
Currently #45

Hello All! Happy Wednesday! I hope you have had a great week so far and a great month. September was a weird month for me, we had some days in the 90’s that made me want summer to never end and then we had a handful of days in the low 50’s which had me craving fall. Mother Nature could not make up her mind. 

I’m hoping October is a little more consistent, but I will always take the sunshine and warm temperatures for as long as I can.

I got a lot accomplished this month between work and fun, I also made headway on my fall bucket list, and I took some day trips too! Overall, it was a great month!

Here’s a bit of a recap:

What I’m Up To: The month started out with Labor Day and some final ice cream runs before some of my favorite spots closed for the season.

End of summer ice cream

I used some of the tomatoes from my garden for a peach caprese salad. I have been loving peaches this season and have been enjoying them every opportunity I can. I used Mix and Match Mama‘s recipe for the Peach Caprese salad, you can find it here. 

A delicious Peach Caprese Salad

I tried to take advantage of the warm weather as much as I could, which included lots of walks to new and old places. I made a trip to Chargin Falls, Ohio. The falls are right in the center of town, but there are some great trails for hiking nearby!

Beautiful waterfalls!

I also made another trip to our local zoo which is always a fun afternoon activity. 

Another zoo trip in the books!

I rounded out the month with my first trip to West Virginia for hiking. Here’s a few shots from my adventure.

A true fall walk.
Gorgeous views
And beautiful trails!

What I’m Wearing: These past few weeks have been so hard to dress for, some days you can get away with shorts and a T-shirt, but other days, it’s leggings and sneakers. 

A go to walking outfit.
Some days it’s leggings and tee shirt weather for hiking.

The same goes for work clothes, most days I will walk into work with a coat, but by afternoon and evening, it’s way too hot for a coat.

A go-to work outfit.

This month is all about layers. I also can’t wait to start wearing some of my new fall shoes from DSW.

What I’m Reading: This month was such a good reading month for me. A lot of books that were on hold for me at the library came in, so I had plenty of books to read.

Some of my recent reads and to be reads.

This month I read:

Someone Else’s ShoesSomeone Else’s Shoes by Jojo Moyes follows the story of two different women who accidently swap shoes at the gym. A silly mix-up leads to a lot of self-discoveries for these two women. A wealthy woman is forced to start over in hopes of getting some of her wealth back and a middle-class working woman gets a boost of confidence after finding and wearing designer shoes. I really liked following the storyline between the two women and I really loved what happened when they finally met. With most books I enjoy, there was a happy ending! 

The Soulmate- The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth follows the story of a family who lives in a quiet seaside town. When a woman dies after falling from a popular cliff, questions arise about her death. Was she pushed? Did she fall? Did she take her own life? Secrets are uncovered between two families and connections are made that you won’t see coming. There’s a lot of mystery to this book and it’s a bit of a thriller, but not too much so that you won’t be able to sleep at night. After reading this book, I want to read more of Sally’s books! I really loved the mystery and intrigue this book offered. 

Pineapple Street:  Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson follows the dynamics of a wealthy family in New York City. It’s told by two daughters and one daughter-in law.  I loved how it was told from different perspectives and truly fell in love with the storylines and characters. I think it showed an interesting look into adult relationships especially between in-laws and spouses. I also appreciated the description of New York living, from the sights and sounds and the vibrant city life. It was worth the hype after hearing and reading it on different blogs this summer.

The Mother-in-LawThe Mother-in-Law by Sally Hepworth. It only took me a few weeks, but I got my hands on another Hepworth book. I was looking for another book with some mystery and intrigue and this one delivered. When the matriarch of a well to do family dies by suicide, everyone in the family is stunned. However, not everything is what it seems, when she may not have died by suicide after all. Family members are questioned, secrets start to spill out, and it turns out there may have been different people who wanted her dead. I was taken back by the ending and I’m sure you will too. If you are looking for a good book with twists and turns, this is it!

Same Time Next SummerSame Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan is all about a woman returning to her family’s beach house with her fiancé and runs into her first love. She’s changed a lot since she last laid eyes on her first boyfriend and when she sees him years later, all the memories come rushing back. It’s a story of first loves, remembering the best parts about growing up and doing what makes you happy. I loved Nora Goes Off Script and I couldn’t wait to read this book, it was definitely worth the wait.

I couldn’t wait to read this book.

I also finished two audio books this past month.

Becoming Free Indeed– Becoming Free Indeed by Jinger Vuolo, I listened to this book at the end of August and start of September.  I grew up watching Jinger Vuolo on 19 Kids and Counting and I have continued to follow her after the show ended. Through the book, she mostly focuses on her faith and how her relationship with God has changed through her life. She doesn’t focus too much about her family or the drama that has surrounded them in recent years. Overall, I thought it was interesting to hear her perspective about her faith and relationship with God and how it has evolved through the years. I chose to listen to it as opposed to read it to hear it in her voice and I was glad I did. 

