
Italy Part One

Hello All! Happy Wednesday! Life is back to normal after a few weeks of travel, getting back to work and people heading back to school. Although, we are back into a routine, I’m still looking forward to soaking up these last few weeks of summer and making them count. A few weeks ago, my family and I took our first international trip to Rome, Italy. It was truly a trip of a lifetime and we had the best time.

I kept a journal of my time away and I’m sharing part one with you today! Let’s dive right in!

Ciao Roma!

I have made my way to Rome, Italy. This time, with my family!! I have been to Rome twice before, once in high school and once in college with trips and I was so excited to show my family this beautiful place. You can read about my trip in college in two parts, part one is here and part two is here. 

Our first day was a travel day. We flew from Pittsburgh to Boston and then Boston to Rome. We had smooth flights and no delays-major win!

I finished a book, watched a movie, slept and just about 24 hour after we left our home-we were in Rome!

Our first day began bright and early. We landed around 8:00 and then made our way to our hotel. We dropped off our bags and then headed straight to the Vatican.

First signs in Rome

We enjoyed Sunday Mass inside Saint Peter’s Cathedral and then got to see the Pope as he addressed the crowd.

It was so cool to start our trip in Rome with Pope Francis on Sunday.

Pope Francis addressing the crowd.
The Vatican on Sunday

It was hot and humid and being in crowds of thousands didn’t help. The heat and sun was the only minor downside to the trip, it made things just a tad uncomfortable when you are walking miles every day.

The beautiful Rome

After wandering around and exploring St. Peter’s Square we got lunch at a nearby spot. I got prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella and some pizza! It was a delicious first meal in Italy.

We then got an Uber back to our hotel and got checked in and settled. After seeing the area where our hotel was located, we went to a spot a few blocks away for dinner and gelato.

The view from our hotel

I enjoyed some Cacio e Pepe pasta, which is basically a buttered pasta.

We then stopped for gelato on the way back. My choice was tiramisu.

We called it an early night after a long day of travel!

Day Two began a bit slower, one of the things I wanted to do in Rome was go for a run in the city. I really wanted to see the Eternal City from a different perspective. My brother and I ran for about three miles around our hotel and through the city. It was cool to see the city before it woke up and before it got too hot. The humidity was real even as the sun was rising. 

Early morning run views

We got ready for the day and went down for breakfast which was a huge spread. There was yogurt and toppings, fresh fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, sandwiches, cereal and so many pastries. I tried to enjoy something different every day.

Our first day consisted of a hop on and off bus tour of major sites like The Roman Forum, the Colosseum, The Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, The Circus Maximus, and several churches.

We did the whole tour and then chose to hop off back at our hotel to cool off after being outside in the sun, in almost 100 degree weather, for the morning.

We went through lots of water on this trip. We browsed a few stores on the way back including a grocery store.

This was such a cool thing to experience just to compare what food and brands they have.

McDonald’s was also very popular in Rome. We saw one on almost every corner, but that was the only fast food spot we saw, minus a Burger King in Venice and a KFC in Rome. We stopped for drinks during the day in McDonald’s and it was also fun to compare the menu and food from U.S. to Europe.

After cooling off at our hotel, we made our way back to the bus and chose to look at a few spots for a more extensive look. We hopped off at the Colosseum and did a tour inside alongside the Palentine Hill and the Roman Forum.

It was fascinating to see the ruins in modern times. After spending the afternoon at the ruins, we made our way back to the hotel and cleaned up for a night out.

We had tickets to an Italian Opera. It was in a small church with two soloists and a pianist. It was a 45 minute concert where they played well-known songs including Vivaldi and Puccini. It was my first Italian Opera and was such a cool experience. I really liked the intimate setting of the church too.

After the show, we walked to a nearby restaurant for dinner. I enjoyed some Caprese Salad, Eggplant Parmesan and the some lasagna too. I indulged in chocolate cake for dessert and homemade ice cream. Yum! We made our way back to the hotel and got some much needed rest.

Day Three began with another big breakfast and then it was off to the Vatican for an early tour.

Ready for Day two!
Our breakfast spread

We had a great tour guide who was very informative about all things St. Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican.

We got to see the museum, some the gardens, and of course the Sistine Chapel! The vibrant colors were incredible. I learned so much about Michelangelo and his background.

