Fabulous living

The Importance of Hobbies

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday and happy first week of April! 

I hope you had a peaceful and joyful Easter if you celebrate. It was wonderful to have my family together, even if it was for a short weekend.

Easter always gets me excited for the start of spring, even if it was slightly earlier this year. From the pastel colors to the blooming flowers and the sunshine, there are so many things to love about this time of year.

A joyous Easter weekend filled with lots of traditions.

Even though we had a mild winter, I’m ready for spring and summer. The new season also means the return of some of my favorite hobbies, which brings us to today’s post…the importance of hobbies. I firmly believe that having hobbies or interests outside of work and family and friends are vital for a life of balance and joy. I’ve tried out different hobbies through the years and as an adult found things that truly interest me and bring me joy.

Growing up, I was involved with different activities and interests. I did theater all through middle school and high school. I was involved in National Honor Society, Student Government and other clubs. In college, I had jobs on campus and was a part of different clubs and organizations too, which kept me busy between classes. I was always on the go; I didn’t have a ton of hobbies. I didn’t play a lot of sports growing up and although I was involved with groups and organizations, I didn’t have a ton of extra interests. I always enjoyed reading, journaling and watching movies or catching up on tv shows, and helping my mom in the kitchen, but It wasn’t until end of college that I wanted to develop consistent hobbies that could be a balance outside of work.

Once I started working full time, I realized I didn’t have homework, or other responsibilities to keep me busy like I was used to my whole life, so it was time to find some interests outside of work and family.

Here’s some of the hobbies I’ve picked up and stuck to in the recent years:


I have always loved reading. English was my favorite class in school, I loved going to the library as a child and to this day, I make weekly trips to my local branch. I love getting lost in the stories, being transported to other worlds and learning about different people or places. I didn’t read as much in college, due to other books I was reading for classes, but once I graduated, my time for reading opened up. I tend to go through a book a week, depending on the length and I make weekly stops to my library to pick up or return books. I love browsing the shelves for new books, but I always have a long “To Be Read” list of recommended books from blogs, friends, and family. I have even started to download a book on my phone, so I always have a book with me, but I tend to stick with a book I can hold as opposed to a digital book. I spend so much time on screens every day, it’s nice to put it down and focus on something else. Last year, I read over 50 books and I hope to exceed that goal this year. I tend to read first thing in the morning and right before bed at night as a way to ease in and out of the day, but that doesn’t always happen. I always tell myself, as long as you read something, even if it’s just a page, that counts. Reading has been such a relaxing and soothing outlet for me to unwind and forget about the everyday stressors. 

One of my latest favorite reads….American Royals by Katharine McGee


Growing up, I loved helping my mom in the kitchen baking and cooking. I enjoyed baking in high school and college, but it wasn’t until I graduated college that I wanted to take my cooking skills to the next level. I started to cook one meal a week to work on my skills in the kitchen and to learn new recipes. Although, I took a hiatus with trying new meals in the kitchen due to a busy schedule, I’m back on track for trying new meals. I have enjoyed learning family recipes and researching new things to try. I’m getting more comfortable in the kitchen using different tools and ingredients and it’s been fun to have my family benefit from my new meals. The best part is that I’m building up my own cookbook for when I am on my own. Here’s how I plan out my recipes. I also have tried different baked goods recipes along the way too. From cookies, to cakes, and all things in between, it’s been fun to replicate some of my favorite desserts.

I’ve truly loved learning new recipes and getting comfortable in the kitchen.

Working Out/Running

In college, I started working out as a way to keep me busy and to stay active and fit. I wanted to continue that healthy lifestyle while I was working, so I found a gym and started going five days a week. I learned different skills and techniques in the gym, and I love the stress reliever it provides and that it helps me maintain a healthy lifestyle. I consider working out a hobby, it brings me joy and it’s something I’m passionate about. Last year, I wanted to challenge myself and start to run, I’ve talked about my running journey here and have truly found a love for running. I consider running one of my newest hobbies. I love the sense of accomplishment after a run, I love how I can clear my mind, and I love to see how far I can go. I do need to improve my speed, but that’s something that takes time and I’m okay with.

One of my latest runs and recent records


This was a new hobby I picked up last summer and hopefully can continue it this year. I always wanted to grow a garden and finally gave it a try last year. It took lots of patience and tending, and plenty of trial and error, but I was thrilled with the end result, even if it wasn’t as plentiful as I hope. I learned a great deal about growing and harvesting and I can confirm that homegrown veggies taste way better than store bought. I loved seeing my hard work pay off and I loved that I could use my veggies in recipes. Plus, it was great to spend more time outdoors by tending and checking on my garden.

