Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #108

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you all have had a great week and are excited to do something fun as we start to say goodbye to summer! This has been such a fulfilling summer filled with checking off bucket list items, continuing summer traditions, and new adventures. Iā€™m not ready to say goodbye to summer, but all good things must come to an end.

I’ve been capitalizing on lots of walks over the past few weeks.

As we get ready for the weekend, Iā€™m linking up with Erika and Andrea for another round of Friday Favorites! Hereā€™s a list of things Iā€™ve been loving!

Yoga– Iā€™ve tried yoga a few times over the past month. I am used to more high intensity workouts with strength training, lifting and cardio, so this was a change in pace for me, but Iā€™ve enjoyed it the past few times. I did a yoga on the beach which was a slow and gentle flow yoga for beginners. Then a week later, I did a sunrise yoga which was gentle, but more intense yoga. Both lasted an hour and I felt relaxed, refreshed, and stretched out. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll be incorporating yoga into my weekly workout sessions, but it was fun to change it up for a few weeks. 

Yoga to start the day

It Ends with Us– The movie, It Ends with Us starting Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni is now out. I havenā€™t seen it yet, but I am anxious to see it. I read the book and the sequel by Colleen Hoover and I really loved it. Iā€™m anxious to see how the movie compares to the book. I have read some reviews, but no spoilers. I did hear that Hoover makes an appearance. Iā€™m hoping to see it in the theaters soon! Iā€™ll report back with a review once I see it.

New Bridgerton Scent– As we say goodbye to one season of life and say hello to another, my body lotion and sprays are changing. I got some of the new scents from the Bridgerton collection from Bath and Body Works for my birthday and Iā€™m finally getting around to using them. I really love this scent and the design on the bottle. The scent is called Diamond of the Season and itā€™s a subtle, vanilla scent with some hints of floral. The perfect smell to use when at the end of summer and start of fall!

Packing Cubes-Iā€™m officially on the packing cube train. I have read about packing cubes for years from Mix and Match Mama and before my family trip, I purchased a set for my mom and I to share and they were a huge help. I used two cubes and they fit nine days worth of clothes tight and compact. On the way home, I used one for clean and one for dirty clothes. They gave me so much more space in my carry-on. I would definitely recommend getting them if you are a big traveler. I would even consider using them if you are using a tote bag if you donā€™t plan on using a suitcase to keep everything organized and neat. I know I will be using them for future travels. I got mine off Amazon!

Satin Lips Scrub and Balm– Iā€™ve mentioned this numerous times, but whenever I go on vacation or go away, I always like to try new beauty samples to see if I want to invest in them. When I went on my trip, I tried Mary Kayā€™s Satin Lips Scrub and Balm. I used the scrub every night after I washed my face and used them balm through the day. The scrub felt good after a day of lip balm and glass. I found myself having to reapply the balm a lot through the day, but that also could have been due to the heat and drinking lots of water. I will definitely be using the samples on my next trip, but I think I will be sticking to my Sara Happ Lip scrub and balm at home every night.

Thatā€™s a look into some of my favorite things from this past week! What are some things that have caught your eye this past week? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #92

Hello All!

Happy Friday! I hope you all have had an enjoyable week and are doing something fun this first weekend in May, maybe watching the Kentucky Derby?! It’s officially my favorite month of the year and I am pumped for everything that comes with the next few weeks, from birthdays, to end of school, holidays, and the start of summer.

First of many ice cream dates this spring and summer!

As always, I am linking up with  Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites. This week features a mix of life hacks, foods, and some beauty and fashion finds. Let’s dive right in!

Taylor Swift’s New Album– I know I am late to the party but I have slowly been listening to Taylor Swift’s new album, The Tortured Poet’s Department. I am not a diehard Swiftie but I do enjoy her music and think she did a great job on her latest album. I have been listening to it in the car and out on walks. It’s been fun to find learn all about her hidden references and Easter eggs. If you are a fan, what are your favorite songs? I personally love, Florida.

New sandals– Summer will be here soon and I got these new sandals from Marshall’s just in time for outdoor fun. I love the style and support they provide and how you can truly dress them up or down with any outfit. I know I will be getting a lot of use out of them this summer, I just need the weather to warm up a tiny bit. I always love to pop into Marshall’s and T.J. Maxx to see what they have and it’s always a win when I walk out with some great finds.

