Fabulous living

2025 New Year’s Resolutions

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year! 

I hope you have had an enjoyable holiday season. For many people, itā€™s back to work and reality, but others have a few more days to relax and unwind. I hope these past few days or weeks brought you rest, family and friend time, a good recharge, joy, love and memories. I know my heart is full after this holiday season.

I like to use the time between Christmas and New Year to reflect on the past year and look forward to whatā€™s to come. 

I did my annual planner prep this week!

I accomplished a lot in 2024, you can read all about it here.

Before I get to my New Yearā€™s Goals and Resolutions for 2025, I wanted to give you an update on my resolutions from last year. You can read about them here.

My motto of the year was to ā€œBe Open and Aware of Changeā€ while it was a challenge, I certainly embraced the change that was thrown my way. I grew a lot this year, I became more independent and confident in myself and my decisions. 

This year, while I leaned into my routines, I worked on being more flexible when it comes to schedules. Flexibility is something I have always struggled with and Iā€™m constantly working on and itā€™s something I want to continue to improve on in the new year.

My 2024 Resolutions for 2024 was to donate blood, do an 8K or 10K, Relearn Piano, Learn how to Braid Hair and Cook One Meal a Week. 

I accomplished all of these goals minus learning to braid hair, that was mostly because I have short hair and itā€™s not conducive to braiding right now. Once I grow it out, I plan to learn how to braid it. 

I donated blood for the first time this summer and I have continued to donate every time I am eligible. 

Donating Blood

I ran two 10Kā€™s this year and broke my personal record during my second one.

First of Two 10 K

I attempted to teach myself piano and practiced almost every day, but I donā€™t know if I will continue with this hobby in the new year.

Learning Piano

I have continued to make one meal a week and tried lots of new recipes and even mastered some too!

Cooking a new meal each week

I was pleased with how much I accomplished this past year whether it was trying new hobbies or continuing with old ones.

My mindset going into 2025 is to approach my days and schedules in a calmer manner. I found myself overbooking last year and want to leave more room for flexibility every day and focusing on doing one thing at a time and not always multitasking. Flexibility is something I want to be better at in the new year. Itā€™s something I say every year and each year I am getting better and better at it.

I want to continue with some of my habits that I started from last year including daily meditation, donating blood, making one meal a week , and paying attention to my budgets. 

When it comes to new goals or resolutions for 2025, I want to:

-Run a half marathon (something I have been working towards over the past few years)

-Read 70 Books (I read 68 this past year, so I think this is doable.)

-Learn How to Bake Bread (I know this was very popular during the pandemic, but now I am jumping on the bandwagon and want to learn as well.)

-Learn how to iron (I know how to iron, but I want to get better at it this year.)

-Get more involved in my community (whether this is through joining a fitness class or club, I want to meet new people in my hometown.) 

In addition to these new goals for the new year, I want to work on spending more time outdoors, especially when it comes to being with my dogs. I want to continue to spend time with friends, go on a family trip and visit a new state. 

I have a few other personal goals that I want to work towards in the new year. I love the feeling of a fresh start and new beginnings that each year brings and I canā€™t wait to see what 2025 has in store for me. Happy New Year! Welcome 2025!

Fabulous living

Embracing Change

Hello all! 

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all enjoying June and the summer season. I hope your days are filled with time by the pool, stopping and smelling the roses and late nights by the fire. That all sounds dreamy, but in reality, you may have children home from school with no schedule, or you may be working full time and life looks the same as it does in December.

I love the summer season and try to sneak in pockets for relaxing or doing something fun even in the midst of work and life and my daily routine.

Beautiful days on the water

Whether it’s a walk after work, dinner outside, or reading by the pool on a day off, I have been trying my best to find ways to enjoy the summer season when I can and break up my routine.Ā 

Speaking of routines, that’s what today’s post is all about being flexible and adapting to change.

Last week, we talked about summer schedules and routines and rhythms. As you may have noticed, I love a good routine, but I need to get better at adapting and getting used to change, especially when my schedule gets thrown off. So today we are talking about change on a broader scale.

