
Currently #42

June, where have you gone?! I can’t believe we are at the end of another month. There were certain times that this month felt slow and sweet and then I blinked, and I was planning things for July. These past 30 days have been filled with lots of walks, books, grilling, sunshine, and summer adventures. I have been making my way through my summer bucket list and doing more things that weren’t on the list. As we prepare to flip the calendar. Here’s a look at what’s Currently going on in my life.

What I’ve Been Up To: Through the entire month of June, I have been marking things off my summer bucket list. From day trips, to picnics, walks and time outdoors, I have done a lot. 

This month, I made a trip to Columbus, where I went to the zoo and state park for grilling and a beach day. 

Columbus Zoo!
More animals- I loved the polar bears!
And gorillas!
And finished the day at the beach!

I also enjoyed playing mini golf and trying a new to me pizza shop and park for a walk.

Pizza in the park!

Picking strawberries was on my summer bucket list and I accomplished that and made seven jars of jam in addition to lots of fresh berries to eat.

Strawberry picking day!
Our haul!
Some of the end results!
And strawberry shortcake too!

Another big highlight of the month was my birthday present from my boyfriend, more on that in the coming weeks!

Here’s a tease for where I went…

I rounded out the month with a trip to the beach to visit family and it was so good to see relatives and get some time by the water.

The shores of New Jersey!
The boardwalk!

What I’m Wearing: Besides your typical shorts and graphic t-shirts on days off, I did a big summer clothing haul at the start of summer and have been wearing new pieces to work. Lots of bright colors and patterns, plus quality clothing coming your way too.

One of my new dresses. I have been wearing lots of pink!

I also have been wearing lots of short sets too! Like this one!


What I’m Reading: I got a lot of books for my birthday and have been slowly making my way through them.

I started this month with Best Served Hot. I saw this book on display at the library and was immediately drawn in by the plot and checked all the boxes for a good read! Rom-com, takes place in a big city, and talks about food! The story follows a food critique and a food influencer as they try out different restaurants in NYC, first as competitors and then on a collaborators. The best and dare I say, worst part of the book was the details of all the foods they were tasting. The description was so vivid, which just made me hungry while I was reading.

I also read Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng. I really enjoyed her book, Little Fires Everywhere and I was excited to read this book. I will admit, it was a heavier novel, but I learned so much about the Asian American culture and customs. It’s all about the lengths a mother will go to protect her family while doing what she thinks is right. Themes of unconditional love, sacrifice and coming of age are found throughout the book.

I also read Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. This book takes a scientific approach to productivity and time management. I am all about maximizing my time and being as efficient as possible. This book was more research based and didn’t have as many tips or advice about management, but I still found it interesting. I appreciated how the book focused on time management through history and ways we can be make the most of our time on Earth.

What I’m Watching: I haven’t been watching too much tv as I have been doing my best to be outdoors as much as possible. I have watched some good family movies, like Air and A Man Called Otto.

Family movie night!

I also finished the series, Ted Lasso which was really good. I think the series wrapped up very nicely and I like how everyone’s storylines had closure. It was such a fun show to binge and watch week to too.

I also watched The Night Agent on Netflix. This was only ten episodes, with which episode lasting about 45 minutes. It was a mix mystery, intrigue, action, drama, and thriller, those are all good things I’m looking for in a series. I would recommend it if you were looking for a new show to binge watch.

The new season of Outlander is back! I have been making my way through season seven every week when their episodes air. 

Outlander is back!

And Just Like That Season 2. The girls are back with And Just Like That! I really enjoyed season one and have been enjoying what season has brought. It’s also been a fun show to watch weekly. 

What Inspires Me: I’ve been so inspired by summer fun! From outdoor meals, walks, trying new recipes and celebrating milestones.

Walks by the water

I also have been getting my runs in weekly and have enjoyed feeling stronger with each run I go on.

My longest run!
Delicious summer meals!
Picnics by the shore

What I Accomplished: This past month has been all about welcoming summer and really trying to be present in the moment.

Summer grilling and salad

I’m always trying to find time to sneak in time outdoors, whether it’s visiting a bit longer outside after a meal, reading outdoors instead of inside or finding time to go for a quick walk. 

Slow mornings reading outdoors.

Goals from Last Month: I kicked off my summer bucket and have been proud of the progress I’ve made so far which has been a win.

Enjoying all the fresh foods!

Goals for Next Month: Keep enjoying summer! I know it may not seem like much, but I really am trying hard to be present in the moment and soak up the sun, go swimming, grill, go on picnics, and make memories!

More grilling nights with lots of salads and fruits!
And more fresh salads (do you sense a trend here?)

The older I get the more I know how sacred family time is, so I’m doing my best to spend as much time with family as I can!

The beach all quiet in the morning.

I also have a concert planned and plans to visit friends! I’m looking forward to seeing those plans through. Plus, a lot of our local fairs and festivals gets underway in July so I’m looking forward to checking those out too!

Ending June with ice cream.

That’s a look into what’s Currently going on. A whole lot of summer lovin!  How have you been spending your summer? Let me know in the comments below!

