Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #134

Hello All!

Happy Friday! I hope you had a full and successful week! February is flying by which is good for me. January felt wayyyyy longer than I wanted, but February is flying by. I think a lot of that had to do with the fact I have more things on my calendar to look forward to. I got back from a weekend away last weekend and it gave me the energy I needed to make it through the second half of winter. As much as I love to travel, it’s always good to come home and get settled after time off.

My go-to look, all bundled up for winter. Hat, scarf, and puffy jacket!

As we look towards brighter days, here are some things I have been loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea

New Candle Scent– I finished my Emily in Paris candle which I loved and it was time for a new one. I decided to switch it up with a lavender scent to relax and unwind to the start and end of the day. I got this candle from a local candle company. I love to support local businesses whenever I can and this was a great opportunity to do so. The candles come in different size Mason jars which I find so cute. I also love how the scent lingers after you blow it out. This has been a favorite of mine these past few weeks.

Hair Shine Mist- I use a lot of different products in my hair every day and I always like experimenting with new products. I have been trying this shine mist after I’m done doing my hair, before I head out the door. It gives my hair a nice clean look and it smells great too. But I do notice that it adds some shine and volume too. Definitely a win for me when it comes to hair products!

New Apple Watch Band– As i mentioned in my post a few weeks ago, I LOVE my apple watch and wear all day, every day. I typically keep the generic, athletic band on it at all times, but sometimes for work, I want a more professional look. I decided to purchase a gold/leather watch band from Amazon and I have been loving it. It definitely elevates my look and I feel more sophisticated when I wear it. An inexpensive purchase that makes me feel more put together and fashionable.

Back in Action- Have you seen the new movie on Netflix, Back in Action?! It stars Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx. My boyfriend and I recently watched it during a virtual watch party and both really enjoyed it. Was it the greatest movie of all time? No, but was it a good thriller with some good one-liners on Netflix to enjoy for a date night?! Absolutely! The movie follows two spies who get out of the business to start a family only to get pulled right back in years later. Definitely a fun movie to watch for your next night in.

Virtual watch party for the win!

Pomodoro Timer- My friend recommended I try the Pomodoro Timer for work and house projects and it has been super helpful when staying on task. Sometimes, I, like many can get distracted when I’m trying to a task or work and the timer is a great motivator to stay focused and catch your breath every few minutes. This is a great tool if you spend hours at a desk and need a reminder to get moving too.

That’s a look into life this past week and what I’m loving! Some shows, movies, accessories, and beauty items, truly a little bit of everything. I hope you have found something that brought you JOY this past week. Have a fabulous weekend! See you back here on Wednesday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #130

Hello everyone!

Happy Friday! I hope you are having a great week and are ready for the weekend. I know I am ready for the weekend. This has been a cold and long January, but we are making our way through it. 

Fun outings to local bakeries makes the winters better

Before we get to relaxing or fun activities over the next few days, I wanted to share some things that I have been loving this week as I link up with..

New Apple Watch– I upgraded my Apple Watch over Christmas to the Series 10 and I have really been impressed with it. It is similar to my older Apple watch, but there are a few features that I have enjoyed. The battery lasts longer which was a huge selling point for me since I wear my watch all day, even at night. I also like how you can log how much effort you put into your workouts. The series 10 has a bigger watch face which is also a win for me! I’m still exploring other features but would love to hear what you like about your apple watches. 

Treadmill Walks– It has been bitterly cold here over the past few weeks, so I have been adding walking on the treadmill as part of my cool down at the gym. Typically, I would finish my workout and then head home and get outside for some fresh air with my dogs. I can’t do that in 20-degree weather, so I have been cooling down by walking on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes after my workout to get my heat rate down before heading home. This has been a good transition between a hard workout and starting my work day.

Earring case– Another small tool that has made a big difference has been an earring organizer case. I got this organizer for Christmas, and it has been a big help. I previously had all my earrings just in a box and I would constantly be searching for pairs, which would leave me frazzled. This case keeps everything in its place, and it fits perfectly in my jewelry box. Plus, I love that you can see all your earrings through the clear lid.

