Fun Ways to Organize

Getting Ahead of the Game

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope your week has been going well. I’m in full on Christmas mode over here! From shopping to listening to music and having my décor up. This time of year is always fun but also busy.

There’s so much to get done in such a short amount of time, it can be a lot to keep track of which is why I always like to stay ahead of the game by planning ahead. Whether it’s the holiday season or a random week in July, planning ahead ensures my week goes a little smoother.

In a world of chaos, there’s only so much you can control which is why taking a few minutes every week makes my days and nights smoother. 

Here’s three ways that I prep to get ahead in the game.

Weekly To Do: Every Sunday I make a weekly to do in my planner. A tip I got from Emily Ley on how to best use both a digital and paper planner, if you use both. She recommends to put all your important dates, information, events etc. in your digital calendar. So whenever you have an appointment or something that needs to go on the calendar, you put it in your digital calendar so it’s always accessible. Then every week (or me it’s Sundays), I transfer everything from my digital calendar to my paper planner, I also add any to-dos to my planner and extra notes.

A look at my planner (and old page that’s pretty generic)

Meal Prep: Another way I prepare for the week ahead is by lunch planning. Since I eat dinner at home, I only meal plan for my lunches in advance. Sometimes, meal planning is buying some boxed salads, and setting aside pretzels or fruit for my lunches. Other times it’s making baked chicken and veggies and portioning them out for each day of the week. No matter what the form is, I always spending time getting my meals organized for the week so I can just grab and go for each day.

An example of one of my meals that I make for work.

Outfit Plan: Another way I save time and plan ahead is by planning my outfits for the week. Again, I spend 10 minutes checking the weather and planning what to wear from clothing to shoes and accessories. I can change an outfit if need be, but for the most part I have them all lined up and just grab it for each day. I started to plan out my outfits in college and it was a huge time saver. It also makes my mornings go much smoother.

Outfit planning

Those are just three ways that I plan ahead which makes my days and weeks run smoother. What things do you do for streamline your daily lives especially in busy seasons?


Look of the Day #98


Hi guys!

Happy Thursday!

I hope you all have had a fulfilling and productive week! Today’s look of the day is going to be a bit different since I am going to be talking about a fashion trend and making it your own. 

One trend that never seems to go out of style is concert t-shirts. They are a great piece of memorabilia from going to your favorite concert and you can wear them time and time again, the one problem I have with concert t-shirts is knowing where and when to wear them. Just with jeans? With sweats around the house or to the gym? It can be a hard piece of clothing to wear with outfits. After collecting t-shirts from a lot of concerts, I think I found the solution. Make a statement outfit with you t-shirt.

Favorite mantra-favorite concert

I’m going to show you an outfit I styled a few weeks ago, that still looks put together even with a t-shirt. Let’s get to it!

We will start with the central part of the outfit-the concert t-shirt. Last summer, I went to see The Piano Guys in concert in New York, for those of you who aren’t familiar with The Piano Guys, you should totally check them out they started on YouTube, perform covers of hit songs as well as write their own songs. They are still an up and coming group but already have a large following. I got one of their t-shirts when I saw them over the summer, their shirt is a quote from one of my favorite songs from them. You can listen to it here-seriously such an uplifting and motivating song. 

Now, back to the outfit details, I paired this shirt with a new pair of black leggings that are fleece lined! Your girl is officially in heaven, not only are these leggings comfortable and long lasting but are now extra warm-perfect for cool evenings or chilly days. Believe it or not, I got these leggings for Christmas from the Hallmark store- you never know where you are going to find a new piece of clothing to add to your collection. 

Up close of the outfit

I paired the dark leggings with my go to high black boots from DSW, which as much as I hate to say it, I think this might be my last time wearing them for the season since Spring is around the corner, as much as I am ready and here for Spring, I’m going to miss these staple shoes in my winter collection. 

Closer look at one of my favorite parts-the fleece lined leggings!

Since it was still a bit chilly out, I decided to wear my long off-white sweater just to have an extra layer on. I’ve talked about this sweater time and time again but it truly is a go-to sweater for my wardrobe in every season. The sweater is from the Scandal Collection at The Limited. 

This outfit is the perfect compromise for making your favorite concert t-shirts into an outfit. What are your favorite ways to wear your favorite concert t-shirts?!

Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Fashion Fun Ways to Organize

Outfit Planning

Hi guys!

Happy Tuesday.!!!

Boy, September is flying by. It started out super slow but now as I am making my way through the semester, time is going so fast. This semester has been the busiest by far for me. Between working a few jobs, classes, being involved, and hanging out with friends, I am always looking for ways to be more organized and save time to be more efficient. One thing that I have started to do this year is outfit prep. Fashion lovers out there will lover the double fashion post this week.

Laying out my clothes for the gym and for a new day the night before saves time and stress

From grades K-12, I always wore a uniform to school, so I never had to worry about what I was going to wear every day until I came to college. My first two years of college, I would just choose an outfit each morning but I often be rushed with figuring out an outfit with accessories.

A real peak into my closet at school. It’s much more organized than my closet at home, probably because I only have a quarter of the clothes I own here. Hahaha

This year, I decided to not only lay out my clothes the night before (like I did for many years in the past) but also plan out what I am going to wear for the full week. On Sunday’s I look at the weather for the week and choose outfits for the whole week along with shoes, accessories, and jackets. I had plenty of time on Sunday to plan my outfits  and then hang them all up. The night before I just grab the outfit and lay it out for the next morning. I am not as rushed in the mornings getting ready now that I have this system in place. It is not only a time saver but it allows me to really think about what I want to wear each day.

One of my outfits I chose for wearing this week

Now, whether you have this time or not, even just by laying out your outfit the night before saves time in the morning. On Sunday it takes less than a half hour to plan all my outfits for the week.

Another outfit I chose for this week…you may see it coming soon

What time saving tactics do you include in your week?