We then went around the Basilica which was under partial renovations, but still incredible to see. We looked at the statues and got to listen to daily mass as well. I really enjoyed going to Confession in the Vatican.

We got to tour the crypt where several popes are buried including Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. We did some shopping in the gift shop and got our items blessed.

Due to the heat, we drank a lot of water and we took advantage of these filling stations found throughout the cities and museums to refill our bottles. We made our way back to the Hop On and Off bus and headed back to the hotel and got some lunch. One of the biggest things I noticed about the food was smaller portions and lack of vegetables. Obviously pizza and pasta were the main menu items, which were delicious, but there wasn’t a whole lot of salads or meats. That being said, when I saw a tuna salad on the menu, I was intrigued to try it. It was so good and fresh. We also got lots of different appetizers with our meals that we all got to try. This meal we enjoyed calamari and fried mozzarella and bruschetta.

Everything was filled with so much flavor! We did some walking around and went back to the hotel to freshen up before doing a nighttime bus tour of the landmarks. We grabbed dessert at the hotel before calling it a night.

Day Four was our first day trip of our adventure! My brother and I got up early and went for a run where we passed more landmarks including the Trevi Fountain, these views were a bit better compared to my views at home. 

We got breakfast and then made our way to the train station for a day in Florence. After a mixup with the train, we were on our way! It was about an hour and a half long trip.

Florence was much quieter compared to Rome, but still very hot. My family and I joked around that this trip could have been sponsored by all the bottles of water we went through. It was very humid, sunny, and water wasn’t the first drink of choice in more of the restaurants.

Once we arrived in Florence, we got the lay of the land and made our way to the Duomo, also known as the Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiore.

You didn’t need tickets but you did have to wait in line. We waited about 35 minutes to get inside and it was worth it. Although, there wasn’t a lot of artwork on the inside, the dome was stunning.

We got to see the crypt as well. I loved looking around the building at the colors and architecture of the church. Simply stunning and mammoth!

After touring the church, we grabbed lunch. I enjoyed a chicken salad and an Aperol Spritz and some pizza too!

We browsed some leather stores and got gelato. I got chocolate in a cone this time.

So many flavors
Gelato on a cone was to die for!

We then made our way to the Academia Galleria, where we got to see Michaelangelo’s Statue of David. We had a tour guide who offered so much knowledge about Michelangelo and artwork. It was very informative.

The Statue of David

We walked a bit more around Florence and saw a soccer stadium for one of their professional teams and made our way back to the train station to head back to Rome.

Boarding our train.

It was beautiful to see the countryside of Italy going back. We got back fairly late and headed to bed because we had an early day on Thursday.

Day Five was Thursday and we had a really early start to head to Venice for the day! We got to the train station around 6:15, luckily, it was only a block away from our hotel which made transportation very easy for our day trips.

Snacks on the train to Venice.

The trip to Venice was about four hours and we were served snacks on the trip. It was also beautiful to see the countryside heading to Venice. The view we saw when we came off the train was stunning. The water was right when you left the train station.

When we arrived we got lunch after browsing through some of the stores.

I enjoyed a Venice salad for lunch which included lots of fresh veggies, buffalo mozzarella, black olives and even a hot dog which was unique.

After lunch, we took a Gondola ride which was my favorite part of the day. It was so cool to see the city from that perspective and to see everyone get around by water.

There were water taxis and water buses and so many gondolas. The temperature was also cooler being by the water. It was so picturesque to float around the rivers.

Our ride lasted about 30 minutes and then we decided to take a water taxi to another part of Venice for a tour of St. Mark’s Square and Doge’s Palace.

Before our tour, we did some souvenir shopping and browsing into all the little stores and shops.

The book stores were some of my favorite spots

One of the things that I really enjoyed about Venice was seeing all the little hotels, everything seemed so intimate and quaint! I loved it!

There were so many details, but the view from the top was my favorite!

The water was so blue and the city was really showing off.

Our tour lasted just over two hours. The church was beautiful and I learned so much about the Byzantine artwork and design.

We then toured the palace which I learned was used for lots of government business.

We got to see and learn about the court rooms, where the senators and judges worked and even where they held prisoners.

It was a fascinating tour and I learned so much about the republic in Venice.

After our tour, we boarded a water taxi and went back to the train station to head to Rome.

