Fabulous living

Why I Chose My Career

Hey guys, a little bit of a different post for today. 

I use my blog as a fun creative, outlet outside of my work and family life. 

But, my work is a big part of my life. I sometimes spend more time at work than I do at home, which I love, but it shows that it’s a big part of who I am.

Today, I’m sharing a little bit about why I chose the field I am in now. If you know me, you know I am a very organized, structure and routine loving girl, so why would someone like that dive into a job and career that is the complete opposite?!

Getting behind the desk has become a new adventure that I’m loving

One of my favorite things about my job is that every day is different. No two days are ever the same. Some days, I am talking to local businesses, other days it’s about Covid-19 vaccines, on a Monday I could be in another town 45 minutes away and on Wednesday, all my interviews could be on Zoom. You never know what you are going to get.

Speaking of Zoom, one of my latest stories was about how much Zoom has changed our lives this past year.

I love that I’m constantly learning every day. If I wasn’t in news, I would probably be a teacher. I have always loved school, from the schedule to learning new things and advancing in what I’m learning. I also tend to ask a lot of questions in my life. Clarifying questions were always my favorite in school. If you gave me a group project with all the directions in front of me, I would still ask a few follow-up questions, just to be safe. Those traits are just part of the reason why I am a journalist. 

I love that very day takes me someplace different for a story.

I also love stories. I love to read and write. Getting lost in a different world through a story is one of my favorite things. As much as I love reading stories, I love telling them just as much. Telling people’s stories, every day, no matter big or small brings me so much joy! You never know how much of an impact a story can have on someone until you tell it. 

I enjoy working and learning from my co-workers every day.

I get asked a lot why I chose this field and profession. I am a fairly quiet girl, I like structure and routine and I’m a homebody, so why would I ever want to be in a field that encourages me to use my voice, have a constant changing schedule with lots of uncertainity? Because, I care about others and their stories and I like answers. But most importantly, I want to make sure people’s voices and stories are heard. That’s why I love what I do every day. 

What brings you joy in your career? What makes you smile every day?

Fabulous living

My Dream First Job

Hi everyone!! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a great week! Today, I thought I would give you a look into my work life. In college, I brought you into my daily school life, with work, classes, meetings, friends, and things to do. Well, now that college is over, and I’ve been working full time for the past six months, I thought it was time I introduce you to my work life. 

Following graduation, I accepted a job back home as Multimedia journalist at my local news station. For people following for a while, this is the same place where I interned at a few years back. You can read about my summer internship here. So, what does that mean? I’m a reporter, but I do everything. I pitch stories, set up interviews, do the interview, shoot the video, edit it together for a story and then front it on the news at the end of the day. I’ve also helped out doing digital and producing on the weekends as well as trying out some anchoring. It’s a lot, but I love it. I have gotten so much experience in these past six months that I never could have imagined. I have also learned about all the moving parts that go into bringing a newscast to life from start to finish.

On the job

These past six months have been nothing short of exciting. Let’s begin back in December, I started two days before Christmas, worked 12 days straight, we then went straight into winter weather news and coverage, then with spring came the Coronavirus pandemic, so during that time we adapted to a new normal, and with summer came many protests and riots. It has been a whirlwind but I have loved every moment. I have been able to cover stories about schools handling harsh weather, businesses taking on the pandemic whether it’s about closing or reopening, I’ve covered different events, highlighted different families going through their best and worst moments. It has been so rewarding to tell these stories. 

Working on the anchor desk

I have met some incredible people both on stories and in the newsroom. It’s been so rewarding to cover stories in my hometown. I’ve been given the opportunity to learn and work with people that I grew up watching. One of my close friends sent me this side by side comparison which is crazy of how far I have come. 

Crazy how much time can change when you work hard to achieve your dreams

A few months back, my college highlighted different young alumni and they asked to feature me which was an extreme honor. You can see the video highlighting a day in the life here. 

Part of my day in the life video

I have loved every minute of my job, yes, not every day is easy or fun but I have learned so much about myself and this job and my hometown through this job. I can’t wait to see what the next few years bring! 

Covering the morning after riots

Thank you to everyone who has watched and supported me through these first few months. If you are still interested or want to follow along more, you can like or follow my Facebook page for all my stories. 

Have a beautiful week and a wonderful Fourth of July!