Kingdom of PrepKingdom of Prep by Maggie Bullock follows the rise and history of J. Crew. I recently became a fan of J. Crew as I got older and started working full-time. I had a few pieces growing up but didn’t really wear a lot of the brand until I was an adult. Now I have several blazers, dresses, and blouses from J. Crew. After wearing their clothes, I was interested in their backstory. I really learned a lot about the history of the brand, where they got their ideas from and the different people who played  apart in the company. It was interesting to see how the brand has evolved through the years. I enjoyed the audiobook, but it would have been nice to see some of the photos from the book. 

I have a few more weeks of my free trial with Audible and I will have a full review on that coming soon!

What I’m Watching: Typically, I would be into all my fall shows right now, but due to the writer’s and actor’s strike, that’s not happening, but I have been enjoying my fair share of shows on streaming. A few reality/competitions show I watch have made their return. Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test returned for season two this past week, so I will be tuning in for that every Monday and then The Masked Singer is back tonight! I always enjoy trying to guess who’s under the mask, so this will be a fun season to watch. Here’s a few other shows I’ve been watching.

The Perfect Story– The Perfect Story can be found on Netflix, and it follows the story of a runaway bride and how she turns her life around when she meets someone totally unexpected. They are both recovering from heartache and the two start to spend time together to get back at each other’s ex’s. However, the more time they spend together, they more time they grow to like one another. It’s a light-hearted mini-series that’s only five episodes long, so it’s a fast watch. It is in another language, but it is dubbed in English so it’s easy to follow, especially with subtitles. 

Virgin River– I made my way through the first half of season 5 this month and it was really good. I liked how it picked up right where it left off. One of my favorite things about this show is that it’s the perfect escape from reality. A cute, quaint, town with mostly feel-good storylines. It makes me want to escape to a small town in the woods for a vacation after watching it. There’s some drama, but it mostly gets resolved quickly. It’s not my favorite show of all time, but it’s great to put in ion the background as you work away. 

What Inspires Me: I took a little hiatus from the kitchen over the summer, but I am back and doing all the baking and cooking once again. My goal is to try one new recipe a week and bake something once a week too. If I accomplish it, great, if not, then it’s not the end of the world. So far,  I have made my Peach Caprese Salad, Blueberry Muffins and Banana Muffins.

Banana muffins
Homemade snickerdoodle

I have also made some soups too, like this Margarita Chicken soup by Mix and Match Mama.

Perfect for fall!

I also got some more veggies from my garden.

Two cucumbers
Some carrots!
A perfect salad with all the veggies!

I can’t wait to go apple picking and start making all the apple recipes.  I have also been using my Kitchen Aid more by doing more baking and cooking which makes me happy and brings me so much JOY! 

What I Accomplished: Last month, I officially said goodbye to summer and hello to fall! I have been making some headway on my fall bucket list by going on fall walks and doing some baking and cooking.

Hello fall walks!
Another fall walk!

However, the leaves haven’t changed quite yet, and we still haven’t experienced all the fall weather yet. I have a feeling I will be accomplishing a lot from my bucket list in the next month. Another personal goal I accomplished was upping my running to four miles!

Goals from Last Month: Last month was all about the changing of seasons. I did some fall cleaning, got a lot of doctor’s appointments checked off my list, I saw friends and spent a lot of time outdoors and with family. This was a busy month, but a successful one, nonetheless. 

Getting my new Simplified planner made me very happy!

Goals for this Month: This next month will be all about enjoying all the fall fun! I have some fall day trips planned. We also have a handful of fall festivals happening, so I hope to make it to some of them. As the weather gets cooler, I want to make some hearty soup and enjoy all the cozy days indoors by watching movies or fall shows. 

That’s a look into life for the month of September. Some changes and freshening up of things, but a great month. Tell me: how has your month been? What’s been some things that have brought you JOY? Let me know in the comments below!

Goodbye September, hello October!

Fabulous living

2022 Year in Review

Here we are at the end of another year. At the beginning of this year, my motto or phrase of the year was “Building the Best Version of Me”. I really wanted to lean into my routines and rhythms that I established at the beginning of the year and stick to them and I was happy I did that.

It’s been said before that the older you get, the faster the years go by and that is certainly the truth.

This year has been busy with growing in my job, time with family both at home and away, building friends, enjoying hobbies.  

I’m using today’s entry as a both a recap of the past year and a favorite things of 2022 post.

