Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #135

Hello all!

Happy Friday! I hope you had great week. As we make our way to the weekend, I wanted to share some of my favorite highlights from this past week. It is the last day of February and I for one am thrilled to be a bit closer to spring.

Fresh flowers at the store made me very happy!

Even though, I know the snow won’t magically disappear, I’m excited for some warmer weather. There’s hopefully a little bit of something for everyone in this week’s edition of Friday Favorites! Let’s dive in as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

New Sneakers– One thing I have DESPERATELY missed this winter has been running outdoors. This has been my biggest complaint about the winter months. The snow, ice, and freezing temperatures have kept me inside and on a treadmill or on a turf as opposed to out running on trails. Although, I’m grateful to run inside, I can’t wait to get back outdoors not only for the paths, but to test out my new running sneakers. My current sneakers have a lot of miles on them, so I decided to upgrade. This is my first time trying Hoka (I’m typically a New Balance gal) but decided to give Hoka a try. I’ll have a thorough report after I can log more miles outdoors in my sneakers.

From Here to the Great Unknown– Wow! I can’t tell you the last time I raced through a book as fast as I did with this one. From Here to the Great Unknown is the memoirs of both Lisa Marie Presley and Riley Keough. The books discusses their lives and the life of Elvis told through their eyes. I loved the Elvis movie when it came out a handful of years ago and really enjoyed watching Keough in Daisy Jones and the Six, so I couldn’t wait to read this book and it didn’t disappoint. 5 Stars for me.

Scamanda– I mentioned this podcast in 2023 when I listened to it in the summer. It’s all about a woman who faked cancer and scammed thousands of people. I found the podcast to be very fascinating and was excited to learn a documentary would be made about it. Scamanda is airing in four parts on ABC and I have been loving it. It just wrapped up last week and I am got all caught up over the weekend. It’s very similar to the podcast, but you get to meet the people involved. I looked forward to the episodes every week. 

OJ Simpson Documentary– Another documentary I just finished was a new four-part series on Netflix about O.J. Simpson. Although I don’t remember the case, I have learned and read about it a lot through the years. I’ve watched different documentaries, specials, and adaptations on it too. I was curious to see how this one compared. I liked how it was broken into four parts and I liked the length of each episode too. I really appreciated how they brought back some of the key players, years later for updated interviews. Overall, very well done!

Fruit Bowls- We have had a long winter over here, so I’ve been trying to break up my days with things that bring me joy and that includes more fruit. I have been devouring these homemade fruit bowls. They are very simple to put together and you can alter them to your liking. I typically have Greek yogurt, fruit (bananas, berries, watermelon-whatever is on hand), some granola, and then mini chocolate chips for a sweet treat at the end of the day. I have been eating this as a snack, but it can be enjoyed for breakfast too. I have been loving the energy boost it gives me and the colors make me happy too. 

That’s a look into what I have been loving this week. What are some things that have been helping you get through this winter slump? 

Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #134

Hello All!

Happy Friday! I hope you had a full and successful week! February is flying by which is good for me. January felt wayyyyy longer than I wanted, but February is flying by. I think a lot of that had to do with the fact I have more things on my calendar to look forward to. I got back from a weekend away last weekend and it gave me the energy I needed to make it through the second half of winter. As much as I love to travel, it’s always good to come home and get settled after time off.

My go-to look, all bundled up for winter. Hat, scarf, and puffy jacket!

As we look towards brighter days, here are some things I have been loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea

New Candle Scent– I finished my Emily in Paris candle which I loved and it was time for a new one. I decided to switch it up with a lavender scent to relax and unwind to the start and end of the day. I got this candle from a local candle company. I love to support local businesses whenever I can and this was a great opportunity to do so. The candles come in different size Mason jars which I find so cute. I also love how the scent lingers after you blow it out. This has been a favorite of mine these past few weeks.

Hair Shine Mist- I use a lot of different products in my hair every day and I always like experimenting with new products. I have been trying this shine mist after I’m done doing my hair, before I head out the door. It gives my hair a nice clean look and it smells great too. But I do notice that it adds some shine and volume too. Definitely a win for me when it comes to hair products!

New Apple Watch Band– As i mentioned in my post a few weeks ago, I LOVE my apple watch and wear all day, every day. I typically keep the generic, athletic band on it at all times, but sometimes for work, I want a more professional look. I decided to purchase a gold/leather watch band from Amazon and I have been loving it. It definitely elevates my look and I feel more sophisticated when I wear it. An inexpensive purchase that makes me feel more put together and fashionable.

