Fabulous living

New Year’s Resolution Check-In

Hi everyone and Happy July!

Can you believe that we are already seven months into the year? I feel like we were just celebrating the holidays and hunkering down for winter and now we are in full summer mode. This has been such a good summer so far, and in good news, we still have a lot more to enjoy. These past few weeks have been filled with walks, reading by the pool, grilling and family time.

Outdoor walks by the water have been a favorite of mine recently

Plus, tomorrow is the Fourth of July-one of my favorite summer traditions.Ā 

Since we are just passed the halfway point of the year, I figured it would be a good time to do a New Year’s Resolution check in to see how I’ve been doing so far with my goals for 2024.

Here’s a look at my post from the start of the year.

My top resolutions that I set for this year were:

-Donate Blood

-Do 8K or 10K

-Re-Learn Piano

-Learn How to Braid Hair

-Cook a New Recipe a Week

We are half way through and I’ve tackled a handful of these already.

Let’s get into it:

Donate Blood– I donated blood for the first-time last month, although it took until June to do it, I accomplished it, and it was not as scary as I thought it would be. My boyfriend is an avid blood donor and has been encouraging me to do it for years. We made a date out of it, and it felt good to give back and save lives. I was most concerned about the pain and passing out afterwards, but thankfully, all went smoothly, no pain during or after and no passing out. Success!  I will definitely be donating again when I am eligible. If you are ever on the fence about doing something out of your comfort zone, don’t like fear cause you to back out.

Do an 8K or 10K- I will be accomplishing this tomorrow! Most races happen on the weekends when I work, but I found one that was happening on one of my days off. I will be running a 10K tomorrow for the Fourth of July. I have been upping my mileage over the past few months and I’m looking forward to seeing how I do timewise tomorrow. I have been focusing more on distance rather than speed, so I’m anxious to see how it goes. I’ll be back here on Friday to let you know the final results.

Re-Learn Piano-This has been a hobby that I started at the beginning of the year and have been consistent about it over the past seven months. I aim to practice for ten minutes a day at least five times a week. Sometimes, I practice all seven days, other days, I only practice for five days. There are even some days when I do practices on my phone on the go, it just varies week to week. I have been using Simply Piano to teach myself. This hobby has been one of the more challenging hobbies I have attempted. Some days, I really love learning new music and playing well-known songs, other days, I get frustrated and want to throw in the towel, but I take a deep breath and keep practicing (even though it does annoy my dog and I’m sure my family at times.) This has been a learning experience unlike other hobbies I have attempted but I have been proud of the progress I have made so far.

-Learn How to Braid Hair– I have not attempted this yet and that’s due to the fact that I got a haircut and got layers which makes it harder to braid. I do have many how-to braid ideas saved on Pinterest and that has been giving me inspiration. I just need some longer hair to get there haha! However, this does give me something to work towards for the second half of the year.

Cook a New Recipe A Week– This has been something I have been really proud of. I have been doing lots of cooking this year and once again have been consistent by cooking one new meal a week. I have been getting recipes from blogs, cookbooks and Pinterest. I have been loving getting more comfortable in the kitchen and trying new recipes and gadgets. These will be great skills to have when I am on my own soon. I have to give a huge shout out to my family for indulging me in all my new recipes. Some have been hits and others misses. I need to get better about making sure I make enough food for everyone. I’ve done super creative dishes and simple, one pot meals too. This has been such a fun passion and skill to improve on and I’m looking forward to trying even more recipes as the seasons change through the rest of the year. 

Big meals

There you have it. My New Year’s Resolution Check-In! I’m proud with how many things I have accomplished so far and behind the scenes, I’m proud of the personal growth I have seen in myself over the past several months. Although, I have made a lot of strides in my New Year’s Resolutions, we still have five more months left in the year, plenty of time for more improvement and consistency.

Tell me: how are your new year’s resolutions coming so far? 

Have a happy and safe Fourth of July!

I’ll see you back here on Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #79

Hello all!

Happy Friday! I hope you all are enjoying your week and have something fun planned for the weekend as we enjoy the first few days of a new month. I’m excited to dive into all things Valentine’s Day and love.

As always, I’m linking up with ErikaĀ andĀ AndreaĀ for this weekā€™s Friday Favorites as I share some of my favorite things from this past week. Let’s dive right in!

Thermos– I got this Thermos for Christmas and really have been loving it. I sometimes take soup or pasta to work, but didn’t always have the proper container to keep it warm and insulated. After I started using the thermos, it truly solves my problems. It keeps my food warm and fresh when I have warmer dishes, but it also does a great job at keeping my salads cool too. It’s also a great size for portions. Although, I tend to have access to a microwave to heat things up, this has been a great tool when I am on the go.

