Fabulous living

2021 Resolutions

Hello all!

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had enjoyable holiday seasons, from Christmas to New Year’s, I hope they were spent with loved ones, making memories, laughs, joy and love.

2020 was quite a year and now as we embark on a new year, I love to take the time and set up some goals or resolutions for myself as we embark on a new year. There are a lot of unknowns with the new year which makes it hard to plan for since there are so many things out of my control, but I know there are still goals that I can accomplish or continue to work on as we begin a new year. I like to keep my goals simple and realistic. 

This upcoming year, I want to continue to focus on my health, both mental and physical. I plan to continue working out five days a week, whether it’s at home or the gyms once they reopen. I also plan to continue to work on my mental health by journaling daily and putting things in perspective.

I found good routines that work for me when it comes to schedule for work and my days off to make sure I have a balance of getting things done while spending time with family and friends and taking care of myself too. 

Now, time for resolutions for 2021!!!

My word for the year is…Intentional. I want to be more intentional with my time, my friends, my family, my relationships, and myself.

My first goal is to be more intentional with my time, my family, and my friends and along with that, I want to be more present. For example, when I’m with my family watching a movie, I want to watch the movie and not be working on my computer or scrolling on my phone, but I want to really enjoy the movie. There were so many times this past year when I would be focused on two things at once and not being 100 percent there and I want to be 100 percent for everything. I started doing this towards the end of 2020, and I want to keep at it. 

My next goal is less screen time. Given the nature of my job, I have to be connected or on my phone or near it. But, I don’t have to scroll through my phone aimlessly, especially social media. I started to enable screen time and set limits for myself on my phone and it’s been a game changer, but I still want to be better. I want to be more present and that means putting the phone down more and focusing on where I am at and not what others are posting on Instagram or twitter. 

My last goal is to be more consistent with my friends. I have some friends who I have bi-weekly facetime chats with but with other close friends it could be months before we catch up. I want to be better about staying connected with friends and checking in on them especially with a year or uncertainity ahead.

I’m looking forward to everything that 2021 has to offer. I know it will be filled with hope, joy, and love. I want to continue to work on the goals and routines that work for me and work on my new goals. Overall, I don’t know what the year holds, but I know if I go into it with a clear mind, positive attitude and I’m willing to be flexible, it will all work out. 

What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions or Goals?!

Fabulous living

New Year. New Me. (Too cliche?)

Happy New Year!!! I hope you all had a safe New Years and rung it in in style. The new year is a time to start fresh. We all get a clean slate and can better ourselves in the upcoming year. The new year is also a time for everyone’s favorite word…. resolution. We either love them, hate them, or make them and forget about them in a week. This year, I am going to try my best to come up with realistic resolutions and try to stick to them. I plan to write them out and put them where I can see them every day to remind me of them. By seeing them, I will feel motivated to accomplish them. My three resolutions for 2018 are…

  • Snack less. I love to snack, and I have a big sweet tooth, this year I’m going to choose healthier foods instead of my sweet and salty choices. I often get something to eat when I think I’m hungry when I’m not. We all can indulge from time to time but its important to choose healthier options and snack less between meals. This is going to be a tough resolution, but I hope to see changes this year.
  • Read more. I love to read, but I also love my tv shows. I read a lot over the summer and over break, reading relaxes me and I like to step away from technology to escape for a bit (yes, I still read real books and I don’t plan on switching anytime soon.) This year, I am planning on carving time into my schedule to read, I’m thinking about incorporating it into my nighttime routine, but I would love your input and thoughts. Comment below!!
  • Be more flexible. I love my schedules, my plans, and my organization. But, I’ve learned I need to be more flexible and not always stick to a schedule. I want to have more spontaneous adventures and outings in my life this year. This will be the hardest resolution for 2018, but I can’t wait to see how different I am from the beginning to the end of this year.

I limited myself to three resolutions because I want to be realistic and not over commit myself to things I can’t follow through on. What are your resolutions? What changes do you want to see in your lives this year? I know it can be scary, but we can all support each other together on this journey. I’ll be keeping you all updated on my resolutions this year and I hope you will do the same with me. Here’s to change in 2018!