The fruits of my labor


This is my latest hobby, which has been one of the more challenging hobbies. I took piano lessons when I was younger but didn’t keep up with them. We have a piano in our home that was sitting idle, and I decided I wanted to try to pick up the hobby again. I have been slowly teaching myself through an app, Simply Piano, and it’s been an interesting learning experience. I have found that like anything, you have to be disciplined with it. For me, that means practicing every day, even if it’s only for ten minutes a day or on the go in the app. I spend more time practicing on my days off but try to get it in every day. Some days, I am on a roll and loving the lessons, other days, I hit a plateau and get stuck on the lesson. But I am slowly learning the instrument once again. Another personal challenge I’ve faced is that my dog hates it when I play and will cry or howl the entire time, which can cause stress and be a distraction. I will try and practice when he is outside, but it doesn’t always shake out that way. This has been one of the more challenging hobbies I have tried, but I am slowly learning it. My favorite part has been learning to play my favorite songs. 

A recent accomplishment

Those are some of the hobbies I’m currently trying to incorporate into my day-to-day life. I don’t know if I will keep up with them for the rest of my life, but for now, they bring me joy and purpose and balance outside of work, family and friends. They are little ways I can take care of myself and don’t take up too much of my time. I think that’s the important thing about hobbies, they don’t have to be super expensive or any everyday thing. They can be simple way to take care of yourself and do something for me. Another thing that I have learned about hobbies is that it’s all about making time for them. You may think “I don’t have time for a hobby or to try something new”, but I promise you that if you really care about it and want to do it, you will find the time. I always seem to find a minute here or there to read a few pages of a book instead of scrolling through Instagram mindlessly, it’s all about how you structure and use your time. 

I hope this gives you some inspiration about finding a new hobby or re-learning an old one. Don’t be afraid to try something new or put yourself first, it may surprise you, how a little change could make a big effect.

Tell me: what are some hobbies you have picked up or are enjoying? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy hobby-ing!


Currently #51

Hello all! 

Happy Wednesday! I hope you’ve had an enjoyable week so far. We are halfway to the weekend and a few days away from a new month. This weekend is Easter Sunday, and my family will all be together for a few days. Although it will be a short weekend, I’m looking forward to it.

This month flew by, between spring-like days, a few snowy mornings and activities across the month, it was a busy March.

Here’s a look at what I’m currently up to:

What I’ve Been Up To: I have been making my way through my Spring Bucket List. I have already accomplished a few things, but will have to wait for more consistent warm weather to accomplish others.

I have been doing my best to get outdoors and that has included walks with friends, trips to the zoo and running.

First trip to the zoo of the year!

We had a stretch of warm weather and my friend and I went for walks three times in one week, it was great to catch up, get outside and do a free activity.

A day that included all the outside time!

I also got to meet up with one of my college friends for lunch. We met halfway on a day off and it was so good to catch up and share a meal together.

One of the goals I already accomplished was running 6 miles. Although, I was sore for a while after, it felt great to hit another mile.

One of my latest runs and recent records

What I’m Wearing: My wardrobe hasn’t been too exciting as of late, but I have been browsing T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s for some Spring finds. I do see a trip to Old Navy in my future soon to see what things they have on their racks for the new season.

I have been getting some wear out of my new bright, pink jacket from T.J. Maxx. It’s bright for the spring season, but also warm enough for the chilly, early spring days.

I also broke out my green for St. Patrick’s Day!

What I’m Reading:

A majority of March was spent reading the American Royals series. There are four books by Katharine McGee, American Royals, Rivals, Majesty, and Reign.

I have talked about the books in Friday Favorites posts, but in case you missed them. Each book follows the fictionalized Royal family of America. Imagine if the United States had a king and queen. Every book picks up right after the other in this four-part series. Themes of romance, coming of age, service, duty, and love are found in each of the books. They are a young adult genre, so the topics are more PG-13 compared to R. Every book ended with a cliffhanger which made you want to immediately pick up the next one. I really loved how the author wrapped up everything in the final book. Definitely a fun series to read in the spring and summer.

The Last Love Note– I finished The Last Love Note by Emma Grey in four days. I kept looking for pockets of time to keep reading. Without giving too much away, it’s all about a woman who looks to move on and grieve after losing her husband to Alzheimers. The book goes back and forth between his diagnosis and her life after he dies. It’s a story of second loves, grief, moving on and hope. 

Longbourn– I also finished Longbourn. It’s a spinoff Pride and Prejudice based all about the maids and servants who work in the Bennett household. I love Jane Austen and this was such a fun read to take me back to Jane Austen times. Kendra Adachi, the Lazy Genius read and recommened the book and I’m so glad I decided to pick it up. I only wish I read the physical copy of it and not the digital copy of it.