So, let’s begin with a recap:

The beginning winter months of 2022 brought me out in snow and soaking up with outdoors with ice skating, winter walks and trying cross country skiing, something I haven’t tried in years.

Starting the year off with time outside, like skiing.
Time spent ice skating.
And cross country skiing…
Seeing the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit.
I also took in some local theater.

It also brought day trips to Pittsburgh for a trip to museums and time with family. As the weather got warmer, it meant more time outdoors with walks, picnics and trips to the local zoo and different parks. 

Time in Pittsburgh in the spring
I love taking in all the architecture.
First zoo trip of the year.
Celebrating Easter traditions.

Both of my brothers graduated in the Spring, one from college and one from high school, so it was fun to celebrate their milestones as a family. I also celebrated my 24th year around the sun. 

First signs of spring.
Cheers to 24!

I tried to spend as much time outdoors as possible in the summer months, from walks, to reading outdoors, picnics, and countless meals outside, our winters are long, so I tred to take advantage of the summer as much as I can.

I went to the National Comedy Center this year.
Summer picnics outdoors.
Drive-in dates.

I met up with friends through the summer months for dinners, or coffee or walks. I also did some traveling with day trips with family and my boyfriend and then some meet ups with friends too. My family and I got away for a few days with and went to the ocean which was such a fun escape.

Beach days in the summer
One of the many places I went for hikes for in the summer.
It felt so good to relax for a few days at the beach!
More zoo trips!
Fair fun!
I spent so much time reading outdoors.
I enjoyed sunrises and sunsets.

The summer was also filled with baseball games, strawberry picking, zoos, bonfires, beach days, and grilling. I tried to head outside as much as I could when the seasons changed from summer to fall.

Day trips to Pittsburgh
Lots of burgers on the grill.
Beautiful night for baseball
Strawberry picking summer fun!
Bonfire nights.
In my happy place!
I went to my first MLB game this summer.
And ice cream nights!
I fell in love with avocado toast this summer too.
I enjoyed farmer’s markets this summer too.

But as the winds changed, I had to layer up for fall walks, leaf peeping and apple picking. I tried to do as much baking as possible when I was cooped up indoors.

Fall drives.
Lots of fall baking
Enjoying Beautiful Fall Walks
Apple picking fun!
First time seeing this majestic waterfall.
Making Halloween treats too.

The last chunk of the year was filled with all things holidays. From Halloween movies to family at Thanksgiving and all the Christmas and holiday cheer. The last few months are always my favorite time of the year.

Family movie night for Halloween.
More fall baking.
Hello holiday cheer!
All the Christmas spirit, from movies to decor, to hot cocoa.
Holiday fun!

That was a bit of a recap, now here’s some of my favorite things from the past 12 months:

Favorite Show: This is Us: the Final Season

Favorite Binge Watch: Downton Abbey (both the series and the movies)

Favorite New Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid (new to me!!)

Favorite New Movie: Elvis

Favorite Artist or Song: Taylor Swift’s Midnights

Favorite Adventure: First MLB Game in Cleveland to see the Guardians

This is a snapshot of this past year, it can be easy to forgot or not recall all the little moments that make up the past 365 days. This year has been so fulfilling and fun. I don’t know what the new year will bring, but I’m ready to embrace the change, take opportunities (even the scary ones), and make every moment count.

Thank you 2022…let’s ring in the new year!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #6

Hello All!

Happy Friday! 

I hope you have all had a great week and have something fun and maybe even fall-ish planned for this weekend.

I’m hopping on here to share some of my favorite things from this past week as I link up with I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea

To start things off, it’s launch day for Simplified planners for the 2023 year. I always love placing my order for my new planner for the upcoming year. Depending on when you read this, I’ve either already placed my order or will be placing it soon. Once I get my shipment in, I’ll be sure to share! If you are looking for a new planner or some accessories, be sure to check out Simplified. 

Here’s Five Things I’m Loving this Week:

The Perfect Couple

I finished reading this book last week and loved it! It was my first Elin Hilderbrand novel and wow, I’m hooked. I love beach reads in the summer, but when I saw this one had a bit of mystery to it, I was even more intrigued. The book is about a young couple who, alongside their family and friends, are in Nantucket for the weekend to get married. But, on the morning of their wedding, the Maid of Honors is found dead. As you read, you will also find that there’s a lot of secrets in the midst of family members and wedding attendees. How did she end up dead and who wanted her gone? You will have to read to find out. 

 As I was reading, I also learned that there are plans to make this into a series and I’m so excited to see who they cast for the characters. If you have read this book before, what did you think? Also, let me know what book of Elin’s I should read next!

