Fabulous living

New Year’s Resolution Check-In

Hi everyone and Happy July!

Can you believe that we are already seven months into the year? I feel like we were just celebrating the holidays and hunkering down for winter and now we are in full summer mode. This has been such a good summer so far, and in good news, we still have a lot more to enjoy. These past few weeks have been filled with walks, reading by the pool, grilling and family time.

Outdoor walks by the water have been a favorite of mine recently

Plus, tomorrow is the Fourth of July-one of my favorite summer traditions.Ā 

Since we are just passed the halfway point of the year, I figured it would be a good time to do a New Year’s Resolution check in to see how I’ve been doing so far with my goals for 2024.

Here’s a look at my post from the start of the year.

My top resolutions that I set for this year were:

-Donate Blood

-Do 8K or 10K

-Re-Learn Piano

-Learn How to Braid Hair

-Cook a New Recipe a Week

We are half way through and I’ve tackled a handful of these already.

Let’s get into it:

Donate Blood– I donated blood for the first-time last month, although it took until June to do it, I accomplished it, and it was not as scary as I thought it would be. My boyfriend is an avid blood donor and has been encouraging me to do it for years. We made a date out of it, and it felt good to give back and save lives. I was most concerned about the pain and passing out afterwards, but thankfully, all went smoothly, no pain during or after and no passing out. Success!  I will definitely be donating again when I am eligible. If you are ever on the fence about doing something out of your comfort zone, don’t like fear cause you to back out.

Do an 8K or 10K- I will be accomplishing this tomorrow! Most races happen on the weekends when I work, but I found one that was happening on one of my days off. I will be running a 10K tomorrow for the Fourth of July. I have been upping my mileage over the past few months and I’m looking forward to seeing how I do timewise tomorrow. I have been focusing more on distance rather than speed, so I’m anxious to see how it goes. I’ll be back here on Friday to let you know the final results.

Re-Learn Piano-This has been a hobby that I started at the beginning of the year and have been consistent about it over the past seven months. I aim to practice for ten minutes a day at least five times a week. Sometimes, I practice all seven days, other days, I only practice for five days. There are even some days when I do practices on my phone on the go, it just varies week to week. I have been using Simply Piano to teach myself. This hobby has been one of the more challenging hobbies I have attempted. Some days, I really love learning new music and playing well-known songs, other days, I get frustrated and want to throw in the towel, but I take a deep breath and keep practicing (even though it does annoy my dog and I’m sure my family at times.) This has been a learning experience unlike other hobbies I have attempted but I have been proud of the progress I have made so far.

-Learn How to Braid Hair– I have not attempted this yet and that’s due to the fact that I got a haircut and got layers which makes it harder to braid. I do have many how-to braid ideas saved on Pinterest and that has been giving me inspiration. I just need some longer hair to get there haha! However, this does give me something to work towards for the second half of the year.

Cook a New Recipe A Week– This has been something I have been really proud of. I have been doing lots of cooking this year and once again have been consistent by cooking one new meal a week. I have been getting recipes from blogs, cookbooks and Pinterest. I have been loving getting more comfortable in the kitchen and trying new recipes and gadgets. These will be great skills to have when I am on my own soon. I have to give a huge shout out to my family for indulging me in all my new recipes. Some have been hits and others misses. I need to get better about making sure I make enough food for everyone. I’ve done super creative dishes and simple, one pot meals too. This has been such a fun passion and skill to improve on and I’m looking forward to trying even more recipes as the seasons change through the rest of the year. 

Big meals

There you have it. My New Year’s Resolution Check-In! I’m proud with how many things I have accomplished so far and behind the scenes, I’m proud of the personal growth I have seen in myself over the past several months. Although, I have made a lot of strides in my New Year’s Resolutions, we still have five more months left in the year, plenty of time for more improvement and consistency.

Tell me: how are your new year’s resolutions coming so far? 

Have a happy and safe Fourth of July!

I’ll see you back here on Friday!


Currently #48

Hello All! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are in full on Christmas mode as the countdown to the big day is on. I know I have been in the Christmas spirit since Black Friday, this is truly one of my favorite times of year and I have been enjoying it to the fullest.

Hot cocoa and a holiday movie!