Change, we either embrace or we fear it, in some cases we may even try to deny it. (Hello, that’s me sometimes!)

I’ve never been one who adapts easily to change. I’m as Type A as they come, I crave a schedule, routine, and I’m very regimented. I admit to getting thrown of when my routine gets thrown off or I don’t accomplish everything I want to in a day or on my to-do list. I know no one is putting the pressure on me and I create the pressure, but I don’t always do well with leaving things not completed.

Although being organized and regimented are all good qualities to have, they have held me back from being flexible and sometimes adaptable to life and being spontaneous to activities and adventures. I may get stressed about being out late or not feeling a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. For the last several years, I have kept putting “be flexible” on my new year’s resolutions or goals, and often times I try to be more flexible, but I slip back into old habits of being regimented.

This past year has brought some changes to my life, and more are on the way. They are all good things, but they are changes, nonetheless. I decided this year to embrace the change rather than fear it. It was a daunting goal and one I’m still trying to navigate. I have been listening to The Lazy Genius Podcast by Kendra Adachi and one of her pillars is starting small. I have really been working on starting small when it comes to decision making or when I get overwhelmed with change. Rather than try to solve all my problems, I focus on what I can control and make decisions about.

I have been trying to look at change as an exciting time, rather than a stressful time. I am looking at the positives of a new routine or seeing how I can grow as a person through change. Plus, so often we see the best changes in ourselves when we have to go through the uncomfortable moments in life. 

As practical way that I have been coping with change is by journaling. In addition to my daily journals, which I keep to look back on, I have been doing a lot of brain dumps. These aren’t your typical brain dumps where you write down everything you may have to do or want to accomplish, instead, I have been writing down all my stressors, fears, anxieties, and worries and getting them out of my mind. This helps a lot at night when my mind is racing. I write down every good or bad thing that’s on my mind and have found that even if I don’t solve anything, it helps to have it out of my mind and on paper. I often will throw out the paper, but it helps put things in perspective of what’s important and what things I can control.

Change is scary, stressful, overwhelming, but it can also be exciting and full of new beginnings. 

In this season of life, Iā€™m choosing to embrace change and not fear it, I know it wonā€™t be easy, but I am ready for the challenge and Iā€™m excited to see how I grow along the way.

Fabulous living

The Importance of Hobbies

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday and happy first week of April! 

I hope you had a peaceful and joyful Easter if you celebrate. It was wonderful to have my family together, even if it was for a short weekend.

Easter always gets me excited for the start of spring, even if it was slightly earlier this year. From the pastel colors to the blooming flowers and the sunshine, there are so many things to love about this time of year.

A joyous Easter weekend filled with lots of traditions.

Even though we had a mild winter, I’m ready for spring and summer. The new season also means the return of some of my favorite hobbies, which brings us to today’s post…the importance of hobbies. I firmly believe that having hobbies or interests outside of work and family and friends are vital for a life of balance and joy. I’ve tried out different hobbies through the years and as an adult found things that truly interest me and bring me joy.

Growing up, I was involved with different activities and interests. I did theater all through middle school and high school. I was involved in National Honor Society, Student Government and other clubs. In college, I had jobs on campus and was a part of different clubs and organizations too, which kept me busy between classes. I was always on the go; I didn’t have a ton of hobbies. I didn’t play a lot of sports growing up and although I was involved with groups and organizations, I didn’t have a ton of extra interests. I always enjoyed reading, journaling and watching movies or catching up on tv shows, and helping my mom in the kitchen, but It wasn’t until end of college that I wanted to develop consistent hobbies that could be a balance outside of work.

Once I started working full time, I realized I didn’t have homework, or other responsibilities to keep me busy like I was used to my whole life, so it was time to find some interests outside of work and family.