The Senator’s Wife– I finished The Senator’s Wife by Liv Constantine and absolutelyĀ loved it. I checked it out through Libby, an app that you can check out E-Books or Audiobooks through your library. I really have been loving it, I’m currently listening to an audiobook now. The Senator’s Wife is a drama/thriller that involves a senator and his new wife and some of the challenges and drama they go through, especially when she starts to get very sick. The story is through four different perspectives as the events unfold. The middle and ending were so good that I kept looking for pockets of time to read more, that’s when you know it’s a good book.Ā 

Indoor Cycling– We have been getting lots of snow over the past few weeks which means I haven’tĀ been able to get outdoors for running. I’ve done some running on the treadmill, but have also enjoyed indoor cycling to get my cardio in. Although I prefer running more, riding the bike has been a great alternative in the winter months. I often listen to a podcast or audiobook when I’m on the bike, or I’ll respond to emails. I like trying different forms of cardio when working out, just to work on different muscle groups. I may even lean more into outdoor cycling when in the spring and summer

Pinterest Recipes- A lot of recipes I have been trying recently have come from Pinterest. I have been using Pinterest almost as google when it comes to trying new dishes. I love finding different recipes and meals to put together on Pinterest and most of the time the directions are easy to follow. I have had success in the kitchen recently and plan to keep testing out new recipes, whether they be meals or a baked good (or both) every week. Tell me what are some of your favorite cozy recipes?

Air Fryer Recipes– From one meal related topic to another. My family got an Air Fryer for Christmas and have used it a handfulĀ of times but want to use it more. What are some of your favorite Air Fryer recipes? I’m looking for healthy food options. We have tried chicken tenders and enjoyed them and have also tried to heat up different foods like pizza, wings, etc. For any Air Fryer lovers out there, what are your favorite things to make and what should I try? Let me know in the comments below! I appreciate any suggestions. Thank you in advance!!!

That’s a look into life lately and what I’m loving. Tell me: what’s been catching your eye this week? 

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #31

Hey guys! Happy Friday or Fri-YAY! I hope you had a great first full week of March! This week was filled with work, doctorā€™s appointments and getting outside as much as I could.

The second part of YOU season 4 came out yesterday, so Iā€™ve been making my way through that and plan to watch more of it this weekend.

Even though, Iā€™m working this weekend, I have some fun activities planned which Iā€™m excited for. Today, Iā€™m linking up with ErikaĀ andĀ Andrea for this weekā€™s Friday Favorites. Hereā€™s some things Iā€™m loving this week!

Where the Crawdads Live– Iā€™m so late to the party on this movie, but I watched Where the Crawdads Live a few weeks back and really enjoyed the movie. I heard about the book, but never got around to reading it. The movie kept showing up on my recommended watch list on Netflix and decided to give it a try. Iā€™m so glad I did! Without giving too much away, it tells the story of a young girl accused of murder in a small town. The girl is an outcast to the town, so many people have already set their minds on if she committed the crime or not. The movie goes back and forth between the past and present. I was worried it would be a little dark, but found the story to be enlightening, beautiful and a story about life and death.Ā Now, I want to read the book!

Etsy Finds– I am a huge fan of Etsy and have purchased some recent gifts from small businesses. I love how unique every item is, how you can talk to the shop owners and the best part is that you are supporting local businesses. If you are looking for unique and timeless gifts, I would highly recommend Etsy! Iā€™ve had such great luck for anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, just because gifts and Christmas gifts! Definitely recommend checking them out.

Blueberry Muffin Recipe-Iā€™ve been on a baking and cooking streak and have been trying new recipes left and right. I tried this new blueberry recipe and loved it! The muffins were full of flavor and so moist. I made them for my family and they were a big hit. I have Pinterest to thank for this recipe.

The best blueberry muffins I’ve made!

Daisy Jones and the SixDaisy Jones and the Six came out on Amazon Prime last week and I have been devouring this mini series. I couldnā€™t wait to watch the series after reading the book last summer. Itā€™s been so cool to see the characters I fell in love with come to life on the screen. From the music to the costumes and casting, this has been such a fun show to watch. You donā€™t have to read the book to enjoy the show, but itā€™s been fun to compare the two.Ā 

One True Loves trailer– Sticking with Taylor Jenkins Reid, the movie, One True Loves, based on her book is coming out soon and Iā€™m so excited to see it. I really like the casting so far and the trailer looks really good and promising for a great movie. You know itā€™s a good Friday when you have two TJR favorites!

Whew, that was a jam-packed Friday Favorites and a good mix of things Iā€™ve been loving. Tell me, what are some things you have been loving recently or looking forward to? Let me know in the comments below! Have a wonderful weekend!