I am switching things up this month but doing my Currently a week early, so I can save next week for my end of the year recap. My Year in Review posts are some of my favorite ones that I put together all year long, so I can’t wait to share it with you next week. 

But, we have so much to get to in today’s post, hint, be prepared for a lot of Christmas cheer. Let’s get to it!

What I’m Up To: This past month has been filled with all things Christmas cheer. I have been checking so many things off my Christmas Bucket List and have been trying to make the most out of every single day, whether it’s watching a Christmas movies, baking cookies, or doing my shopping and gift exchanges. I LOVE CHRISTMAS. The best news is that the Christmas season continues after December 25, so there’s still plenty of time to enjoy the holiday spirit. Here’s a look into some of the things I’ve done so far.

Enjoying holiday traditions.
Christmas wrapping and movies
Ready for the big day!

What I’m wearing: On days off, I have been doing my best to wear all my holiday graphic tee shirts. Most of them are from Old Navy. I love the texture, the durability and all the fun designs. You can dress them up with jeans and boots or dress them down with leggings if you are just lounging around the house.

I also have been getting a lot of use out of my festive flannel from Old Navy, I paired it with jeans and boots and a red coat.

For a more dressed up look, I wore this black and white polka dotted long sleeve blouse from Ann Taylor to work and it was a hit. I wore it with black dress pants, my pearl hoop earring and a red lipstick for a pop of color. 

All bundled up for outdoor fun!

What I’m Reading: I started off the month by reading A Likely Story by Leigh McMullan Abramson. It follows the story of a young woman who is aspiring to follow in her father’s footsteps and be a writer, however she has some challenges getting there. When her mother passes away, she finds an old manuscript, but who wrote it and what will our protagonist do with it? This story follows the family through the years and through a web of secrets that slowly unravels through the book.

A great book for the fall

Winter Stroll by Elin Hilderbrand. It’s the second book out of a five-book series. It follows the story of a large, interconnected family through Christmas year after year. When I picked up this book from the library, I didn’t realize it was the second book out of five, it took me a moment to get caught up with the characters, but once I did, I really enjoyed it and got immersed in it. It takes place over one weekend in Nantucket for the traditional island Stroll. There’s lots of Nantucket references and so much Christmas and holiday descriptions.

What I’m Watching: All the Christmas movies and programs! I don’t have a list of movies perse, but have I been trying to watch all of my favorite movies this Christmas season? You bet!

I’ve seen the classic cartoons like Rudolph, Frosty and the Grinch. I watched the childhood favorites like Home Alone and The Polar Express and I have enjoyed the adult movies like Christmas Vacation and Love Actually. 

Polar Express movie night

I also have been making my way through the final season of The Crown. I have been doing my best to savor the last six episodes and not rush the experience. If you have been watching, what are your thoughts so far?

What Inspires Me: I have been inspired by trying new recipes in the kitchen. I tried a few salads in addition to sweets.

Stir fry for the win!

I wanted to try my hand at some new recipes this season in addition to some classics. I have already made chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies and I know I will be doing more baking in the coming days.

Fresh chocolate chip cookies

I also tried my first gingerbread recipe which was a success. I plan to make homemade fudge and red velvet cookies in addition to sugar cookies and some other Christmas treats.

My first gingerbread loaf
Red velvet, peanut butter and peppermint bark ready to go@

What I Accomplished: I have been very productive when it comes to my Christmas Bucket List. One night we had a Christmas movie night with the Polar Express and a popcorn and hot chocolate bar.

We made popcorn and had different seasonings for people to try, from chocolate sea salt to movie theater butter, kettle corn, and classic, everyone could try their favorite.

We also enjoyed hot cocoa with different marshmallows and toppings. This was a fun and affordable way to enjoy a movie night.

 I also enjoyed a Christmas concert to kick off the month of December, which was so fun for a night out

Christmas concert to kick off the season
Christmas in the city at night!

Plus, I’ve been enjoying holiday lights around our town, such a fun way to get in the Christmas spirit.

Christmas skating is a must!

Goals from Last Month: My goals from last month were to enjoy the Christmas season to the fullest and I know I have done that and there’s still more time to enjoy the fun. I’m looking forward to time at home with my family, especially since my siblings will be home from college. It will be great to enjoy the holiday traditions and just spend quality time together.Ā 

Christmas movies and Christmas card stuffing

Goals for this Month: My goals for the upcoming month are to start my New Year’s Resolutions and get back into my routines and habits. This past month has been a flurry of fun and activities and while I’m not ready to say goodbye to the holidays yet, but I’m sure by January 2, I will be. 