We picked up some sandwiches to eat on the train back. We arrived in Rome late at night. Another common theme of the trip, long and packed full days, but so worth it!

That wraps up part one of my trip to Italy. There’s still a lot more adventures in store. I’ll be sharing part two next Wednesday, so be sure to check back. I’ll see you back here on Friday for another round-up of Friday Favorites!


New York City in 13.5 Hours

Hello everyone! Happy July! 

I hope you had a Fourth of July yesterday. Although, I was working, I still enjoyed time with family and some good grilling and fireworks too! It was a great way to round off America’s birthday!

These past few weeks have been so busy with trips, time with family and work, so I’m a little behind with sharing about some recent trips, so today I’m catching you all up about them. 

My boyfriend surprised me with a day trip to New York City for my birthday, but there was a slight catch. We did NYC in 13.5 hours and were up for about 24 hours to make it happen. If you are planning to do the Big Apple in a day, it is possible and affordable and here’s how we did it. 

Central Park in the morning

We both have been to New York City before (I’ve only been in the city in the winter at Christmastime so this was my first time in the in the summer), so we have seen the big sights, but we wanted still to hit all the big stops together. 

We left at 1:30 in the morning to drive to a bus station about four hours away, from there we took a bus into the city (where we caught a few hours of sleep) where they dropped us off in Midtown at 9:30 and then we hit the ground running (literally).

All I had with me was my Lululemon Cross body which was a huge lifesaver and truly all I needed. I packed a lot in there, from glasses, chargers, sanitizer, chapstick, a little body spray and then cash and credit card and I used it all through the day.

All I had for a day in the city!

I also can’t recommend enough wearing comfortable shoes and clothes as we walked a lot (I’ll show you my final stats at the end of the post). 

The weather was perfect for our day in the city with temperatures in the 70’s and partly cloudy, not too sunny or hot, we truly couldn’t have asked for a better day. 

First sights of the city.

We made a list of all the top things we wanted to see and added to it throughout the day. 

Here’s a look at our completed list.

We started the day with a walk-through Central Park, we took our first subway of the day to get there and then grabbed a classic New York Style bagel as we made our way to 30 Rock and NBC News.

Bagels for breakfast!
So many cream cheese options!
30 Rock!
Hello NBC!

Then we headed to St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Time Square. 

St. Patrick’s showing off!
The inside.
Times Square!

After taking in the sights, we hit the New York Public Library (where I had to reminisce about Carrie and Big from Sex and the City).

Then it was off to the iconic Macy’s where we checked out every floor (but didn’t buy anything). 


We made a stop to Penn Station and Madison Square Garden.

Penn Station
Madison Square Garden!

By this point we were hungry, so we got some classic New York Style pizza and ate in Herald Square and people watched for a piece.

Classic pizza for lunch!

I had my Serena Van Der Woods moment in Grand Central Station and then we decided to take a subway to catch the Staten Island Ferry.

I was having a moment in my Gossip Girl era.
Another view from inside!

This was one of our favorite parts of the day since we both have never done it before and you got to see the city from a different perspective and spend some time on the water. We passed the Statue of Liberty on our way back. 

Another view of the city
Statue of Liberty

After we were back in the city, we stopped by Battery Park and saw the 9/11 Memorial.

As we made our wayback to Midtown we walked along the Hudson River which was a scenic way to make our way back to the city.

A late afternoon stroll.

We also stopped by the Highline, which is a park above the city which offered the most beautiful views, we popped into Chelsea Market to see all the vendors, shops and restaurants.

The highline
Chelsea Market

One of my favorite things about walking through the city is seeing all the different restaurants and stores and shops and how unique they all are tucked throughout the city. There were so many cute neighborhood spots I would have loved to check our if time permitted.

So many cute spots.

 By this time it was around 5:00 and we knew our time in the city was coming to a close so we grabbed ice cream and plotted the next few hours which included stops to both Chinatown and Little Italy (which we took the subway to get there too).

Afternoon pick me up!
Little Italy

We then took a subway to get back to Midtown, however, we ended up in Brooklyn, so after a little bit of a longer subway ride (which felt great to sit after lots of walking), we caught the sunset as we made our way back to the city for dinner at a 24 hour diner.

Sunset back in the city
Our dinner spot.
And dinner!

After dinner, which was breakfast for dinner, we made a final stop in Times Square to see it in its glory at night, before it was back to the bus station to catch our bus back home.