Kashi Cereal– I will go through different favorites when it comes to snacks and right now, I am on the yogurt train. I have really been enjoying vanilla yogurt at lunch and topping it off with something crunchy. Kashi Cereal has been my current go-to. It’s packed with flavor and protein. I enjoy the saltiness of the cereal mixed with the sweetness of the berries. It has been making a difference instead of enjoying yogurt on its own, plus, it’s a healthy alternative to other snacks.

Logging Podcasts- This has been a new life hack that I have been loving. I often listen to podcasts when I am running or in the car and I am always looking for recommendations. I’m currently making my way through the Lazy Genius podcast, however, not every episode pertains tor I’m not interested in it. Whenever, I have some free time, I will go through the Lazy Genius library and log what episodes I am interested in. This way, whenever I am looking for a new episode to listen to, I am not wasting time looking for one, I have a list already to go. It saves me time and stress. Now, you don’t have to do this just for podcasts, you can keep track of music you want to listen to, or shows or movies to watch. In this situation, I am using Kendra’s idea of deciding once to make it easier on myself.Ā 

New Scent- Now that the weather has finally broken and we are experiencing spring-like weather, I figured it was time for scent change (I also just so happened to be out of the scent I started using after Christmas, haha!) I decided to break out Gingham Fresh from Bath and Body Works perfect for spring. There’s a hint of floral to this scent, but it’s mostly a light scent, that’s not too overpowering. Although, I love fragrance mists, sprays and perfumes, I know not everyone does, so I always try to choose scents that are subtle as opposed to strong. 

That’s a look into life this past week, some time outdoors, some snacks and life hacks. What’s your week been like and what are you looking forward to during the week ahead? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Fri-yay!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #78

Hello all!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week and have something fun planned for the weekend. I can’t believe we are looking ahead to the last weekend of January. This month went by so fast, I have a love/hate relationship with January. I love the clean slate and freshness that comes with a new month, but I don’t like the cold and how after the holidays there’s not as much to look forward to. I try to put things on the calendar or make plans so I have something to look forward to in the winter months. That being said, I am looking forward to February and a new month.

Fresh cookies on cold, winter days

This week’s roundup of Friday Favorites is giving me something to smile about and look forward to. 

Here’s some of my favorite things this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

New Candle– There’s no better pairing than a cold, snowy, day and a warm, burning candle. I have been using this candle, Winter, from Bath and Body Works all month long in the morning and night. It’s hard to describe the scent, it’s not overpowering with fragrance. It has a subtle, natural scent, that’s perfect for a fresh start. It definitely smells like nature with some of the notes. Although I use it in my room, it would be great in a common space like a living room or dining room too. I don’t often purchase candles from Bath and Body Works due to the cost, but I couldn’t wait to try this one I got for Christmas.

 Maestro– Have you watched Maestro yet on Netflix? It tells the story of American composer, Leonard Bernstein. Bradley Cooper, directed, produced, and starred in the movie that has already gained nominations at several different award shows. I heard a lot of mixed reviews about the movie, and I was anxious to see it for myself. I learned a lot about Bernstein; his life, his music, his marriage and personal life. I thought there would be more about his music and work as a composer, but the movie focused more on his marriage and the relationships he had. The movie was interesting, and I learned a lot about the man that had a lot to do with the music we still listen and recognize today. My biggest takeaway was how much Cooper transformed into the character. He deserves all the awards for this role. 

Favoriting Photos– This isn’t a new concept by any means, but I found a new life hack and wanted to share it with you. Favoriting photos on my iPhone has been such a game changer for me. I use my camera a lot not only for taking planned photos, but also for taking photos of things that are important and don’t want to forget. Having important photos saved in one spot makes it so easy to find things. I also create folders for my photos for projects too. But, if I need to save a password or username or important photo, I know it’s saved in one spot. This is a great tool for helping organize your photos.