That’s a look into life this past month. Lots of holiday cheer and fun and it only gets better from here. Wishing you a festive rest of your week

Fabulous living

2023 New Year’s Resolutions Check In

Hello everyone!

Happy Wednesday and Happy August! It’s hard to believe we are into August. This summer has been packed full of work, crossing things off my summer bucket list, seeing friends, traveling to new places and still finding time to enjoy the lazy days of summer. It has been the best two months and I’m looking forward to what this next month brings.

Sweet summer mornings

As we make our way through the year, I wanted to do a New Year’s resolution check-in. 

I always think it’s a good idea to hold ourselves accountable to our goals and resolutions and check in to see how we are doing with things we set our mind’s to. Here’s a look at my post from the beginning of the year.

My motto for 2023 is “Embrace Change” and although there hasn’t been too much major changes that has happened to me this past year, I have been doing my best to be flexible, open to change and embrace it. It hasn’t always been easy, but I’m doing my best to be open to new ideas and opportunities.

Here’s a look at my resolutions for this year:

Eat healthier and Run a 5K– I am really proud of this 2023 goal. During the spring, I started to train for my 5K and I’m running it this weekend! I’m both excited and nervous to compete, Iā€™m not doing it to win it all, rather to say I did it. I started running twice, sometimes three times a week and have upped my mileage every week.

One of recent runs.

I also started to eat healthier in the spring and summer. I have been making healthier meals, snacking less and making smarter food choices and being mindful of what Iā€™m putting in my body. Overall, I have felt so much better. I have more energy, I am sleeping better, overall, I feel healthier. This has been a resolution that I am very proud of. Even after I complete my 5K, I still plan on running since I have enjoyed this newfound hobby.

An example of a new summer meal.

Take advantage of local parks and spots– I have done a pretty good job of this one, but there is still room for improvement. I have found some new places around the region to hike and walk in my own backyard rather than traveling distances to go hiking. I have taken advantage of more places in the spring, summer and fall, but I still want to do more in the winter, itā€™s all about bundling up for the walks. 

A new place to go hiking
A familiar place to go hiking.

Plan to do more things on days off– This is one area that I have done pretty well with, but I still want to make sure Iā€™m taking full advantage of my vacation days and weekends. I try to make sure my weekends are balanced between work and relaxing, but sometimes, the balance isnā€™t always there. The same goes with vacation days, sometimes I have certain things planned but other times, I donā€™t take advantage of them to the fullest. This is something that I still have time to work on this year.

Seeing Ed Sheeran and heading to a new park to go hiking was a day off well spent.

Continue to grow in my Profession-This is one that I will always be working on every day. I have been a part of a few big projects during the first half of this year that have challenged me and helped me grow, but I am always looking for ways to get better and challenge myself. I try to get creative with my job and find different things to bring to the table and I think I do a pretty good job at it, but I know the only way we grow is if we challenge ourselves.

One adventure was heading to Canada for a work trip.

Those were my four main goals and resolutions for the year. Overall, I think I have done a good job of accomplishing them so far this year, but in good news, I have several months to continue to work on these goals.

Tell me, with several months to go, how are you doing with your 2023 Resolutions? Have you accomplished? Are you pleased with where you are at? Let me know in the comments below! See you Friday for another edition of Friday Favorites!

Fabulous living

Inexpensive Date Ideas

Hello all! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all staying warm and cozy as we make our way through January. Many people may make New Yearā€™s Resolutions and goals and for some it may be to save money. I know after the holiday and shopping season, Iā€™m looking to stay in and save more.Ā 

Today, Iā€™m sharing some fun and inexpensive date ideas. I still enjoy having fun and doing things with my boyfriend or best friends without breaking the bank. It can also be hard to find things to do in the dead of winter, so I hope these give you some inspiration for fun. So, without further ado, hereā€™s some fun and inexpensive date ideas.

Walks: Head out to your favorite park or try a new destination for a walk. This FREE activity gets you outside and moving, it also shows you the beauty in your own backyard, and it lets you focus on conversations when you are getting to know someone or when you are catching up with friends. I love finding new parks and trails to try out with friends. It may seem daunting to do a winter walk if you arenā€™t a fan of the cold, but as long as you dress appropriately, you will be set.

