Fabulous living

Keeping Your Small Space Clean and Organized

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope your week is off to a great start! I can’t believe how fast time is going. I only have a few more weeks left in my LAST spring semester of college! Where has the time gone?? During my time in college, one of my favorite things and one of the biggest ways I have changed is by living on my own and being independent.

During my freshmen year, I had a roommate (my first time sharing a room), and I couldn’t have asked for a better roommate experience. My roomie and I are still best friends.

Remember my sweet friend, Danielle? Yes, we were roommate freshmen year and are still close, if not closer, we see each other multiple times each week. During my first year of college, I got a taste of what it’s like to live with someone new and have your own space, that is not home.

We met during Freshmen Orientation, and have been besties since, we have been through the highs and lows of life together

During my sophomore year, I lived alone, and I gained more independence by having a room to myself and being in control of the space.

In my junior year, not only did I still have my own room, but I got my own bathroom as well. Junior year has been the best year for me for many reasons, but having my own room and bathroom has been the absolute best. 

Today, I am sharing how to keep a small space cleaned and organized. I will probably update this post once I graduate but for now, here are the top things you should have in your space! I’m a girl who works best with a routine, this year I made Friday morning my “house keeping” day, basically I go to the gym, do my wash, change my sheets, clean my room etc. I like to keep it consistent by doing it at the same time every week and it’s fresh for the weekend. Here are my tips for keeping your space clean and things to have in your room.

  • Clorox wipes (It’s no secret, I am a neat freak, so you better believe I always have Clorox wipes to clean my room. I am also a schedule person, so every week I set aside time to clean my bedroom, bathroom and get wash done so I am living in a clean space. It’s amazing how fresh your space can feel when you wipe it down with a Clorox wipe, it gets rid of germs and keeps your space smelling clean.)
Top of my list for making sure your dorm stays clean
  • Pledge wipes (Another major must have. It’s amazing how much dust can collect in a small dorm space or apartment. After I clean off my surfaces with Clorox wipes, I use a pledge wipe or two to get all the remaining dust off. Pledge wipes are also great for cleaning off devices, it’s crazy how much germs and smudges can be found on laptops, tablets, and cell phones.)
I love how these work on multiple surfaces and devices too!
  • Small Bissell vacuum (I got a small Bissell vacuum this past year and it has been a game changer. It is super light weight, easy to store and it makes cleaning go by much faster. It’s amazing how much traffic our rooms get with people in and out, giving your floor a quick clean will make you feel much better in the end.)
Game Changer for this year, it’s amazing how much dirt and dust can be found on the ground
  • Command hooks (Not a cleaning item, I know. But Command hooks are a must in college dorm, although they can get expensive, you don’t want your favorite posters, pictures, and dorm décor falling down. I have command hooks everywhere in my room, they are easy to put on and leave no marks when you take them down.
Any college student can relate to how important these are to a dorm room, decorating and making the space your own has never been so easy!
  • Reusable Containers, Silverware, and Water Bottles (Again, not a cleaning item, but it is so good to use plastic or glass dishware, it helps save the environment from all the trash build up and it saves money. If you invest in a few good water bottles, or dishes and silverware you are saving money from spending it on plastic silverware and cases of water.)
Saving the environment and keeping things classy in college

After living in a college dorm for the past few years, these items have worked best for me and weren’t necessarily on my packing list of things to bring but rather as I have lived on my own, I have realized they were necessary. What items have you found are most helpful when it comes to living on your own? Share them in the comments below! Have a great week ahead!