Mini Notebooks– By now you probably know I am a huge fan of Simplified. I use their planner daily and some of their products too. I have several of their mini notebooks but didn’t know the best way to use them in my life. At the start of the year, I finally came up with a great system to use them. I was constantly finding myself grabbing scrap paper or post-it notes to write down to-dos or reminders and would either end up losing the papers or I would end up with several post it notes. I decided to use one of the notebooks to put all the lists in. Each week I start a new page and write down any extra to-dos that need done over the course of the week. In my planner, I write down specific to-dos for each day, but I use my mini notebooks almost as a brain dump for all the extra things that need done. I have a running list in one spot and I’m not constantly writing down notes on random pieces of paper. This has been a huge help for me this year.

Matching mini notebook and planner

New Car Scent– I promise this is my last favorite thing of new scents, but it turned out that all my scents got swapped through this month. It seemed like the theme was new year/month, new scents. I always like a fresh and refreshing scent in my car. This Eucalyptus and Spearmint scent was just the thing I was looking for when I wanted to update my scent from Bath and Body Works. The scent is a bit stronger which I prefer especially if I’m driving around or if I have food or something heavily scented in my car. I always love a refreshing smell and this didn’t disappoint.

That wraps up another round of Friday Favorites. As we wrap up this month, I hope you find something that brings a smile to your face. I always try to remind myself that we can find joy and happiness in the smallest and most mundane things in life.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #66

Hello all!

Happy Friday! We made it through Halloween week! This has been a busy week for me, so I was ready for the weekend. I finished a big project on Monday, celebrated Halloween on Tuesday and had some doctor’s appointments spread throughout the week too. These next few weeks will be busy between some big work events and projects, Thanksgiving and the start of Christmas shopping, so I’m trying to take the slow and steady days where I can. 

We had some days in the 70s and I had to take advantage by enjoying the outdoors.

Anyways, let’s not get ahead of ourselves and focus on the here and now and some fun favorites for this fall week as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

New Fall Candle- I typically get my candles from Marshall’s, T. J. Maxx or even Michael’s. However, thanks to a sale and being a rewards member, I got a candle for a great price from Bath and Body Works and I am obsessed. This three-wick candle was perfect for October and is even better for November. The pumpkin-apple scent is like fall in a cup. It’s not too strong and the scent lasts even after you blow out the candle. I have been burning it in the morning and when I am unwinding or relaxing and it has been such a fall treat. I don’t always use holiday scented candles, but I know this one will last me all through the next month, just in time for a new scent for Christmas!

My new favorite candle.

New Lotion and Spray Scent– This candle wasn’t the only new scent I was smelling this week. It was time for a change for my body lotion and spray from Bath and Body Works. I’m enjoying the last of the Gingham series with Gingham Fresh. So far, I like that Gingham Fresh is subtle and not too strong which is helpful if you just want a little refresher.  You may remember I have enjoyed Gingham Gorgeous and Gingham Vibrant so far this year. I will have to use this one for a bit before I decide which is my favorite. Stay tuned! Next month, I will be breaking out the Winter Candy Apple for the holidays! I can’t wait!

New scent for the next few months.

Quaker Oats- From new scents to foods! I can’t believe this is a favorite for me, but never say never. I never liked oats or oatmeal growing up, but I have been trying a lot of new foods over the past few months and that includes quaker oats. I’m not a fan of oatmeal, but I have been enjoying it in cookies and protein balls. I used quaker oats to make chocolate and peanut butter no bakes and then apple oatmeal cookies which were both so tasty and healthy too. I also took a try at making protein balls off a recipe I found on Pinterest and have been loving them too, again the perfect mix of healthy with some sweet and salty. I’ll be on the lookout for more recipes to use oats, if you have a favorite recipe, please feel free to share with me!

New favorite treats!
And cookies

Pumpkin Pop Tarts– We are still in full on pumpkin season over here and I have been trying all kinds of pumpkin flavored foods. I was never a big fan of pumpkin, only in moderation, but it has been growing on me this season. I tried pumpkin pop tarts this season and really enjoyed them. The pumpkin flavoring wasn’t overwhelming, it was subtle but had that pumpkin spice feel and taste to it. I only tried them in room temperature and not heated up, so the flavoring could change, but if you are a pumpkin fan, consider picking them up the next time you are out and about.

Fall in your mouth!

