A happy Friday to you all! I hope you had a wonderful first full week of February! We are just under a week away from Valentine’s Day, are you planning on celebrating this weekend or waiting until the day of? I’m planning on doing a little bit of both. As we await the weekend, I’m sharing from favorite things from this past week as I like up with Erika and Andrea.
I have some snacks, shows, books and fascinating reads. Let’s dive right in!
Lost and Found in Paris- I picked up this book after seeing it pop up on a few blogs late last year and was expecting a chick-flick/rom-com-esque story and I got so much more than that. Lost and Found in Paris is about a young woman who travels to Paris for work after a major shift in her relationship. She’s hoping to find herself and deliver a piece of artwork to a client. When the artwork goes missing, she’s forced to go on a bit of a treasure hunt around Paris with someone she meets in the city of lights. Through the course of the book, she learns more about herself than she was every anticipating. I loved this book and it’s in the running for a top book of the year.
My Life with the Walter Boys– This mini-series came on Netflix at the end of 2023, and I had it on my watchlist for a while before I finally got to dive in. Once I started, I finished it in a week and really enjoyed getting to know the characters and the story. It’s all about a young girl who moves in with a large family filled with boys, all of whom she’s never met. She’s forced to navigate high school, new friendships, a budding relationship and some drama along the way. It has some high school drama vibes (very PG-13), but a cute show to get lost in over the winter months.
Such a cute min-series
Reese’s Dipped Animal Crackers-If you like a perfect mix of chocolate, peanut butter and crunch, this may be the snack for you. I have seen these on the shelves for weeks if not months and finally decided to give them a try and really enjoyed them. I have a huge, sweet tooth and chocolate and peanut butter is one of my favorite combinations. I loved the sweetness and saltiness these snacks provide. I will definitely be getting them again, plus how can you resist anything from Hershey’s?!
Roasted Chickpeas-From indulging to healthy choices. I also saw these on the shelves at the grocery store and was intrigued. I love Everything Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s (even though we don’t have one near us, whenever I am near one, I always get their seasoning.) These roasted chickpeas are the perfect snack to munch on if you are looking for something healthy that cures a salty fix too. I have just been enjoying them on their own, but I think they would taste great in a salad too.
Hard Seasons and Wild Hearts– I have always been a fan of Brene Brown and her books and Ted Talks. She’s been pretty quiet over the last few months, and she came out with a long essay last week talking about what she’s been up to and where she plans to go from here. In this essay she discusses the challenges and hurdles she’s overcome and how she’s still healing, recovering, and learning from them. Not only did I appreciate the update, but I also found the advice about overcoming the tough seasons in life and how to move past them to be relatable too. Definitely worth the read.
That’s a brief glimpse into life nowadays and things that have been bringing unexpected moments of joy! This weekend, I challenge you to find the pockets of joy every day! Happy Friday!
Happy Friday! I hope you all are enjoying your week and have something fun planned for the weekend as we enjoy the first few days of a new month. I’m excited to dive into all things Valentine’s Day and love.
As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites as I share some of my favorite things from this past week. Let’s dive right in!
Thermos– I got this Thermos for Christmas and really have been loving it. I sometimes take soup or pasta to work, but didn’t always have the proper container to keep it warm and insulated. After I started using the thermos, it truly solves my problems. It keeps my food warm and fresh when I have warmer dishes, but it also does a great job at keeping my salads cool too. It’s also a great size for portions. Although, I tend to have access to a microwave to heat things up, this has been a great tool when I am on the go.
The Senator’s Wife– I finished The Senator’s Wife by Liv Constantine and absolutely loved it. I checked it out through Libby, an app that you can check out E-Books or Audiobooks through your library. I really have been loving it, I’m currently listening to an audiobook now. The Senator’s Wife is a drama/thriller that involves a senator and his new wife and some of the challenges and drama they go through, especially when she starts to get very sick. The story is through four different perspectives as the events unfold. The middle and ending were so good that I kept looking for pockets of time to read more, that’s when you know it’s a good book.
Indoor Cycling– We have been getting lots of snow over the past few weeks which means I haven’t been able to get outdoors for running. I’ve done some running on the treadmill, but have also enjoyed indoor cycling to get my cardio in. Although I prefer running more, riding the bike has been a great alternative in the winter months. I often listen to a podcast or audiobook when I’m on the bike, or I’ll respond to emails. I like trying different forms of cardio when working out, just to work on different muscle groups. I may even lean more into outdoor cycling when in the spring and summer
Pinterest Recipes- A lot of recipes I have been trying recently have come from Pinterest. I have been using Pinterest almost as google when it comes to trying new dishes. I love finding different recipes and meals to put together on Pinterest and most of the time the directions are easy to follow. I have had success in the kitchen recently and plan to keep testing out new recipes, whether they be meals or a baked good (or both) every week. Tell me what are some of your favorite cozy recipes?
