Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #54

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week! It has been a busy week of work and getting ready to go away with my family for a little getaway! Iā€™m looking forward to getting away, going somewhere new and having a great adventure. Today, Iā€™m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this weekā€™s Friday Favorites as I highlight some of my favorite things this week. This is a fun mix of things I have been loving and I hope you will too!

Harry and Meaghan New Project– As an avid fan of Harry and Meghan’s, I am always curious about what projects they are working on. They recently announced this week that they will be working with Netflix to adapt Carley Fortune’s book Meet Me at the Lake. I just finished the book last week and really enjoyed it. You can read more about it here. The book tells the story a young woman who takes over her mother’s resort on the lake. She plans on making some changes when she gets some unexpected help from someone from her past that she always wanted to forgot. I really enjoyed the story and finished it within a week. I’m excited to see how it gets turned into a movie and the fact that Harry and Meghan are behind it excites me too. There are so many books that are being made into movies over the next few years, the book nerd in me is really looking forward to it.

Seafood Boil– I have been trying my hand at some new recipes this summer. From cookies, to drinks and dinners! A few weeks back, I tried my hand at my first seafood boil and I was so pleased with how it turned out and so was my family. I have always thought these meals look delicious, from the seafood of lobster and shrimp, sausage, corn, and potatoes, but was always intimated to try to make it on my own. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t that hard to make. Essentially, you just boil each of items in a big pot with seasonings and let it simmer. Just be warned, it takes a while to make, so build in enough time for cooking. I got my recipe for it from Jessie James Decker’s cookbook, Just Feed Me, but you can find your own online to tailor it to your tastebuds. We had two big trays of food that fed six people with leftovers. Definitely a favorite by all and a great summer meal!

The most delicious meal!

Good Reads– As an avid reader, I decided to try out using Good Reads to track of my books. For years, I would just write down the books I have read and want to read in a notebook, but now I’m hoping a Good Reads account will help me keep things more organized. I get book recommendations from friends, blogs, even just displays at the library, so I’m hoping this will give me another avenue for book suggestions. If you have a Good Reads account, what are your favorite parts of the account? I’m looking forward to exploring it more. The hardest part so far has been adding all the books I have read so far.

A new way to track my books!

The Outlaws– I have been spending so much time outdoors and doing all the summer things that I haven’t been watching a lot of movies. I will watch a show or episode of my weekly series at night but haven’t seen a good movie in a while. Last week, I was catching up on some work and watched The Outlaws on Netflix. It tells the story of a couple getting married and at the last second the bride’s parents decide to attend the wedding. The groom is convinced they have secrets especially when his bank gets robbed, and he notices some similarities between the robbers and his future in-laws. This is a funny, action comedy that is perfect for an older family since there is some adult language and rated R. You can find it on Netflix, check it out when you are looking for your next movie to watch on a Friday night. 

Such a funny movie!

New Wall Flower Scent-After a summer of enjoying my lemonade and ice tea wall flower from Bath and Body Works, I had to get a new one. I decided to go with Gingham Gorgeous. I have been wearing this scent as both a body mist and lotion over the past few weeks and I have really found the scent to be refreshing and floral. I canā€™t wait to try this new scent as a wall flower and enjoy it over the next few weeks.

New scent for August!

Thatā€™s a look into life this past week. Some things Iā€™ve enjoyed and things Iā€™m looking forward to. I’m looking forward to all the family time over the next few days! Tell me: what are you looking forward to this weekend!? Happy Friday and happy weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #49

Hey guys! 

Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week! This week was a busy, between being back to work after some days off, the Fourth of July in the middle of the week and then visiting some friends on days off.

Time spent with friends in the sunshine!

It was packed full but in the best way. Summer is all about making memories and I certainly have done that this week!

Everything is in bloom his time of year!

Iā€™m excited for this weekend for some fun activities too! More on that next week. Anyways, I hope you had a great week and have something fun planned this weekend.