New Candle Scent- I mentioned that I got a lot of Emily in Paris scents and fragrances from Bath and Body Works for Christmas, and I have slowly been starting to use them/ I began lighting a new candle called “Paris Amour” after the holidays and I am really loving it. It is on the stronger side of candles, and it has more feminine notes, but it’s been a great addition to my room. I love switching scents between seasons and this strong smell breathes new beginnings. I also got a chic candle holder to place it in (Paris themed of course) and it makes me smile whenever I light it. A small change, but one that certainly brings joy!

The Last Rifleman– If you are looking for a good movie for the family, I have just the recommendation for you! The Last Rifleman stars Pierce Brosnan and it’s all about a older man who is on a mission to return to the beaches of Normandy for the anniversary of D-Day. But he has to overcome several obstacles to get there. There are some flashbacks to the war, but a majority of the movie takes places in the present day.  Although, some lighter moments, this was a heavier movie. I really enjoyed seeing all the people that Brosnan had to meet to help get him to his final destination. Overall, a well done movie which can be found on Amazon Prime.

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week, some new scents, helpful tools, and hacks, and some entertainment too. 

What are you loving this week as we get ready for the weekend? I would love to hear from you.

Happy Friday! Enjoy the weekend and stay cozy!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #117

Hello all! 

Happy Friday! I hope you had a fantastic week. I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the weekend! Fall is flying by, I truly can’t believe we are almost to November. November always feels like the calm before the storm of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, which don’t get me wrong, I love, but it can also be very chaotic. Needless to say, I’m enjoying the slower fall days with sunshine and crisper temperatures for as long as I can. 

Signs of fall at the farmer’s market

To no one’s surprise, today’s Friday Favorites features A LOT of seasonal items. How can I resist seasonal flavors and scents?! I plan on trying all the fall things until Thanksgiving and then it’s switch to Christmas! Anyways, let’s get to some of my favorite things from the past week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Solo Dates– I was talking to a friend years ago about the concept of solo dates, essentially it’s making the decision to take yourself for an activity or date. I spent a lot of time alone in college and gained a lot of independence that way. But since I began working, I haven’t had too much time for myself to take myself out on a “date”, I would often do things with family, friends or my boyfriend. This year I wanted to make more of a point to have solo dates. I’ve only done it a few times, but I’ve had good experiences. So far, I have visited a new library and actually took the time to sit and read and I’ve also gone on walks after work to different parks. Other examples of solo dates would be taking yourself out to dinner, going shopping or trying a new coffee shop, or even seeing a movie by yourself. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, in fact, most of these dates are free, the point is doing something for yourself. I’ve enjoyed the independence I’ve gained by doing these solo dates and I look forward to doing more of them. 

Snapshot from a recent solo date

Cinnamon Roll Flavored Rice Cakes– Are you surprised there’s a seasonal food item in this week’s Friday Favorites?! I’m not haha!! I really have started to enjoy rice cakes especially with peanut butter and banana or even jelly. When I saw my local grocery store had cinnamon roll flavored rice cakes, I had to try them. They have the perfect amount of flavor of fall. There’s just a drizzle of maple so you can still enjoy other toppings with them if you like. Definitely a favorite snack for this week.

New Candle Scent-Sticking with seasonal flavors and scents, my mom picked me up this candle from Michael’s Craft store. They always have great deals when it comes to candles. You can get multiple, large candles for a great price. The names of the scents are so creative and they smell so good too, I also love how the scent lasts after you blow the candle out. My current pick is Candy Corn Maze, and yes it does smell like candy corn.

Darling Girls– In honor of spooky season, I’ve been trying to read more mysteries and thrillers. I’ve had Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth on hold at the library for a while and couldn’t wait to start reading when it was my turn to get it. It tells the story of three foster sisters who learn that a dead body is found under the house they grew up in. Who does the body belong to and how did they die? There were so many twists and turns that I was not expecting, even up until the last chapter. 5 stars from me!