Air Fryer Recipes– From one meal related topic to another. My family got an Air Fryer for Christmas and have used it a handful of times but want to use it more. What are some of your favorite Air Fryer recipes? I’m looking for healthy food options. We have tried chicken tenders and enjoyed them and have also tried to heat up different foods like pizza, wings, etc. For any Air Fryer lovers out there, what are your favorite things to make and what should I try? Let me know in the comments below! I appreciate any suggestions. Thank you in advance!!!
That’s a look into life lately and what I’m loving. Tell me: what’s been catching your eye this week?
I can’t believe we are at the end of January. This was a slow month, but in all the best ways. I spent more time indoors, reading, taking it slow, starting new hobbies and getting back into routines. I still tried my best to get outdoors as much as possible, but Mother Nature made that difficult at times. Winter is often a time with hibernation, and I’ve done that in my own way over the past few weeks.
Walks in the wintertime
As we wrap up the first month of the new year, it’s time for a new Currently. Since this has been a quieter month, I don’t have too much to share, but I still want to show you what has brought me joy and happiness over the past few weeks.
Let’s dive right in:
What I’ve Been Up To: I have been slowly chipping away at my winter bucket list. I have been doing lots of reading, enjoying time cozied up by the fire, I started a new show and I have been enjoying lots of soup. Trying new recipes was one of my New Year’s Resolutions and I am proud of the recipes I have tried thus far.
When the weather has cooperated, I have been still running and have been really enjoying it. A few weeks back, I ran over five and a half miles, which is the furthest I have gone. I was surprised to learn that I enjoy running in the cooler weather as opposed to the warmer temperatures.
My longest run to date.
This month has also been nice in terms of getting back into a routine. As much as I love the holidays and extra activities and fun, it is nice to get back into a good rhythm with less distractions and extra things added to the calendar.
What I’m wearing: This month hasn’t been too exciting in terms of outfits. I’ve been spending a lot of time at home which has led me to wear comfortable clothes like leggings and hoodies. My purple sherpa from Old Navy has been getting a lot of extra use lately. I wore this sparkly number for New Year’s Day at work. These were all three separate pieces that I tied together in outfit, and I loved the end result.
What I’m Reading: My “To Be Read” stack keeps growing, but I have been making headway with those books and other title that look fascinating to me.
Mrs. Queen Takes the Train by William Kuhn tells the fictional story of what would happen if Queen Elizabeth II left the palace and spent the day traveling through England. The story follows the Queen’s decision to leave and follows her along her journey to a place that has a special place in her heart. Throughout the book, the reader will also meet all the people who try to track her down and bring her back to the palace. Plus, the queen makes some friends along the way. I read this book as I was finishing The Crown and it was such a fun companion.
The Celebrants by Steven Rowley- This book follows the story of five college friends who, after their sixth friend dies, make a pact to hold their own funerals to show much they are loved in the world. The concept of the story was fascinating to me, and I loved how every friend had their own funeral when things weren’t going well for them in life. The book follows them through the years and in between the ups and downs of life. The last funeral they all attend turns out to be one of the most important. Overall, the message of the book stuck with me and I would definitely recommend it.
The Senator’s Wife by Liv Constantine is a drama/thriller that involves a senator and his new wife and some of the challenges and drama they go through, especially when she starts to get very sick. The story is through four different perspectives as the events unfold. The middle and ending were so good that I kept looking for pockets of time to read more, that’s when you know it’s a good book.
What I’m Watching: After six seasons, seven years and 60 episodes, I finished the Crown. It was such a wonderful series to follow filled with rich history, beautiful fashion, and stellar acting. I learned so much about the Royal Family and Queen Elizabeth. Although I was sad to see it end, I really loved how Peter Morgan wrapped it all up. If you watched The Crown, what did you think of the ending?
Six Feet Under– I started watching Six Feet Under this month and have been really enjoying it. It’s an older show that was on HBO and is now on Netflix. It follows the story of a family whose father dies and the wife and children and left to navigate life without the head of the household and the owner of a funeral home. I have heard about this show for years, so it’s been nice to finally watch it.
Meet the Parents– I mentioned this in a Friday Favorite’s post but wanted to bring it back here. My boyfriend and I watched all three Meet the Parents this month and it was such a fun way to spend the month. If you are looking for a sign to watch old comedies, this is it.
What Inspires Me: I have been inspired by all the cooking and new recipes I have been trying. A few years back, I made it my goal to cook one meal a week. Recently I have been slipping, I have been baking once a week, but the cooking has taken a backseat. This year I wanted to get back to trying new recipes and I have been pleased with the results and been inspired to look for more recipes.
So far this month I have made homemade wedding soup, stuffed pepper soup, and Mediterranean Chicken Teriyaki Bowls.
Wedding Soup
Stuffed Pepper Soup
Hawaiian Chicken and Veggie Bowls for the win!
Corn and Clam Chowder soup
I also did some entertaining and put together this spread of snacks.
We love a good spread
On days off, I sometimes like to enjoy a brunch and omelets are always my go-to.
A good breakfast spread
My day at work had me making pizza for the first time..this was the end result…
Fresh cookies on cold, winter days
Besides cookbooks, Pinterest is my favorite place to find new recipes and try new meal ideas.