Back in Action- Have you seen the new movie on Netflix, Back in Action?! It stars Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx. My boyfriend and I recently watched it during a virtual watch party and both really enjoyed it. Was it the greatest movie of all time? No, but was it a good thriller with some good one-liners on Netflix to enjoy for a date night?! Absolutely! The movie follows two spies who get out of the business to start a family only to get pulled right back in years later. Definitely a fun movie to watch for your next night in.

Virtual watch party for the win!

Pomodoro Timer- My friend recommended I try the Pomodoro Timer for work and house projects and it has been super helpful when staying on task. Sometimes, I, like many can get distracted when I’m trying to a task or work and the timer is a great motivator to stay focused and catch your breath every few minutes. This is a great tool if you spend hours at a desk and need a reminder to get moving too.

That’s a look into life this past week and what I’m loving! Some shows, movies, accessories, and beauty items, truly a little bit of everything. I hope you have found something that brought you JOY this past week. Have a fabulous weekend! See you back here on Wednesday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #133

Hi everyone! Happy Friday and more importantly, Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you are showing and getting some love today. I know I have been making some time for my girlfriends over the past few weeks. Whether it is with your significant other, spouse, girlfriends, or even yourself, today is such a good reminder to give yourself some extra love and maybe even treat yourself too!

I am out of town this weekend, for a little getaway, so I am looking forward to a break in the routine for some fun. However you are spending the day, I hope it’s enjoyable. Before we get to the weekend, I wanted to share some current favorites with you as I link up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites

Simplified Bags and Pouches-We kick things off with travel accessories which ties in perfectly with me being on the road today. I got the Simplified tote and pouches for Christmas and have used them here and there, but was waiting for a trip to use and take advantage of them. I love the soft blue color and the quilted pattern. The size is great for running errands if you need to hold lots of things or for a weekend away. The pouches make organizing small items much easier too.

New Car Scent– My interior of my car has gotten very dirty this winter with lots of snow, ice, and salt. I try to keep up with cleaning it, but it just keeps getting messy. I can’t wait for spring and summer when I can really detail it. One thing I have kept up with is keeping my car smelling good. I swapped out car scents and am going for a fresh scent for a new month. I want to be better with the maintenance of my car this year by including monthly car washes and scent swaps. Here’s what I’m currently using from Bath and Body Works. I love the freshness that it provides to my car.

Valentine’s Day Playlist– It’s Valentine’s Day and I have been enjoying the month of love as much as I can. From doing some decorating, wearing my reds, pinks, and purples, and listening to lots of love music. I found this great playlist on Apple Music which has a little bit of everything, some classic songs, new hits, and all genres of love songs. This has been a go-to playlist for me as I drive or get things done. Give it a try if you are looking for some background music this weekend.

The Six Triple Eight- This has been on my watch list for a while on Netflix and I finally got around to viewing it. The Six Triple Eight is based on the all-black, female battalion in World War II who worked to help organize and distribute mail. I was first intrigued by it because it starred Kerry Washington was a Tyler Perry film, but the more I watched and read about it, the more invested I got. I really loved the historical storyline, and I think they did an incredible job showing just how challenging it was to be a woman of color in the army in World War II. They had a stellar cast who brought so much emotion and passion to the film. I wouldn’t be surprised if it got nominated and won awards for it. This would also be a great film to watch as we make our way into Black History Month.

Ice Scraper-This winter season has been oh-so cold.  We have dealt with record-breaking snow falls, blizzard warnings, freezing temperatures and everything else in between. Needless to say, winter tools have been my best friend this year. I got a heated ice scraper for Christmas, and it has been a game changer. You just plug it in your car, and it heats up and you can start scraping ice off your windshield or other parts of your car. It’s proven to be a big help especially when you don’t want to spend too much time outdoors.

That’s a roundup of things that have grabbed my attention this week! As we make our way to Valentine’s Day weekend, what are your plans and how will you be celebrating? Whether it’s by yourself or with loved ones, I hope it’s a wonderful day and weekend. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #132

Hello everyone! Happy Friday, it’s the first Friday of February! I know I am happy to see a new month. I love all the things that come with February, more winter fun, Galentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day, plus we are one step closer to Spring!

My pup has been enjoying chilly nights and the warm fire!

Today, I’m linking up with with Erika and Andrea for another round of Friday Favorites! Here’s some things I have been loving this week! This is a fun mix of things I have watched, used, and some life hacks that has made my life a whole lot easier. Warning, we have had a lot of days inside due to cold weather, so this post is heavy with shows and movies to check out. Let’s dive right in!