Elizabeth Holmes

After the passing of Queen Elizabeth II last week, I have been reading and watching a lot about the late queen. If you have been following my blog for a while, then you may remember that I’m an avid Crown watcher and Royal family fan. In fact,  I read two books about the Royal family this summer. I’ve been following a lot of the traditional events that are taking place in the United Kingdom this week, but I’ve also been turning to Royal commentors to learn more too. Author Elizabeth Holmes is my go-to. I follow her on Instagram where she breaks down royal fashion and I get her weekly newsletters too. She even wrote a book on Royal fashion, you can check it out here. If you are looking for more insights or knowledge about the Royal Family, check her out on Instagram


I got dinner with a friend this past week and we got Crumbl cookies for dessert. I’ve heard about these infamous, giant, gourmet cookies and couldn’t wait to try them for myself. Every week, locations puts out six different flavors for customers to choose from. I went with the classic sugar cookie with pink icing and loved it. The cookies are so large and flavorful that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to share them or sample them over a day or two. Although, I don’t have a location near me, I look forward to trying another flavor the next time I stop in for a cookie.

The sweetest treat!

Disney Plus New Releases 

Disney Plus released several trailers for new movies and tv shows that will be out over the next few months. I don’t watch too many shows/movies on Disney Plus but a lot of the trailers that got released were for movies I grew up watching. I’m very excited to see the sequel to Hocus Pocus especially as we get closer to Halloween. After Halloween comes Christmas, which means it’s time for holiday movies like the Santa Clause, I’m intrigued to see how this series following the movies will play out. Last but not least, seeing the sequel to Enchanted come out made me happy. I’ve heard rumors about a sequel but to see it come to life is so fun! I’m curious to see how Disenchanted will play out. 

One of my favorite things about all these trailers is that many members of the original casts will be returning, cue the nostalgia.

Sweet Magnolias

I started a new show on Netflix. I’ve heard a lot of great reviews about Sweet Magnolias and started it over the weekend. It’s the perfect light-hearted show with hints of drama. I love the music, the friendships and the storylines. After watching the first few episodes, it has me craving a simple life in a quaint town. 

That’s just a little recap of some of my favorite things from this week.

Let me know below, what are you loving this week?

Happy Friday and happy weekend!!

Fabulous living

5 Years of Writing

5 years…every week for the past five years, I’ve sat down and opened my laptop and began to write. 

Some days, it was therapeutic to put into words what’s been on my mind, other days I got to talk about things I’m passionate about, like products, books, or movies.

 I’ve written about outfits I’ve put together and mixing and matching different pieces to keep things affordable.

I’ve written about how to keep your spaces clean whether it’s your dorm room, car, or daily planner.

I’ve written about trips I’ve taken, or bucket lists I’ve made and things I’ve accomplished. It’s amazing that just when I think so don’t have any more ideas, something new comes to mind. Over 350 posts and counting.

When I started my blog at the end of my freshmen year of college, I was looking for a creative outlet. I was homesick and I was searching for a hobby and decided why not write. My blog was a way to keep family members and friends in the loop about what I was doing and as a way to express myself.

A look at some of my first posts.

I looked forward to sharing different outfits and life hacks each week. As I grew up and matured, so did my blog. I changed the style and content as I made my way through college and graduated. If you have been following since the very beginning, you know there’s been changes with color schemes and the days I posted and even some of the topics. It’s been fun to look back and see how far I have come since May 2017.

Another throwback to one of my first outfits.

I learned balance with my blog as I started my first job. Every weekend I always looked forward to working on something creative and fun, especially as our world changed with the pandemic. Even with all the unknowns and at sometimes darkness, my blog was a bright spot for me and hopefully for others. 

From college to my first day of work

I’ve learned a lot about myself these past five years. I’ve learned that it’s okay to be vulnerable and share what’s on your mind, whether it’s about eating alone or transitioning from college to working. I’ve learned the importance of making time for yourself and finding joy every day, whether it’s through journaling or walks or cooking.

Enjoying the simple things in life like apple picking has been something I’ve leaned into more these past few years.

While I’ve learned a lot so far, I know I still have a ways to go. I’m excited to see what this next year brings. My hope is that it brings more life lessons, more memories, and most importantly, little moments that bring joy every day.

 To those who read my blog posts when I started writing them sitting in my college dorm room, thank you for sticking with me! And, to those who started following along as I now write them on weekend with my dog curled up on my lap back home, thank you for stopping by.

I hope my blog brings you a little bit of joy, like it does for me every day.

Here’s to a new year, a new chapter, and taking life one day at a time.




Currently #28

Hey guys!

Happy Wednesday! I had to check the calendar twice when I saw that next week is May. 2022 is flying by.  As this month comes to a close, here’s a look at what’s been keeping me busy these past few weeks. 