What I Accomplished: Over the past month, I have started my New Year’s Resolutions. That includes making my meals and teaching myself the piano. It has been a slow start but I’m grateful for every opportunity I get to sit down and learn and practice.
Warm soup on a cold day
I also have met up with several friends after the holidays which is always a good feeling to catch up with one another.
Goals From Last Month: Some of my goals that I wanted to accomplish this month were getting back into my routines, start establishing my new goals for the year and take advantage of the slower days. I also have been working every day on the Simplicity Challenge through Simplified.
One of the spaces I organized through the Simplicity challenge
I’ll be sharing a full report on it soon once the month is up. This month has also taught me to find movement in different ways indoors. When I can’t always get an outdoor run in, I have been running on the treadmill, hitting the bike or even slowing my body down with yoga. I have been enjoying exploring different ways to move my body.
We love finding different ways to move
Goals for This Month: As we look towards next month, I am looking forward to celebrating both Galentine’s Day and Valentines Day. I love everything red, hearts and love, so I can’t wait to find little ways to show the people in my life how much I care for them. I also want to continue to make time for my hobbies in my life whether it’s with reading, piano, or running.
Lastly, I want to continue to embrace the cold and enjoy all the cozy vibes by lighting candles, using the fireplace and really slowing down and being intentional with my time.
That’s a look into life lately. Tell me: how have you been enjoying this past month and how are your New Year’s Resolutions going? Let me know in the comments below!
Happy Wednesday. I hope you are having a great week so far, as we make our way through the middle of January. Winter is here and it won’t be going away for a while, at least for me. All of our Christmas decorations have been taken down and we have transitioned to winter decor, which includes cleaner surfaces, more empty spaces, and simpler decor.
Now that the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season is behind us, as sad as I was to have seen it go, it has been nice to have less stuff around the house, more freedom in my schedule and start on a clean slate for the new year. It’s also gave me time to plot out my goals for the winter months, which includes my winter bucket list.
Here’s some fun things I want to accomplish over the next few months:
Complete Simplicity Challenge
Hockey game
Ice skating
Sled riding
Reading by the fire
Find a new show to binge watch
Play more board games and puzzles
Try new recipes in the kitchen
Work on my new hobbies for the new year
Winter walks followed by warm drinks
Skiing (either downhill or cross country)
Movie and junk food day
Celebrate Valentine’s Day
This is just a start of some of the things I want to accomplish over the next few months in addition to work, spending time with family, seeing friends, and daily happenings.
After a busy end of the year, I like to give myself more grace and space in the new year for rest, house and work projects and downtime. As much as I LOVE the holiday season, it is nice to have an open schedule in the new year.
That’s a look at my Winter Bucket List, as we start the new year and season, what are some things you hope to accomplish in the winter months? Let me know in the comments below!
Have a great rest of your week and I will see you back here for another edition of Friday Favorites!
We made it through the first week of January! How was your first week of the New Year? Have you started chipping away at your New Year’s Resolutions or giving yourself some grace this first week of the year? I know I enjoyed getting back into a routine and doing some cleaning, we still have all our Christmas decorations up which makes our home feel extra cozy. Regardless of how you are spending this week, I hope it’s been a good one.
I saw this quote and thought it was so timely especially if you are embracing these next few months as a slower time.
Today I’m sharing some last of holiday fun and some new favorites from this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another roundup of favorites for the first week of the new year!
Books Beach and Beyond– I heard about this podcast, Books Beach and Beyond in the fall but didn’t have a chance to start listening to it until the Christmas holiday. If you are a book lover like me, then you will love this podcast. Author, Elin Hilderbrand hosts the podcast with Tim Ehrenberg, and they talk to different authors about their books, where they get their inspiration from and what projects they are working on. The two hosts have interviewed Taylor Jenkins Reid, Colleen Hoover, Ann Patchett and Kristin Hannah, just to name a few. This podcast is so informative, and it gives great insight into the literary world. I really have been enjoying this podcast and hope they bring it back for season two in the new year.
A new favorite podcast
Candy Cane Lane-We watched Candy Cane Lane for a family movie night over Christmas break. The movie stars Eddie Murphy and it’s all about a man who loves Christmas. He participates in a house decorating contest, but gets caught up in signing a deal in hopes of winning, which results in some magic getting out of hand. The movie follows the classic Twelve Days of Christmas song as each of the items comes to life. There are a lot of good one-liners and fun catch phrases in the movie too. This was the perfect family movie that held everyone’s attention in my house. If you are still in the Christmas spirit, you can watch it on Amazon Prime.
Such a cute movie!
Wordle party game– We got the Wordle party game for Christmas and it has been a huge hit in our home. A few of my siblings and I play Wordle every day, so this game takes it to the next level. Up to four people can play the game. One person chooses the five-letter word, and all the players have to guess the word using the same rules as the daily game on the New York Times. If you are a fan of Wordle, this game is definitely worth the buy, plus it forces you to really put your thinking cap on.