No matter the season, walks are always a good idea

Movie and Board Game Day: This can be done at any point of the day, a Sunday morning, Saturday afternoon, or even a Wednesday night. Pick out some of your favorite board games or buy a new one to test out with your friends. If games arenā€™t up your alley, pick out a new movie thatā€™s been on your list of things to watch, pop some popcorn and buy some candy and enjoy a movie night at home. This is a fun way to unwind and relax at home without breaking the bank.

Snacks and a movie are always a good idea.

Use the Gift Cards: Did you get gift cards for Christmas that are still sitting in your wallet? Use them! Whether itā€™s for a dinner out, a coffee, or even an activity, like a movie. Plan an event using that gift from someone else. Although, itā€™s fun to go to a favorite spot, if you got a gift card to someplace new, give it a try, who knows it may become a new favorite spot.

One of the times when we used a gift card to a favorite restaurant.

Take a Drive: This is a great idea for mild, winter days. Cue up a playlist, grab some fun snacks and hit the road, you can have a place in mind or just choose a direction and drive. In times like these, itā€™s more about the journey as opposed to the destination. Sometimes, thereā€™s nothing better than the open road and having some good conversations.Ā 

A beautiful day for a drive.

Spend Some Time in the Kitchen: Whether you love to cook or bake or it intimidates you, try out a new recipe, you may discover that you have found a new hobby. I have been testing out some new recipes and I have been loving the results. Hereā€™s a pro-tip, besides looking up recipes online or on Pinterest, head to your local library and check out some cookbooks and try out some recipes from there. It can be scary to test out some recipes in the kitchen, but you may find that the results are better than you thought.

I spent a morning looking through some cookbooks to pick out new recipes and I can’t wait to try them.

Thatā€™s just a look into some inexpensive date ideas that can keep you busy and entertained without worrying about blowing your budget. Tell me: what are some of your favorite inexpensive date ideas.

Fabulous living

2023 New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year and Happy 2023!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday week and weekend with family, friends and loved ones. It was so nice to spend some extra time with family, slow down just a bit and get reset for the new year. I am someone who loves a fresh start and the promised hope of a new year.

I already have my new journal and devotional ready for the new year. I purchased Emily Ley’s “Sure as the Sunrise” last year and couldn’t wait to begin it on the first of the year. I love her books and I couldn’t wait to dig into her devotional. The days can get busy and overwhelming at times which is why I like to start my days with some journaling, reflection and reading. 

As we begin a new year, I like to set some resolutions for the next twelve months and reflect on my resolutions from last year.

Before we jump into the new year, here’s a look at my resolutions from last year. You may remember, I broke them up into four categories: Physical, Spiritual, Professional and Lifestyle. You can read the full post here, but just as a recap.

For physical, I wanted to continue with daily workouts and incorporate more vegetables in my diet. I did very well with keeping up with working out daily and even tried to get in some form of movement on days I couldn’t get in a full workout and I am SO proud to say that I ate more vegetables Every. Single. Day. and often times twice a day. From, salads, to sides with meals, I could definitely feel a change in energy levels when I added more vegetables in my diet.

For spiritual, I wanted to carve out more time for my faith life and I did a good job with that for the most part, but I know there’s always room for improvement.

For professional, I wanted to get more creative with my storytelling and I started out strong but waivered a bit as they year went on. I am looking to get back on track for the new year.

For lifestyle, I wanted to use more sustainable products and I did a very good job at that. It also didn’t hurt that a lot of stores went to a no plastic bag policy which helped me use my reusable bags more. 

My motto for last year was “Build the Best version of myself” and I think I really found my routine and rhythm last year and I loved having more structure in my life and a normal year after the past few years of craziness. Now that we are all caught up on last year, let’s get to this year.

My motto of the year is “Embrace the Change” I don’t know what these next 52 weeks will bring, I’m certain, there will be some change, new beginnings and new routines and I’m ready to embrace it fully. I am someone who loves the status quo and who doesn’t do well with change, so I’m going to try to be more flexible and adaptable and not get so hung up on my schedules or routines. This is easier said than done, so we will see how this goes.