Here’s some of the hobbies I’ve picked up and stuck to in the recent years:


I have always loved reading. English was my favorite class in school, I loved going to the library as a child and to this day, I make weekly trips to my local branch. I love getting lost in the stories, being transported to other worlds and learning about different people or places. I didn’t read as much in college, due to other books I was reading for classes, but once I graduated, my time for reading opened up. I tend to go through a book a week, depending on the length and I make weekly stops to my library to pick up or return books. I love browsing the shelves for new books, but I always have a long “To Be Read” list of recommended books from blogs, friends, and family. I have even started to download a book on my phone, so I always have a book with me, but I tend to stick with a book I can hold as opposed to a digital book. I spend so much time on screens every day, it’s nice to put it down and focus on something else. Last year, I read over 50 books and I hope to exceed that goal this year. I tend to read first thing in the morning and right before bed at night as a way to ease in and out of the day, but that doesn’t always happen. I always tell myself, as long as you read something, even if it’s just a page, that counts. Reading has been such a relaxing and soothing outlet for me to unwind and forget about the everyday stressors. 

One of my latest favorite reads….American Royals by Katharine McGee


Growing up, I loved helping my mom in the kitchen baking and cooking. I enjoyed baking in high school and college, but it wasn’t until I graduated college that I wanted to take my cooking skills to the next level. I started to cook one meal a week to work on my skills in the kitchen and to learn new recipes. Although, I took a hiatus with trying new meals in the kitchen due to a busy schedule, I’m back on track for trying new meals. I have enjoyed learning family recipes and researching new things to try. I’m getting more comfortable in the kitchen using different tools and ingredients and it’s been fun to have my family benefit from my new meals. The best part is that I’m building up my own cookbook for when I am on my own. Here’s how I plan out my recipes. I also have tried different baked goods recipes along the way too. From cookies, to cakes, and all things in between, it’s been fun to replicate some of my favorite desserts.

I’ve truly loved learning new recipes and getting comfortable in the kitchen.

Working Out/Running

In college, I started working out as a way to keep me busy and to stay active and fit. I wanted to continue that healthy lifestyle while I was working, so I found a gym and started going five days a week. I learned different skills and techniques in the gym, and I love the stress reliever it provides and that it helps me maintain a healthy lifestyle. I consider working out a hobby, it brings me joy and it’s something I’m passionate about. Last year, I wanted to challenge myself and start to run, I’ve talked about my running journey here and have truly found a love for running. I consider running one of my newest hobbies. I love the sense of accomplishment after a run, I love how I can clear my mind, and I love to see how far I can go. I do need to improve my speed, but that’s something that takes time and I’m okay with.

One of my latest runs and recent records


This was a new hobby I picked up last summer and hopefully can continue it this year. I always wanted to grow a garden and finally gave it a try last year. It took lots of patience and tending, and plenty of trial and error, but I was thrilled with the end result, even if it wasn’t as plentiful as I hope. I learned a great deal about growing and harvesting and I can confirm that homegrown veggies taste way better than store bought. I loved seeing my hard work pay off and I loved that I could use my veggies in recipes. Plus, it was great to spend more time outdoors by tending and checking on my garden.

The fruits of my labor


This is my latest hobby, which has been one of the more challenging hobbies. I took piano lessons when I was younger but didn’t keep up with them. We have a piano in our home that was sitting idle, and I decided I wanted to try to pick up the hobby again. I have been slowly teaching myself through an app, Simply Piano, and it’s been an interesting learning experience. I have found that like anything, you have to be disciplined with it. For me, that means practicing every day, even if it’s only for ten minutes a day or on the go in the app. I spend more time practicing on my days off but try to get it in every day. Some days, I am on a roll and loving the lessons, other days, I hit a plateau and get stuck on the lesson. But I am slowly learning the instrument once again. Another personal challenge I’ve faced is that my dog hates it when I play and will cry or howl the entire time, which can cause stress and be a distraction. I will try and practice when he is outside, but it doesn’t always shake out that way. This has been one of the more challenging hobbies I have tried, but I am slowly learning it. My favorite part has been learning to play my favorite songs. 

