Fabulous living

Fall Semester Recap 2019-last one!!!

And we finished the race….

What a semester it has been. It has been a few months of many lasts but some firsts too. Last weekend working, last Founder’s day, last Halloween, last staff meeting, last time ever going to class and being a student. It’s a weird feeling knowing that I will never be a student again. Yet, it’s also exciting that I will be starting a new journey after college. 

 My semester has consisted of hours studying and writing papers, working long hours, making new friends and taking adventures to get brunch or shopping, applying for jobs and interviewing, maintaining traditions with friends and through school, going through all the lasts and saying goodbye to college. I knew this semester would go by fast but I never thought that I would blink and it would be over. Whenever someone asked me how this semester has been going, I have said the same thing, “it’s been busy”. That has been the honest truth, some weeks I had a full planner and pulling 16 hour days, other weekends were spent doing homework and work since my weeks were so busy. Although, this was my most challenging and busiest semester, I don’t regret a thing. I have loved everything that I have been involved in.  I’m truly going to miss my time in college. My college series will conclude next week with a thank you to the place that has impacted me the most.

Now, let’s recap what this semester has been like…

In August, I moved back to school one last time. I went through a few weeks of training for work before classes began.

Last time at training before the year started

 My classes schedule kept me very busy and it was by far my most challenging classes, but I learned a lot.

First day of senior year!

I spent Labor Day weekend by seeing the Jonas Brothers in concert which was so fun and a great way to start the year. 

Seeing the Jonas Brothers was incredible

September was filled with working most weekends and all the homework. It kept me busy and I was very productive. I spent weekends getting brunch or trying new places with friends. 

October brought homecoming, fall break home, and Halloween.

Homecoming with Danielle

It was so much fun to see friends old and new and celebrate fall. I finished my last weekend working which was a huge accomplishment. 

I kicked off fall break with a fall fest
Halloween with Danielle

November brought the end of the semester, Founder’s Day, Light Up Night, and Thanksgiving break, which was much needed. 

Last Founder’s Day
Light Up Night with Danielle

Following Thanksgiving brought the last week of classes.

Last time being in my room

This last week was filled with last nights of working, presenting portfolios, my last staff meeting, and my last time ever being in class. 

My sweet staff planned the best surprise for my last meeting

Now, I am just finishing finals week. I can’t believe how fast my time in college has gone. I have started saying many goodbyes, knowing that I may never see some people who made a huge impact on me ever again. College is a weird thing because for four or (three and a half) years you spend all your time with people who become family to you whether they are friends, professors, advisors, or mentors and then you have to leave and start all over and move on. I’m so lucky to have found a place that makes saying goodbye so hard. On Saturday, I will graduate and although, I am very excited, I will miss this place more than I can describe. The biggest things that I have taken away from this semester is: it’s never too late to make new friends, because they may become your closest ones, never give up, always push yourself even more and it will pay off, and God has a plan, once you surrender yourself to him that’s when things start to happen. 

I’ll see you on Thursday…xoxo