The Crown Trailer– Any Crown fans out there? The new trailer for season 6 dropped last week and I can’t wait for part one. You can watch the trailer here. I am interested to see how they depict the months leading up to Diana’s death and the aftermath of it. I think the series has done a great job of staying true to the story. As much as I can’t wait for the final season, I also don’t want the series to be over. It has been such a good show to watch over the years and I’ll miss it when it’s over.

You never know what your favorite things will be, some weeks it’s fashion, other weeks, it’s food and scents. I hope you are recovered from Halloween and are still enjoying some candy as we make our way into a new month!

Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #48

Hello All! 

Itā€™s the final day of June, but no fear, we still have plenty of summer to enjoy! I just got back from some time with my family at the beach.

The beauty of the beach!

It was great to see some extended family, catch up, and enjoy some time in the water and in the sand. The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to make time for family.Ā 

Ending June with ice cream.

This next week will busy between getting back into the swing of things and heading back to work.

Plus, we have the Fourth of July next week, in the middle of the week, no less and then I have plans to see some friends from college. It will be a busy but good week coming up.

Now, that I have caught you up on everything in my world this final Friday in June, itā€™s time for a new edition of Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Super Goop Sunscreen– I know I am so late to the party on this one, but I am on the team Super Goop sunscreen train! I have heard about it for years and got a face sunscreen for my birthday and have worn it a lot. It goes on so easy and has a bit of a glow which I really love. The sunscreen protects you from the sun and acts as a primer for makeup which I found to be super helpful too. On days when I know I am going to be outside all day, I always apply it to my face, do my makeup and then I am good to go. This is easily becoming one of my summer favorites. 

And Just Like That Premiere– The girls are back! I loved watching the premiere of And Just Like That last week. I like how episodes are once a week, they are the perfect mid-week pick me up. I have read a little bit about some cameo appearances and Iā€™m looking forward to see how the storylines make their way into the show. From the setting, the fashion, the nostalgia and the friendship, plus some fun relationships, I know this will be a good season. If you are watching, what are your thoughts so far?

Lululemon Purse– I got my Lululemon cross body purse for Christmas and have been loving it this summer. I brought it on day trips, running errands and out on walks. Itā€™s the perfect size to hold a wallet, keys, a sunglasses, head phones, even a charger. It has come in so handy this summer. Iā€™ll be sharing more about my love for it in next weekā€™s post!

The best summer purse!

New Scent– Itā€™s time for a new scent for summer. I am currently wearing Gingham Gorgeous! I love the fresh, floral scent it brings whenever I put it on. I got it from Bath and Body Works and it will last me months. The perfect, fresh summer scent as we enter July!

New month, new scent!

A Man Called Otto– Have you seen A Man Called Otto? It came out a few months ago, but just recently came onto Netflix. I really love Tom Hanks so I was excited to see this film, plus some of it was filmed in Pittsburgh, how cool!? We started the movie as a family and I finished it on my own. It was definitely a heavier movie dealing with deep topics including suicide, just as a warning. Itā€™s all about a grumpy man who befriends new neighbors and how they get him to come out of his shell and start to enjoy life again. There were a lot of happy and joyous moments, but it was mixed with some adult topics too. I thought it was a good movie, but not the best Tom Hanks movie. If you have seen it, what did you think of it?

Thatā€™s a roundup of life this week. Itā€™s always so busy coming back to reality after time away, but Iā€™m ready to hit the ground running and get back into a good routine. As we say hello to July, how are you spending the weekend? Let me know in the comments below! Enjoy the last day of June!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #41

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week! This one was a fun week, filled with friends, activities, and a good work week. 

Someone is happy for the weekend!

We are inching closer and closer to warmer and summer-like weather and I canā€™t wait for it.

As we get ready for the weekend, hereā€™s some things Iā€™m loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Firefly Lane– The second part of season two of Firefly Lane came out at the end of April and I slowly made my way through it. I watched an episode or two a night and really enjoyed seeing how the series wrapped up. It was based on a book, so if you read the book series, you know how it ends. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to the characters that I grew to enjoy. Overall, I was satisfied with how it wrapped up. If you watched, what were your thoughts on the series?

New Scent– Itā€™s been a few months, so it was time for a new body lotion and spray. I am currently using Coco Paradise by Bath and Body Works. I got it for free with a purchase and couldnā€™t wait to try it. Itā€™s the perfect scent to get you ready and excited for summer. Itā€™s the perfect mix of ocean and coconut. This will be the best thing for a beach trip this summer!