A recent accomplishment

Those are some of the hobbies I’m currently trying to incorporate into my day-to-day life. I don’t know if I will keep up with them for the rest of my life, but for now, they bring me joy and purpose and balance outside of work, family and friends. They are little ways I can take care of myself and don’t take up too much of my time. I think that’s the important thing about hobbies, they don’t have to be super expensive or any everyday thing. They can be simple way to take care of yourself and do something for me. Another thing that I have learned about hobbies is that it’s all about making time for them. You may think “I don’t have time for a hobby or to try something new”, but I promise you that if you really care about it and want to do it, you will find the time. I always seem to find a minute here or there to read a few pages of a book instead of scrolling through Instagram mindlessly, it’s all about how you structure and use your time. 

I hope this gives you some inspiration about finding a new hobby or re-learning an old one. Don’t be afraid to try something new or put yourself first, it may surprise you, how a little change could make a big effect.

Tell me: what are some hobbies you have picked up or are enjoying? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy hobby-ing!

Fabulous living

Using the Good Things in Life

Hello everyone! Happy First full week of March! We hit 70 degrees on Monday, the sun has been out longer and I’ve gotten more walks in to embrace the warm weather. It has been a great start to a new month. Today’s post is a bit personal, but I hope you will stick around until the end.

Remember those shoes you always wanted as a child and when you got them, you were afraid to wear them and risk getting them dirty or ruined? Or maybe you kept holding off on using your good dishes because you were afraid you would break them? We have all been there. We sometimes long for items and never end up using them or don’t use them as much as we should. Today’s post is a little different and more personal, as I’m sharing about the importance of not waiting and using the good things in life.Ā 

This topic came to me around the holidays, we were getting the table set for Christmas dinner using the good China and linen napkins. I always enjoy a good party prep and entertaining, I thought it was such a shame that fine China and fancy items only get used so often or for special occasions. While I know it’s important to honor and celebrate the big moments in our lives with fun items to mark the occasion, why can’t we use the linens more often? Or who says we can only use good plates for holidays? No one. I realized we can permit ourselves to use the nice dishes or wear the dress we have had in the back of our closet, or even add some expensive jewelry to our everyday outfits. What’s the point of having these items if we aren’t going to enjoy them to their fullest?

When I came to this realization last year, I allowed myself to use the good things, take the opportunities and experiences and not wait or put them off and I hope after reading this maybe you will too. Over the past few months, I have been trying to use what I have or the things I don’t use as frequently and incorporate them more in my everyday life. 

Here’s how I’m doing that:

Clothing: I have a lot of clothes, but I find myself reaching for the same items on days off or to wear to work. I decided to make more of an effort to change up clothes for work or outfits that I was wearing on days off or out to appreciate what I had. Instead of just wearing leggings and a hoodie on a day off (which still happens), I decided on jeans and a nice top to wear out for errands. I felt better about my appearance and better that I was wearing something I hadn’t worn in a while. 

Appliances/Gadgets: I got a Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas last year and used it a handful of times but took a hiatus due to a busy schedule and the fact it was stored in a place that isn’t always convenient to get it when I wanted to use it. I decided that I enjoyed using it and it made cooking and baking easier, so I would walk the extra few steps to get it out when I wanted to cook with it. 

Experiences: My friends and sometimes family often talk about things we want to do or try or adventure, but they don’t end up happening due to life or commitments or forgetting about it. I’ve tried to make more of a point to actually plan the trips or outings when I am with family of friends. For example, one of my friends and I are both book-worms and enjoy supporting local businesses and reading new books. I heard about a local book sale happening and made plans with my friend to check it out. We easily could have talked about it and not acted on it, but we made it a point to find a time that worked well for both of us and go to make it happen. Rather than going around in circles talking about if we want to go someplace or do something, you are making a decision to make it happen.

That’s the lesson, make the decision and don’t be afraid to use the good things in life. What’s holding you back? Give yourself permission to take the risk or make the jump and use the good things in life instead of having them sit.

Let me know your thoughts on this. How do you feel about making the big jumps and using the finer things in life?

Fabulous living


Twenty-five, a quarter of a century, a full blown adult.

These are a few of the things that have been running through my mind over the last few weeks.Ā 

Let me back up, I turn 25 next week and it’s a milestone birthday filled with all the emotions. Excitement, anticipation, nostalgia, and a bit of fear too.Ā 

Growing up, I always thought when you turned 25, you were officially an adult. No longer a child, teenager, or even young adult, but a full-fledged adult, and you had to have it all figured out.