What I’m Up To: The weather has been getting warmed despite a day here or there with some snow flurries, yes, even in April. I’ve been trying to take advantage of the spring-like days by taking walks with friends, heading to our local zoo for a walk and celebrating Easter.

Heading to the zoo was always a favorite childhood activity and I still loving going as an adult.

It was nice to enjoy a family Easter dinner and take part in family traditions like dyeing eggs.

Dyeing eggs is always a favorite Easter activities and I still love doing it today.

All fun activities to get into the spring spirit.

What I’m Wearing: I keep trying to find opportunities to wear spring-like dresses and florals, but it’s been tricky with funky weather. I wore this dress for Easter, which I’ve had for years, but it was in the 40’s outdoors. At least I was trying to channel the warm weather even if it didn’t feel like it outside.

The best part of the dress? POCKETS!

What I’m Reading: LOTS of good books. I finished Business Minded by Carly Riordan and learned so much from it. I would recommend it if you are looking to start a business or turn your passion into a career. 

I’m a big fan of The Office and I read this book, which I found to be equally entertaining and informative. The book goes through each season and is made up of interviews from cast and crew members. Definitely a good read for any Office fan.

I’m currently reading Everything After by Jill Santopolo. I saw it on display at the library and fell in love with the cover and I’m falling in love with the book. It tells the story of a woman and her two loves in life and if how she decides who is her true love. Yes, it’s a chick flick but we all need that every once in a while. 

What I’m Watching: I finished Downton Abbey the series and proceeded to watch the first movie and I can’t wait to see the second movie next month. It was such a good show to escape to during the winter months. I just started Mad Men and even though I’m only a few episodes into it, I’m loving the period drama. 

What I’m Loving: I’m really enjoying the fresh flowers and the hints of spring in the air and outdoors. Although, we still have a ways to go until we have consistent warm weather, I’m taking what I can with spring like weather. I’m also loving the spring decorations this time of year and the planning of summer activities. I know the calendar will fill up fast, but I’m looking forward to making plans to see family and friends. 

Fresh blooms outside.

What Inspires Me:  I keep saving different activities and ideas for things to do in the spring and summer months, so I’m looking forward to making them happen. Pinterest is always my go-to for coming up with fun family or date ideas. Sometimes, I do go down the rabbit hole when it comes to Pinterest but I always end up with lots of ideas. 

Fresh flowers to get me into the spring spirit. My post from last week has more about the power of fresh flowers in your home.

What I accomplished: I’ve been doing better at making time for friends. I try to see at least one friend per week whether it’s for coffee or a walk or dinner. It can be hard to see friends with our busy work schedules or commitments, but I always look forward to quality time with friends. There’s nothing better than stepping away from the craziness of life and catching up with friends, whether they are from childhood, high school, or college.

Goals from Last Month: I really enjoyed celebrating Easter with my family and despite chillier days, I’m glad I’ve been able to get outdoors when I could. I’m hoping this trend continues as temperatures get warmer. I’m also looking forward to making more summer meals too. These past few weeks have been busier so I haven’t had a chance to do too much cooking but I’m looking forward to doing more cooking in the summer.

A look at our Easter dinner place setting.

Goals for Next Month: May is a big month. I have graduations to attend, birthdays to celebrate (including my own) and a few plans with friends already on the calendar. Plus, summer is around the corner. I have a feeling it’s going to be a good month. I’m also looking forward to more walks outside. Here’s a snapshot of my stats from a day when I got lots of exercise in.

That’s a look into life this past month. Let me know below what you are looking forward to next month and the highlight of April below!

Fabulous living

One Year Since the World Changed

Hi all! Happy Wednesday! A very happy St. Patrick’s Day to those who celebrate! I hope your week is off to a good start. This week, both at work and at home, there’s been a lot of reflection of a year ago and where we were then compared to where we are now.

I remember just over a year ago, I started a new shift at work, and on that night, the NBA shutdown, and Covid-19 was declared a pandemic, we thought it would be a two week period of people staying at home and then it would be back to normal, and boy were we wrong…here we are… one year later…months of staying at home, countless events cancelled, missed moments, and learning new things every day about a virus. The words: pandemic, Zoom, N-95, testing, Pfizer, Moderna, social distancing and more, all became part of our vocabulary.

Almost a year ago…I went in for a haircut, little did I know it would be my last one for months…also the day, Covid-19 was declared a pandemic.

In the past year, we spent more time with family, picked up new hobbies, shifted our priorities and binge-watched a lot of tv.

We spent a lot of extra time at home and with family in the spring.

We had setbacks but saw great advances in science and medicine. Our daily lives were altered but here we are, all changed but still standing.