Magnolia Cook Books– I mentioned last week that I had been checking cookbooks out of the library to try different recipes and I have been loving this life hack. I will browse lots of different cookbooks on the shelves, but I have really been loving Magnolia cookbooks by Joanna Gaines. She has so many unique recipes, from sweet to savory and everything in between. What I also really love about her cookbooks is the how fresh, natural and even simple her recipes are. It has definitely inspired me to think outside the box when it comes to cooking and baking. If you are an avid cooker or baker, who are some of your favorite cookbook authors? I would love to get any other suggestions, especially as we get closer to the holidays and I will be ramping up my time in the kitchen.

That’s a look at some of my favorite moments and items from this week, tell me, what has brought you JOY recently? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #112

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend. I know I am! I have some fun travel plans for the weekend that I have been counting down to for weeks! I am hoping this will be a picturesque fall weekend. 

This week was brought to you by an unexpected zoo trip before the end of the season

Before I get to my plans, I wanted to share some favorites of mine from the past week. I have some fall finds, some entertainment fixes, and a bit of seasonal fun too!

Let’s jump into it as I link up with Erika and Andrea 

New Candle Scent– Since September is a transitional weather month, I’m not quite ready to break out all the fall scents yet. Maybe in the next few weeks, but not today. I needed a new candle scent for my room and found the perfect transitional scent in French Vanilla. It’s a mix of vanilla, musk and amber and it’s from a local shop. One of my favorite things about this company is that in addition to the name and scent of the candle, they will tell you what scents make up the candle. I also love all the sizes the candles come in, this way you don’t have to commit to a scent long-term if you don’t love it. I have a mini size candle and it’s been perfect for me. I also couldn’t resist the cute mason jar it came in. This was a great choice as we transition from one season to the next.

Jewelry Pouch– This has been a recent life hack that has helped me immensely. I wear jewelry every day to work, but sometimes after work, I will go to the gym, for a run, or out for an activity and I don’t want to lose my jewelry in my car or purse when I take them off. Enter jewelry pouch! I always get these cute pouches from different pieces of jewelry that I purchase, but I never know what to do with them. Now, I keep a pouch in my car so whenever I get in my car and I need to take off my jewelry if I’m not going home right away, I can do it without worrying about losing it or it getting tangled. Then when I get home, I bring the pouch inside, unload the jewelry and put the pouch back in my car. Such a small change, but one that makes a big difference. 

Seasonal Fruit– As we say goodbye to the summer season, I have been doing my best to get all my favorite seasonal fruits in. Peaches have been a favorite of mine as of late. I have been eating them with my lunches, in salads, and on ice cream for dessert. They are such a sweet treat and I have been savoring them since I know we have such a short window for them. 

Wallet Switch– I carry a purse with me for work and for outings, but I also keep a wristlet with my credit cards, cash and keys with me wherever I go. I try to swap out my wallets each season so they don’t get overused. I have been using the same wristlets for year (usually a mix of Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Coach etc.) but when I was in Italy, I picked up a new one. It can fit everything I need and I love the light brown shade. It matches my purses perfectly and it’s a beautiful fall tone. Definitely a fall favorite!

Breaking Bad-This is by no means a new favorite, but my boyfriend and I started watching Breaking Bad and we are hooked. It took a little while for the show to get moving, but once it did we were sold. It’s a totally different concept than we are used to but we have been enjoying the drama and craziness that comes with the show. We just finished season one and now are onto season two. I’ll keep you posted on our progress.

That’s a look into life lately and some recent favorites. As we make our way through September, what are some things you have been loving? Let me know in the comments below! Have  fabulous Friday and fantastic weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #107

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you have had a great week. These past few weeks, especially this one, have been a bit of a whirlwind, between getting back from time away with my family, returning to work and getting my life acclimated once again. Needless to say, I am ready to get my life back in order and in a new routine.

One of my goals for this month was to run new places and this was the first spot I chose, by the water! It was beautiful!