Times Square at night

Our bus was delayed which made it not so fun after being up for hours with dying phones. Thankfully, it arrived, and we made it on and caught some sleep as we bussed back. 

Here’s a look at my final stats according to my Apple Watch…over 18 miles and close to 50,000 steps. My legs definitely were tired by the end of the day.

Final stats of the day!

This was such a packed full day, but the absolute best gift and surprise from my boyfriend! Truly one of the best gifts he has ever given me. We have been doing more experiences rather than gifts for holidays and birthdays which we both enjoy.

So many outdoor dining spots.

The biggest things we learned from this trip is that you CAN do NYC in a day and hit all the top spots, almost everything we did was free! The only things we paid for were food, a few subway rides and then our bus and a few souvenirs (those were for me). Make sure you wear comfortable clothes and shoes especially if you plan on doing lots of walking which we did.

The City bustling.

I loved our time in the city from sunup to sundown. If you are on the fence about doing a day trip to a city, I highly recommend it. Just make sure you have a plan in place, you know your city (my boyfriend knows the city very well) and be open to going with the flow.

The streets in the evening.

I’m already counting down to the next time I am in the city!

Tell me: what questions do you have about my trip? Let me know in the comments below! See you back here on Friday for a new edition of Friday Favorites!


Currently #42

June, where have you gone?! I can’t believe we are at the end of another month. There were certain times that this month felt slow and sweet and then I blinked, and I was planning things for July. These past 30 days have been filled with lots of walks, books, grilling, sunshine, and summer adventures. I have been making my way through my summer bucket list and doing more things that weren’t on the list. As we prepare to flip the calendar. Here’s a look at what’s Currently going on in my life.

What I’ve Been Up To: Through the entire month of June, I have been marking things off my summer bucket list. From day trips, to picnics, walks and time outdoors, I have done a lot. 

This month, I made a trip to Columbus, where I went to the zoo and state park for grilling and a beach day. 

Columbus Zoo!
More animals- I loved the polar bears!
And gorillas!
And finished the day at the beach!

I also enjoyed playing mini golf and trying a new to me pizza shop and park for a walk.

Pizza in the park!

Picking strawberries was on my summer bucket list and I accomplished that and made seven jars of jam in addition to lots of fresh berries to eat.

Strawberry picking day!
Our haul!
Some of the end results!
And strawberry shortcake too!

Another big highlight of the month was my birthday present from my boyfriend, more on that in the coming weeks!

Here’s a tease for where I went…

I rounded out the month with a trip to the beach to visit family and it was so good to see relatives and get some time by the water.

The shores of New Jersey!
The boardwalk!

What I’m Wearing: Besides your typical shorts and graphic t-shirts on days off, I did a big summer clothing haul at the start of summer and have been wearing new pieces to work. Lots of bright colors and patterns, plus quality clothing coming your way too.

One of my new dresses. I have been wearing lots of pink!

I also have been wearing lots of short sets too! Like this one!


What I’m Reading: I got a lot of books for my birthday and have been slowly making my way through them.

I started this month with Best Served Hot. I saw this book on display at the library and was immediately drawn in by the plot and checked all the boxes for a good read! Rom-com, takes place in a big city, and talks about food! The story follows a food critique and a food influencer as they try out different restaurants in NYC, first as competitors and then on a collaborators. The best and dare I say, worst part of the book was the details of all the foods they were tasting. The description was so vivid, which just made me hungry while I was reading.

I also read Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng. I really enjoyed her book, Little Fires Everywhere and I was excited to read this book. I will admit, it was a heavier novel, but I learned so much about the Asian American culture and customs. It’s all about the lengths a mother will go to protect her family while doing what she thinks is right. Themes of unconditional love, sacrifice and coming of age are found throughout the book.

I also read Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. This book takes a scientific approach to productivity and time management. I am all about maximizing my time and being as efficient as possible. This book was more research based and didn’t have as many tips or advice about management, but I still found it interesting. I appreciated how the book focused on time management through history and ways we can be make the most of our time on Earth.

What I’m Watching: I haven’t been watching too much tv as I have been doing my best to be outdoors as much as possible. I have watched some good family movies, like Air and A Man Called Otto.

Family movie night!