Mother Daughter Murder Night– I saw this book on a few blogs and I couldn’t wait to dive in. Mother Daughter Murder Night tells the story about a mother who moves in with her daughter and granddaughter temporarily, while she’s there, a murder happens in the small town. The grandmother looks to solve it on her own and quickly enlists the help of her daughter and granddaughter. It’s a fun “Who Done It?”, but with the family drama. I really enjoyed the book and couldn’t put it down at the end.

What I’m Watching: 

Some of my favorite shows have made their return after a long hiatus. The Masked Singer came back at the start of the month and it’s been fun to see who gets revealed every week. 

Grey’s Anatomy also came back in the middle of the month. These shows have been keeping me entertained during the week.

What Inspires Me: I have been staying busy in the kitchen over the past few weeks. Here’s some of the recipes I have made.

Air Fryer Salmon Bowls

Lemon Olive Oil Muffins

Homemade Coffee Cake

Crab Cakes 

Homemade Fish Fry

Turkey Pot Pie

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Roasted Chicken

What I Accomplished: 

I enjoyed making my way through my Spring Bucket list as well as seeing family and friends and getting outside.

Donuts for the spring season!
Sunday spread

Goals from Last Month

I enjoyed the early days of spring. I also got to enjoy some St. Patrick’s Day fun!

I made some St. Patrick’s Day cookies for the holiday!
I also got to enjoy the St. Patrick’s Day parade

My brother and I also got to see one of our favorite comedians on tour.

Goals for this Month 

Next month, I am looking forward to trying more spring recipes, spending more time outdoors and having more spring-inspired dates.

This quote left me feeling inspired

That’s a look into what I have been up to this month. I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend if you celebrate! See you back here on Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #83

Hello all!

Happy Friday! Also, happy first day of March! Is it just me or did February fly by? January was slow and steady, but February happened in the blink of an eye, but it was filled with all good things, from family time, to soaking up the outdoors, and celebrating Valentine’s Day!

Now that we are in a new month, I’m feeling extra excited about the possibilities of spring, warmer weather and more sunshine! 

As always, I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s some things that I have been loving.

Brown Sweater– I popped into T.J. Maxx last week for some browsing. I wasn’t planning on making any purchases, but I saw a few things that caught my attention and ending up purchasing. A new, long, brown sweater to wear at work was one of them. One of my most common phrases that you can hear me saying at work is “I’m cold or it’s cold.” I am always chilly no matter the weather. It could be 75 degrees outside, and I would still have a sweater on inside. Needless to say, I always have a sweater or light jacket at work, so they tend to get some wear and tear. I have gone through two work sweaters and this brown sweater is my third. I previously had white and tan sweaters. I like that this sweater and the ones I have worn in the past are comfortable, come in neutral colors, and professional looking enough that I can wear it around the office. I was in need of a new sweater and T.J. Maxx had the answer.

Pink Jacket– Speaking of T.J. Maxx, I also found this pink cropped jacket that can be dressed up or down. You can wear it with dress pants (think black, blue, or white), a skirt, or a solid dress in the office. You can also dress it down with leggings or jeans and boots to elevate your look. I love the color and the style and the versatility that it provides. You never know what you will find when you stop in T.J. Maxx.

American Royals– After hearing about this series over the past couple years, I am finally making my way through the American Royals series. The four-book series follows the tale if America had a monarchy. Think a mix of the Royal family in Great Britan meets America. I love all things about the Royal family, so this has been such a treat to read. Book one really sets up all the characters and the plots and leaves the reader with a cliffhanger that will make them want to start reading book two right away. I’m currently making my way through book two and can’t get enough of the relationship drama, family dynamics and “history”.

Buffalo Chicken Dip– I love all things appetizers, dips, and snacks. I would choose those over a big meal any day. One of my favorite dips/snacks is Buffalo Chicken Dip. You can enjoy it with chips, bread, crackers, but my favorite way to enjoy it is with some fresh veggies. We made it a few weeks back with this recipe and it was a hit. I enjoyed it with my family and ate some leftovers for lunch in the coming days with veggies. 

American Nightmare-Have you seen the new Netflix documentary, American Nightmare? It’s all about a couple who gets attacked in their home and the girlfriend gets kidnapped. I finished it in three sessions, there’s only three episodes and they are only 45 minutes long. I could have finished it sooner if I had the time. There’s definitely some twists and unexpected turns that I wasn’t anticipating, but would definitely recommend it if you are a fan of true crime.

That wraps up this week’s Friday Favorites, short and sweet, some entertainment, some recipes and some clothes. 

As we embark on a new month, what are some things you are looking forward to? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy March!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #82

Hello All!