Fabulous living

Summer 2022 Recap

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of August. The older I get the more I feel time moving faster and faster. Although, I no longer go to school and can still enjoy outdoor fun well into September and even October, the summer season feels like it’s winding down with kids heading back into the classroom. 

I had a packed full summer filled with lots of walks, reading by the pool, seeing friends and family and grilling. As I do every summer, I’m sharing my summer bucket list with a look at everything I accomplished.

Heritage Festivals/ Fairs- I got the chance to go to fairs for work for different stories but also managed to head to some with my family. We went to a community festival one day after work and enjoyed some classic fair food! Yum!

A local Cherry Festival
A local community fair

Day trips- day trips became a favorite for me this summer! From Pittsburgh to Columbus, shopping trips and visiting family! I made the most of weekends by enjoying day trips!

Mantees at the Columbus
Pittsburgh day trip

Zoos-speaking of zoos, I love animals and heading to zoos. I got to go to some of my favorites plus try some new ones! Here’s a collection of my favorite zoo memories this summer!

The aquarium at the Pittsburgh Zoo

Beach Day- I’m so lucky to have a beach so close to us. I made my way to the beach for walks, picnics, and ice cream runs this summer. I also got to head to some new beaches too when I had a day trip to Columbus! The lake and beach was so pretty and calm. 

A beach in Columbus
Beach days at home

Pool Day- I enjoyed lots of days off or evening by the pool, whether it was swimming, snacking or reading. Days by the pool were a favorite this summer by far!

Fresh drinks by the pool

Celebrate Fourth of July-The Fourth of July is always a fun way to celebrate the family and our nation. It’s one of my favorite days of the summer. From the food, to fireworks and family, it doesn’t get any better!

Fireworks on the Fourth!

Time with family- I got in so much fun family time this summer from just eating dinner, doing day trips or our mini vacation. As we all get older, it shows how important family truly is!

Summer bonfires

White Turkey-this is a summer tradition to enjoy a trip at a favorite restaurant of ours. I made the trip twice this summer and enjoyed the food both times!

Sara’s- another summer tradition to enjoy a favorite restaurant at home, from burgers to ice cream, it’s so good to savor those traditions!

See college friends- From a college friend’s wedding to FaceTime calls and a girls weekend, I got to see so many college friends. The only downside was that I didn’t take any pictures! But it was so nice just to be in the moment. 

Go Someplace New- I went to Columbus for the first time which was so fun! 

Zoo Fun!

Meal by the Water- I enjoyed my birthday dinner on the water and I had family visiting and we brought them to eat by the water! So pretty!

Sweet summertime!

Food tour- Although, I didn’t get to enjoy a food crawl/ tour, I still indulged a lot!

Fish Tacos-another summer favorite!
More summer snacks!

Picnicing- Picnicing was a summer staple for me this summer! From grilling to sandwiches and even snacks. Here’s a look at some picnic ideas!

Grilling after walks
Picnicing at State Parks
Snack picnics

Winery/Wine Tasting-While I didn’t go wine tasting, it’s a perfect fall activity that I’m looking forward to! 

Happy Hour/ Ice Cream Hour- I did happy hour with some friends on a weekend which was fun! I also enjoyed so much ice cream this summer from favorite shops to at home! It’s one of the sweetest parts of summer!

Food truck treats!

State/National Parks- I explored so many new and old parks this summer. I loved getting out and enjoying nature, taking it all in and disconnecting for a bit! Much needed

Walks after work
Sweet summertime in New York.

John Russell Brewing- While I didn’t get to this restaurant in the summer, I plan to go once it’s colder out and there’s not as much to do outdoors. 

Mini Golf- One of the first things I did this summer! A great way to kick off June!

Mini golf days

Kayaking- Although I didn’t get to it this summer, I still made sure I got outdoors as much as I could. 

Amusement Park- I spent an afternoon at an amusement park and water park and I felt like a child once again from the slides to the rides! So fun!

Outdoor Concert- I enjoyed heading to some live shows this summer. It was great to be by the water and enjoy live music during the week!

Concerts by the water

A few other things I got to enjoy this summer that wasn’t on my summer bucket list include a baseball game, strawberry picking and lots of baking 

Nights at the ball park
Strawberry picking
Baking banana bread!
Fabulous living

Summer Bucket List 2022

Hi everyone!

Happy June! I can’t believe we are already into the sixth month of the year and making our way through 2022.

As we embark on a new month and in a few weeks, a new season, I figured it was time for a summer bucket list. 

I love goals and I love to do lists, in order to maximize my time in the summer and have fun, I enjoy creating bucket lists. This bucket list is a mix of free and inexpensive things around my hometown and region of things I want to do this summer. Some can be done multiple times, others are a one and done kind of deal.  If you are on the hunt for fun things to do this summer, feel free to steal an idea or two from the list.

I love to support local spots and community events, so I’m hoping to do that more this summer. I also like to use the summer season as a way to slow down a bit, less appointments and to-dos and more time to rest and go with the flow (one of my goals for my 24th year!)

