
Currently #39

Hello all! Happy Wednesday and Happy end of March! I wish this month felt like more like spring, but it felt more like winter. To put it in perspective, we got more snow in March than in February and we didn’t even get that much snow.

A look at March in terms of weather!

That being said, I am ready to welcome spring with open arms. The sun has been out more, the days are longer, it’s just good vibes all around. Here’s a look into life recently.

What I’ve Been Up To: This month has flown by with a mix of slow days and busy weeks. This month, I’ve ventured out for the first local zoo trip of the year. I’ve also tried some new recipes, caught up with friends for dinners or long overdue facetime calls and enjoyed some time outdoors, even in the chilly weather. I’m looking forward to fewer layers, sneakers instead of boots for walks, and not heating up my car in the mornings in April, or I’m at least hoping.

First Zoo trip of the year
Weekend drives and breakfast sandwiches

What I’m Wearing: I have been making it a point to wear brighter colors to channel my inner spring even on the colder days. I got this soft green dress from Calvin Klein from Marshall’s and it’s already been a favorite of mine this year. I love the sleeves and the color, a great combo for Spring.

Green for Spring!

I’ve also been pairing neutrals with brighter colors for work, like a pink sweater with a tan skirt. It breaks up the neutral colors and makes you get in the spring spirit.

A spring skirt and top combo
Green has been in heavy rotation this month!

What I’m Reading: I’ve been reading lots of books over the past few weeks as I spend more time indoors. 

Here’s what I have been enjoying.

Carrie Soto is Back– I finished Carrie Soto is Back and enjoyed it more than I thought. It follows the story of a tennis player looking to return to the court to claim her title as champion. I learned a lot about tennis, endurance, and hard work. I really appreciated the relationship between Carrie and her father. There’s a lot about female empowerment, family ties, and some romance too. It’s a bit different than some of TJR’s other books, but I really enjoyed it.

It Ends with Us– I started another Colleen Hoover book. It Ends with Us is a serious drama which follows the story of a young woman who falls in love with a neurosurgeon, he seems like the perfect catch, but there’s more that meets the eye. This also comes as her first love comes back in her life. Will she choose her new love or first love? You will have to read to find out. In more good news, a few months ago, it was announced that it was being made into a movie with Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni. I can’t wait to watch.

What I’m Watching: A lot of shows that I follow released new seasons so I’ve been catching up on some of my favorite shows. I’m caught up on the new season of YOU, which was filled with murder, mayhem, mystery and of course cliffhangers.

I’ve also watched Daisy Jones and the Six on Amazon Prime which I really loved. From the music, to the character and plot lines, I think they did a great job going from the book to the screen. I was so sad when it was over, but was so satisfied with the ending, even with some changes.

The cherry on top was having the new season of Ted Lasso come out. I really enjoyed the first two seasons and have been loving season 3 so far. I’m so glad the new season is back! You can catch that on Apple TV.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by lots of cooking and baking. I’ve been trying to bake or cook something every week, I’ve mostly been aiming for new recipes but have worked to perfect some family favorites. Here’s a look at some of my favorites from this past month.

One pan chicken, sausage, potatoes and veggies.
Blueberry muffins
Cinnamon roll bars
Rice Krispy Treats
Chocolate drizzle sea salt popcorn
Taco soup!

What I Accomplished: This month has been so productive from getting yearly check-ups done, hair cuts, tackling big work projects, and catching up with friends who were home on spring breaks from university programs. I also got some quality family time in with both of my brothers home on Spring Break. It’s been a packed full, but such a good month.

Fresh cut for Spring
Hot cocoa and early spring drives.

Goals from Last Month: This past month, I wanted to do my best at creating memories both indoors and outdoors. I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with our community parade.

St. Patrick’s Day parade in town

I enjoyed Maple Fest in our community, by heading to local sugar houses and enjoying lots of maple treats and of course, syrup!

Learning the process
Successful maple fest

I also went to see a performance of Riverdance. I tried to make the most of the month and I think I succeeded.

Time spent cozied up with my favorite for-legged friends!

Goals for this Month: I can’t wait to enjoy all things Spring, from Easter, to fresh flowers, outdoor walks and kicking off my Spring Bucket list. I’m so excited for the new season and month and everything it brings.

Goodbye Winter..hello Spring!

