Fun Ways to Organize

How to Organize: Your Tupperware Cabinet


Happy Tuesday!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! We finally got some warm weather, so I spent a lot of time outside in the sun. I also got back into the gym and I felt great to be back on a treadmill.

Whenever, I come home from school whether it be for a break or for summer, my parents always have little projects they want me to complete. These are little ways to help out around the house when I’m home. I am a neat freak and an organizer, so most of the project deal with cleaning. My family and I do a lot of cooking at home especially during the summer which means there is always leftovers. Our Tupperware cabinet gets a lot of use and gets cluttered easily. Today, I’m going to be tackling the cabinet and showing you how I like to organize all the Tupperware.

So , for starters, don’t get overwhelmed. It only takes a few minutes to clean it out and reorganize. I’m going to break it down in steps on how I clean my cabinets out.


Step 1: Take everything out. Give yourself a clean space to work with. Even take a wet rag and wipe down the cabinet in case there are crumbs, dirt, or dust.

Clean everything out, allowing you to start fresh!

Step 2: Go through and see if there is anything you don’t need or can get rid of. Make sure you use all your containers and if you don’t or if they are old, damaged or don’t serve a purpose, get rid of them. There is no point in keeping things you don’t use.


Step 3: Now, its time to organize. Our cabinet doubles as a cups, plates, and bowls, a cabinet for kids since it is low to the ground. I like to organize my cabinets based on size and use. I group boxes and bins based on how big or small they are and then I put the things I use the most in the front and use the least in the back.

This side is our container side.
This side is our Children’s side, for little plates, bowls, and cups.

Step 4: Make sure everything is accessible and in a good spot and you are done! It took me 30 minutes with cleaning and organizing and getting rid of things. One way to avoid this is by putting things back where they belong. Yes, it may take a few extra minutes here and there but I will be worth it in the long run.



Now it’s your turn! How do you organize your Tupperware? Do you use labels? Have the lids on or off? I’m always looking for new ways to organize and Pinterest only goes so far!! Comment below any tips and tricks you have for cleaning out your Tupperware!

See you on Thursday!