It’s hard to imagine how much has changed in a year, in some ways it’s almost as if the year didn’t happen. But when I look back, I’m glad this past year happened. I grew a lot at work, every day the news was changing, we were constantly shifting gears and working to provide viewers with the latest news and updates.

How it looks to work in news during a pandemic

Although, I couldn’t see as many friends in person this year, zoom and facetime became the biggest tools. From bi-weekly calls with best friends to Book Club via facetime, my friends and I made it work to still in touch while being spread a apart.

Seeing friends in the summer involved being socially distant and masked up

The best part was the extra time with family, having my whole family home together for months at a time was such a blessing. We watched movies, worked on house projects, had most meals together and got quality time that wouldn’t have happened had there not been a pandemic. 

The pandemic brought lots of extra time outside.

No one could have imagined what this past year would bring. There has been enormous loss and devastation but also unity as a nation. I realized what things were important to me and at the end of the day, I’m so grateful for having a job I love, a loving and supportive family and my health. 

In times of crisis, I think we truly realize what’s important and what matters. 

It was a year of chaos, change and adapting, but here we are, stronger than ever.

It’s been a year of constant change and confusion, but also growth and love.

How much have you changed this last year?

Fabulous living

2020 Recap

Hi everyone! I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and holiday weekend. Although, I spent more time at work during the past few days, I was very glad I got to spend time with my family before and after work. The holidays may have looked different this year, but I still love everything that comes with them from the prep, the gift giving, the baking, and the traditions.

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for 2021, a lot of good things came from this past year, but I’m ready for a fresh start, new beginnings, and new goals. Check back in next week for my goals for 2021, I’m still working on them but I’m excited for what the new year. 

In years past, I would typically have a long post with lots of things I did, places I went and people I met, and many memories made, well, this year turned out very different than I planned, so my recap looks different. 

In the past year, it feels like it just started and at the same time, never happened, almost like a blur. I never thought my first year working in news would look like this, but it truly was a historical time to be reporting. I’ll have more on my first year in news in the coming weeks as well.

Back to looking back on 2020, the year started out by jumping straight into work. I learned a lot during my first weeks and I made some of my closests friends during my first month at work. 

I also bought my first car in January which was very exciting.

My first car!

In March, before the world halted, I was able to see some of my college friends which was fun and great to catch up. One week later, the world paused, as country by country closed their borders, states shut down, businesses closed their doors, students and adults all began working from home. It was definitely a weird time. Work kept me busy. I covered latest developments and cancellations, worked from a second location most of the time, handled daily news conferences and dealt with constant information while so many things got cancelled. 

Seeing friends one week before everything shutdown

The spring brought extra time with family as everyone worked at home, it was nice that even though I would be busy at work, I still got lots of family time, time that I may not have gotten without the pandemic. I got to work on my first week long series about businesses reopening which was so special to highlight businesses that I know and love. It also brought covering the morning after riots happened in our downtown.

The morning after riot coverage

The summer brought lots of time spent outside walking, running, swimming and eating outside to support local restaurants. After more things opened up, I was back in the gym 5 days a week which I loved for my physical and mental health. The summer reminded me to stop and enjoy the little moments in life.

Beach day and a day trip, lots to time spent outside

I got to see a few friends, masked and socially distanced and some family, again all masked and six feet apart. 

Seeing friends socially distant

The fall brought lots of stories about schools going back, including my own siblings. It also brought lots of the historic Election coverage, from visits to Erie and working on Election night, to seeing ow our next President would be. 

Covering President Trump coming to Erie.

The fall also brought the passing of our sweet pup, Hershey Kiss. 

My sweet Hershey Kiss

At work, I got to anchor my first show and I have filled in on the desk since then, a goal I have been working towards for months and I continue to grow and get better. 

Anchoring my first show

The winter brought getting ready for the holidays, making new traditions and memories, and seeing some of the first vaccines distributed here in Erie. 

All my gifts wrapped for Christmas

Throughout 2020, I worked on every single holiday, worked every shift, tried new roles, and got better at my previous roles. 

2020 brought lots of binge-watching, hello Tiger King, 30 Rock, Emily in Paris, Schitt’s Creek, The Crown, and more! 

It brought more family time, lots of facetimes with friends, making new friends and starting a new relationship. 2020 you weren’t so bad after all….2021, I am ready for you!

Fabulous living Fun Ways to Organize

2020 Resolutions and Goal Recap

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! Can you believe that we are almost to new year. I always like to take some time to reflect on the past year and my goals and accomplishments and do a little recap. A full 2020 recap will be coming soon, so be sure to stay tuned. But today, I wanted to break down my goals from 2020 and do a little check in to see how far I have come. To see my goals for this year. You can see them here.