Happy Friday! I hope it has been a great week for you as we get ready for another weekend. I hope you are able to fill your cup with what matters most, whether it’s family time, some extra sleep, or a fun excursion. As we make our way through February I am getting set for another round of fun favorites from this past week. These are little things that have brought me joy and I hope you are finding things that have made you smile this past week too.

Let’s jump into this week’s Friday Favorites with Erika and Andrea.

Office Ladies and the Lazy Genius Collaboration– I love the Office and I love the podcast, The Lazy Genius. When I heard they were a part of the same network, I couldn’t wait to see what it would bring. Kendra joined the Office Ladies podcast for an episode and in return, the Office Ladies made an appearance on The Lazy Genius. I loved hearing about their collaboration and how Kendra helped both Angela and Jenna lazy genius different parts of their lives. If you are fans or both or either of these, give both of them a listen. You can find The Lazy Genius episode here and The Office Ladies episode here.

Coloring Books– I always loved to color as a child and got back into it in college. Once again, coloring has found its way in my life and I’m not complaining. I enjoy the calming activity if I’m watching a show in the background or if I’m sitting and just relaxing. I also enjoy coloring or doodling if sports are on and I’m only semi paying attention. Haha! I know studies have been done about the relaxing technique between coloring and I have found that it  calms me down and is a soothing activity. It has definitely brought me joy on chilly winter days.

Thicker than Water– I finished Kerry Washington’s memoir “Thicker than Water” last week. I was captivated from start to finish as she talked about her upbringing, getting into acting and secrets about her childhood that she learned as an adult. It was a fast read as I finished it cover to cover in four days. Washington focused more on how she got to where she is today more than her career in tv and film. I really appreciated her candor about tackling different challenges as she grew up. Washington covered a lot of topics in an earlier interview she did this year with ABC back in September. I would recommend watching that as a companion to reading her book.

Sanditon- I heard about this PBS mini series from The Lazy Genius. In Kendra’s newsletter she talked about how she has been into all this Jane Austen, including this mini-series about one of Austen’s unfinished books. I am currently watching this series on Amazon Prime and have been loving it. The series follows a young woman who goes to live with a family who has plans to build up a town by the water. There’s romance, drama, dealing with the class system and of course a beautiful backdrop where it all takes place. If you enjoy old British shows or movies, give it a try!

Brownie Truffles– As we close out this edition of Friday Favorites, I wanted to share this sweet treat I made last week. I have always been intimidated by making truffles, but I found this recipe from Hershey’s (one of my favorite companies) and had to try it! The recipe was so easy to follow and they came out delicious! Super easy for any party or gathering and they were a hit with my family.

That wraps up today’s Friday Favorites! Some entertainment, recipes, and family fun! 

Tell me: how are you filling your cup this weekend? I hope you make it a memorable one!

Happy Friday! 

Fabulous living

2024 Winter Bucket List

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday. I hope you are having a great week so far, as we make our way through the middle of January. Winter is here and it won’t be going away for a while, at least for me. All of our Christmas decorations have been taken down and we have transitioned to winter decor, which includes cleaner surfaces, more empty spaces, and simpler decor. 

Now that the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season is behind us, as sad as I was to have seen it go, it has been nice to have less stuff around the house, more freedom in my schedule and start on a clean slate for the new year. It’s also gave me time to plot out my goals for the winter months, which includes my winter bucket list.

Here’s some fun things I want to accomplish over the next few months:

  • Complete Simplicity Challenge
  • Hockey game
  • Ice skating
  • Sled riding
  • Reading by the fire
  • Find a new show to binge watch 
  • Play more board games and puzzles
  • Try new recipes in the kitchen
  • Work on my new hobbies for the new year
  • Winter walks followed by warm drinks
  • Skiing (either downhill or cross country)
  • Movie and junk food day
  • Celebrate Valentine’s Day

This is just a start of some of the things I want to accomplish over the next few months in addition to work, spending time with family, seeing friends, and daily happenings. 

After a busy end of the year, I like to give myself more grace and space in the new year for rest, house and work projects and downtime. As much as I LOVE the holiday season, it is nice to have an open schedule in the new year.

That’s a look at my Winter Bucket List, as we start the new year and season, what are some things you hope to accomplish in the winter months? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great rest of your week and I will see you back here for another edition of Friday Favorites!

Currently Uncategorized

Currently #47

Hey Hey! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are days away from December. This month was a slower month for me in terms of activities and events, but it still flew by. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact Thanksgiving was early this year. Regardless, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are ready for the Christmas season, I know I am. I have my holiday candles burning, my Christmas throw blankets are out, and I am using all the festive mugs, life is good!

All decked out for Christmas

As this month winds down, I want to share what I have been up to recently as we flip the calendar from November to December.