As we get ready for the weekend which will be filled with fun, I am sharing some favorites this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea

New Candle Scent- I was looking for a new candle scent for the month of August and settled on Iridescent Glow. It’s by far the most subtle candle scent I’ve had in a long time. It is very subdue and not powerful. For lack of a better description, it’s a clean scent that’s not too perfumey or florally. I am using this scent as a good palate cleanser of scents as we transition from summery scents to fall scents.

Wick Trimmer- Speaking of candles, this wick trimmer is a great tool for candles, especially if you are a big candle user. I typically burn a candle in my room every day as I get ready and I have found that by using this wick trimmer it makes my candles burn longer. I got it on Amazon and it has been a great investment. Definitely worth it if you are a big candle user. It would also make a great gift to give someone with a candle as a housewarming gift. 

Shower Steamers– If you are looking for a way to heighten your shower experience, I may have just the thing for you. I got these shower steamers from Bath and Body Works for my birthday and have used them a handful of times in the shower. The scent is lavendar and vanilla. Some may prefer a bath to a shower, but these are a great and fast way to relax while washing up. The scent isn’t too overpowering and whether you use them in the morning or at night, I’m sure you will feel relaxed when you are done. 

Blueberry Lemonade Dark Chocolate Bar– I am a sucker for trying new things on display at grocery stores. I talked about a peanut butter trail mix last week in my Friday Favorites and this week I am sharing a new candy bar. The flavor is unique, but it’s so good. I picked it up from Giant Eagle and it has been a tasty treat to indulge in at the end of the day. It’s mostly dark chocolate with a hint of lemon and blueberry, unique, but so tasty. 

Homemade Chocolate Croissants– We were big fans of the Olympics this year and that included watching the Opening Ceremonies and many events. My mom and I made homemade chocolate croissants. They were super easy to make and tasted delicious! We purchased mini croissants from the grocery store and sliced them and put mini Hershey bars inside, we cooked them for about 10 minutes and took them out and then drizzled melted chocolate on top. After letting them cool, we all thoroughly enjoyed them. These were such an easy and sweet treat to enjoy. I will definitely be making them again for breakfasts, desserts and coffee. Yum!

Today’s post was definitely more of a home goods/sweet treats post, but you never know what you are going to get when it comes to Friday Favorites! I hope you had a great week and have something fun planned for this weekend. Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #100

Happy Friday!

I can’t believe this is my 100th Friday Favorites. I’ve shared a lot of favorites week over week and it’s been so fun to share what things I love and what things you might be interested in too! It’s been a fun 100 posts as I link up weekly with Erika and Andrea and I can’t wait for 100 more! By my count, I’ve shared over 500 favorites things with you over the past two years, in good news, I have a lot more favorites to share! 

Let’s get to it!

Emily Henry article– I’m a huge fan of Emily Henry! I look forward to each of her books every year. I finished Funny Story and it’s been such a good summer read! More on that later, but if you are a fan of Henry or if you have never read her works, I highly recommend them. I came across this article which is a great primer about all her books with little synopsis of each. Definitely a great place to start if you are interested in Emily Henry!

New Candle Scent– It was time for a new candle scent and I’m loving this scent. I got it as a gift, so I’m not sure where it’s from but it’s lavender scented. It is such a soothing and calming scent. I love the floral holder it comes in. So feminine for my desk. I also love that it complements my lavender and linen wall flower when I use it from Bath and Body Works.

New Bracelet– I got this blue floral bangle for my birthday and have gotten so much use out of it already. I love the floral designs with the different shades of blue. I also love the gold accents. I wear a lot of blue in the summer and it’s the perfect accessory to wear at work with different dresses and jumpsuits. I got it from Rifle Paper Company if you are interested.

Fixer Upper: The Lake House– I have gotten hooked on Fixer Upper: The Lake House. I always love watching Fixer Upper and have really enjoyed some of their spin-off series like the Hotel and the Lake House. I always love seeing how they think outside of the box with their designs and decor. This has been such a fun show to watch at the end of the day and I love seeing the antics between Chip and Jo!