My main goal this year was to learn and love. Since I started a new job a year ago, I wanted to learn as much as I could this first year, from the job itself, to learning from the people I work with, to learning about myself as a reporter, and learning about establishing new routines in my life. Overall, I’m very, very happy with how this year has gone.

Granted, 2020, has been quite a challenging and unpredictable year, but I personally have learned a lot and grown a lot too. I’ve worked hard to establish good routines, both on days I work and on my weekends. I’ve learned to give myself grace, find balance, put myself first and make sure my priorities are in order. I’ve learned how to be flexible and adapt to change. I’ve learned to make time for my family and friends, but also put myself first when it comes to my health and wellness. Having a sense of balance and purpose in my life helps so much when I have busy work days.

Also, I live by my planner, every appointment, story I do, to-do list, or note goes in there and that helps me stay in control and have a sense of order too. I love my simplified planner and I can’t wait to use it again next year, there is a space to write down your bucket list for the year, I jotted some ideas down and stood by them this year. 

Here is what was on my bucket list this year: 

  • See Old Friends (although, this year was far from normal, I was glad I could still see some of my friends from high school, safe and socially distant)
  • Stay Close with College friends (Again, I wish I could have seen more friends but I’m super thankful for maintaining college friendships despite not being able to see each other, plus, thank goodness for facetime!!!)
  • Travel some place new ( I wanted to travel more places, but hello pandemic!!!, my family and I did take a road trip which was fun and we created many family memories!)
  • Learn a lot at work (Yes, based on everything I’ve said above, I learned a lot at work and I’m still learning too!! That’s what I love about my job. I’m always, always learning)
  • Get involved with the community ( Thanks to my job, I am always learning about things going on around the community and I’m so lucky I get to really highlight my hometown with my job every day)
  • Make New Friends (I have made some of the best friends at my job and I learned from some incredible mentors too. It’s a wonderful feeling to be learning every day and love where you are doing it, is a wonderful feeling.)

2020, has been a year, but I’ve learned a lot from myself and I have grown a lot too. Here’s to new beginnings, goals, and bucket lists for 2021!!

Fabulous living

Spring Semester Recap

Hello friends and family!! 

Happy Tuesday! 

Well, that’s a wrap on my junior year of college! This year flew by, I can’t believe that the next time I will be back at school, I will be a senior. It seems like just yesterday I was walking on campus for the first time, now in August, I will be moving in for the last time. College is an interesting concept, it’s amazing in a few years how much we grow, change, learn, and live. I can honestly say that I am a completely different person now than when I moved in 3 years ago. I can’t wait to celebrate and enjoy my last semester of college in the fall. 

My mood though Junior year…well most of the time.. haha!

Today’s post is my favorite types of posts. Another semester has gone by, which means it’s time for another recap. To see what I was up to last semester, you can read about it here. I love to do these recaps to show you what I have been up to, as well as reflect on how much I have accomplished both in an out of the semester. This semester was a busy one, but filled with so many fun memories. The best way to describe this semester is the fact, I typically go to the gym on Saturday’s and Sunday’s, I always had things going on during the weekends that it wasn’t until the last weekend of the semester in May that I made it both days, I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.

As I was preparing for this post, I realized how many things I did, that I didn’t take pictures of. Although, I wish I had pictures to document the fun times and moments, it is nice just to be present in the moment and enjoy who I am with, without capturing it all for social media. So, let’s recap this semester…

First day of the spring semester…cold and quiet

January started out with freezing weather, a few cancelled classes (which was unheard of for our school) and lots of working weekends. The cancelled classes did result in some spontaneous adventures with my friends, whether it was brunch, going thrift shopping, or heading to the mall. I’ve learned this semester that some of my favorite moments were the ones that were unplanned and spontaneous, whether it was grabbing dinner with my friends, seeing a school musical, or shopping whether it was at the mall or the comic book store. 

Heading into February, classes and work were on my mind, I spent a lot of time working on my Capstone biography video, which you can watch here.

Hard at work on my Senior Capstone

I also was able to have weekly lunch dates with my sweet friend Sharon, who graduated in December and weekly dinner dates with my friend Bailey, who spent this semester student teaching. It was so special to be able to see my friends even with their busy schedules.

SO thankful for this friendship
I love getting lunch with my sweet friend Sharon

I was able to sneak home for a quick visit before I left for Rome. 

No shame in admitting this is my only photo that weekend at home…what can I say…I’m a dog lover

Moving into March, I spent the first several days in Rome. If you missed my recaps on the eternal city, you can read part one here and part two here.

Take me back to simpler days…

I came back to school after an incredible trip and got back into the swing of classes, work, and friends. I had one of my most memorable weekends of the semester with my friends at our Semi-formal dance, which you can read about here. The weekend included dinner, hanging out with friends, dancing, grilled cheese at midnight, sleepovers, hitting the gym and brunch.