Here’s a few resolutions I have for 2023:

Eat Healthier and Run a 5K

I have been doing better by making healthier food choices, but I want to do a better job with it this year. I find myself mindless eating and indulging and I want to do a better job at being more mindful with my eating habits. I also want to try and run a 5K. It may not seem like a huge deal or accomplishment, but I hate running and I want to push myself out of my comfort zone and try to see if I can run a 5K. (We will see how it goes).

Take Advantage of Local Parks and Spots

I love traveling to new places to walk and hike, but there are so many hidden treasures in my own backyard, and I want to take advantage of them more this year in all seasons. I try to get outside as much as possible and I hope that I can take enjoy the beauty that’s in my own community this year.

Plan to Do More Things on Days off

I am a planner through and through and this year I want to do better with planning more things to do on days off or weekends with friends and family. I have been doing such a great job with staying in touch with friends consistently both at home and those who live further away and I want to continue to plan events or activities to do with loved ones on the weekends. Plus, this also gives me something to look forward to in the dark winter months when life tends to be a bit quieter.

Continue to Grow in My Profession

Every year, I am looking to continue to get better at my job and in my career. I plan to do this by pushing myself to tackle challenging stories and topics. I also want to try to step out of the box and get more creative when it comes to storytelling too and take every opportunity that can help me grow.

I know more resolutions will come to me as they year goes on, but I like to use this a good starting block for the new year. I really enjoy looking back to see how far I have come and what changes I have made. It’s also fascinating to see how I continue to evolve and grow as I get older.

Here’s to a year of change, flexibility, family, growth, and love.

Fabulous living

New Year’s Resolutions Check-In

Happy Wednesday!

Can you believe we are half way through a June and half way through 2022? This year is flying by. The winter months being cooped up inside certainly dragged, but once spring and summer came around and Iā€™ve been able to get outside more, the days are flying by. Iā€™m doing everything I can to make the most of my days off and time after work by being outdoors.Ā 

A walk on a day off is the best way to enjoy summer.

With the second half of the year ahead of us, I wanted to look back on my New Yearā€™s resolutions to see how Iā€™ve done so far and what areas I can improve in.

You can see my New Years resolutions here.Ā 

I broke up my resolutions into the categories of physical, spiritual, professional and lifestyle.

For my physical goals, I wanted to focus on eating more veggies and Iā€™m so proud to say that Iā€™ve been eating vegetables every day with multiple meals. Iā€™ve done my best to use a vegetable as a replacement for a chip or carb with meals. Hello celery sticks instead of potato chips.

I ultimately feel better when I eat more vegetables compared to more carbs, which I know sounds like a no brainer, but to feel the effects is rewarding. Iā€™m going to continue to add more fruits and vegetables to my plate for all meals and snacks for the next six months of the year.

For spiritual goals, I wanted to spend more time with Jesus besides just going to Church once a week. Although, Iā€™ve been happy with being more consistent with my prayer life this year, I know thereā€™s still so much I can do. I want to continue to live out my faith with my actions and get more involved with my church and community (one of my goals for 24, if you recall). I always start my days with journaling and praying but want to do more for a more fulfilling faith life. After all, the ultimate goal in life is to be with God.Ā 

The Laudate app makes it easier to get Jesus time in during the morning.

For professional goals, I wanted to focus on being more creative in my storytelling. Iā€™ve done a pretty good job of this so far, but I know thereā€™s more ways to improve. I try to be creative when I have them time at work, but sometimes Iā€™m in a real time crunch and I donā€™t always have the extra time to be creative. I want to think out of the box when telling stories and putting in the time to learn new things. I still want to boost my creativity in the second half of the year.

For lifestyle, one of my goals is to use more sustainable products and Iā€™ve really done a good job with this. I almost always use plastic containers instead of baggies when packing my lunch. Thanks to more stores doing away with plastic bags, Iā€™ve been using recycled and reusable bags. I know itā€™s not much but I feel good that Iā€™m doing part.

Thatā€™s a look at my resolutions so far, I’ve certainly made progress in many areas, but I know I have lots of ways to improve. I like to use these check-ins to hold myself accountable and hopefully help you hold yourself accountable to when it comes to our resolutions. It’s great to set goals at the beginning of the year, but it’s even more important to stick to them. How has your resolutions been going so far?Ā Sticking to them or have a few gone to the wayside?