Martha– A documentary that’s been on my watchlist was Martha. I have always known of and followed Martha Stewart and was excited to see that a documentary about her would be coming out. I got around to watching it after the holidays and really enjoyed it and learned a lot about her. I appreciated how they showed a lot of her early life and how she got her start and shared some of the not so pleasant parts of her life . My favorite part was that it was in her own words. After watching this film, I will definitely be reading her entertaining books. 

Man on the Inside- I know this series has been out for a while but my mom and I got around to watching “A Man on the Inside” starring Ted Danson. It’s all about a man who goes undercover in a retirement home. There were so many older actors and actresses in this series on Netflix and the one-liners and references were incredible. Although, some serious parts, the show had me laughing out loud. An easy watch for winter months. It’s only one season, but a second season is coming soon!

Sweet Magnolias-Another Netflix favorite! Sweet Magnolias is back for a new season. It returned yesterday for season four on Netflix and depending on when you are reading this, I may or may not have started it yet. I’m excited to see where this season takes the women and the drama, love, and stories that come along with it. So many of my shows have new seasons coming out which makes the long winter months go by fast. I’m excited to pass the time by catching up on some of my favorite shows.

Sweat suit– I have been spending so much time indoors due to cold weather and you can tell based on my other favorites. Haha! I have been looking and wearing warmer and cozier apparel. This cream sweat suit from Aerie has been a big favorite of mine. First, I love the color, I don’t have too many creams or whites in my wardrobe, so it’s been a nice change of pace. The material is so soft and it’s presentable enough that you can wear it out and about if you want. All wins in my book for a good outfit!

Extra Work Tote- This has been an unexpected favorite of mine. Besides my purse that I bring into work every day, in the winter I have a more things that I take with me. I have my lunch, shoes to switch into from my boots, a jacket or sweater for layers, a scarf, hat, gloves, and any other odds or ends I may need depending on the day. I found myself lugging in lots of little bags and items every day and it became a hassle. I decided to get a larger recyclable tote that I can put all the small things in every day. This was a small change that has made a huge difference and life a whole lot less stressful. It’s incredible what small changes can do to make life easier.

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week. Lots of warm items and forms of entertainment to keep me busy on chilly days. I’ve also been breaking out some Valentine’s Day decor!

How has the weather been by you? Are you staying warm and cozy? Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #131

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you have had a great week and month! Can you believe we are almost to the end of January?! This month has felt long mostly due to the cold temperatures, gray skies, snow and not too much opportunity to head outdoors. I’m hoping for warmer and brighter days ahead, but that’s up to Mother Nature. In good news, today’s batch of Friday Favorites is making me smile and I hope it will do the same for you! 

Cold days calls for warm cookies

Here’s some things that I have been loving this week as I link up Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites. I have spent a lot of time indoors, so just as a warning there are a lot of movies and tv show recommendations coming your way.

New Body Wash– My brother got me this body wash for Christmas and I couldn’t wait to try it in the new year. It’s lavender scented which is perfect for evening showers and tubs to relax and unwind. I love that it’s not too fragrant and you only need a little to get enough of the scent and to feel squeaky clean. I also like that it’s made from healthy ingredients. 

Mufasa– I have been on a movie kick recently. There have been a lot of good movies out and worth seeing in the theater. At the beginning of the month, some of my family members and I went to see Mufasa, the origin story to the Lion King. I recently saw the traveling Broadway show of The Lion King and I was already in the Disney mindset so the timing of this movie was perfect. I really enjoyed the way they told the story of Simba’s dad and appreciated the Easter eggs in the other films. The music was so well done and I think they did a great job with the animation. If you don’t have a chance to check it out in the theater, definitely watch it on Disney Plus when it comes out.

Night Agent Back– One of the series that I watch made its return last week, The Night Agent. I was tied up with other commitments, so it took me a while to catch up, but now I’m locked in for the season. The first few episodes have kept me entertained and intrigued about what will happen next and what the season will bring. If you watch the show, what are your thoughts on it? If you are looking for something new to watch, I would recommend this! I am always looking for new suggestions of things to watch. If you have any good shows or movies, drop them below! 

Be Ready When the Luck Happens– I just finished this book this past week and talked about it in Wednesday’s post. Ina Garten’s memoir, Be Ready When Luck Happens really touched me. I really really loved this book. I heard about it on the podcast, Books Beach and Beyond and after hearing Garten’s story, I knew I had to read it. I didn’t know much about Ina but learned so much about her life before she was well know for her culinary skills. I love how she talked about the lessons she learned along the way and how she was vulnerable at times too. I also loved how she talked a lot about her background and what she learned through different jobs and life experiences.