One of the BEST weekends of the semester

I jetted home for another visit with my family which was much needed after returning from abroad. 

Are we really surprised that my only picture from being at home is with my dogs?

April brought lots of the end of the semester activities. In between school work, I was able to head to a bowling outing with my friends, get dinner, go on some fro-yo dates, spend a day volunteering, and get Inducted into a Communication Honor Society.

A day spent volunteering with my best friend Danielle

I also got the opportunity to tour our Library at school which is under construction and interview our school’s president about the renovations. You can watch the interview here.

Interviewing the President of my school in the new Library

Our school also hosts a spring family weekend which as so fun, I got to see and hang out with some of my closest friends, watch a few bands perform and got pied in the face for charity…definitely a messy moment of the semester.

With some of my close friends Sharon and Bailey
Spring family weekend
It took a long time to get the whipped cream out
Like I mean three showers later…it was finally all out

April ended with Easter ended at home.

Surprise…not a picture of me and my dogs at home, but with my brothers for Easter

I finished out the last few weeks of April and May with end of the year dinners, from Honor Societies, to Department dinners, and senior celebrations as well as finals, I’m so lucky I was able to participate in these senior festivities since so many of my close friends are seniors. Next year will be different without them.

One last DQ and catch up session with this girl!
Laughing our way into Senior year…
Celebrating senior year with my friend Olivia!
Thankful for her friendship this year, my girl Bailey, always there through thick and thin.
It wouldn’t be the end of the school year without a trip to one of our favorite places, the SP…a hidden gem near our school

The year ended with working the last few days after finals and attending graduation. I was so happy I could watch all my friends graduate, although it was sad to see them move on I know they are going to do amazing things.

Gonna miss these girls next year!
Working graduation with my sweet friend Danielle, we are up next!

Whew…and that’s a wrap. Junior year was by far one of the best years and I think a lot of that has to do with a mindset. I called junior year my year of joy and I wanted to find joy in every day. Even on the days that were rough, emotionally and mentally draining, or I wanted to go home, I still looked for the joy in every day.

Although, it’s so good to be home and not think about school for a bit, I’m going to miss my friends and being at the same place with everyone. I do have some pretty exciting plans for this summer and next semester, so stay tuned!

To everyone who made this year and semester the best one yet…THANK YOU! Have a beautiful day friends! Sending love to everyone near and far…xoxo!

Fabulous living

Fall Semester Recap

What a semester it has been. That has been my catch phrase these past few months. Finals are over, I am home for a well-deserved break and I’m taking the time to reflect on this past semester. I was excited for the new semester to start back in August, I had interesting classes lined up to take, I was looking forward to spending time with friends and last year, I really felt that I had found my place and I was looking forward to growing more. For the most part, all those things came through. I certainly grew more this semester. This semester definitely tested me, I took on a heavier course load (18 credits) , took on a few more leadership roles (with clubs and Honor Societies and leading meetings) , got more involved with my school, and started a new job (I both work study for a professor and tutor). However, I quickly learned a new balance with all the new stuff going on and I really managed to get into a good routine that worked for me, I also made sure to take care of myself too. I managed to get all my classes done, work in, and still managed to have a social life. 

This was my reaction when I realized how much I took on…yep, I may have taken on too much. 

A few highlights of this semester include lots of fun memories, from inside jokes with classmates in classes, late nights at work, dinners out with friends, early mornings at the gym followed by breakfast, movie nights, staff bonding events, nights out in the city, and so many more. 

Staff photos with Sharon to kick off the semester

Early morning trips to the gym
An Ed Sheeran concert in the middle of the semester was much needed
This is how I spent most of this semester, work, work, work
Early morning walks to class
Trips to fall fests
Halloween Dances
More Halloween festivities
I seriously don’t know where I would be without this girl. We may have met through work but she has become one of my closest friends, and yes, I have no idea what I’m going to do once she graduates.
Another one of the many things I did this semester was help work on our news program at school
One of us was working and the other one was supposed to be doing homework…yet we still managed to hang out on a Friday night
Light Up Night in downtown with the best
I think this describes our friendship and semester in a nutshell

Well that wraps up my semester. I learned a lot, made so many memories, grew more confident as a person and with my decisions and really did my best to be social and step out of my comfort zone. Through my time in college, I have learned that it’s most important to take advantage of every opportunity, make memories, and step outside of your comfort zone. Next semester will be different as many of my friends will be graduating, studying abroad, or student teaching. It will be different but I am up for the challenge. I’ll have another look for you on Thursday, then I will be taking next Tuesday off for Christmas. Have a great weekend.