What I’m Up To-This month has been filled with fall walks, organizing, and lots of baking and cooking. We had some snow this month, but it has been mostly chilly, yet sunny. I have been trying my best to still get outdoors to enjoy the dry conditions for as long as I can. There’s nothing better than some fresh air and sunshine with the leaves changing in the background.

A beautiful fall morning!

I also have been doing a lot of baking and cooking as I have been trying both new and old recipes. 

Lots of time spent in the kitchen!

Finally, I spent almost every Thursday this month doing major cleaning and organizing. My mom and I tackled all the spaces, from cabinets to closets and storage areas. It was never out intent to do a big declutter, but once we started, we couldn’t stop. It felt great to donate a lot of things we weren’t using ahead of the holidays.

A look at some of our donations

I ended the month by celebrating Thanksgiving!

A delicious, Thanksgiving spread!

What I’m Wearing– I don’t have too many fun outfits to show off from this past month since my days off were spent in grubby clothes cleaning. However, after cleaning and reorganizing my closet, I was able to create some new winter outfits with items I have. I have been wearing this red jacket from Old Navy a lot. 

You can’t go wrong with red jacket!

I know I will be wearing a lot of the next few weeks.  I also did an Old Navy haul this past month. Here’s some of the pieces I got and I have been loving.

This is also what I wore for Thanksgiving last week.

What I’m Reading– Some months I have great reading months and other months they are not so great. I read a few books this past month and while they were good, they were great nor my favorites.

I started the month by reading The Girls of Summer by Katie Bishop. The story goes back and forth between the past and present about young college-aged girls in Greece who get wrapped up in some adult situations. They don’t realize the severity of their situations until they are adults and consequences happen. As grown women they work to try and make amends and come to terms with their young adult mistakes.  The book was very serious and dealt with a lot of heavy topics, I found parts of it interesting, but most of the book, I just felt bad for the characters.

Dirty Laundry by Disha Bose is all about a group of women in Ireland who are all trying to one up each other, but all have their own secrets and hidden agendas. When one of the women in the small-town winds up dead, everyone has a different motive for wanting her dead. The book follows each woman and their lives as mothers and wives and it turns out not everything is as it seems. I though the book was good but got confused as it flashed back and forth from past and present and jumped between characters. In my opinion, the book wrapped up way too fast, I was waiting for a who done it moment and it came and went so fast and then the book was over. 

 Love and Luck by Jenna Evans Welch is a companion book to Love and Gelato, you didn’t have to read Love and Gelato to read this book, but there are a few references to the first book. The story takes place in Ireland as a brother and sister in high school decide to take a road trip to a music festival instead of following a plan to take a trip to Italy. I really liked how the setting of Ireland was depicted and I liked seeing the relationship between the brother and sister evolve. I really enjoyed this book compared to the first two I read.

Every Summer After by Carley Fortune- This was the second book I read by Fortune, but the first book she wrote. It takes place in a small town in Canada. This book also goes back and forth between the past and present as a young woman goes back to the lake that she grew up spending her summers. She is reunited with a former friend/flame of her past and through the book, the reader sees how these two characters went from best friends to strangers. I really enjoyed this book, from the character development to the setting and storyline. It definitely had more of a summer feel to it but can be read during any time of year. I’m glad I ended this month reading wise on a high note. Next month will be all about the Christmas books.

What I’m Watching– This month marked the return of a lot of series. I kicked off November with Selling Sunset. I’m not a big reality tv fan, but I can’t help myself with it comes to Selling Sunset. I started this show for the houses, but stayed for the drama. It’s been interesting to see the dynamics between the women in the office change through the seasons. I really love how they have a reunion at the end of the season too.

My favorite thing that I watched this past month was The Crown. I had so many questions going into this season and found the first four episodes of Season 6 to be moving, somber, but also really beautiful. It was almost eerie to see what Diana’s life was like in her final weeks and how the world reacted to her death.

I also started to watch some of my favorite Christmas movies now that we are in the Christmas season.

Like Rudolph!

What Inspires Me– I have been inspired by all my time in the kitchen. I also have been scouring Pinterest and cooking blogs for new recipes to try.

Here’s some of the things I have been making in the kitchen

 Banana protein balls

Halloween candy cookies

Peanut butter cookies

Chocolate chip cookies, Double chocolate chip cookies, mint cookies

Chicken and Veggie stir fry

Lots of breakfast foods

What I Accomplished– I feel so accomplished after all the cleaning and organizing and donating my mom and I did this past month. 

A look into some of the spaces we organized

I also ran another 5K on Thanksgiving which was fun, despite it being chilly. It was my first Turkey Trot and I loved it.

Turkey trotting!

I also got to thoroughly enjoy the holidays with my family which is so nice.