A great family game
Mighty Patch– As far as beauty products go, the Mighty Patch has been a new favorite for me. I tried using the Mighty Patches after I got them as a gift and have been impressed with how well they work. These clear patches go over any blemishes you may have for a faster clear-up of your face. You can get them for overnight wear or daily wear. I tried a sample pack of both and found that the overnight patches work better. This product won’t solve all your acnes issues, but it does help if you are looking for a quick fix here or there.
Chopped Pomegranate Salad– I love a good salad, but I’m not one to purchase bagged salads too often due to the expense, I would rather make a salad with vegetables I already have at home and on hand. However, we picked up a few chopped salads to go with some appetizer nights and they were a hit. I really enjoyed this pomegranate salad, it’s a perfect blend of flavors for fall and winter. We enjoyed this salad with some other snack bites, but it could also go great with a pizza night or with a protein like chicken or steak.
That’s a look into some of the things that I have been loving this week, from the last bit of holiday fun to games, beauty products and food, there was something for everyone. I hope you have a relaxing and cozy weekend as we begin a new month.
Hello all! Happy Christmas week! I hope you had a wonderful day with loved ones and lasting memories.
A look at my tree on Christmas Day.
It’s the end of the 2023, this year flew by. I feel like just yesterday I was setting goals and resolutions for the next 12 months and here we are almost 365 days later with most of them accomplished.
Going into 2023, I anticipated it to be a year of change and new beginnings and while there was change and I tried new hobbies and went to different places, this year was filled with lots of routine and structure which I love and crave.
Over the past twelve months, I have kept in touch with friends from out of town and made it a point to touch base with them either in-person or via facetime. I traveled a lot this year by taking day trips or longer vacations with my family. I continued to grow in my profession by working on different long-form projects and challenging myself each day. The biggest things that stand out to me from this past year would be my newfound love of trying different hobbies.
What a year for 2023!
Let’s take it back to January for a recap of this year before we get into my favorites of 2023:
The year began with lots of cozy days indoors and lots of cooking, I tried lots of new recipes this year from soups, to pizzas, and baked goods.
A new recipe, Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup
Fresh cookies too
Even though it was cold outside, I bunded up and took winter walks to some of my favorite spots, as much as I love the hygge vibes of being inside, there’s nothing quite like getting fresh air and exercise.
Winter walks in the snow
February brought a day trip to Cleveland for a day at the Art Museum and dinner and a show.
A show in the city at night!
The second month of the year brought Valentine’s Day and the first of many uses of my Kitchen Aid.
First time using my kitchen aid
The Kitchen Aid made baking them so much easier!
March was a continuation of testing out new recipes and getting outdoors more as the temperatures began to rise.
First Zoo trip of the year
Spring finally made an appearance in April with Easter, family time and the start of sunshine.
First of spring walks
Our favorite Easter dessert-our bunny cake!
April also brought the start of my running journey.
Picnic season was back in May and I celebrated my 25th birthday.
Picnic season
Celebrating 25!
I tried to spend as much time outside in the summer. This summer I began to grow my first garden which saw success for its first season. I also began running consistently in preparation for my first 5K.
Runs at the beach!
June was a month of travel with day trips to Columbus and NYC for a day, which you can read about here.
The sights and sounds of NYC
I also got a chance to visit family in New Jersey which was well overdue.
The beauty of the beach!
July began with the Fourth of July included lots of running, checking on my garden, walks, and reading poolside.
Our Fourth of July spread
My first set of veggies! Peas!
Reading by the pool days
More running
August began fast and furious with my first 5K, then it was off to a day trip to Toronto.
Finishing my first 5K!
The iconic Toronto sign
My family and I got away for a few days to San Diego which was great to have quality time together and go to new places.
Hello San Diego!
Summer wrapped up with bonfires, ice cream and more success of my garden.
Summer S’mores!
Soaking up summer with every last ice cream!
The fruits of my labor
The fall was a time of savoring the outdoors as much as I could and seeing the seasons change.
Hello fall walks!
As it got colder and I stayed indoors more, that meant more time in the kitchen by trying new recipes for baked goods and dinners.
Back in the kitchen
November and December brought me my first Turkey Trot followed by Thanksgiving and getting into the Christmas spirit and celebrating all month long.
Turkey trotting!
Our Thanksgiving Dinner at home
All is calm, all is bright.
A very Christmas spread
This past year brought lots of favorites too.
Here’s some of my all-time favorite things from 2023:
Favorite Book:Spare-I know it was a controversial book, but I found it fascinating to read all about Prince Harry and his life from his perspective. I also have been a fan of the Royal family for years, so his autobiography was very eye-opening. Plus the timing between the death of the Queen in 2022, Charles’ Coronation in May and final season of the Crown makes his story even more prevalent.
Favorite T.V. Show– The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ended this year, I really loved following this show from the beginning and thought the ending was so fitting and fulfilling. A close runner-up would be Ted Lasso, another favorite from this year
Favorite Movie– Barbie– This should be no surprise but I really enjoyed the Barbie movie this year. Although, I’m not a Barbie super fan, I thought it was very well done and had a great message.
Favorite Fashion Item– Tennis dress from Amazon– I wore this so many times this summer. It was so easy to throw on during a hot day or after work. It was fashionable and affordable and I loved the color, perfect for summer!
