Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #101

Happy Friday friends, and a happy belated Fourth of July! I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating!

Here’s how I spent the holiday.

I started the day by doing my first 10K and setting a new PR!
Our spread
Some desserts
And a show!

I hope you had a fantastic first week of July and are doing something fun and maybe even patriotic this weekend. I have a fun list of favorites for you today as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Photo Refresh– I got a new art print for my birthday, it’s a watercolor portrait of different places Pride and Prejudice. I loved the print and got it framed, but I was looking for a spot to add it to my room. I moved some photos around and did a photo refresh in my room. I love how it turned out and how it was a much needed refresh.

Anyone But You– I know it’s been a while since this movie came out, but I finally got around to watching it. Anyone But You is all about a couple who has an awkward one night stand and then run into each other years later at a wedding. They decide to fake a relationship for the wedding and end up getting past their differences, but will they get together? It was a really cute rom-com and I’m glad I finally watched it. You can find it on Netflix.

Funny Story– Emily Henry’s latest book, Funny Story is out and I devoured it. This follows a similar storyline to Anyone But You. It’s all about a girl who gets dumped by her fiance for his oldest friend. She ends up moving in with oldest friend’s ex, temporarily. They end up becoming friends as he shows her around the town and community before the wedding. They decide to face the music and go to their ex’s wedding together, how about that for a plot twist?! I really loved this story and I love Henry’s writing style. I can’t wait to see what she works on next.

Cherries– I have never been a fan of cherries, but I gave them a try again this year and have really been enjoying them. I love the sweetness and the taste. I have enjoyed them by themselves or in a fruit salad. Now I haven’t attempted them in a dessert yet, but that may be next for me. What are your favorite cherry recipes?

The Girls on the Bus– Have you seen The Girls on the Bus on HBO Max? It’s all about four different female journalists as they hit the campaign trail for election season. I have really been enjoying this series after I finished the latest season of Bridgerton. I love all the different personalities and perspectives the characters bring. I found myself identifying with different characters at different times. I was sad to learn it got canceled after one season, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it in its entirety.

There you have it, a look at life lately. What have you been up to? Did you have a good holiday? Let me know in the comments below! Have a fabulous weekend!


Currently #27

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we are days away from April? Where did March go, it’s finally starting to feel like spring and I’m here for it! March was a packed month full of work, fun, getting some sunshine, and getting ready for spring!

What I’m up to: This past month has been filled with spring cleaning, getting outside for walks, lots of reading, and then time with family and catching up with friends. It’s been a good mix of relaxing and getting things done, those are my favorite kind of days and months. I spent the day in Pittsburgh a few weeks back and enjoyed a tasty lunch and an afternoon at the Art museum. It felt so good to take a road trip and be surrounded by art and change up my normal routine.

Snapshots of the Art museum.
Our tasty lunch of pizza and salad!
More art!


What I’m wearing:  We got a few days in the 50s and it was so nice to be outside in just a long-sleeve shirt and jeans. I’ve also been trading my winter jacket for my trench coat, there’s nothing better than sporting lighter jackets. I have also being wearing sneakers more as opposed to boots-another win!

What I’m reading:  I finished Pride and Prejudice which was such a nice treat down memory lane. Now, I just need to find the time to rewatch the mini series.

I also read Katie Couric’s book, Going There. I loved every page. I learned so much about Couric’s background and it was fascinating to read how she got to where she is today. It was insightful and eye opening.

I’m currently reading Business Minded by one of my favorite bloggers, Carly Riordan. I’m loving learning about different small businesses and how they got their starts.

What I’m Watching: Through the past month I’ve made my way through the new season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It was such a good show to watch. I loved everything from the storylines to the fun guest characters and most importantly-the fashion! I love the styles and bright colors! I’ve also been binge watching Downton Abbey, and I’m not ashamed to say that I’m hooked. It’s been the perfect way to unwind and escape the craziness of the day to day life. 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving the changing seasons and the anticipation of spring.I got coffee and went on a two mile walk with a friend last week which was much needed and great to get outside. I also decorated areas of my home for spring and Easter. I also got a chance to head to our local zoo which was fun to get outside and enjoy the animals.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by fresh starts and the spring season and new beginnings. I  got some fresh flowers for my room and added some Easter eggs for some decorations and it quickly brightened up the room. I’m excited for a season of new beginnings and warmer weather.

Fresh flowers and the sun peaking through

What I accomplished: After all my cleaning and organizing, I feel such a sense of accomplishment and ready for spring and summer with a clean slate. I sorted and donated lots of things from clothes to shoes and items I no longer need. It felt so good to clean things out and donate two huge bags of things to those in need. I’ve also been cleaning lots of different closets and drawers and it’s so good to see more spaces empty and not filled with clutter.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I started cooking again! This was a huge accomplishment for me. I made a chicken picatta dish a few weeks ago and I also made a fresh tomato basil sauce with pasta. It’s been fun to research different recipes and try them out.

One of my latest recipes, thanks to Joanna Gaines, Magnolia cook book.

Goals for the New Month:  I’m looking forward to celebrating Easter and starting to get the outdoors ready for spring and summer. I’m also looking forward to taking more day trips and getting outdoors more.

That’s a look into life this past month. A month of decluttering, time with family and time getting ready for the new season. How have you spent your past month?


Currently #26

Hey guys!

Happy Wednesday. We are at the end of another month, I don’t know about you, but February has flown by for me. The good news is that we are slowly but surely, making our way through winter and springtime is getting closer too. Here’s a look at what I’ve been up to this past month. 