I also finished the series, Ted Lasso which was really good. I think the series wrapped up very nicely and I like how everyone’s storylines had closure. It was such a fun show to binge and watch week to too.

I also watched The Night Agent on Netflix. This was only ten episodes, with which episode lasting about 45 minutes. It was a mix mystery, intrigue, action, drama, and thriller, those are all good things I’m looking for in a series. I would recommend it if you were looking for a new show to binge watch.

The new season of Outlander is back! I have been making my way through season seven every week when their episodes air. 

Outlander is back!

And Just Like That Season 2. The girls are back with And Just Like That! I really enjoyed season one and have been enjoying what season has brought. It’s also been a fun show to watch weekly. 

What Inspires Me: I’ve been so inspired by summer fun! From outdoor meals, walks, trying new recipes and celebrating milestones.

Walks by the water

I also have been getting my runs in weekly and have enjoyed feeling stronger with each run I go on.

My longest run!
Delicious summer meals!
Picnics by the shore

What I Accomplished: This past month has been all about welcoming summer and really trying to be present in the moment.

Summer grilling and salad

I’m always trying to find time to sneak in time outdoors, whether it’s visiting a bit longer outside after a meal, reading outdoors instead of inside or finding time to go for a quick walk. 

Slow mornings reading outdoors.

Goals from Last Month: I kicked off my summer bucket and have been proud of the progress I’ve made so far which has been a win.

Enjoying all the fresh foods!

Goals for Next Month: Keep enjoying summer! I know it may not seem like much, but I really am trying hard to be present in the moment and soak up the sun, go swimming, grill, go on picnics, and make memories!

More grilling nights with lots of salads and fruits!
And more fresh salads (do you sense a trend here?)

The older I get the more I know how sacred family time is, so I’m doing my best to spend as much time with family as I can!

The beach all quiet in the morning.

I also have a concert planned and plans to visit friends! I’m looking forward to seeing those plans through. Plus, a lot of our local fairs and festivals gets underway in July so I’m looking forward to checking those out too!

Ending June with ice cream.

That’s a look into what’s Currently going on. A whole lot of summer lovin!  How have you been spending your summer? Let me know in the comments below!

Fabulous living

Summer Recap 2019

I can’t believe I am writing my summer 2019 recap. This has been a wonderful and packed full summer. When I moved back home in May, I didn’t know what this summer had in store for me. Yes, I knew there would be work, fun, and friends but other than that, I was open to any opportunity that presented itself. I accomplished a lot these past few months, from working at home, working at school, lots of family time, seeing a lot of friends from high school and college, weekend getaways, and trying new things. Let’s take a look back at my summer to do list and see if I accomplished everything. 

Get license renewed

  • Yes, I got this done the first day I was home and was so happy to get it done. 


  • Yes, I worked at the same job I have been working at since high school and I got a lot f projects accomplished while I was there. I also volunteered for a Campaign this summer and it was interesting to see all the behind the scenes that goes into it. 

Make College photo album 

  • Yes, this was such a fun project and I’m glad I have all my pictures in one spot for the future, plus it was cool to look back on all the memories made. 

Celebrate 21

  • Yes, One of the highlights of my summer was celebrating my birthday with all my friends in Pittsburgh, it was so fun to spend the weekend with my people. You can read all about it here.
Celebrating 21 with my girls

See friends from college and high school

  • Yes, I made a few trips to Pittsburgh for work or to visit friends and it was so good to connect with friends outside of school. I also managed to hang out a lot with my high school friends whether it was weekend trips or fro yo runs. 

Portfolio (BLS)

  • Yes and No, I am still in the process of completing this project for school but it will be done this semester. 

Work Study

  • Yes, I worked a lot for my school and it was great to be kept up to date on what was going on at school and do something I enjoy. 

Read 12-15 books

  • Yes, this was one of my favorite ways to spend the summer. I read a lot and enjoyed unwinding with a good book. You can read my summer book review here!
One of my favorite ways to enjoy the summer

Download pictures to laptop

  • Yes, another task I wanted to accomplish and I finished it early on in the summer. 

Spend time with family 

  • Yes, I got a lot of family time in between family vacations, good meals, and weekend adventures. There is nothing better than quality family time. 

Day Trips

  • Yes, I got in a few day trips to visit friends and work at school for a few days in the summer, one day trips were perfect to do something fun and get work done. 