Let me know in the comments below!


Currently #25

Hey gang!

Happy Wednesday!

How was your first month of 2022? For me, this month seemed to drag. I got a lot done at the beginning of the month as I got back into my routines and rhythms after the holidays. But then came the snow and the cold and high Covid cases, so I really hunkered down. Iā€™m looking forward to the warmer days and lower case numbers but until then, Iā€™m making the most of warm days inside, cozy clothes and trying to get fresh air and go on walks when I can. 

Hereā€™s a look into the first month of 2022!

What Iā€™m up to: I have been doing lots of cleaning, decluttering, and organizing. This month has been all about organizing my life mentally and physically. Iā€™ve been using my planner more for short and long term thoughts and projects. I have also been cleaning out closets, cars, drawers, and more getting things refreshed for the new year. I even have been making trips to donate things which makes me feel great. Besides cleaning, Iā€™ve been all about getting back into routines from last year and adding some new habits in my daily life.

I’ve also been doing a lot of baking to cope with the cold days.

What Iā€™m wearing:  It has been cold here. Temperatures in the single digits with lots of wind. For work, it has been lots of pants and warm sweaters or blouses and blazers since you never know where you may end up. Plus, you can never have too many layers. For my off-days, I have been enjoying leggings, boots, big sweaters, and heavy coats for running around or just hanging around the house.

What Iā€™m reading:Ā Ā New year, new books! I started Januray off by reading an inside look at Greyā€™s Anatomy. As an avid fan of the show, I loved this book and found it super interesting. Then I also read, this book about home design and styling. Another fabulous read that will give you lots of inspiration for interior and exterior design.Ā 

What Iā€™m Watching: I have been enjoying the return of This is Us especially since its in its final season. I also really have been loving Tidying up with Marie Kondo on Netflix. I know I am late to the party but I love it.

What Iā€™m Loving: I love the fresh start of the new year. We have seen a lot of snow fall and thereā€™s nothing better than enjoying a warm drink like tea or hot coco and having a smooth start to the day. I have also been enjoying lighting the fire place at the end of a long day. 

Nothing better than a cozy morning and a warm drink

What Inspires Me: I am always inspired my setting New Yearā€™s Resolutions and Goals. I am inspired by fresh starts and new beginnings. Thereā€™s no better feeling than lighting a new candle, a clean desk and fresh planner to kick off the new year. I also am excited to get back into my new routines and establish some new ones too. 

I went on a coffee date with a friend and loved the wallpaper. So cute!

What I accomplished: I had a very successful Christmas with my immediate family and I got to see some extended family too. I got enjoy some family time and do some activities too. Although, I  had to work, Iā€™m still very grateful that I got to see my family and still carry on holiday traditions. 

Going skiing with my family was a fun activity over Christmas
We also went to see the Van Gogh exhibit around Christmas. It was so beautiful and interesting.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month This past month was all about starting the year on the right foot and I did that. I was thrilled to get my new Simplified planner all set up. I also started my new yearā€™s goals and resolutions which Iā€™m very pleased with how they are going. Itā€™s those little things every day that make a huge difference. I canā€™t wait to see what this year has in store an how I can learn and grow.

New year, new planner set-up.

Goals for the New Month:  Next month, I want to do my best to get outside more, especially for walks when I can. My friend Sydney gave me the idea to schedule time for ā€œMe Datesā€, essentially itā€™s about carving out time to do something for you, whether itā€™s going to a coffee shop to read a book, taking yourself to a movie or going for a solo walk, itā€™s all about taking time for yourself. I want to make that a priotity for myself this year. I also am looking forward to celebrating love with Valentineā€™s Day next month.

Thatā€™s a look into my life today. How has 2022 been treating you?

Fabulous living

2022 New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year friends! I hope you had a wonderful New Yearā€™s!

As much as I love the holidays, thereā€™s just something special about the fresh start of the new year.Ā 

During the week between Christmas and New Year I always like to set-up my Simplified planner for the new year and reflect on the passing year and set up my resolutions for the new year. I always like to see how far Iā€™ve come and look ahead to what I want to accomplish in the new year.Ā Here’s a recap from last year’s resolutions.

Each year I come up a word or phrase to live byā€¦.my phrase for 2022 isā€¦.Be the Best Version of Myselfā€¦I truly found my rhythm last year and I want to continue to cultivate my routines and lifestyles and grow in this new year.