Barrington and Simplified Collaboration– Simplified announced a collaboration with Barrington, a purse brand and the patterns and colors are so fun! Thereā€™s so many different styles and bags you can choose from with Simplified patterns or colors. Plus, you can get them monogrammed too! I may have to add a few of these to my Wish List.

Just a look at some of the bags!

Ed Sheeran New Album– Ed Sheeranā€™s new album, Subtract, came out last week and itā€™s what Iā€™ve been listening to it non-stop. I love the variety of music, from slow and soft to fast and upbeat. Iā€™ve loved listening to Sheeranā€™s music over the years and I couldnā€™t wait for this new album. Iā€™ll be seeing Ed Sheeran in July and I canā€™t wait. This will be the second time Iā€™ll be seeing him in concert and Iā€™m going to do my best to have most of these songs memorized.

Elizabeth Holmes on the Simplified podcast– Another Simplified favorite (sorry, I canā€™t help myself!) Last week was the Coronation of King Charles III, I caught parts of it on Saturday and actually got to do some stories on it too, more on that next week! But ahead of the Coronation, Elizabeth Holmes, my favorite Royal expert, shared thoughts about Royal fashion and the Coronation and more on Emily Leyā€™s Simplified podcast. It was so fun to hear two of my favorite people talk about Royalty. Such a special treat.

Such a fun listen!

There you have it! A look into some of my favorite things from the past week. Some collaborations, new scents and hobbies. Certainly a little bit of everything! Tell me: what are you looking forward to this weekend? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday friends!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #7

Hello all!

Happy Friday! I hope you all had a great week and have something fun planned for this weekend. Like every Friday, I’m linking up withĀ ErikaĀ andĀ Andrea for a new edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s five things that I’m loving this week.

New Scent: Yesterday was the start of the fall season and it happened to coincide with it being time to get a new scent of body spray/lotion. Bath and Body Works is my go-to for lotion, sprays, wall flowers, etc. I always look forward to changing scents when an old scent runs out. I tried this new scented Butterfly and loved it, it’s a fresh but warm smell if that makes sense. It would go perfect for the spring or summer season, but even would work for fall too. I liked the scent so much, I purchased a mini spray for work too. I can’t wait to use it every day.

Eyeshadow Brushes: I am always on the search for new makeup products and things that make getting ready faster and efficient. This next favorite is my no means a new invention. I found a great deal on Amazon for lots of eyeshadow brushes. This pack came in a clear case to keep them all together and in one spot. These brushes will last me a few days since there’s essentially four sponges per stick. I don’t have to worry about washing these brushes, I can just toss them when I’m done with them. I really like that the sponges don’t fall off when applying eye shadow, they provide great coverage on my lids, and they make blending easier. If you are searching for some new brushes, give these a try!

House of Gucci– Again not a new movie, but a new to me movie. I watched House of Gucci last week and loved it. I thought the acting was so well done, from Lady Gaga to Adam Driver and even Jared Leto. Leto was unrecognizable to me. I really enjoyed the fashion, the plot and the build up to the tragic ending. I learned a lot about the Gucci family that I didn’t know before while watching the film too. If you are a fan of the fashion industry, definitely give it a try. There are a few adult scenes and it is a longer movie, so just a few things to consider when planning your next movie night.

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies– If you are looking for a movie snack, this might be it. I picked up these mini cookies from Target and loved them. They have the perfect balance of caramel and chocolate chip. They are bite sized cookies so you can eat one or two and your sweet tooth will be satisfied. These would be a great afternoon pick-me-up, lunch snack or movie treat. I loved popping into Target for everything, but seeing their new snacks and trying them out are always a favorite for me!

Sweet Corn– Sticking with food, I’ve been on a sweet corn kick. My family and I have been enjoying a lot of corn while grilling. We’ve enjoyed it with burgers and hot dogs, chicken, even steak. We recently tried putting corn on the grill and I’ve found that I enjoy it even more over the fire compared to boiling them inside on the stove. If you are looking to have one more cookout before the weather turns, consider some sweet corn.

That’s a look at some of my favorite things today. What are you loving today?