Start Healthier habits

  • Yes, this summer I snacked a lot less and tried to get outside as much as I could, whether it was for a walk, jog, or even hitting the gym when I could. I was not as consistent with working out as I am in the school year but still felt good about creating healthier habits.  You can read about my summer habits here.
I always love going on hikes in the morning or evening

Go to a concert

  • No, I didn’t get to a concert in the summer, but I have plans for one in September which I am very excited about. 

Beach days

  • Yes, I made it to the beach with my friend Bailey twice, and then spent an afternoon at the beach which was so fun. 
ALL the beach vibes!

Family Vacation

  • Yes, I finished off summer with a family road trip. So fun and many laughs and memories were made. 
Much needed getaway

Find a new show to Binge watch

  • YES, I was obsessed with Outlander this summer. It was such a good show to watch and I became invested in the show fast, I can’t wait for the new season in 2020!
I am still talking about this show

Take more walks outside

  • Yes, I took more walks in the summer, whether in the woods, the beach or my own backyard. It was so good to get fresh air after working inside all day.
Not only did I spend more time walking outside but I also tried kayaking and loved it

Weekly facetime calls with friends

  • Yes and no, I didn’t get in weekly facetime calls but my friends and I stayed close by visiting each other and texting every day, plus you know you have a solid relationship when weeks go by and you can pick up from where you left off. 

Try something new

  • Yes, I did a lot of solo traveling this summer so that was definitely a new and rewarding experience that I was so lucky I got to gain more independence in this area.

Try new recipes 

  • Yes, to see some of my favorite recipes you can find my salads here, pizzas here, and snacks here

Entertain Friends/family

  • Yes, I love to help host and entertain, this summer I did quite a bit from having family, friends, or college friends over, whether it was for dinner, a weekend, or just snacks, it’s a lot of work but it pays off in the end. 
I love entertaining from the prep, event and satisfaction of a job well done

Do something spontaneous

  • Yes, although I don’t have an exact time I was spontaneous, there were many times this summer that I stepped out of my comfort zone to try something new. 

Be Present

  • This was huge for me. This summer, I was more present and intentional with what I was doing. Some of my favorite summer moments there are no pictures of because I was in the moment and not on my phone. This was huge for me. 
Focusing on the here and now.

Looking back this was a packed full summer filled with new experiences, memories, work and fun. I have grown by trying new things while being present and spending time with those who matter most to me. Although, the school year will be busy, I know I will always have these memories to look back on. Thank you summer 2019, senior year… here we GO!

Fabulous living

Slice of Summer-Pizza Edition

Happy Tuesday!

A while back, I shared some summer salads and I got so many positive responses back from YOU! 

I figured it was time for another recipe, today I’m sharing all about homemade pizza (well, kind of homemade pizza). 

In my family, we are big fans of Pizza Friday- a fun way to unwind after a long week and treat ourselves! Whether it’s ordering in or making our own, we all love Pizza Fridays!

I’m sharing our favorite types of pizzas-one that everyone will like and specialty pizza. Start taking notes, you will want to make these for yourselves!

Who doesn’t love pizza?!

We will start with the original cheese pizza.

What you Need:

-Pie Shell (Boboli pizza is my favorite-easy to use right away or freeze and save for later.)

-Pizza Sauce (whether you like to make your own or buy store bought-you need lots of sauce)

-Mozzarella Shredded Cheese (I typically don’t measure it out but rather sprinkler it on top of the sauce)

What you need


After laying the shell out on a pizza tray, pour and spread pizza sauce on the pie shell, I prefer the more sauce the better on mine. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over the sauce and spread evenly. Add basil or oregano for extra taste. Once your pizza is constructed, place in oven for 8-10 minutes at 450 degrees and Enjoy!


Our next pizza will be a white pizza-which is personally my favorite!

What you Need:

Pie Shell (Boboli pizza is my favorite-easy to use right away or freeze and save for later.)