Now, that I have you all caught up on life. Hereā€™s some things Iā€™m loving this week, a lot of these things are things that I loved and used during my family visit to the beach last week. Buckle up, hereā€™s some fun, summer favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Tennis Dress– I was influenced by Shay Shull for this Amazon tennis dress. While I am not a tennis player, I love how easy this dress is for the summer to throw on for a day of errands or coming out from the beach or pool. Itā€™s easy to throw on, itā€™s made from Nylon so itā€™s good for being around water. It comes in so many colors, but I love the light blue. Iā€™ve been into blue this summer and this was the perfect fun outfit to add to my fun clothes wardrobe. 

Pearl Hoops– If you remember, I got a pair of gold hoops around Easter and have been wearing them a lot for work. For my birthday, I got a pair of pearl hoops that really elevate your every day outfit. I have worn them with dresses for work, to shorts and blouses. They add some fun, bling compared to pearl studs. They can really dress up a cocktail or work dress. For example, on this day, I wore them with a blue and white polka dotted dress. So fun! They would even be great for a summer wedding!

Such a fun statement pier of jewelry!

Happy Place– I love the author Emily Henry! She has written some of my favorite beach reads from People We Meet on Vacation to Book Lovers and Beach Read. Happy Place may be one of my new favorites! I loved the plot line of six friends reuniting in their favorite spot for one last summer trip together and one of the couples pretending they are still together when they have broken up. The personalities of the friends, the description of the setting and the nostalgia had me craving a week at the lake. I read this book on vacation and it was the perfect beach read. If you havenā€™t read this book yet or any of Emilyā€™s books, you are missing out and I highly recommend picking up one of them this summer!

Such a fun, summer read!

New Wall Flower scent– I love lemons! From the scent, to the flavor, to any foods. At the beginning of the season, Bath and Body Works unveiled some new scents including a sweet tea and lemonade scent. I loved the concept of the combo, but they are sold out of lotions and soap and candles. However, they still had some wall flower scents and I was able to get one. This is the perfect summer scent. Itā€™s refreshing and not too overpowering. I use it in my bedroom, but I think it would great for a kitchen or a family room. I have tried a lot of different scents but this may be one of my favorites. The best for summer!

Smells like summer!

The Night Agent– I know I talked about this show on my Currently post last week, but I figured it deserved its own spot on Friday Favorites! The Night Agent on Netflix  has been such a fun and dramatic show to watch in the summer. Thereā€™s mystery and suspense and of course some romance too. There are definitely some intense parts but itā€™s been a fun show to watch nightly in the summer. Have you found any new shows that you have been loving this summer?

Another summer show!

Thatā€™s a look into life lately and what Iā€™m loving! Some fun vacation finds and things Iā€™m loving as we make our way through July! 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!! See you next Wednesday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #28

Hey guys! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week full of Galetineā€™s Day celebrations or a Valentineā€™s Day date night. I know I enjoyed spreading a little extra love this week and indulging in some sweet treats too. I did some baking before Valentineā€™s Day and enjoyed sending cards and some baked goods to family and friends.

Some Valentine’s Day treats!

During the winter months, I spend more time indoors, getting projects done, catching up on books, shows or trying new recipes. That being said, if my Friday Favorites seem similar week to week, thatā€™s why.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve been reading, watching, and enjoying for this weekā€™s Friday Favorites as I like up with ErikaĀ andĀ Andrea.

YOU-Part one of YOU season four came out last Thursday on Netflix and I finished it in two days, mind you, it was only five episodes, but once I started it was hard to stop. This new season takes Joe to a new country, with a new murder and a whole new cast of characters. Thereā€™s mystery, intrigue, romance and cliffhangers. Iā€™m excited for part two to come out next month!

Your Place or Mine– In a complete opposite genre, Your Place or Mine came out last weekend and it was the perfect way to get into the Valentineā€™s Day spirit with this rom com. I loved the storyline, the characters, and the chemistry between Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher. If you havenā€™t seen this movie yet, you are missing out! Super cute!

Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Raspberry Hearts– I indulged in all the sugar and sweets from Valentineā€™s Day. From heart-shaped cupcakes to homemade sugar cookies, it was definitely a sweet holiday. I tried these new chocolates from Ghiradelli and loved them. The blend of fruit and chocolate was the perfect ratio. I always enjoy anything chocolate so when I saw a pairing with raspberry, I knew I had to try it and was so glad I did!

Colleen Hoover Books– Late to the book party here, but I finally got around to reading some of Colleen Hooverā€™s books. I have heard about her for years, and decided to try some of them after a friend lent me them. I recently read November 9 and Verity. November 9 was such a sweet love story with an incredible twist. Verity was definitely darker and there were many times I wanted to put it down, but Iā€™m glad I finished it. The ending definitely raised more questions. Iā€™ll be looking into more Hoover books. If you have read her other books, what ones are your favorite and what should I read next?

New Wall Flower Scent– I swapped out scents for my wall plug in from Bath and Body Works last week and have been loving this new scent. I went from Pine which was very Christmasy to Spearmint and Eucalyptus. This scent is so fresh and perfect for the winter months. Thereā€™s nothing better than a new scent for a new week.Ā 

Thatā€™s just a look into life over the past few days. Tell me, how did you celebrate Galentineā€™s Day or Valentineā€™s Day? Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #16

Hello hello and happy Black Friday!

I hope you had a great day yesterday with family, friends or loved ones. I had a wonderful day with family, visiting, eating, relaxing and watching the parade.Ā  Our family always decorates the day after Thanksgiving, so that’s what I have on my agenda for today along with some fun treats and appetizers for dinner.

As always, I’m linking up with ErikaĀ andĀ AndreaĀ for a weekly edition of Friday Favorites where I share some of my favorite things from this week.Ā 

Here’s a round up of some of my favorite things. 

First Snow-We had our first big snowfall last week/weekend. Although it was not pretty to drive and work in, it was beautiful to sit inside and read, watch a movie or turn on a fire and look at. Some of it has already melted due to warmer temperatures but I know it will be back soon. Seeing all the big, white, snow flakes gets me in the holiday spirit even more.

New Wall Flower Scent- Speaking of the holiday season, I swapped out my wallflower scent this weekend for this festive scent. I had been using eucalyptus and mint and swapped it out for fresh balsam. It smells like Christmas. Between the snow, decorating and new scents, I am ready for December 25…well I still need to do some shopping but I’m almost there.Ā 

Pretzel Bites-I mentioned last week I picked up some fun snacks from Target and wanted to share another snack with you today. I got these chocolate covered peanut butter pretzel bites from Target and they are the perfect sweet and salty treat. You only need to enjoy a few to be satisfied. These would be great to enjoy on their own or a fun addition to a charcuterie board.Ā 

One True Loves– I’ve been reading a lot of Taylor Jenkins Reid, I’m just finished the Seven Husbands of Elena Hugo and will be sharing my thoughts on it soon, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to talk about One True Loves. It follows the story of a young woman who loves her husband when his flight goes missing, it takes her a while, but she moves on and meets someone else, she’s happy and engaged until her husband is found and returns home. It’s up to her to figure out who her one true love is. This story is about love, loss, growth and finding yourself. I breezed through this book in four days. In fact, I finished the last hundred pages in one sitting. A cute, love story with a twist.

The Santa Clauses on Disney Plus– And because I can’t stop talking about the holiday season…have you seen The Santa Clauses series on Disney Plus? I loved the original movies and I couldn’t wait for the series to come out. I love the Easter eggs to the original movies tucked throughout the series. This is a great family-friendly way to kick off the holiday season.

That’s just a look into some of my favorite things this past week. I hope you have a relaxing weekend and wonderful kick off to the holiday season. Happy Friday!