New Kylie Cosmetics Lipstick– I was out of my red lipstick and was in search of a new one and decided to try Kylie Jenner’s matte red lipstick, An Apple A Day I use Kylie’s lip kits for work, but this was the first time I tried a matte lip stick and was very impressed by the long-lasting quality and feel. It gave me great coverage and color for hours. I didn’t have to reapply once and it lasted a good three to four hours after I put it on and after I ate and drank. Major wins for me!

That’s a look into what I have been loving this week as I deal with more wintry weather. What are some things that have brought you joy over the past few days?! I would love to hear! Have a toasty weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #129

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a successful week and are ready for the weekend. 

These past few weeks have been quiet after the holidays, it can be nice to not be busy and booked all the time, but a part of me does miss the hustle and bustle. I’ve been trying to do an activity or something different every week just to change things up. As we wrap up another week of January, I wanted to share some favorites of mine from the past week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites.

Lazy Genius Playbooks– I mentioned a few weeks ago that I started using my new planner from Simplified, but I also started using these playbooks from The Lazy Genius. They are to be used as a companion to a planner and they are organized by season, so you have one book for every season. The books are broken down by a looking back and looking forward section, a brain dump spot, have to and hope to list, and then week by week. This has been a great tool for me to use with my planner every day.

Desk Calendar– Speaking of every day, I got this calendar for my desk or motivational quotes for work and it brings a smile to my face whenever I look at it. It’s a fun little countdown and have positive and uplifting quotes that I like to read through the day. A small but, personalized touch at my work station.

New Scent– I shared a few months ago that Bath and Body Works released an Emily in Paris line and I got some of the scents for Christmas! I got some body lotion, body spray, candles, and car refreshers, so I will be set for a while. I am currently wearing this combo for body lotion and spray. The spray is a bit stronger but found that it lasts longer, which I appreciate since I don’t have to keep reapplying it through the day. The lotion is more subtle which I enjoy. I’m eager to try the other scents soon.

With Love, Meghan– Meghan Markle announced at the beginning of the year that she will be launching a show on Netflix. You can catch the trailer here. This week, the show was supposed to premiere but got pushed back to the wildfires in California. I really liked the trailer and can’t wait to get started with the series. Do you plan to watch it? If you have, what are your thoughts?

Juror #2– This was a movie my family and I watched over the holidays and we all enjoyed it. It’s all about a juror on a trial about a homicide. Through the course of the trial, he’s faced with moral dilemmas that could affect the entire case. It was dramatic, intense, and very thought provoking. Definitely a heavier movie, but worth the watch. You can find it on Max. Clint Eastwood did the movie and did a fantastic job on it!

That’s a look into what I have been loving this week, some organizational tools, some entertainment and some beauty products, something for everyone!

As we gear up for the weekend, tell me, what are you looking forward to? I would love to know! Have a great Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #128

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great first full week of January!

Last week was a little wonky between the holidays thrown in the middle of the week, but I hope you are settled back into your normal routine or maybe trying a new one for the new year. As always, I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for a weekly round up of Friday Favorites. I am continuing with my trend of sharing things I am using to get me ready for the new year.

Here’s some highlights and favorite things from the past week!

Simplicity Challenge- The new year brought the Simplified Simplicity Challenge back! I always love taking time in the new year to clean and organize my room and home and do a refresher and this challenge allows me to do that by performing little tasks that I can accomplish every day. We are only a few days in, but I have been loving it so far. 

Some of my organizing so far

Black High Boots– These are definitely a favorite of mine. I purchased these high black boots from DSW before the holidays and have already gotten a lot of use out of them. Whenever I shop for shoes, I am always looking for something that can be worn with multiple outfits. These boots are great to wear with jeans, dress pants, leggings or even a skirt or dress. I love the versatility of these boots and know they were a great purchase to replace an older pair of boots that ripped.

Special Forces Back– A tv favorite for me is back! Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test returned for season 3 this week. I am always intrigued to see who joins the cast and some of the obstacles they have to face. I know I couldn’t do half the things they do. Plus, it’s always interesting to see who makes it all the way to the end. This season looks good!

Upcoming seasons of shows– Another thing I am looking forward to in the new year is new seasons of other series I follow. Netflix released information about several series including Sweet Magnolias which is back in February and YOU which is back in 2025. I’m sad that the holidays are over and things are back to normal, so this has me something to look forward to. 