What I’m up to: Outside of work, I’ve been enjoying time at home, staying cozy and doing lots of cooking, from soups, and baking cookies for Valentine’s Day. I enjoyed watching the Super Bowl with family and celebrating Valentine’s Day. This past month has been a mix of a little bit of everything.

I made homemade Chicken Noodle Soup.
I also made homemade Margarita Chicken Soup from one of my favorite bloggers, Mix and Match Mama!

What I’m wearing:  All. The. Layers. It has been cold, so I have been wearing lots of long sleeve dresses for work or blazers with pants. On days off, I’ve been going for more of the comfortable route with leggings or jeans and then sweaters. Here’s a simple look I wore around Valentine’s Day, I kept it simple with black leggings and a baggy sweater, both from Aerie. I kept my jewelry also simple, wearing pink earrings and delicate necklace and pink bow to tie it all together. 

Staying cozy and inside most of the month of February.

What I’m reading:  I finished Beach Read by Emily Henry at the end of January, it was a fun read to take my mind off of snow and onto summery days. I’m currently re-reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and I love reading it again. I am always finding new things that I missed when I’ve read it in the past.

What I’m Watching: All of the Olympics. I love that there’s something always on to watch. Even if it’s for a few minutes, you can find a new sport to get excited about. I’ve also been watching Downton Abbey and I’ve been loving it. It’s so easy to get lost in the show and watch episode to episode. I just started season 2 and I’m obsessed. 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving all the heart shaped and Valentine’s Day décor for the past month. I’m also loving the fact of hibernating, if you will. It’s nice to have a lighter calendar with not as much things going on during the winter. It’s been good to give myself extra breathing room by not having a jam packed schedule.

Valentine’s Day spread at home.
There’s nothing like celebrating love.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by doing my baking and cooking at home. I did a lot of cooking at the start of 2021 and I want to get back into more cooking and trying new recipes this year.

Baking cookies for the holidays was a bright spot this past month.

What I accomplished: I’ve really enjoying the slow and steady month. It’s been nice to hang out at home more and have a more low-key month. There are times when I’m super busy and slammed so it’s nice to have some calmer months thrown in there. 

My pup Milton and I staying warm and inside this past month.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I enjoyed a “Me Date”! I took some time for a self-care spa night at home and it was just what I needed before the start of a busy week. I’m always looking for ways to carve even a few minutes of downtime for myself outside of the busy day to day lives. It doesn’t have to be a big event, but just making some extra time for yourself once a month or week by doing something small will make a big difference.

Goals for the New Month:  I want to get outside more and get some fresh air and exercise as hopefully the weather gets warmer. I’ve tried to get outside this past month but the bitter cold temperatures makes it a bit tricky to enjoy a walk in single digits. I got out ice skating a few times and I’m hoping to do it more in the next month.

I got to ice skate for a story for work and loved every moment.

That’s a look into my life this past month. There’s nothing too exciting, lots of time at home with family. I’ve been reading and watching shows and cooking on days off. I’m really loving where I’m at right now in life. Now that I’ve shared about my past month, tell me about yours! How’s your month been?

Fabulous living

Three Favorite Things

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday. I found this fun quiz/ survey from Mix and Match Mama’s Blog. I love learning things about other people, especially fun or unique facts and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do one for myself. I borrowed some from Shay’s blog and made up a few on my own. Let’s get to my three favorite things!

MOVIES (This one is soooo hard-but current favorites)

A Star is Born

Such a good movie

Life Itself

Again, another life changing movie

Love Actually

One of my favorite movies of all time especially around Christmas time.


                                     Year of Yes 

Another life changing book

                                     Grace not Perfection

Grace Not Perfection- an inspiring book for all

                                     Pride and Prejudice 

A romance that never gets old

                                     TV SHOWS (OF ALL TIME)


One of my favorite shows of all time

                                      Grey’s Anatomy 

Old photo but I can’t get enough of this show

                                     This is Us

Another fantastic show

                                     RESTAURANTS (FAST FOOD-ISH)



                                     Chick-Fil -A

                                     PLACES I’VE VISITED

                                     Rome, Italy

                                     Hershey, PA

Getting away for a bit at my favorite place-Hershey, PA

                                     New York City, NY

One of my last visits from NYC, can’t wait to go back soon

                                     PLACES I WANT TO VISIT

                                     Paris, France

                                     London, England

                                     Dublin, Ireland

                                     FAVORITE HOLIDAYS


Christmas morning spent well, the tree all lit, a warm cup of hot chocolate and time spent with family


Forever thankful for family on Thanksgiving

                                     Fourth of July

Rocking my Red, White, and Blue for the 4th

                                     THREE THINGS I ALWAYS HAVE IN MY PURSE

A closer look at what’s in my purse


                                     Phone Charger


                                     FAVORITE DESSERTS

My favorite fall dessert made by my mom

                                     Warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies

                                     Chocolate cake

                                     Apple Crisp

                                     FAVORITE WAYS TO MAKE TIME FOR MYSELF


I always like to read after a long day

                                     Do my Nails

Nothing makes me feel better than a fresh coat of polish

                                     Watch a movie/latest tv show I’m binge watching

Such a good mini series that I just finished watching

Well there you have it, some of my three favorite things. If you guys liked it, let me know and I will do it again, this was so much fun and it really made me think about my favorite things. Pick a few things and add your responses to the comments below! Have a great start to your week!