Fabulous living

A Year of Grace Not Perfection

Hi All!! Happy Wednesday!!

For long time readers, you may have picked up on the fact that I love to journal! It’s my favorite way to start my day, having some quiet time and then time to write and reflect. I have been journaling throughout my time in college, you can read more about it here.

During my senior year in college and my first few months out of college, I journaled in the companion to Grace Not Perfection, by Emily Ley. This was my journal for 2019-2020. There were prompts every week, to give me something to reflect and work towards. But it also has enough open space to jot down you thoughts and feelings and emotions. 

Finding Grace in my senior year and first few months working

The phrase “Grace Not Perfection” has been a mantra that I have kept coming back to through the year, when times get busy or hectic, I remind myself to give myself grace and not everything is going to be perfect. It truly puts things in perspective for me.

My favorite quote and a college throwback

After reading “Grace Not Perfection” during my sophomore year of college and now spending a year journaling with it, I’m much more aware and better with implementing it in my daily life. It’s no longer a matter of remembering to do it, rather it’s always in the back of my mind and I apply it without realizing it.

Maybe “grace not perfection” is not your mantra, but whatever you believe in or focus on, be sure to keep it in your mind on the good days and the not so good days. 

I also believe that these past few months have put my grace not perfection to the test, so many things in life have gotten cancelled or post-poned and in those times of uncertainty it’s even more important to allow ourselves that grace and knowledge that it will all work out. 

What are some of your mantras that you live by?!

Fabulous living

Thoughts During A Pandemic

 These past few months have been filled with so many unknowns, but in any situation, I always look for the silver linings, so even when the world stopped and got turned upside down, I still wanted to find the good in it. I’ve learned a lot about myself during these past few weeks and months. 

One of the things that have really helped me every day is to simply put things in perspective and maintain a grateful and positive attitude through it all, yes, days were hard and challenging, but taking it one day at a time, helped me so much. Another things that has helped me as been journaling, not just daily but also a separate journal about life and working through a pandemic, I remember what I’m feeling every day, but years from now, will I? Keeping all my notes and feelings in one spot hase been so helpful too!

I was lucky enough to work through the pandemic, although days were filled with uncertainty, I was so fortunate to still be able to work. Another thing I was super grateful for was the fact I was with my family the entire time, I got bonus time with my parents and siblings as they worked and learned from home. I was able to see them before and after work, have quality time to be together that I may not have gotten in the past. Another positive in a dark situation. 

What really stands out to me during the pandemic, was the importance of truly slowing down. During college, especially during my senior year, I felt spread too thin and overwhelmed with commitments, I have gotten into a much better routine since working but this pandemic, truly showed me that you don’t have to have a full schedule every single day and this is something I want to adapt in my life more this summer. Yes, more things are reopening and we are entering into a new normal but I want to still continue with slower days when I can. At the beginning of this year, I read, When Less Becomes More by Emily Ley, you can read the review here. One of the biggest takeaways from the book was living a slower and more meaningful life and the joy and beauty in the simple things. I have truly found the beauty in the simple things and the importance of taking it slow. I have also learned to not take things for granted, like just going into a store to browse, you can’t do that anymore. I also found you don’t have to be busy all the time or doing things all the time to be happy and enjoy life. 

Taking it one day at a time and realizing that sometimes, the simple things in life are better.

What have your learned about yourself through the pandemic? How has your outlook on life changed?