Favorite New Podcast– The Lazy Genius– I was introduced to this podcast and find it so helpful when it comes to life hacks and ways to streamline things in your life. Although, my all-time favorite podcast is the Simplified podcast.
Favorite New Hobby– My favorite new hobby from this year has been running. I never thought I would be a runner and love it as much as I do, but here we are. You can read about my running journey here.
Favorite Trip- Doing New York City in a day was exhausting but so worth it and I made so many memories with my family when we went to San Diego.
Memories from family trips!
This year was so full with new adventures, building relationships, growing in my profession, spending time with loved ones and trying new hobbies. The best way I can describe this year is by feeling fulfilled.
Here’s a look at the resolutions I set out to accomplish this year. My top goals were to Eat healthier and run a 5K (which I accomplished big time), I wanted to take advantage of local spots and park (which I did a great job especially in the spring and summertime), Plan to do more things on days off (I accomplished this by doing day trips and making the most of my vacation days), and lastly, I wanted to continue to grow more in my profession (I achieved this goal by tackling different work projects and tasks).
I’m proud of myself of how I have grown and evolved this past year and I’m excited to see where 2024 takes me.
Cheers to closing the chapter of 2023 and starting fresh for 2024.
Happy Friday! I can’t believe we are halfway through December, this month has been flying by and I am trying to soak up as much Christmas cheer as I can. I’ve been checking things off my Christmas bucket list slowly, but surely. I have been watching Christmas movies, enjoying hot cocoa, and I’ve gone skating a handful of times already this season. I am here for all things holiday cheer.
Hot cocoa and a holiday movie!
I’m sticking with the Christmas theme for this week’s Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!
Giant Eagle Holiday Mix-I am a sucker for a festive holiday mix. I saw this holiday trail mix at the entrance of Giant Eagle when I was picking up some groceries and I had to try it. It’s the perfect mix of sweet and salty and it’s festive too. I’ve enjoyed it while wrapping gifts, watching Christmas movies and just relaxing. This would be a great addition to a charcuterie board or for a night of appetizers. Yum!
A new favorite snack
Christmas Movie Countdown– Speaking of Christmas cheer, I have been trying to watch a Christmas movie or program a night or when I can. I have been mixing in the classics with some new releases too. Shawn Johnson East and her husband, Andrew work with a company called “Family Made” and they put out a Christmas movie countdown to Christmas. They are all family movies, but I have been watching them too and crossing them off my list of holiday movies. It’s been so fun to tap into the nostalgia of childhood memories too.
Brownie Recipe– I’ve been slowly baking my Christmas cookies for the season and trying new recipes along the way. I baked my first batch of homemade brownies and although they were not as good as the Betty Crocker box recipe, they were still tasty. I got the recipe from Mix and Match Mama, and they were super easy to make. I may tweak the recipe a bit and may try some other flavors like peppermint, but I was proud of my first homemade batch! Stay tuned for more holiday recipes in the coming weeks.
A new recipe for me!
Crown Returns– The final six episodes of the Crown dropped yesterday. I have slowly started to make my way through them, but I am savoring each episode since I know the end is near. If you haven’t started watching yet, here’s the trailer and more information from TVLine. I really am looking forward to seeing how everything wraps up even though we know what happens in real life. I will also be following along with Elizabeth Holmes’ podcast as well to hear her insights on the final episodes.
A Likely Story– I am in Christmas book heaven right now with all the cheesy and warm Christmas novels, but before I began, I read A Likely Story by Leigh McMullan Abramson. It follows the story of a young woman who is aspiring to follow in her father’s footsteps and be a writer, however she has some challenges getting there. When her mother passes away, she finds an old manuscript, but who wrote it and what will our protagonist do with it? This story follows the family through the years and through a web of secrets that slowly unravels through the book. This book kept me hooked so much so, I woke up early to read the last 100 pages. Definitely a great read for a cozy day in the winter.
A great book for the fall
That’s a look into life lately and some of my favorite things, lots of yuletide cheer this holiday season. I hope you do something fun and festive this weekend as we countdown to Christmas.
Hey Hey! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are days away from December. This month was a slower month for me in terms of activities and events, but it still flew by. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact Thanksgiving was early this year. Regardless, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are ready for the Christmas season, I know I am. I have my holiday candles burning, my Christmas throw blankets are out, and I am using all the festive mugs, life is good!
All decked out for Christmas
As this month winds down, I want to share what I have been up to recently as we flip the calendar from November to December.
What I’m Up To-This month has been filled with fall walks, organizing, and lots of baking and cooking. We had some snow this month, but it has been mostly chilly, yet sunny. I have been trying my best to still get outdoors to enjoy the dry conditions for as long as I can. There’s nothing better than some fresh air and sunshine with the leaves changing in the background.
A beautiful fall morning!
I also have been doing a lot of baking and cooking as I have been trying both new and old recipes.
Lots of time spent in the kitchen!