Solid t-Shirts– As summer sets in, I was on the hunt for some clothes/outfits that can be worn on days off or on the weekends. I love this tennis skort and the versatility of it. Plus, a cream can go with anything. Solid t-shirts have been my new favorite thing to grab to mix and match with outfits. I have them in pink, red, black, and white. As much as I love a graphic t-shirt, I do love the simplicity of a solid color too, plus they make pairing them with different outfits so much easier too. This outfit just screams summer to me. 

That’s a look into some of my favorites over the past week. Thanks so much for stopping by and for being along for 100 weeks of Friday Favorites! 

Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #50

Hey guys! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are gearing up for a weekend full of sunshine, long days, and some summer fun! After a busy last week of heritage festivals, a concert and time with family, and visiting friends out of town, I was ready for a calmer week and weekend. 

I have been finding new places to hike, getting outdoors is one of my favorite parts of summer!

As I get ready for this weekend, here’s a look at some of my favorite things from this week as I link up with with Erika and Andrea!

Scamanda podcast– If you think I’m a few weeks behind on this first favorite, Scamanda it’s because I am! I saw it listed on a few other Friday Favorite blogs a few weeks ago and realized that if everyone else was listening to this podcast and raving about it then it must be good, and it did not disappoint. There’s eight episodes and two bonus episodes. It’s all about a woman who started a blog about her battle with cancer, however, the more the blogs, the more her story doesn’t add up. I only listen to a handful of podcasts and this was the first crime/drama podcast I listened too, and I really enjoyed it. I listened to it when I went on runs, went out of town and just in the car. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. If you are planning on hitting the road soon for a trip, I highly recommend this podcast.

New Candle Scent– I feel like the past few weeks have been all about new scents, but I’m not complaining. It’s just the time of year where I am swapping out all the scents, from body sprays and lotions to wall flowers and candles. I promise I don’t use the wall flower and candle at the same time. This new scent is perfect for unwinding at the end of the day. In my opinion, lavender and lemongrass are such soothing scents that they immediately put you in a calming state of mind, hence the name. I typically light a candle in the morning when I am getting ready for work or at the end of the day when I’m relaxing or doing computer work and this scent has been the perfect companion to relaxing.

Lancome Setting Powder– One of my co-workers recommended this beauty product from Lancome, when I am on camera, and I have really been pleased with the results. I do my makeup at home, before I head into the office, but often touch up my makeup before I go on air. I have been using this setting powder every time to take away any sweat or shine and touch up my face and give it a fresh look. It only takes a few seconds to dab my face and takes away some of the shine on my cheeks. If you are looking for a product to take away some of the shimmer and shine, I recommend this one.

Hair Spray Protector– I briefly brought up this product from Ulta Beauty on Wednesday, but I wanted to share more about it today.  I tried this new sample UV heat protection spray from Ulta Beauty when I was on vacation and have continued to use it since I got home. I use a curling iron or straightener five days a week for work, so I am all about protecting my hair from heat. I love how with a few spritzes of spray I protect my hair and as a bonus it has a great smell. I use a lot of product in my hair daily from shampoo, conditioner, volumizer, hair spray and UV protection spray, so while it can be a hassle to add another product to the mix, I’m glad I’m using something that is adding an extra layer of protection. Plus, because this is a sample, if I didn’t love it, I didn’t break the bank by trying it.

Tennis Skirt– I never thought I would be a tennis skirt girl, but here I am. I have really grown to love tennis dresses and skirts this summer. They are so easy to throw on after a day of work or on a day off.  This pale blue tennis skirt is from Amazon and was super affordable and durable. The nylon material is great for hot days. You can dress it up with a cute blouse if you want, but I would tend to wear it dressed down with a workout shirt or regular t-shirt. I would pair this outfit with sneakers, sandals or my-go to this summer, Birkenstocks!

That’s a look into some of my favorite things this week. A little bit of beauty, something to listen to on the road, and some cute clothes. As we make our way through July (which needs to slowwwww down) tell me, what have you been loving this week? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fabulous weekend!