Out with the old and in with the new…getting my new planner set up.

From mottos to goalsā€¦I always like to set a few realistic goals for myself each year and this year is no different.

I decided to break up my goals into different categories this year. The four categories that I want to work on are: Physical, Spiritual, Professional and Lifestyle.

Physical– I love getting my daily workouts in and fitness and health are a big priority for me. This year, I want to work more on healthy eating. I have a major sweet tooth, but I want to incorporate more veggies in my daily meals and be more mindful about what Iā€™m putting in my body. My goal for my physical health is to put more greens on my plate.Ā 

Spiritual– I always try to make my faith a priority and I want to continue to do that in the new year. Besides going to church every week I want to carve more time every morning for prayer and time with Jesus. My spiritual goal is spend more intentional time with God every day.

Professional– I want to continue to work on my craft and skills at work. This year I want to get more creative with my storytelling and writing. My goal this year is to really up my game with how I shoot video and tell stories every day at work.

Lifestyle– As far as my goals for my lifestyle goes for this upcoming year, I want to use more sustainable and recycled products in my daily life. From using recycled bags while shopping, to using plastic containers for my lunches. I want to waste less and do small acts every day to my part to help conserve materials.

I decided to work on four areas of my life this year in addition to continue to flourish in my routines and daily life. 

I canā€™t wait to see what this year holds and all the adventures that it entails as well as see how I grow personally and professionally.

Thatā€™s a look at my 2022 New Yearā€™s Resolutions.

What are some of your goals for the year ahead?

Fabulous living

2021 Resolution Recap and Year in Review

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and loved ones. I always love the time between Christmas and New Yearā€™s, whether you are off for a break or working, itā€™s always a nice time to relax, catch your breath and take some extra time to reflect on the year.Ā 

I wanted to take some time to reflect on the past year and my resolutions. For a quick recap, you can read my post here about my 2021 Resolutions. My word of the year was intentional. I wanted to be more intentional with my time with friends and family and more intentional with the things I put time and energy in. I wrote it on a post-it note in my planner and moved it from month to month as a reminder for myself. Overall, I think I did pretty well with focusing on family and friends when I spent time with them. I also prioritized what things I did during my free time too.

My first of three resolutions for this year was to be more intentional with family and friends. I found myself doing a lot of multi-tasking and wanted to be more focused on one thing at a time. I did well with spending time with family and a lot of this had to do with my new work schedule. I now get to spend a lot more time with family and do my best to put the phone down and be present, but thereā€™s always room for improvement. 

My second resolution was less screen time. I did well by setting up times on my phone to have my phone shut off to focus on work or housework. But there were times that I was tired by the end of the day and just aimlessly scrolled, not the best use of time, but sometimes you need a brain break. That will continue to be something I work on in the new year.Ā 

My third resolution was to be more consistent with friends. I definitely made more time for friends by setting up times to do things with friends. The pandemic put a halt to a lot of social activities so by really setting aside time for friends, I was able to maintain my friendships I hold dear to my heart. For example, I started the year out with my virtual book club with my high school friends, Maddie and Ryan. I also set up time for monthly facetime dates with friends (more on that on a post in the new year).

Stay tuned for my goals for 2022 next week!

Now, for a quick year in review. I had a lot of high hopes for 2021 and a lot of them came to fruition. 

I was able to spend lots of time with friends, either in person or via facetime or zoom.

Seeing my best friend Danielle was a highlight of the year.

I also got in a lots of day trips to new places for hiking and walking, from State Parks, to National Parks, new trails and old spots.

Going on walks makes the winter more manageable.
Fall weeks are good for the soul.

I also tried new things like ice skating and have loved it. I went three times in the past three weeks. 

Skating on the bay was such a fun experience.
Skating in Buffalo.

I got to travel with my family and get some great one on one time with loved ones.

Family time with my brothers on vacation.

I got a chance to stand by one of my best friendā€™s side as she got married.

Getting wedding ready!

I got lots of fall walks in and got to celebrate the start of the holiday season.

Apple picking was one of the fall walks and adventures I embarked on.

The best part of the year was getting my Covid-19 vaccine.