Winter Runs– Speaking of the outdoors, I have been back to running outdoors. We went through a stretch of bitterly cold weather and lots of snow and no outdoor runs were happening for me. I did run on the treadmill, but I was not a fan of it. It felt so good to get back outdoors and lots of fresh air. Even with the snow and cold, it was SO much better than running on a treadmill.

That’s a look into life this past week! Some fashion, some outdoor fun, some entertainment and new tools for the new year! As we begin a new month and year, what have been some of your favorite things? I would love to hear from you! I hope you have a cozy, January weekend! See you back here on Wednesday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #127

Hello everyone and Happy Friday! Have things finally settled and back to normal for you after the holidays or are you still in the season of craziness? Things are back to normal for me which always makes me a little sad since I enjoy the holiday season so much, I’m planning finding the joy in every day to fight the post-holiday blues.

It may be a new year, but I’m still here linking up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites.

Here’s what’s on my radar this week of things I’ve been loving as we come down from the holiday high. Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some gifts I got for Christmas and some new items and tools I will be using in the new year when it comes to organization in addition to my favorite things from the week. Let’s jump right in!

2025 Journal-Journaling is something I enjoy doing every morning. I like to take the time before the day gets busy to reflect on the day before, the highs and lows, what I’m grateful for, and what’s on my mind. This is my journal for 2025 and I have been loving it already. There’s space to share your thoughts at the start and end of your day and there’s a mix of open and close-ended prompts too. 2025 has just started and this has already become a favorite of mine!

Daily Reflections– I mentioned last year that one of my favorite things was a podcast called “The Simple Sophisticated Podcast with Shannon Ables. In addition to her podcast and blog, she has also written a few books including this one, The Road to Le Papillon, it was released in 2022 and it’s a book of daily reflections. I have really enjoyed starting my day with my journal and a daily reflection in addition to my quiet time. Starting my day in a calm way has made such a difference and I can’t wait to continue it through the year.

2025 Planner– I have teased this favorite a few times over the course of the year, but with a new year comes a new planner. I purchased my 2025 Simplified planner in September and I’m finally able to use it!!! I love the pattern and the message behind it and details. I am still getting used to the spirals and the larger format, but so far it has been working out great. One of my favorite days of the year is getting my planner all ready to go to use. These pages will soon be filled with lists, to-do, plans, and memories. 

Dress from Ann Taylor- This is another recent fashion favorite of mine. I purchased this dress from Ann Taylor just before Christmas and have already worn it a handful of times to work and out and about. There are so many things that stand out about this dress. I love the colors, the style and the material. It gives off a very elegant look, but it’s so comfortable. It doesn’t hurt that I got this dress on sale too! Although it has short sleeves, I have worn it in the winter and it can be layered with a blazer too. I love a dress that can be worn in different scenarios.

Virgin River New Season– The new season of Virgin River came out just before the holidays, but I was wayyyyy too deep into holiday movies and shows to watch. Now that things have calmed down and are back to normal, I’m excited to get back into the series and catch up with all things Mel and Jack and Virgin River. This will be a good show to watch in the cold, winter months. I’m looking forward to what this season brings. If you have already seen it, here’s a great article to follow up with the season.

I love the holiday season and are always sad when they come to an end, but these list of favorites has me something to look forward it.

Although, the holidays are over, what are you looking forward to in the next few months? I would love to hear from you. 

Happy Friday! I hope you have a cozy weekend.

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #126

Hi everyone! 

Happy holidays! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! 

Here’s how I celebrated the day!

Although, I am working around the holidays, it is still nice to take things a bit slower and enjoy the time with family, friends and loved ones. The time between Christmas and New Year’s is always funky, so I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying what you need most, whether it is rest, family, activities, cleaning, or Christmas cheer!

It’s Friday which means it’s time for Friday Favorites, my final one of the year! This year flew by and I appreciate you reading my posts, whether you have been a long time reader or this is your first time here! 

Here’s been some things I have been loving this Christmas week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Blue Light Glasses– I have always had pretty bad vision, I started wearing glasses since I was nine, then began wearing contacts in college and still wear them today. I will wear glasses on my days off, so I still get the best of both worlds. I spend a lot of time looking at screens between work and home, so I decided to try a pair of blue light glasses to reduce eye strain and give my eyes an extra layer of protection. I picked up a pair of stylish readers with blue light in them and have been wearing them at work. I have noticed a decrease in headaches I was getting from staring at screens all day long and they have been a cute accessory too. I’ll keep you updated on my thoughts on them in the new year.

