Fabulous living

Fall Bucket List

Hello All! 

Happy first full week of September. I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend and soaked up the last big weekend of summer. I still plan on keeping the shorts on and enjoying the sunshine for as long as I can this month.

September is always a month of transition, from getting back into a new routine being back to school, to the changing weather, this month can be a busy one. Over the next few weeks, I have some day trips planned, lots of appointments that I scheduled for when things calmed down from the busy summer and then some friend dates. I’m looking forward to crossing things off my to-do list and starting my fall bucket list!

Speaking of bucket lists, here’s a look at my summer bucket list all completed: 

I got so much accomplished this summer, both on my list and doing things that came up through the summer, needless to say it was a fun and packed full summer. From trips to New York City, Toronto and San Diego, to lots of walks and picnics, grilling and pool days, it was a memorable summer!

Summer is a photo!

Now that we are slowly saying goodbye to summer, it’s time to start thinking about FALL!

I started a fall bucket list at the beginning of the month and will add to it over the next few weeks, but here’s what I hope to accomplish over the next few months. 

My Fall Bucket List

Apple Picking

Fall Walks

Collect Leaves

Make Apple Recipe

Try A New Recipe Once a Week


Football Game

Pumpkin Patch and Carve Pumpkins

Celebrate Halloween

Make Chili

Use Kitchen Aid

Read Fall Books

Go to a Fall Fest

Celebrate Thanksgiving

Enjoy Apple Cider

Hockey Game

Soup Recipe

Kinzua Hike

Elk Watching 

That’s just a start into what I hope to accomplish over the next few months. I love to make to-do lists and bucket lists because they give me ideas of things to do for fun and it encourages me to take advantage of my hometown and the season. I hope this gives you some ideas of fun things to do in the fall season.

Tell me, do you have a fall bucket list? What do you hope to accomplish?

Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Fall Y’all!


Currently #34

Hi everyone and a Happy Wednesday to you!

We are wrapping up October and saying hello to November. If I could describe this month in one word, it would be FALL! I did all the fall things and I’ve been loving every moment of it. From walks to leaf picking, hot cider and all the apples. This month has been incredible.

Let me give you a recap in this month’s currently. 

What I’ve Been Up To: All the fall things! I’ve been making great progress with my fall bucket list. I’ve gone apple picking, made an apple recipe, gone on fall walks and drives, cozied up a good book or two or three by the fire and have been making the most of the cooler days. 

Apple picking fun!
Enjoying Beautiful Fall Walks

What I’m Wearing: As we transition to cooler weather, I’ve been doing lots of layering. I went for coffee last week and then a walk and wanted to be both comfortable but cute. I wore this stripped shirt from Old Navy with a blue vest and jeans and sneakers, the perfect fall outfit.

A perfect outfit combo for a fall day!

I also shared a dress I got from Calvin Klein a few weeks back that works great for a date night or a night out with the girls. Perfect for fall too!

Another favorite fall dress!

What I’m Reading: SO. MANY. GOOD. BOOKS. I don’t know where to begin. I read All We Ever Wanted by Emily Griffin. I remember hearing about this book a few years ago on blogs and finally decided to read it. It was definitely a heavier read and dealt with more serious topics. The book follows the story or two separate families that are forced to get to know each other after their teenagers get involved in a bad situation. Themes of loyalty, coming of age, and finding yourself are weaved through this book. Definitely worth the hype.

Such a good book!

What I’m Watching: Besides fall shows being back like Grey’s Anatomy. I’ve also been making my way through Sweet Magnolias which I finished. That was such a fun and light-hearted show that still had depth to it. I can’t wait for season 3!

This season is off to a great start!

What I’m Loving: I’ve been really enjoying the fall days. From getting pumpkins to going to fall festivals. I’ve had such a good month. I know next month will get cooler and darker as the days get shorter, so I am soaking up all sunshine and changing leaves. 

All the pumpkins for October!

I’ve also been doing lots of cooking and baking. I’ve been trying to make something every weekend whether it’s a meal or a dessert and I have to say the practice is so soothing and relaxing, plus who doesn’t love to eat something warm after a cold day?! 

A look at what I made with the apples I picked.
I also bakes fresh peanut butter cookies, yum!

What Inspires Me: I mentioned this a few weeks back, but I’ve been going down the Pinterest rabbit hole when it comes to fall ideas, decor and recipes, so relaxing and fun!

Dream Pinterest boards

I’ve also been inspired by fall pieces that I’ve seen in decor stores like Home Goods and Marshalls. I’m always inspired by seeing what is on the shelves and seeing how I can use things in my own home without spending money. I’ve also been doing more reading every day. I typically read in the mornings, but I’ve been reading more at night before bed. It’s been such a nice way to unwind at the end of the day.

Driving in the fall has been so fun and so beautiful to see all the changing leaves.

What I Accomplished: I’ve been so good about checking things off my fall bucket list, but I still have a way to go. It’s been fun to make memories and have a list of things to do when I’m looking for something fun to do.

I’ve been loving all the fall leaves as they change day to day.
One of my fall walks took me to see some incredible waterfalls, stunning!

Goals from Last Month: My main goal was to make headway on my fall bucket list, and I’ve done a good job at that so far.

Another fall coffee date

Goals for this Month: As we get closer to the holidays, I want to start thinking about who I need to buy for for the holidays. I am also looking forward to having the whole family together for Thanksgiving.