Sumer Bucket List for 2022

This summer I hope to accomplish as many of these things as possible and do more activities that goes beyond this list.

Here’s a look at my summer bucket list:

  • Heritage Festivals/ Fairs
  • Day trips
  • Zoos
  • Beach Day
  • Pool Day
  • Celebrate Fourth of July
  • Time with family
  • White Turkey
  • Sara’s 
  • See college friends
  • Go Someplace New
  • Meal by the Water
  • Food tour
  • Picnicing
  • Winery/Wine Tasting
  • Happy Hour/ Ice Cream Hour
  • State/National Parks
  • John Russell Brewing
  • Mini Golf
  • Kayaking
  • Amusement Park
  • Outdoor Concert

That’s a look at some things I hope to accomplish this summer. What are some things you are looking forward to this summer? 

Let me know in the comments below!

I hope you have a great rest of your week!

Fabulous living

Summer Bucket List Recap

Well, here we are in September. This weekend is Labor Day and therefore the end of summer. Although, I plan on still soaking up as much sunshine and warm weather when days permit it. Now, that summer is almost over, it was time for a summer bucket list check in. Did I accomplish all my goals, did I add somethings to the list?! Let’s take a look.

Summer Bucket List Recap
  • Seawolves Baseball Game

Didn’t happen but there’s still a few more weeks left of home games, so I’m hoping to make it to one before the season is up.

  • Start a new show

I finished Offspring this summer, I also watched the second season of Outer Banks, watched the second season of Modern Love and I watched the Pursuit of Love. I watched a lot over the summer. The Pursuit of Love was good, it followed the lives of two women through their lives in the 1930s and 1940s. It’s only three seasons, so it’s not too long of a commitment.

One of the series I watched
  • Summer reading

I read lots of books this summer, from fiction to non-fiction, beach reads and autobiographies. To see everything I read you can check out my past Currentlys or my Instagram stories. I’ve really enjoyed getting lost in books this summer. 

  • Travel someplace new

I didn’t travel any place new but I did have new experiences, such as travelling alone and seeing new things with family and friends.

  • Best friend’s wedding shower and Best friend’s wedding

One of the highlights of my summer was celebrating one of my best friend’s bridal shower, girl’s weekend and wedding. It was incredible to see college friends and celebrate love this summer.

A look at my dress
  • See college friends

I was able to see college friends through visits to Pittsburgh, wedding festivities, shopping trips, and lunches. 

  • See high school friends 

I saw my close high school friends this summer. I kept up with my book club this summer, I also went to my 5 Year Class Reunion, and dinners and holidays! I’m so glad I stayed close with my friends. 

Time with high school friends
  • Ice cream nights

My answer to everything this summer was ice cream. Good or bad day, ice cream was the answer. I went to many of my favorite ice creams spots all through the summer. 

Lots of ice cream this summer
  • Dinner by water

I didn’t get dinner by the water but I got lunch which was perfect! Especially in Pittsburgh and seafood too, It was perfect!

Summer by the water
  • Play putt putt

I played putt putt both here in Erie and on vacation, so fun!

  • Beach day

I was able to head to the beach one morning before work and on a day off too. Plus lots of walks at the peninsula.

  • Zoo 

I went to many zoos this summer. I went to our local zoo a few times. I also went to the Pittsburgh Zoo and Keystone Safari too which was so much fun! Ya girl loves the zoo and animals. 

Keystone Safari for the day
  • Family trip

My family and I went away for a few days at the start of the summer and thank goodness we did, because the summer got busy once we got back.

Family time in Hershey!
  • Pittsburgh Trip

I went to Pittsburgh with friends and family this summer. I also went to different places surrounding Pittsburgh to visit friends.

A view of the city from above.
  • See family

I got to see lots of family this summer between picnics and celebrations and just relaxing. It was great to see so many people especially after a year without seeing people. 

The Fourth spent with family

– White Turkey and Sara’s

Both classic summer spots. I’m so glad I was able to enjoy them with family and friends. 

Hot dog and ice cream on the beach after a walk.
  • Niagara Falls

I didn’t make this happen this summer but there’s still time in the fall to make it happen.

  • Grill nights

I enjoyed lots of grilling. From barbecues with friends, family nights at home, and just enjoying time outside. 

  • Entertain friends

I didn’t get to do a lot of entertaining this summer, but I did get a lot of visits in.

  • Winery or Brewery

I didn’t make this happen this fall, but I’m hoping to make it happen this fall!

  • Celebrate 23

I celebrated 23 with lunch at work, followed by cake and presents on my birthday and the day after. I also went out to dinner after work the day after too. It was great to celebrate a new year full of new adevntures.

My birthday dress.
  • Summer festivals

I enjoyed some local festivals as a part of my job and after work. It’s always great to support community events and change things up on weekends or after work.

  • Pool days

I spent lots of days out by the pool, between reading outside, floating in the water or playing in the water. I had time to soak up the water on hot summer days!

Even my dog Reese got in on the pool action.

That’s just a look at what I did this past summer. What did you accomplish this summer?!