Fabulous living

Summer To Do:

Summer is in full swing. My brothers are finished with school and we are getting into a summer routine. The weather is warm, pool parties and barbecues are underway and (I think) things are starting to slow down. Although, I am working a lot this summer I still want to make sure I have some fun. It may seem a bit late to the game but I made a summer to do list. Some things are specific, others are more hopes but I’m sharing it with you today. Towards the end of summer I will share home much I accomplished. When it comes to summer fun… here’s my list.

Summer List
  • Complete Internship
  • Go some place new
  • Take a trip
  • Sleep in
  • See high school friends
  • See one (or more) college friends
  • Read SIX book (one more than last summer)
  • Watch SUITS

    Can’t wait to start this new series
  • Watch Evil Genius
  • Watch Comedians in Cars getting Coffee

    my latest obsession
  • See Mamma Mia 2

    SOOOO Excited to see this movie
  • See Oceans 8

    Another movie I can’t wait to watch
  • See family and spend time with them
  • Try something new
  • Go to the beach
  • Take more walks
  • Eat at a food truck

    With food trucks becoming more and more popular I need to try some!
  • Watch the sunset and sunrise
  • See a concert
  • Spend more time outside
  • Go swimming more often
  • Do more free things (Zoo, parks, festivals)
  • Trip to Pittsburgh
  • Breakfast at iHop
  • Don’t rush as much and be in the moment
  • Smile more
  • Be spontaneous

That’s a round up of my dreams and goals for this summer! I may add things as the summer goes on. But I love to make a list of to-do’s to make sure I get everything in and it’s not August and I realize I have two weeks to get everything in.

Do you make up summer bucket lists? If so, what’s one thing on your to -do???