Finally, I spent almost every Thursday this month doing major cleaning and organizing. My mom and I tackled all the spaces, from cabinets to closets and storage areas. It was never out intent to do a big declutter, but once we started, we couldn’t stop. It felt great to donate a lot of things we weren’t using ahead of the holidays.
A look at some of our donations
I ended the month by celebrating Thanksgiving!
A delicious, Thanksgiving spread!
What I’m Wearing– I don’t have too many fun outfits to show off from this past month since my days off were spent in grubby clothes cleaning. However, after cleaning and reorganizing my closet, I was able to create some new winter outfits with items I have. I have been wearing this red jacket from Old Navy a lot.
You can’t go wrong with red jacket!
I know I will be wearing a lot of the next few weeks. I also did an Old Navy haul this past month. Here’s some of the pieces I got and I have been loving.
This is also what I wore for Thanksgiving last week.
What I’m Reading– Some months I have great reading months and other months they are not so great. I read a few books this past month and while they were good, they were great nor my favorites.
I started the month by reading The Girls of Summer by Katie Bishop. The story goes back and forth between the past and present about young college-aged girls in Greece who get wrapped up in some adult situations. They don’t realize the severity of their situations until they are adults and consequences happen. As grown women they work to try and make amends and come to terms with their young adult mistakes. The book was very serious and dealt with a lot of heavy topics, I found parts of it interesting, but most of the book, I just felt bad for the characters.
Dirty Laundry by Disha Bose is all about a group of women in Ireland who are all trying to one up each other, but all have their own secrets and hidden agendas. When one of the women in the small-town winds up dead, everyone has a different motive for wanting her dead. The book follows each woman and their lives as mothers and wives and it turns out not everything is as it seems. I though the book was good but got confused as it flashed back and forth from past and present and jumped between characters. In my opinion, the book wrapped up way too fast, I was waiting for a who done it moment and it came and went so fast and then the book was over.
Love and Luck by Jenna Evans Welch is a companion book to Love and Gelato, you didn’t have to read Love and Gelato to read this book, but there are a few references to the first book. The story takes place in Ireland as a brother and sister in high school decide to take a road trip to a music festival instead of following a plan to take a trip to Italy. I really liked how the setting of Ireland was depicted and I liked seeing the relationship between the brother and sister evolve. I really enjoyed this book compared to the first two I read.
Every Summer After by Carley Fortune- This was the second book I read by Fortune, but the first book she wrote. It takes place in a small town in Canada. This book also goes back and forth between the past and present as a young woman goes back to the lake that she grew up spending her summers. She is reunited with a former friend/flame of her past and through the book, the reader sees how these two characters went from best friends to strangers. I really enjoyed this book, from the character development to the setting and storyline. It definitely had more of a summer feel to it but can be read during any time of year. I’m glad I ended this month reading wise on a high note. Next month will be all about the Christmas books.
What I’m Watching– This month marked the return of a lot of series. I kicked off November with Selling Sunset. I’m not a big reality tv fan, but I can’t help myself with it comes to Selling Sunset. I started this show for the houses, but stayed for the drama. It’s been interesting to see the dynamics between the women in the office change through the seasons. I really love how they have a reunion at the end of the season too.
My favorite thing that I watched this past month was The Crown. I had so many questions going into this season and found the first four episodes of Season 6 to be moving, somber, but also really beautiful. It was almost eerie to see what Diana’s life was like in her final weeks and how the world reacted to her death.
I also started to watch some of my favorite Christmas movies now that we are in the Christmas season.
Like Rudolph!
What Inspires Me– I have been inspired by all my time in the kitchen. I also have been scouring Pinterest and cooking blogs for new recipes to try.
Here’s some of the things I have been making in the kitchen
Banana protein balls
Halloween candy cookies
Peanut butter cookies
Chocolate chip cookies, Double chocolate chip cookies, mint cookies
Chicken and Veggie stir fry
Lots of breakfast foods
What I Accomplished– I feel so accomplished after all the cleaning and organizing and donating my mom and I did this past month.
A look into some of the spaces we organized
I also ran another 5K on Thanksgiving which was fun, despite it being chilly. It was my first Turkey Trot and I loved it.
Turkey trotting!
I also got to thoroughly enjoy the holidays with my family which is so nice.
Nothing says Thanksgiving than by watching the parade.
Our Thanksgiving Dinner at home
Goals from Last Month– I really got to enjoy quiet days at home before hustle and bustle of the holidays. It was the perfect time to recharge and get things down before life gets crazy around the holidays, but I’m really looking forward to my Christmas bucket list and doing all the holiday traditions. Plus, I started my Christmas list for others and I’m excited to start my shopping too.
Fresh fall flowers to brighten up a clean space
Goals for this Month- My goal for the last month of 2023 is simple, enjoy the holidays, enjoy the family traditions and be present in the moment. More times than not, I find myself trying to do all the things and not being present and enjoying the holiday moments. This year, I want to do a better job of planning things out, so I get them down but also really enjoying the moments and savoring them, whether it be holiday baking, making a gingerbread house, watching Christmas movies or wrapping gifts. My goal is to be intentional and present with my time and energy.
Someone is enjoying the holiday spirit
That’s a look into life lately. The calm before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.