That’s a look into life recently. Lots of indoor time between reading and catching up on shows. Some time outdoors with walks with pups and friends and trying new things, like recipes.

Nights have been spent by the fire

Tell me: what’s something you’ve enjoyed and savored over the past month? Let me know in the comments below!

Fabulous living Let's Look

Let’s Look + Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we are less than a week away from Valentine’s Day?! I feel like the holiday snuck up on me. I got some Valentine’s Day decorating last week and I plan on doing some Valentine’s Day baking over the next few days. I have been on a baking/cooking roll over the past few weeks, and I have been loving trying new recipes in the winter months. 

I have a double post for you today! First, I’m going to be teaming up with Erika and Shay for Let’s Look! The second Wednesday of the month they have a different prompt about different parts of your life for you to answer.

This month’s topic is What Your Medicine Cabinet Looks Like. I have been doing lots of organizing and cleaning lately and I just finished organizing my medicine box. Besides medicine, I like to keep back stock of makeup and beauty products along with travel products. It’s always helpful to have some go-to products on hand so whenever you run out of a product or medicine, there’s some always on hand. The key is to make sure you clean it out frequently and get rid of old products that have expired. Having a clean space with backup and hygiene products makes life much simpler.

A look inside my back stock

Now onto part two of this post! With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I’m sharing some fun date ideas for you and your significant other. These are a mix of more traditional to unique ideas. If you are looking for inexpensive date ideas, you can find my post about it here.

Without further ado, here’s some Valentine’s Day Date Ideas:

Recreate a First Date-This is a sweet, romantic, and nostalgic way to celebrate the day. Whether you have been with your significant other for a few months or several years, try to recreate your first date. Go to the restaurant or pick up take out, maybe see if you can hunt down what you wore that night or find something similar, to bring back all the first date feels. If you went to the movies for the first time before or after dinner, see if you can find it on a streaming service to watch before or after dinner. This allows you and your significant other to take a romantic walk down memory lane on the sweetest holiday.

Head to an event or performance- Nothing says date night than a night on the town. If you are both into music or theater, see if there’s any local performances happening on or around Valentine’s Day. If you both like the sport scene, see if your local hockey or basketball team has a game. This is a great date idea if you are in the early stages of a relationship and still getting to know each other and one another’s interests or if you have been together for years and you both have a passion for the arts and culture or sports. Plus, it’s never a bad idea to enjoy an experience together.

Whether it’s a performance
Or a sporting event, you can’t go wrong with a night on the town.

Dinner at Home-This is personally my favorite one. I really enjoy cooking and baking, so trying a new recipe at home or enjoying a favorite one together sounds divine for Valentine’s Day. Light some candles, turn on a favorite movie or show and enjoy cooking a meal together. You get to enjoy an activity together and you have a delicious end result. You don’t have to worry about the hassle of reservations, crowded restaurants, or parking. Given that Valentine’s Day is on a weekday, you can celebrate with a nice meal at home the weekend before or the night of. I live for lowkey nights at home, so this is the best way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, also make sure you have a sweet dessert for after dinner.

Nothing better than a nice night in

Valentine’s Day Breakfast or Lunch– If you want to go out for meal, but don’t want to deal with the crowds or reservations, celebrate Valentine’s Day earlier in the day, head to breakfast for some one on one time before the work day begins, or set-up a time to break away from work and meet up for a fancy lunch. Both of these options still makes sure you are acknowledging and celebrating the day, without the stress of doing dinner. 

You can even do a fancy brunch at home.

Cliche Valentine’s Day Date– If you have been dating someone for a while and you aren’t stressed about setting impossible expectations, go all out with a cliche Valentine’s Day Date. Buy the big teddy bear or the heart shaped box of chocolates, a long stem rose or a few doesn’t hurt either and make your date into a Valentine’s Day date that’s fit for a romantic comedy. A few other ideas to include in your date: Heart shaped balloons or decorations, a card, a cheesy romantic comedy, your significant other’s favorite meal and lots of sweets and chocolates. This is a fun way to make a big gesture but, in a fun, young love kind of way.

Going all out for Valentine’s Day

I hope this gives you some date ideas for Valentine’s Day if you are looking to go all out for a date night. I know I would be happy with any of these date ideas. If you have other date ideas, let me know in the comments below! Happy Valentine’s Day!