Nothing says Thanksgiving than by watching the parade.
Our Thanksgiving Dinner at home

Goals from Last Month– I really got to enjoy quiet days at home before hustle and bustle of the holidays. It was the perfect time to recharge and get things down before life gets crazy around the holidays, but I’m really looking forward to my Christmas bucket list and doing all the holiday traditions. Plus, I started my Christmas list for others and I’m excited to start my shopping too.

Fresh fall flowers to brighten up a clean space

Goals for this Month- My goal for the last month of 2023 is simple, enjoy the holidays, enjoy the family traditions and be present in the moment. More times than not, I find myself trying to do all the things and not being present and enjoying the holiday moments. This year, I want to do a better job of planning things out, so I get them down but also really enjoying the moments and savoring them, whether it be holiday baking, making a gingerbread house, watching Christmas movies or wrapping gifts. My goal is to be intentional and present with my time and energy.

Someone is enjoying the holiday spirit

That’s a look into life lately. The calm before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.

Tell me: as we prepare to welcome December, what are you looking forward to next month? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy end of November!

Fun Ways to Organize Let's Get Cooking

Recipe Organization and Planning

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are one week away from Thanksgiving. This month has flown by. I am looking forward to the bonus time with family next week, the delicious food, and getting into the holiday spirit after Thanksgiving. The older I get the more I cherish the time my whole is together because I know it won’t be that way forever. I’m feeling extra grateful this holiday season. Speaking of the holiday season, it also leads to more time in the kitchen.

One of my favorite hobbies that I have developed over the past year or so has been cooking and baking. I always enjoyed helping my mom in the kitchen as a child, whether it be helping bake cookies or with dinner.  As an adult, I have continued to love to spend time in the kitchen both baking family-favorite foods or trying new recipes.  I love finding new recipes from blogs, Pinterest and cookbooks. However, it can get overwhelming when you find recipes and then don’t get a chance to try them if you misplace or don’t save them. Over the past few months, I have developed a system when it comes to finding new recipes from cookbooks and blogs, saving them, trying them out and saving the recipe in my own cookbook.

I love finding new cookbooks and trying new recipes

Here’s how my system works:

  • Browse and tab recipes- Whenever I get a new cookbook or I’m reading a recipe blog and I see a recipe I like, I immediately tab and save it. I use sticky notes for cookbooks and then for blogs online I will save the page. On Pinterest,  I have a food board that I save all recipes I like. 
Browsing a cookbook
Using sticky tabs for my favorites
  • Add recipes to Notes in my phone- When I am done browsing a cookbook or after I find a recipe I want to try online, I add it to a note on my phone. I have a note saved of a list of all the recipes I want to try divided up by season and where I can find them.  For example, a hearty dish from one of Jessie James Decker’s cookbooksk would be under the winter or fall sections. I only keep meals on this note, not drinks or desserts. I only use this for cookbooks and blogs, not Pinterest, I will check that occasionally for specific recipe ideas. This way when I am looking to try a new recipe, I have a list of things I want to try and I know exactly where to find them, whether they be in a cookbook or online.
Some of the recipes I was to try and where I found them.
More recipes to try!
  • Time to Cook or Bake- Once I have settled on my recipe, I get my ingredients and cook or bake it and (hopefully) enjoy it!
The final result
  • Save the Recipe- If the meal is a success, I do a few things. First, I took it off my notes list since I have already tried it. If I found the recipe in a cookbook, I was replace the sticky note with a new color, so I know for future reference that I have tried it, and it was a success and I want to cook it again. If I find the recipe online whether it be on a blog or Pinterest, I will type up the recipe, with a photo of it and add it to my own personal cookbook. I got this cookbook from Simplified, and I love it. I have it filled with family recipes and recipes from blogs or Pinterest. I have each recipe typed up and in a protective cover and organized by course of meal (appetizer, breakfast, lunch, dinner etc.) From there, recipes are organized by the type of meal (for example under main courses, I have a section for chicken, pork, pasta, beef etc.) This keeps all recipes from family members or online in one spot that’s easy to find.

This system has worked great for me over the past year. I love how I have a whole slew of recipes at my fingertips and then I have a place with them all saved to make again in the future. Although this system may seem complex and tedious, it has become second nature to add recipes I want to try to my list and then type them up when I am done. I keep my personal cookbook with my other cookbooks in one spot, so they are all easy to grab and cook.

If you love being in the kitchen as much as I do, what are some of your tips and tricks when it saving and trying recipes? I would love to hear them! Enjoy your time in the kitchen!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #65

Hello all and happy Halloween weekend! I know Halloween falls on next Tuesday but I feel like this weekend will be a weekend full of celebrating. I know I plan on making some fun Halloween treats, popping some popcorn and enjoying a Halloween movie or two!