-Mozzarella Shredded Cheese (I typically don’t measure it out but rather sprinkler it on top of the crust)

-Cherry Tomatoes (They give so much flavor to your pizza)

-Olive Oil (for flavor)

-Basil Seasoning (for taste)

-Oregano Seasoning (for taste)

-Balsamic Vinegar (for taste) 

Add these spices to your plain pizza


Start by sprinkling mozzarella cheese on top of pie crust evenly. Lightly drizzle olive oil on top on mozzarella cheese. Slice cherry tomatoes in half and lay on top of cheese. Sprinkle basil and oregano seasonings throughout the pizza evenly. Add a dash or balsamic vinegar for taste. The seasonings are optional, it’s mostly done for flavor. Once done with assembling the pizza, place in oven for 8-10 minutes at 450 degrees. Take out and enjoy! This is an easy meal for a family on a busy night, it takes less than 15 minutes to prepare and make. This would also make a great appetizer for an Italian night!


What are your favorite pizza combinations?!

Share them in the comments below!!

Eat up!


Spring Break Trip to Rome, Italy Part 2

Hello All! 

Happy Tuesday! I hope your week is off to a great start. This past weekend was so nice to catch up on school work and sleep from coming back from my time in Rome! Today, I’m recapping part 2 of my trip to Rome, Italy during Spring Break! To read my recap of the first half of the week, you can find it here. 

We are picking up ‪on Wednesday morning. It was Ash Wednesday so we were up bright and early for mass. During our time in Rome, we had mass in English, Italian, and Latin. It was interesting to hear all the variations. We went to mass at San Clemente. The church was a 20 minute walk from our hotel so it was a great way to start the day. After mass we were able to tour the Church, San Clemente is unique because it is three churches built on top of one another, the first a secret Church, the next one from several hundreds years later and the last one is the one still used today. It was so cool to be in a Church with so much history. Due to the history of the Church, we couldn’t take any photos. After we left San Clemente, we headed to St. Mary’s Major, one of the four major basilicas in the world, all of which in Rome. They include Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, St Peter’s Basilica, St Paul Outside the Walls, and Papal Basilica of St Mary Major. This one was by far my favorite, from the details, to the artwork, and all the history. Something else that was special about this Church, because myself along with others had the opportunity to go to Reconciliation in Rome on Ash Wednesday to start off Lent. How cool is that?! It was a highlight of my trip. I felt so connected to my faith even more on this day.

After we finished at St. Mary’s, myself along with a few friends went to do some shopping and see some other sites. We first went to the Trevi fountain to make a wish, three years ago, I made a wish to return to Rome and it came true, so let’s hope this next wish comes true.

The Trevi Fountain
Making a wish at the Trevi Fountain
Making wishes at the fountain

We then got lunch at a small Italian restaurant, after eating pasta for the past few days, we all opted for something lighter. I got a Caprese salad, which was perfect to snack on. I also got the most divine chocolate mousse.

After we had a nice lunch we went to see the Spanish steps and do some shopping. We then headed back to our hotel. The Pope was supposed to be saying mass at the Church right next to our hotel, we waiting outside to see if we could see him. We saw him arrive but didn’t get a look at him saying mass. We then went to discussion for the night and then went to dinner.

We had a delicious dinner with pasta and fish. Yum! We then called it a night to get some sleep before a day trip the next day. 

On Thursday morning we were up early and ate a quick breakfast before getting on a bus to head to Monte Cassino for the day. It was an hour and a half bus ride away. We had been going non-stop for the week so everyone slept on the ride down. We were all pretty tired. When we arrived in Monte Cassino, the view was incredible. It sits on top of a mountain so the drive up was beautiful. Monte Cassino is one of the places were St. Benedict lived and died and where he is buried. Since, I come from a Benedictine college, this was simply incredible to be here. The whole time we were in Rome, the weather was warm and in the 60’s, but being so high up in the mountains, the temperature dropped to the 40’s, it was such a drastic change. We were able to celebrate mass with a few monks and seminaries that travelled with us from school to Rome, which was incredible. We were also given a tour and then able to spend some time taking it all in. After spending the morning there, we boarded the bus back to Rome.

The view from Monte Cassino
The view of Monte Cassino
Monte Cassino
In Monte Cassino, there are plaques of all the schools associated with St. Benedict and my school was up there
The original floor at Monte Cassino from when St. Benedict lived there
St. Benedict’s tomb at Monte Cassino

We stopped for lunch on the way back and had a delicious lunch of light appetizers, pasta, and a light fruit cake.

Once we came back to Rome we made a stop to see a third major bascilica, St. John’s. It was more simple compared to St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s, but still beautiful.