Spoiler alert, I’m almost 25 and I don’t have it all figured out and I’m okay with that, in fact, I’m glad I don’t have it all figured out. I’ve learned you don’t have to have it all sorted out quite yet.

Your twenties are all about growing and learning and taking risks and seeing where life takes you. My first half of my twenties were filled with graduating college, moving back home, starting a career, going through a pandemic, getting promoted, making new friends and meeting my boyfriend, that’s a lot of change for five years.

But, let me let you in on a secret, I have loved every bit of it, even the stressful days or the moments filled with unknowns. I’ve learned so much about myself and from those around me and I’m so happy where I am today. I’ve learned to savor every moment spent with family, whether it’s a major holiday or a Tuesday night dinner (just ask any of my brothers, I always comment how special it is that we are all together-and it drives them nuts.) I’ve also learned to be open to new opportunities, but to trust my gut and how it’s okay to say no to things if they don’t feel right. I’ve learned friendship works both ways and some friendships aren’t meant to last forever, some are only meant for a season, while others are forever.

Most importantly, I’ve learned to savor and love the little things in life, whether it’s a morning walk, a coffee with a friend or even going through an evening routine. The little things in life are often the things you will remember the most.

Now as I embark on the second half of my twenties, I am eager to continue to see how I can grow more and what things I can learn about myself. I’m also interested to see where I will be at age 30. Will I be married? have children? Living in the same city? So much can change in five years, but I also now so many things will still be the same. I know I will have a loving family by my side, I know I will have supportive friends and a caring boyfriend. I’m excited to see where these next few years will take me and how I will grow and change. I always like reflecting as big milestones come and go to see how far I have come and what I’ve learned.Ā 

As far as what this year brings, I don’t have any big goals for this next year, I want to keep doing what I’m doing. I want to keep working hard at my job, putting family and relationships first, making sure I’m taking care of my body and self with different hobbies and I want to make sure I’m taking every opportunity available.Ā  Because my birthday falls in May, I’m halfway through my 2023 New Year’s Resolutions and so far they have been going well, definitely room for improvement in some areas, but I have seen progress in other realms.

My birthday falls on Memorial Day and I’ll be working so I’m not quite sure what the day will hold, but I’m excited for what year 25 will bring!

Here’s to another year! Happy Birthday to Me!

Fabulous living

Time for an Upgrade

Surprise!!!! I know it’s not my typical day to post, but I have exciting news and I couldn’t wait to share! In honor of my blog turning 4 years old next month, I figured it was time for an upgrade and a bit of a refresh!

I partnered with Marley Sue to make this happen. Fun fact, Marley and I went to college together and we have been following each other’s blog.

Marley reached out to me to do a bit of a refresher for my blog and I was so happy to work with her on it. We talked about my goals for my blog and had a call to talk them out and brainstorm some new ways to brighten up my blog. From there she came up with a new color palette, new text and created some new templates for social media. She was super helpful to bounce ideas off of and she made my dreams into a reality. If you are looking to update your blog or get a branding refresh, you need to check out Marley!

Since I started this blog after my freshmen year of college I have changed a lot and I’ve grown up too and I’m so happy my blog has grown up with me. Although, some of my posts or content has changed, I’m so happy that after all these years, I still have this space. Thank you so much for anyone who has ever read this blog, whether this is your first time or you have read every single post. I’m so grateful for your support.

Also, before you go, don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss any new posts and follow me on social media! Here’s my instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

Thanks for being here!

Fabulous living

2021 Resolutions

Hello all!

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had enjoyable holiday seasons, from Christmas to New Yearā€™s, I hope they were spent with loved ones, making memories, laughs, joy and love.

2020 was quite a year and now as we embark on a new year, I love to take the time and set up some goals or resolutions for myself as we embark on a new year. There are a lot of unknowns with the new year which makes it hard to plan for since there are so many things out of my control, but I know there are still goals that I can accomplish or continue to work on as we begin a new year. I like to keep my goals simple and realistic.Ā 

This upcoming year, I want to continue to focus on my health, both mental and physical. I plan to continue working out five days a week, whether itā€™s at home or the gyms once they reopen. I also plan to continue to work on my mental health by journaling daily and putting things in perspective.