Fall out of my kitchen window is BEAUTIFUL!

As the week wraps up, I have a fun roundup of Friday Favorites for you as I link up with with Erika and Andrea .

Love in the Air– If you want a break from Halloween or fall movies and are searching for a light rom-com, I have just the pick for you! Love in the Air on Netflix is all about a woman who takes over her mother’s flight company in Australia. However, it’s on the brink of being closed and being bought by a larger company. After a rocky start when the potential new owner comes to visit, sparks begin to fly between the two. You can figure out the ending from here, but my favorite part was seeing all the beautiful sights in Australia, the entire continent looked gorgeous! If you are looking for a movie to escape for 90 minutes, this is it.

Such a cute movie!

Just Eat– Jessie James Decker’s new cook book, Just Eat, dropped last week and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I love browsing through cookbooks and choosing recipes that look good and attempting to make them on my own. There’s so many sweet and savory recipes that I can’t wait to test out these for myself and my family. Just paging through the book has my mouth watering. I have really enjoyed getting more comfortable in the kitchen and trying new recipes. I grew up helping my mom in the kitchen with cooking and baking and as an adult I have enjoyed the process of attempting family-favorite recipes and trying new ones too. 

Latest cook book!

Fall Graphic T-Shirt– I briefly mentioned this shirt in my post on Wednesday, but I loved it so much I had to make it its own favorite! I browsed so many stores for a cute, fall graphic t-shirt and thanks to YOUR recommendations I found exactly what I was looking for on Amazon and I scored a great deal on it on Prime Days! I got this shirt. I love the fabric, how it fits and how it’s just enough fall cheer without going overboard, plus it was very affordable, what more could you ask for in a shirt? I already have a few graphic t-shirts for Christmas, but I may have to check out Amazon again to see if there’s any new styles.

Burt’s Bees Almond and Milk Hand Cream– I always have hand lotion or cream on me, whether it’s at my desk, in my car or in my purse. My hands get dry in the winter and even in the other months of the year, I like to keep my hands moisturized. I have been using Burt’s Bees Almond and Milk hand cream every day and have been really enjoying this lotion. Just be warned, it is a thick and heavy cream which is great if you have really dry skin. Because it is so heavy, you only need a little bit for your hands. I always feel better after applying some lotion at the start and end of the day and this has been a good product to try and use. 

My new favorite and cream!

Kerry Washington “Thicker Than Water” article on Shondaland- I talked about Kerry Washington’s memoir, “Thicker than Water” coming out a few weeks ago and her interview with Robin Roberts. I haven’t had a chance to read “Thicker than Water” yet, but it’s on my to be read list. Recently, Washington did an interview with Shondaland about how Shonda Rhimes encouraged her to write a book in the first place. I’ve really been enjoying seeing Washington on her press tour and all the different guest moderators at her events. This article gives more insight into why Washington decided to write the book in the first place and some of the things she reveals throughout it. After all this prep, I’m looking forward to reading Washington’s book soon.

That’s a look into some of the things I have been loving this week. Some fall stuff, some shows and books and beauty products! As we gear up for Halloween-weekend, how are you celebrating? Scary movies? Costume parties? Lots of candy? I hope you have a fun and festive weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #64

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week. I can’t believe we are one week out from Halloween weekend! This month has flown by, but I have made the most of it between fall walks, apple picking, baking and fall fests!

Hello Fall!

It’s been a great month and it’s not over yet. Today’s roundup is all things fall as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

Pinterest Boards– Kicking things off with all things fall, my Pinterest boards reflect how I feel about fall and they bring me so much JOY!  Give me all the fall vibes, from nature photos to recipes I want to try, cozy scenes indoors and book and movie recommendations. I go through phases where I am always pinning things up for ideas or inspiration or I am not on the app at all. I’m currently pinning all the fall things, all the time. I love to go on Pinterest at the end of the day for inspiration and to unwind. Here’s my page to follow along, not just for fall but for recipes, fashion, home decor and organization.

SO much JOY!

New Room Scent– New season, new scent! Does this scent not scream fall..honeycrisp apple for fall?! I love apples and and the fresh and sweet scent they bring and I know this was the perfect scent for the next few months for fall! Whenever I have it on, I am drawn back into an apple orchard. Bath and Body Works is my go-to for all the sweet scents, they always get me with their deals for lotions, car scents, body spray and candles.

The perfect fall scent!

Near in the Night– Emily Ley’s latest book, Near in the Night just came out and I can’t wait to dive in. I’m still deciding if I want to start it now or wait until the new year to begin, stay tuned! This is a companion or part two to her first set of devotionals, Sure as the Sunrise. I loved starting my day with Sure as the Sunrise, after some journaling and quiet time and I was thrilled when she announced she had a set of 100 nighttime devotionals coming out. Ley is such a talented writer and I have loved all the different genres of books she’s penned and published. I’m looking forward to ending my day with some quiet time and devotional time and can’t wait to start Near in the Night.