We made our way back to the hotel where we were able to have some downtime to relax before we had an earlier dinner at 7:30 instead of 8:00. For dinner we had appetizers of different pizzas, a simple cheese pizza and an everything pizza. We then had a stuffed ravoili and pasta for our main dishes. For dessert we had a lemon sorbet shake. It was so light and perfect to finish off a big meal. We made it back to our hotels to get some rest for out last full day in Rome. 

Roof top views from our hotel at night

On Friday, we woke up and ate breakfast before making our way to the fourth and final major bascilica, St. Paul’s outside the Walls. I loved the gorgeous ceiling and how they have all the Popes in history’s displayed. I loved how this Church was quieter since it was outside the downtown of Rome.

St. Paul’s Outside the Walls
St. Paul’s…stunning

After we spent some time here, we boarded a bus to drive to Ostia Antica, about 45 minutes outside of Rome. Ostia Antica used to be a major port thousands of years ago. Ostia Antica was also the place that St. Augustine spent some of his time and it is where his mother, Monica died. This brought back lots of memories from reading Augustine’s Confessions in my First Philosophy class. We had about two hours to walk around and take it all in, it was huge and amazing to see all the ruins and how most are still standing.

Ostia Antica
Another view of Osta Antica
We LOVED Ostia Antica

After out morning there, we headed back to Rome. We stopped for lunch and shopping at Eataly. I had been to Eataly when I traveled to Chicago last spring, but it was so cool to be in the original one in Italy. For those you don’t know or haven’t been to Eataly, it is basically a four-story grocery store/market/shopping center with many small places to get a bite to eat or get drinks. It was incredible. We were able to get, shop, and hang out for the afternoon on our own just as long as we were back for discussion. It was so nice to have free time on our last day. My friend Olivia and I got some gelato and browsed before getting pizza for lunch, yes we both ordered full pizzas and ate the whole thing…when in Rome, right?! After we picked up some gifts and food to bring home we made our way back to our hotel. Now, comes story time, Eataly is located outside of the Roman ruins, so we were a little out of our element. Olivia and I had a GPS to make sure we got back to the hotel, we knew that once we were inside the walls of Rome, we would be good.

I may or may not have eaten the whole pizza
These desserts were to die for
Look at all the foods covered in chocolate

After a slow and steady walk, we made it back inside the walls and did some window shopping and one last stop for gelato before we went back to our hotel room to freshen up before our last discussion and dinner. It was bittersweet knowing this would be our last time together in Rome. After a great last discussion and a few toasts we made our way to dinner. We had a large fish dinner about 30 minutes from our hotel. We had great appetizers, pasta with seafood, salmon and vegetables and a delicious cake for dessert. It was so fun to be all together and celebrate our last night in Rome. After a fun dinner we made our way back to our hotel to pack since we had an early flight the next day. 

On Saturday we woke up bright and early, grabbed breakfast and headed to the airport. It was a bit stressful getting everyone from the hotel, to the airport, through TSA and security and ironically we weren’t all together until we were at the gate boarding our plane back to Newark. We took off at 10:00 am and had a 10 hour flight home. I kept myself occupied by journaling about my fantastic trip, getting some work done for school, and watching lots of movies, my friends and I sat near each other so we kept each other company and watched the same movies together. I watched A Star is Born, Book Club, Mamma Mia 2, and some episodes of Friends. The flight was long but we made it through.

A view of the Alps from the plane

Once we landed in Newark, we had to go through Customs, TSA, recheck our bags and security. It took a while but we made it. When all was said and done, our group knew we needed to eat, we all were craving some super unhealthy American food, so Wendy’s it was. Haha! Nothing says welcome back to America than fried food. Haha! We then boarded our plane from Newark to Pittsburgh, an hour and 10 minute flight was nothing compared to our last one. We grabbed our luggage drove back to campus, we got back around 9:30 and I was exhausted, I guess that’s what happens when you have been traveling for 22 hours! I went straight to bed when I got back to school.

Wow, that was a lot. For those of you who stuck with me, congratulations. I wish I could have taken you all with me to explore Rome and see all the sights, sounds, and tastes of the beautiful Italian lifestyle. This was by far one of the best trips I have ever been on, it was the perfect balance of academics, religion, leisure, fun and fellowship. I am forever connected to the people I travelled with. No matter where life takes us, “All Roads Lead to Rome”. Ciao Roma! You will always hold a special place in my heart!