Beautiful fall foliage
Fabulous living

Fall Bucket List

Hey ya’ll, it’s fall!!! I rarely say ya’ll except to have it rhyme with fall hehe! If you have been following along for a while, you know I love my bucket lists and to do lists.

Every season I make a list of activities or things I want to do in that season. I’ve made them for the past few summers and I love seeing how much I accomplish and all the memories I make along the way. They can be as simple as getting a favorite drink or going for a walk or something bigger like heading to a fall festival. It’s all about taking advantage of opportunities and making memories.

I always like to create a list of season must-do’s. Here’s my fall 2021 bucket list:

My Fall Bucket List
  • Apple Picking
  • Niagara Falls
  • Kinzua Hike
  • Hockey Game
  • Cider Press
  • Decorate Pumpkins
  • Collect Leaves
  • Scary Book and Movie
  • Celebrate Halloween 
  • Fall Walk
  • Enjoy Hot Apple Cider
  • Make A Fall Treat
  • Mason Farms
  • Fall Festival

This is just a little to-do list of plans I have for the next few months. If I get them all done, great! If I don’t then it’s not the end of the world. Sometimes, I do things that aren’t on my list and that’s part of the fun. Also, having a list helps come up with ideas to do when you are looking for fun inspiration.

What’s something on your fall bucket list!?

Fabulous living

Fall Bucket List

Hi everyone!! Happy October!! The leaves are on the ground, the air is crisp, it’s time for long sleeves and layers, plus the holiday season is right around the corner. Although, this holiday season will look different, I am embracing the change and making the best of it. As fall approaches, I love to make a fall bucket list of things I want to accomplish, everything from foods to make, things to do and places to see. These next few weeks are going to be busy for me but I still want to make the best of it and fit in some fun things to do. Here’s a quick list of things I want to do this season:

  • Apple Picking
  • Head to a Pumpkin Patch
  • Enjoy Hot Cider
  • Get Cozy by a Bonfire
  • Enjoy Fall Leaves
  • Break out the Fall Wardrobe
  • Turn on the Fire Place
  • Make Apple Crisp 
  • Still enjoy walks outside with the leaves
  • Learn a new fall recipe 
  • Read more books
  • Celebrate Halloween
  • Enjoy apple cider donuts
  • Live in a grateful mindset
Already made some apple crisp

Now, some of these are easier said than done, but I love making a list of things I want to accomplish to make sure I get them all in. The most important to me is the grateful mindset, I’m hoping that in the busy times, I remember that being grateful is the best way to live a life. 

First glimpse of fall

What are some things you are hoping to accomplish this fall season and what’s one thing you are grateful for this season?

Already made It on a fall walk
Look at the leaves!!!
Fabulous living

Fall Activities

Hello All!

Happy Tuesday!

I can’t believe we are almost to the end of October. Last weekend was super busy, I worked a lot so I am looking forward to a slower week ahead and a fun weekend too. This month flew by, I think going home for Fall Break for a few days definitely broke up the month. Speaking of fall break. I had the best time at home. I unplugged and unwound which was much needed. It was so good to get away from school and work for a break and escape to my home for some down time. I also managed to get some fun fall time in. Here are some suggestions for some fall festivities as well as a recap from my time home.

  • Fall Drive

Take a fun drive to see the changing leaves, pumpkin patches or take the back roads instead of the highways. I always can clear my head best with a long car drive and some good music. The fall and right around Christmas (especially to see the colorful Christmas lights and decorations) are the best time to take a nice drive.

Yes, this may be from my backyard but can you blame me? The sky and the trees compliment each other perfectly

  • Pumpkin Patch/Farm

Pumpkins and October go hand and hand. I love picking out a pumpkin for my room at school and I can’t help but look at all the flowers, décor, and arrangements for fall. I also love to hit up some fall festivals and enjoy the changing weather. Plus there is nothing better than walking around a pumpkin farm with a hot cup of apple cider.

My two friends and I headed to a fall fest to kick off fall break. It was fun to relax and walk around and see all the fun booths and snack on tasty treats.

My sweet friends Olivia and Bailey and I hit up a fall festival and we had the best time. It was spontaneous and the best way to spend a Friday afternoon

I headed to a pumpkin farm while I was home and I loved this display. The colors scream fall.

I love all the shapes and colors gourds come in, they are always so unique!

So many pumpkins, this is one of the best parts about October. I love seeing all the shapes and sizes of pumpkins.

Here’s an arrangement I made up from things I bought at the pumpkin farm.

  • Warm Drinks and Dessert

Whether you are a pumpkin spice latte lover, hot apple cider fan or love some dessert than fall is the perfect time to enjoy some sweet and savory treats. I personally am a fan of everything apple.

My mom’s homemade apple crisp heated with a scoop of vanilla ice cream with a drizzle of caramel hits the spot. As far as drinks go, my favorite fall drink is apple cider with my own spin of it. I love to drink hot apple cider with cinnamon, some whipped cream and a pump of caramel. Yum! So sweet and delicious.

My favorite fall dessert made by my mom

Well, there you have it, some fun suggestions for fall activities and my personal favorite fall treats. Yes, I know I left out Halloween. I loved dressing up as a child and going Trick or Treating. This weekend there is a Halloween Dance at School, so I will be sharing my costume next week. Do you have any guesses? What are some things on your fall bucket list?