Fun Ways to Organize

Back to School Preps

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we are already gearing up for back to school?! Whether you are learning in the classroom, at home, or a mix of both, this year will be an interesting one for sure! 

Today, I’m sharing some school must haves! Whether you are in the classroom or at home, these are all things you can benefit from.

  • Planner 

My must have is a planner, someplace to keep everything in one spot, especially if you are going back and forth between home and school. It also works great for parents if they are balancing different schedules or routines. My go-to planner is by Simplified. You can see how I organize my planner here.

My planner layout
  • Space to Work

My next must have is a place to work. Whether it is children doing homework, or learning full time, having a designated space is key. I know I work best at my desk in my room, I always have a candle burning and my planner next to my laptop and my to do list out too. There is nothing better than crossing something off a to-do list. I also like to have all my things in one space where I can quickly access them. 

My work space at home
  • The Right Mindset

No matter what the school year brings it all comes down to having the right mindset whether it’s about learning from home, school, or both. This year will be an adjustment for everyone but knowing that you aren’t alone, that we will get through it and making the best out of the situation is the driving force for having a great year!

That’s a quick round up of my top things to focus on when it comes to the upcoming school year, yes, it will be different but as long as you are prepared and have an open mind then that’s the best thing to do!

What ways are you getting ready for the 2020-2021 school year?

Fabulous living

Looking Ahead to a New School Year

Looking Ahead to a New School Year

Ahhh! A new school year. There is something special about fresh supplies, new classes, a full schedule and lots of new material to cover. I have always enjoyed school. I love learning new things and being in a school environment. Also, with a new school year also comes fall!

I started classes last week and although the first week seemed to drag on and take forever, I’m really looking forward to this semester. I am excited for the classes I am taking as well as the things I am learning. Of course, I would be lying if I wasn’t a bit nervous about the amount of work and papers that will need to get written in the next 15 weeks. I seriously get so overwhelmed putting everything on my calendar for the semester, but I always need to remind myself to take it day by day and who isn’t up for a challenge?

In honor of a new semester, here are some of my goals/plans/ hopes/dreams for this semester.

1)     Work Ahead

With a busy semester full of classes and working, it will be crucial for me to work ahead and get stuff done early so I don’t have it hanging over my head when I have other things to do and commitments. I will have my calendar and planner to keep me on top of everything.

2)     Be Intentional

This is something new I want to try. I am an organized person and I always try to be productive, but I want to be intentional with what I am doing. So, if I am working on a paper I want to focus just on that and not be distracted by other things I have to do. I want to spend my time well, so I can work hard and play hard, which leads me to my last goal.

3)     Have fun

Although, this will be a busy semester and I have a lot going on, I still want to make it a point to have fun and hang out with friends. I have a few friends studying abroad and graduating in December, so I want to make it a point to create memories with them before things change.

I am hoping I can accomplish these goals this semester. I always like setting goals at the start of a new year or semester and see how I do at the end.

What are your goals for this semester or school year?

Fabulous living

Summer Picnic and Party Prep

Hello and Happy Tuesday! Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. It’s crazy that we are already in July! Is it just me or is summer flying by?!

One of my favorite things to do in the summer is entertain! I love having friends, family, and relatives over for a barbecue, swim or just to catch up. We always like to celebrate the Fourth of July with a big party with family and friends. I have learned a lot about hosting and entertaining from my parents especially my mom, these are things that I will use when I have my own place one day. Here are a few things I have learned about prepping and hosting summer dinners.

-Plan ahead

It may seem daunting to plan a picnic or dinner party. But don’t get overwhelmed. Plan what things you need to get done and how long it will take you, this comes in handy for time managing. Also, no matter the size of your party-lists is your best friend. Make lists for food you need, decorations, guests,  or any paper products you have to get. It’s also smart to have a menu in mind for your food. Keep in mind to use what you have. If you already have food at home use that before buying more food. Be sure to take inventory before you go shopping. With that in mind, keep your eyes open for things on sale. Maybe you don’t have a picnic coming up but if paper plates are on sale, pick up a stack for later,

-Have others help

If you are hosting a big barbecue with lots of families and friends, don’t be afraid to accept their offers of help. If someone asks if they can bring something-say yes.  They will feel good that they are doing their part to help. There can never be too many appetizers or desserts. This also makes your guests feel appreciated for helping out and it allows you to try new recipes. Who doesn’t like to try new things?! Making a list will also come in handy when keeping track of who’s bringing what.

-Enjoy yourself

After all the hard work is done be sure to enjoy yourself. Don’t worry about cleaning up while your guests are still eating or talking. Be present and enjoy the company. If something doesn’t turn out the way you planned, don’t sweat it the only person who will notice is you. You have worked hard for your party so enjoy yourself with your guests.

I have loved to help my parents through the years to help plan and put on parties and get-togethers. What tips or advice do you have for when it comes to putting on and celebrating the holidays?! I would love to hear anything you have to offer! Have a safe and memorable Fourth of July! God Bless America!

Fun Ways to Organize

Planning for a Trip (or Planning to Come Home)

Hello! Hello! Happy Tuesday friends!

As the holiday season winds down, college students, like myself are heading back to school. Back to school means bringing lots of your belongings to your dorm room. Everyone hates packing whether you are in college or not. We worry if we over packed or if we forgot something. My school is a few hours away, so I don’t travel home often. I tend to go home just on breaks. After traveling to and from school for two years now I have a system that works for me when packing. This system would also work when packing for business trips, family vacations, or weekend getaways. Here’s what works best for me.

  • Make a list. Make a list of everything you need to bring and how much you want to bring of it. For example, 5 t shirts, 4 shorts, 1 sundress. Be specific with your list as well, instead of writing jewelry, write gold necklace with hoop earrings. This makes it easier to identify what you are packing and its easier to organize your belongings when you are coming home. I write out a list when I’m planning what to pack and use it the whole trip and when I am leaving to come home to make sure I have everything I came with. *Tip for college students packing to go home*: make a list of things you need to buy or bring when you are at home. It helps to get all your shopping done at home and come back to school with a stocked dorm.

My latest list of things I need to get while I’m home

  • Only bring what you need. Whenever I plan to come home, I plan out exactly what outfits I want to wear. I also have clothes at home, so I try not to over pack or pack doubles. For example, I don’t bring sweatpants and hoodies home since I already have them. Also, when you are planning your winter vacations, prioritize what things you want to wear. Don’t forget to check the weather to make sure you plan accordingly for whatever Mother Nature has in store for you.


  • Plan what you want to do. Whenever I come home, I have a separate list for things I want to get accomplished. Things such as doctor appointments, seeing friends, or activities are all examples of things I write down. Whenever I come home, I try to space things out, so I’m not waiting till the last day to do my shopping, seeing friends and getting everything done. The same goes for when you are traveling. Make a list of everything you want to see or do while you are away.

    A list of everything I want to accomplish when I’m home!

As I plan to head back to school this week, I always keep these things in mind. There will always be stress in our lives, but if we can plan ahead to avoid these stressful situations it makes all the difference.