Tell me: as we prepare to welcome December, what are you looking forward to next month? Let me know in the comments below!
We have less than a week to go until Halloween, how is that possible? I feel like the month flew by! I always enjoy all the holidays and this time of year. I know the next few weeks will be busy, so I’m soaking up all the slow days while I can. This month was all about fall fun, seeing friends and spending time with family. The past few weeks were filled with chilly mornings and cozy nights.
Here’s a look into what’s Currently going on in my world.
What I’m Up To: I’ve been crossing all the things off my fall bucket list. I’ve gone to a pumpkin patch and did some fall window shopping and browsing.
Pumpkin patches
Fall window shopping
I went to an apple orchard, picked lots of apples and made lots of tasty recipes including an apple pie and apple oatmeal cookies.
Fresh Apple Pie
And a fresh slice
And fresh cookies
I got to see the leaves change through the month by going on lots of fall walks, at home and around the region.
Nothing prettier than leaves on the ground!
New places to hike!
Beautiful fall days!
I also got the chance to see two of my brothers as they came home for breaks over the past month.
What I’m Wearing: After being on the hunt for a fall graphic t-shirt, I got one from Amazon and love it. It fits true to size, the design is too cute and I got it on sale on Amazon Prime Days-wins all across the boards!
Hello Fall!
I also have been transitioning to darker colors as the seasons have changed. I’ve worn this Calvin Klein dress a few times and love the material and style. It’s a runner up for a Thanksgiving dress this year!
Also as much as it pains me, I have started to break out the jackets and sweaters, I tried to hold off for as long as a I could, but Mother Nature forced me to wear all the layers.
What I’m Reading: October was a good reading month for me. I made my way through lots of books that were on my “To Be Read” list. Here’s a breakdown of what I read:
Hello Beautiful-Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitanois a modern day take on Little Women. It follows four sisters and their lives from children to adults and how they grow close and apart, evolve and change. The book is told from four different perspectives and spans across decades. This book was so moving and really leaves you reflecting on the power of family and relationships. It was definitely worth all the hype.
Before I Do– Before I Do by Sophie Cousens. This was a book that drew me in based on the cover. Sometimes, you judge a book by its cover and it’s worth it. The story follows a bride on the days leading up to her wedding day. She’s with the perfect guy and the wedding is expected to be a spectacle. All is right in the world until someone from her past shows up as a plus one. This causes our bride to spiral when everything starts to go wrong and bad omens start appearing. Will the wedding go off without a hitch or is it a love story gone wrong? you will have to read to find out.
Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar Dillard focuses on Jill’s life, how she’s grown and evolved and her perspective about her family and a lot of the events that transpired in recent years. I really love that I could hear her telling her story through the audiobook. I feel that she really pulls back the curtain on a lot of big moments in her life which I appreciated. She was real and vulnerable throughout the whole book. I learned so much more about her and her family situation. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and finished it in less than a week.
The Layover-The Layover by Lacie Waldon is all about a flight attendant who plans on taking her last trip, but not all goes according to plan. An unexpected layover causes her to re-evaluate her life when she has to work with a co-worker that she doesn’t particularly enjoy. It’s a fun and light read that will have you craving a vacation.
What I’m Watching: I have been making my way through fall tv shows and some binge-watching too. To be honest, life has been so busy I haven’t had as much time to watch tv since other hobbies have been taking up my time. However, I have been enjoying a few shows recently.
I am all caught up on the latest season of Lupin. This was a fast watch for me. There were only seven episodes this season and several cliffhangers spread throughout the season, so I was able to finish it in a week. This season involved heists, even more disguises and learning about Lupin’s past and his family. This is definitely worth the watch if you are on the hunt for a new show.
A great show to binge watch!
I’ve also been watching Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test and The Masked Singer on FOX. I give the recruits major props for some of the challenges they have to complete on World’s Toughest Test because I know I couldn’t handle some of them. Plus, it’s fun to see who steps up and rises to the top and who quits.
The Masked Singer has also been a feel-good show to enjoy. I love to guess who’s under the mask and who can sing and who is doing it just for fun!
It was way overdue, but I finally finished Virgin River this month. The finale left me with me and so many others with cliffhangers. I’m glad we have the holiday episode to tide us over. If you watched the show, what did you think of this season?
What Inspires Me: Besides my Pinterest fall boards, I have been inspired by lots of new recipes for fall and winter. It has been a goal to try a new recipe a week and while most have been sweet over savory, it’s been so fun to try new recipes.
Here’s been some of my favorites:
I’ve made Apple Muffins
S’mores Cookies
Apple Oatmeal Cookies
Peanut Butter and Chocolate No Bakes
Protien Balls
Pumpkin Roll
I love every opportunity I get to be in the kitchen and try new recipes.
What I Accomplished: This past month I was able to see so many friends which is always good fort the soul. Whether it was on facetime or in person, it’s always good to catch up with your people. I try to talk/ do something with friends once a month and I always feel better after I get some friend time in.
A pumpkin patch and fall fest with friends is always a good idea!