Stuffed Butternut Squash-My boyfriend made Stuffed Butternut Squash for a date night in and it was delicious. The perfect fall recipe. I asked him to share the recipe if you are looking to try it!

A delicious fall meal!


2 acorn squash, halved and seeded

1/2-3/4 pound ground sausage of your choice

½ teaspoon salt and pepper, more or less depending on seasoning of sausage

herbs and spices to taste, depending on which ones pair with the sausage of choice

¼ cup breadcrumbs

1/3 cup milk

1.5 cups cooked rice, ideally cooled

1 diced bell pepper

½ diced onion


  1. Combine all ingredients except breadcrumbs.
  2. mix well and divide into squash halves.
  3. Top with breadcrumbs and a melty cheese if desired, very lightly drizzle oil or spray tops of each
  4. Place squashes into lightly oiled baking dish
  5. 5) Bake covered at 350 for one hour, then uncovered for 30 minutes 

Sitting in Bars with Cake– If you are looking for a movie for girls’ night or a mother-daughter night in, I have you covered. I found the movie, Sitting in Bars with Cake on Amazon Prime and watched it with my mom, it looked so cute and fun. Two young best friends living together in LA head to bars with cake as a way to make new friends and guys while making memories along the way, what more could you ask for in a movie?! I loved the story of friendship, seeing them make all these unique cakes and creations, but the movie had a lot more depth than I realized. This was a tearjerker and really showed the power of friendship and how it endures all. Make sure you have tissues on hand when you watch you have something sweet to indulge in, because the movie will leave you hungry!

That’s a quick look into what I have been loving this week, lots of fall favorites, from scents to inspiration, recipes, and movies! Tell me, what have you enjoyed the most about the fall season? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Fall Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #56

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend! I can’t believe we are in back to school mode, this summer truly flew by. Two of my siblings are back in school and the last one goes back this weekend. We had such a good summer and I’m sad to see it go. But in good news, as long as the weather is nice, I can still enjoy plenty of outdoor fun, which is my plan for this weekend. Now, onto some of my favorite things from this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites.

Flower Hair Clips– I am hopping on the trend of big hair clips. I got these big flower clips for my birthday and have been wearing them a lot after a long day at work or on weekends. I love the colors, how they hold all my hair and how they are  a cute fashion accessory. These have easily become a fun fashion trend and I am here for it. 

The cutest hair accessory!

80 for Brady– When I was traveling with my family for our vacation I got around to watching 80 for Brady for the first time on Amazon Prime and really enjoyed it. Although, unrealistic at certain times, I loved the bond between four older women and their love for Tom Brady. You don’t have to be a football fan to enjoy this film. There were so many funny scenes between the main characters and great one-liners, plus a few tear jerkers too! This is a great movie to get you ready for the football season too!

Such a fun movie!

Face Scrub-Sticking with travel, I tried a new product while on vacation. I got this sugar face scrub from Tree Hut in watermelon citrus water. Besides the refreshing scent, which is perfect for summer, I really enjoyed the fact it was a scrub, I felt like my face was really getting cleaned. This would be a great product to take along for a beach trip or to use if you want to give your face a good cleaning. I’m not sure if I would use it every day, since it was a scrub as opposed to a cleanser, but it was fun to try out on vacation.

Some fun new products to try this summer!

Blueberry Muffins– My boyfriend and I went blueberry picking a few weeks ago and I used some of our blueberries to make muffins. I followed this recipe from Mix and Match Mama. I haven’t done a whole lot of baking this summer, but it was so fun to get back in the kitchen and this recipe was super easy to whip up. I even made a few with chocolate chips. These are perfect for back to school breakfasts or you can enjoy them as a post-dinner treat! My family loved them too! Yum!

The best way to use blueberries!

Better than Fiction- I have been going through books left and right, sometimes you hit a really good streak with books and that’s where I’m at now. I recently finished Better than Fiction by Alexa Martin and it combined two of my favorite hobbies, reading and hiking! This book follows the story of a young woman who inherits her grandmother’s book store. As she tries to manage this new project, enter a fan-favorite author. He’s visiting her small town for inspiration for his new book and they make a deal. She shows him around the area and he teaches her how to love books. There’s some bumps along the way, but overall, this book will leave you wanting to go on an adventure and support your favorite local bookstore!

Such a fun read, I breezed through it!

And that’s a wrap on another edition of Friday Favorites! Thanks so much for coming along for the ride this Friday and every Friday! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!