I found good routines that work for me when it comes to schedule for work and my days off to make sure I have a balance of getting things done while spending time with family and friends and taking care of myself too. 

Now, time for resolutions for 2021!!!

My word for the year is…Intentional. I want to be more intentional with my time, my friends, my family, my relationships, and myself.

My first goal is to be more intentional with my time, my family, and my friends and along with that, I want to be more present. For example, when Iā€™m with my family watching a movie, I want to watch the movie and not be working on my computer or scrolling on my phone, but I want to really enjoy the movie. There were so many times this past year when I would be focused on two things at once and not being 100 percent there and I want to be 100 percent for everything. I started doing this towards the end of 2020, and I want to keep at it. 

My next goal is less screen time. Given the nature of my job, I have to be connected or on my phone or near it. But, I donā€™t have to scroll through my phone aimlessly, especially social media. I started to enable screen time and set limits for myself on my phone and itā€™s been a game changer, but I still want to be better. I want to be more present and that means putting the phone down more and focusing on where I am at and not what others are posting on Instagram or twitter. 

My last goal is to be more consistent with my friends. I have some friends who I have bi-weekly facetime chats with but with other close friends it could be months before we catch up. I want to be better about staying connected with friends and checking in on them especially with a year or uncertainity ahead.

Iā€™m looking forward to everything that 2021 has to offer. I know it will be filled with hope, joy, and love. I want to continue to work on the goals and routines that work for me and work on my new goals. Overall, I donā€™t know what the year holds, but I know if I go into it with a clear mind, positive attitude and Iā€™m willing to be flexible, it will all work out. 

What are some of your New Yearā€™s Resolutions or Goals?!

Fabulous living

21 Wishes…

Another year, another birthday, another milestoneā€¦tomorrow I am turning 21! I am very excited not only to celebrate another year on Earth but also to join the big kids club. Haha! Iā€™m the youngest out of most of my friends, so I am looking forward to going out with them to celebrate. If we are being honest, I think they are more excited than me. LOL!

Iā€™ll be heading to Pittsburgh in a few weeks to celebrate with my friends, but for tomorrow, I am celebrating with my family. Last year, I shared 20 things I learned in my 20 years of life, you can read it here. Today, Iā€™m sharing 21 wishes I have for this next year of life.

Cheers to 21!

1. Surround myself with people who lift me up and motivate me to be the best version of myself.

2. Make every moment a memory.

3. Live in the moment and don’t get distracted.

4. Stop dwelling on what happened in the past, and focus on the future.

5. Graduate College.

6. Get a job in my field.

Always looking to the future

7. Be happy where I am at in life and not where I think I should be.Ā 

8. Travel somewhere new with friends.

9. Listen to more podcasts and learn from every opportunity I get.

10. Be spontaneous and try something Iā€™ve never done. It’s okay to step out of your comfort zone.

11. Go to more concerts.

Finding the joy in the little things in life

12. Spend money on experiences, not material things.Ā Those will create the real memories.

13. Truly enjoy and take advantage of my last semester as a college student.Ā 

14. Be more vulnerable when it comes to opening up to friends and family about things that are bothering me.Ā If you listen to your friends, they will listen to you.

15. Forget the schedule/routine and just see what the day brings.

16. Be more intentional with my time spent with family and friends. Put down the phones!

17. Pick up a new hobby.

I know I’m where I’m meant to be

18. Have more conversations with people instead of just sending a text. Quality over quantity.

19. Turn my passions and dreams into realities.

20. Show more appreciation to the ones I love. If you love ’em, tell them you love ’em!

21. Be open to whatever the future holds for me. 

A smile is the best accessory

Some are more realistic than others, some will get achieved while others will be things Iā€™m constantly working on. At the end of the day, I want to make these days count. We often get caught in the day to day life that we forget to stop and appreciate the life we are living. Cheers to 21 and to living my best life!

Que sera sera