Work has been busy this year, but Iā€™m so lucky with all the opportunties Iā€™ve been given and all the things Iā€™ve learned along the way.

Covering different stories every day makes my job so fulfilling.

Iā€™m so lucky to have a loving family and supportive friends along for the ride too.

What a year 2021 wasā€¦.2022ā€¦letā€™s do this!


Currently #24

Hey guys! Happy December…the countdown is on until Christmas! I hope you are gearing up for the holiday season!

Quick check in time…How are you doing? Got everything wrapped? Checking off all those holiday traditions? Feeling overwhelmed with everything you still have to do? Weā€™ve all been thereā€¦while it may seem like this season will never end, it will. In the meantime, enjoy every moment and soak up all the moments, the big ones (like decorating the tree) or the little ones like looking at Christmas lights.

Onto todayā€™s post, can you believe that we are up to two years of Currently?!  This has been such a fun monthly post, not only does it keep you updated on my life but it also puts in perspective everything Iā€™ve done in 30 days or soā€¦without further ado, hereā€™s this monthā€™s Currently.

What Iā€™m up to: ALL the Christmas fun and cheer. From skating, to watching Christmas movies, listening to Christmas music at every opportunity, baking cookies and shopping and wrapping this month has been about enjoying all the Christmas fun!

There’s Christmas cheer all over the house.
We got our tree earlier in the month and it was perfect tree cutting weather.

What Iā€™m wearing: Besides work clothes, Iā€™ve been getting in the Christmas spirit by wearing Christmas sweaters, some cute graphic shirts and of course, Christmas socks!!! I canā€™t get enough of Christmas socks!

What Iā€™m reading:  I finished reading ā€œAll the Light We Cannot Seeā€, it was definitely a heavier read but it was so well done. This month I have been reading all the Christmas books. I read “A Shoe Addictā€™s Christmas”, which was super cute. I then read “Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe”, this was the perfect mix of Christmas and a beautiful tribute to Jane Austen. Iā€™m currently reading “The Mistletoe Secret” by Richard Paul Evans, I read his series, ā€œThe Walkā€ during the pandemic and loved it, so Iā€™m very excited to read this one too. 

What Iā€™m Watching:Ā Besides watching classic Christmas movies and some Hallmark ones too.Ā Ā I have also been watching Selling Sunset on Netflix and like many other women out there, Iā€™ve been watching ā€œAnd Just Like Thatā€ā€¦the first two episodes were so beautiful and so poignant, but broke my heart. I canā€™t wait to see what else this season has in store. If you have watched them, what are your thoughts on the shows?

What Iā€™m Loving:Ā Christmas spirit all day, every day! I love this time of year, thereā€™s nothing better than having a candle lit, while wrapping presents and watching Christmas presents. Plus, making treats hasnā€™t been bad either. I made some Christmas bark this year and it was so good. Itā€™s super easy to make and itsā€™s easy to save and store. Hereā€™s the recipe I used, thank you Mix and Match Mama!

Look at all this delicious Christmas bark!

What Inspires Me:Ā The holiday season puts me in the best mood. I decorated my room at the end of last month and whenever I put on my tree and light a candle, Iā€™m automatically put in the Christmas spirit. I also canā€™t wait to spend time with family and continue our holiday traditions.Ā I went skating this month and had the best time.

Skating in the city
Buffalo was beautiful.

What I accomplished: Iā€™ve been doing a great job at being intentional and present during the holiday season. From the gift buying to the family time and holiday traditions. I wish this season was longer. Even enjoying a hot coco and cookie while driving back from ice skating made me so happy. 

Besides homemade cookies, I can’t resist some Pillsbury cookies too!
Even the shopping malls are all decorated

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I got all my Christmas shopping done by my deadline and I got almost all my gifts sent out or wrapped. It was a huge accomplishment! I love all the gift giving but it can be a lot to get everything organized. I donā€™t know how parents do it, they are the real super heroes during the holiday season!

My presents for others all wrapped up under my tree.

Goals for the New Month:Ā Ā Kick off 2022 with my New Yearā€™s Resolutions. I also canā€™t wait to break out my new Simplified planner and start getting ready for the next. As much as I hate to see the holidays come to an end, thereā€™s nothing quite like a fresh start.

Thatā€™s a look into my life this past month, lots of holiday fun and traditions. How are you spending the last few weeks of this year?