loved. I found this book to be so inspiring and reminded me never to take anything for granted. Highly recommend.

Grade: A+

9. Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino

I enjoyed Carlinoā€™s other book so much, I decided to read another one by her and thoroughly enjoyed it as much. This story follows the lives of college lovers and what happens when they see each other after 15 years apart. The book goes back and forth between college life in the past and the present day. It fills in the blanks of what happened in those 15 years apart.  I loved the story it told about how special oneā€™s first love is and how time doesnā€™t mean anything when you truly care about someone. There are laughs, heartfelt moments and a few shockers. I would definitely recommend this book if you are looking for a beach read or something to read before bed. We all could use something light and filled with love in our lives. 

Grade: A

10. Love What Matters

I came across this book at the library and was immediately intrigued. It is based off a Facebook Community group. People can go on and post small acts of kindness or love they witnessed or that happened to them. Iā€™m a firm believer in positivity and not focusing on the negative. This book was a collection of many stories from people all over witnessing love and kindness. I read it in two sessions, half by the pool and then the second half inside during a rain storm, both ideal places for good reading! What I enjoyed most about this book was how little acts can make a huge impact on others. Definitely worth the read and your hearts will be moved!

Grade: A

11. A Reporterā€™s Life: Peter Jennings

I was really excited for this book going into it, however, it just ended up being okay. I liked the content and reading about Jenningsā€™ life and the stories he covered during his time as a reporter. But, it was hard to get into the book. I liked the way different people who were friends, family, and colleagues of Jennings contributed to the book. I learned a lot about what it means to be a good reporter as well as the impact Jennings made on the world. I found the book to be informative, but I wasnā€™t changed after reading it. When it comes to books, you win some, you lose some. 

Grade; B

12. The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory 

This story follows the journey of a young princess who gets left at the altar. Thea must uncover what really happened to her fiancĆ© Christian and who to trust in her royal family. She meets Nick, who also wants to help her find out what happen to her lover, but with his own agenda. I love anything British and Royals so this was the perfect summer read. This book was the perfect mix of romance, mystery, and adventure, all things I look for in a good book. I would definitely recommend it if you are looking for a light and carefree book. 

Grade: B+

13. Go Ask Ali by Ali Wentworth

Last summer I readĀ Happily Ali After and I found it funny and an easy read. When I saw this book sitting on the shelf, I knew I wanted to try it. Iā€™m so glad I did. Ali shares personal funny stories about her family, her life, and sweet memories that go along with them. Her topics range from family vacations, her daughters growing up, her girlfriends and her husband. She is real and honest and basically says what everyone is thinking. I finished her book in one weekend. After reading her second book, I feel like I could have a cup of coffee with her and just talk about life and funny stories. Was it the best book I read this summer? No, but It was a fun pool read and I learned more about her than when I started it.Ā 

Grade: B

14. My Favorite Half Night Stand by Christina Lauren

I was recommended this book from Shay Shull of Mix and Match Mama, she always shares her monthly reads and this one stood out to me. It tells the story of a young woman the her guy friends, she ends up falling for one of them and the two of them hook up a few times. When her and her group of guys all try online dating, she ends up getting matched with her best friend who she hooked up. There are some twists and turns but a happy ending. I love how they showed the relationships she has with her the guys but most importantly finding herself through the course of the book. It was such a fun book and you will get sucked in. I finished it on vacation and I couldnā€™t put it down. I would definitely recommend it. One of my favorites for the summer.Ā 

Grade: A

15. Radical Kindness by Angela Santomero

My final book of the summer ended on a positive note. This book stood out to me at the library and I thought there were was no better way to start senior senior year than by being reflective. This book is based on Fred Rogers and is written by the woman who started Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. She talks about being kind to yourself, others, and the world. I’m a firm believer in how a simple act of kindness can change someone’s life. There was also a few references to Brene Brown and the power of vulnerability. I finished this book in two days, and although it wasn’t the best book I read, I thoroughly enjoyed it and was inspired by it.

Grade: B+

Whew, that was a lot of reading and I learned so much from all the stories and genres. I love getting lost in the books and finding new authors. I reached my goal for the summer and although, back to school will be busy I am determined to read more. My top books for the summer are Swear on this Life, The Last Lecture and My Favorite Half-Night Stand.

What books have you read this summer? Any suggestions for fall book reads?