Even as the weather got cooler, I tried to spend as much time as possible since I know the days of warm weather is fleeting. I always feel better after I get fresh air outside, even if it’s just for a quick walk to get the mail or to get some exercise with my dogs, there’s nothing better than time spent outside in the changing seasons.
A beautiful fall morning!
I also had some fun picking leaves to bring indoors for some seasonal decor. We used to collect leaves all the time as kids and do art projects with them, so it’s been fun to continue the tradition as an adult.
Fun fall decor!
Goals From Last Month: My goals from last month were to enjoy all things fall and I certainly did that. I still want to enjoy some Halloween fun and bake some festive treats, so that’s what’s on tap for me this weekend. Plus, even though we don’t get any trick or treaters, I can’t help myself and not buy some Halloween candy to enjoy too. You can never be too old for Halloween candy. This weekend also calls for some Halloween movies too, I’m thinking the classics like Hocus Pocus or Halloweentown.
Beautiful day for a train ride
A trip to the zoo is even fun in the fall.
Goals for this Month: As far as goals for next month, I want to continue to enjoy the fall like weather for however long it lasts. Thanksgiving will be here soon, and I love all the sides and food, plus seeing family. Everyone in my family will be home for a few days, which will be such a treat. The last time we were all together was back in August!
On a more practical note, the holidays will be here soon, so I have to start making up my lists of who to buy for. I like to start shopping around Thanksgiving, but I like to have a game plan going into the shopping season.
That’s a look into life over the past month. All things fall, all things family and friends and of course, festive fun too! As October winds down, how was your month? Cozy? Busy? Packed full? I hope it was everything you hoped for and I hope November brings new adventures and opportunities. Have a spooky rest of your week!
Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week. I can’t believe we are one week out from Halloween weekend! This month has flown by, but I have made the most of it between fall walks, apple picking, baking and fall fests!
Hello Fall!
It’s been a great month and it’s not over yet. Today’s roundup is all things fall as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!
Pinterest Boards– Kicking things off with all things fall, my Pinterest boards reflect how I feel about fall and they bring me so much JOY! Give me all the fall vibes, from nature photos to recipes I want to try, cozy scenes indoors and book and movie recommendations. I go through phases where I am always pinning things up for ideas or inspiration or I am not on the app at all. I’m currently pinning all the fall things, all the time. I love to go on Pinterest at the end of the day for inspiration and to unwind. Here’s my page to follow along, not just for fall but for recipes, fashion, home decor and organization.
SO much JOY!
New Room Scent– New season, new scent! Does this scent not scream fall..honeycrisp apple for fall?! I love apples and and the fresh and sweet scent they bring and I know this was the perfect scent for the next few months for fall! Whenever I have it on, I am drawn back into an apple orchard. Bath and Body Works is my go-to for all the sweet scents, they always get me with their deals for lotions, car scents, body spray and candles.
The perfect fall scent!
Near in the Night– Emily Ley’s latest book, Near in the Night just came out and I can’t wait to dive in. I’m still deciding if I want to start it now or wait until the new year to begin, stay tuned! This is a companion or part two to her first set of devotionals, Sure as the Sunrise. I loved starting my day with Sure as the Sunrise, after some journaling and quiet time and I was thrilled when she announced she had a set of 100 nighttime devotionals coming out. Ley is such a talented writer and I have loved all the different genres of books she’s penned and published. I’m looking forward to ending my day with some quiet time and devotional time and can’t wait to start Near in the Night.
Stuffed Butternut Squash-My boyfriend made Stuffed Butternut Squash for a date night in and it was delicious. The perfect fall recipe. I asked him to share the recipe if you are looking to try it!
A delicious fall meal!
2 acorn squash, halved and seeded
1/2-3/4 pound ground sausage of your choice
½ teaspoon salt and pepper, more or less depending on seasoning of sausage
herbs and spices to taste, depending on which ones pair with the sausage of choice
¼ cup breadcrumbs
1/3 cup milk
1.5 cups cooked rice, ideally cooled
1 diced bell pepper
½ diced onion
Combine all ingredients except breadcrumbs.
mix well and divide into squash halves.
Top with breadcrumbs and a melty cheese if desired, very lightly drizzle oil or spray tops of each
Place squashes into lightly oiled baking dish
5) Bake covered at 350 for one hour, then uncovered for 30 minutes
Sitting in Bars with Cake– If you are looking for a movie for girls’ night or a mother-daughter night in, I have you covered. I found the movie, Sitting in Bars with Cake on Amazon Prime and watched it with my mom, it looked so cute and fun. Two young best friends living together in LA head to bars with cake as a way to make new friends and guys while making memories along the way, what more could you ask for in a movie?! I loved the story of friendship, seeing them make all these unique cakes and creations, but the movie had a lot more depth than I realized. This was a tearjerker and really showed the power of friendship and how it endures all. Make sure you have tissues on hand when you watch you have something sweet to indulge in, because the movie will leave you hungry!
That’s a quick look into what I have been loving this week, lots of fall favorites, from scents to inspiration, recipes, and movies! Tell me, what have you enjoyed the most about the fall season? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Fall Friday!