Shoe Bag– This is not a new item, but something I have been getting a lot of use out of lately.  A few years ago, I got a shoe bag to transport my shoes to and from work every day in. I use it on days when we are getting lots of snow or rain and I’m wearing boots to work but want to change into my nice, dress shoes when I get into work. This bag has been extremely useful over the past few weeks with all the snow we got. This bag would work great for both guys and girls and it’s very practical too.

New Shoe Boots– After talking all about a bag to place your shoes in, I figured we had to talk about some shoes too. I was on the hunt to replace an old pair of shoe boots and found these leather ones on sale at Marshall’s. My previous shoe boots were suede, so these have held up a lot better. I love the look at the thicker heel. I have worn these with jeans, leggings, skirts, and dresses. These shoes have been so versatile. 

Meet Me Next Christmas– If you are still watching Christmas movies I like am, might I suggest, Meet Me Next Christmas. It came out on Netflix this year and it’s all about a guy and a girl who meet and hit it off, they make plans to meet in one year at a Pentatonix Christmas show if they are meant to be. Plans get derailed when the show is sold out and the girl can’t get a ticket. The movie follows the lengths she will go to get the ticket. The movie is filled with Pentatonix Christmas songs and the group makes an appearance themselves too. This movie is very cheesy, but cute too. 

Peppermint Chocolate Loaf– I have been doing so much baking over the past few weeks and have been trying my hand at some new recipes too. I baked this Peppermint Chocolate loaf and it was divine. I love anything chocolate and peppermint, so this checked all the boxes for me. I gave it as a gift to someone and baked one for myself too. I will be making this next year for sure!

That’s a look into life lately and some favorite things of mine. I promise I will have a lot more favorite items in the new year. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, New Year’s Eve and I’ll see you back here on New Year’s Day for my 2025 Goals and Resolutions. See you then!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #123

Hello all! Happy December!

I hope you are having a lovely December so far! I have been doing my best to savor the Christmas season in between the daily to-do lists and the to-do lists that come with the holiday season.

My pups getting into the holiday spirit with all the snow.

This is truly one of my favorite times of the year, so I’m trying to soak it all up. I have some fun holiday fun planned for this weekend which I’m very excited about. 

As I wait for the holiday fun to begin, I wanted to share some things I have been loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Special Forces Casting and New Season– Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test announced the casting for their new season and launched the trailer. I’ve enjoyed watching this series over the last few years and I’m always excited to see who joins the cast. Some of the challenges seem pretty daunting and I know I could never tackle them, so it’s always interesting to see who makes it out on top. You can watch the trailer here. It comes out next month!

Geek Girl– Have you seen Geek Girl?! It’s been on Netflix for a while, but I just got around to watching it. So far, there is only one season, but it’s super cute. Episodes are only about 30 minutes so they are easy to watch. It’s all about an average looking girl who gets picked to be a model and her world turns upside down. It takes place in London and I love all the references and the setting. Definitely a cute show to watch if you are looking for something new to watch. 

Pandora Broadway Tracks-Besides listening to Christmas music 24/7. I have been on a Broadway kick lately on Pandora. I am a big podcast listener, but have been changing it up with Pandora. Broadway hits has been my go-to after seeing the new Wicked movie last week. I love the variety of music and genres the station plays and it has even introduced me to some new shows and artists. 

All The Colors of the DarkAll the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker came out in August and I have been wanting to read it after hearing rave reviews about it. I finally got a chance to check it out at the library and finished it in two days. One because it was so good, and two because there was a wait list for it and I couldn’t renew it. It starts out with a murder and kidnapping in the 1970’s, but follows the characters through decades of their lives as they grapple with different things thrown their way. There were beautiful moments, heartbreaking scenes and times where you want to throw your book across the room. But overall, I loved it and would recommend it to anyone who asks. It’s in the running for my favorite book of the year. 

New Holiday Scent- Are we surprised this is a Friday Favorite?! The holidays mean seasonal scents and it was perfect timing to break out my new holiday scents from Bath and Body Works. You may remember I got these scents as a gift last year and I saved them for this holiday season. I’m so glad I saved them and had them to look forward to for this Christmas season. I love the scent and the holiday cheer these holiday scents bring.

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week as we are in full on Christmas mode. I hope you have a great weekend and are doing something fun and festive! See you back here on Wednesday as I share my Christmas Bucket List!