Fabulous living

On Turning 26

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of May already!? Where has the month gone…time truly needs to slow down.

Over the weekend and on Monday we celebrated Memorial Day, although I had to work, it was still nice to get family time and remember all those who served our country.

Memorial Day spread

Today is my birthday and while I will be working, I am looking forward to incorporating some celebrations throughout the day. I’ll be getting my free birthday drink from Starbucks, enjoying dinner with my family and then enjoying some of my favorite hobbies on my day off. Nothing too exciting but doing some of my favorite things that bring me JOY! Kendra Adachi aka The Lazy Genius has a podcast episode about the importance of celebrating your birthday and planning it the way you want to enjoy it. You can listen to it here.

Although I love a good surprise, I do think it’s sometimes better to plan your own activity or dinner so you know you will enjoy it. 

I truly love celebrating birthdays, holidays, and all the special occasions, whether it’s a graduation, promotion, or life event. I think it’s important that we acknowledge these milestones in our lives even if we don’t feel like making a big deal out of it. 

Celebrating 25!

As I turn 26, I definitely feel like I am more adult than young adult. When I turned 23, I felt like I made the switch from young adult to adult and since then, I feel I have only continued to grow and mature from there. Over the past few years, I have become the most comfortable in my own skin and I have been confident in myself in the decisions I have made. I really got into a comfortable pattern and routine of work, family time, spending time with friends and growing in my relationship with my boyfriend. I found new hobbies that brought me joy like growing a garden, running, reading, and learning piano.

As much as I love the life I have created and nurtured, I know that we all need to go through some change and growing pains in our lives. 26 is going to be that year for me. I have some big life changes coming in the next year or so, which is exciting but also terrifying. As someone who loves and thrives off a routine, change is not easy for me, but I know it’s necessary for growth. In the times of uncertainty, I have to remind myself to stay true to who I am. In the scary times, I try to put things in perspective and realize change is temporary and we adjust and overcome whatever adversity we are facing. 

25 was such a good year for me in regards to happiness, adventures, career growth, memories, and trying new things. It was by far one of my most memorable years. I am excited to see what 26 brings, although, change can be scary, it’s also where we learn the most about ourselves.

Here’s to another year around the sun, a year of happiness, friendship, family, love, growth, change and embracing the JOY found in every day. 

26, I’m ready for you!

Fabulous living


Twenty-five, a quarter of a century, a full blown adult.

These are a few of the things that have been running through my mind over the last few weeks. 

Let me back up, I turn 25 next week and it’s a milestone birthday filled with all the emotions. Excitement, anticipation, nostalgia, and a bit of fear too. 

Growing up, I always thought when you turned 25, you were officially an adult. No longer a child, teenager, or even young adult, but a full-fledged adult, and you had to have it all figured out.

Spoiler alert, I’m almost 25 and I don’t have it all figured out and I’m okay with that, in fact, I’m glad I don’t have it all figured out. I’ve learned you don’t have to have it all sorted out quite yet.

Your twenties are all about growing and learning and taking risks and seeing where life takes you. My first half of my twenties were filled with graduating college, moving back home, starting a career, going through a pandemic, getting promoted, making new friends and meeting my boyfriend, that’s a lot of change for five years.

But, let me let you in on a secret, I have loved every bit of it, even the stressful days or the moments filled with unknowns. I’ve learned so much about myself and from those around me and I’m so happy where I am today. I’ve learned to savor every moment spent with family, whether it’s a major holiday or a Tuesday night dinner (just ask any of my brothers, I always comment how special it is that we are all together-and it drives them nuts.) I’ve also learned to be open to new opportunities, but to trust my gut and how it’s okay to say no to things if they don’t feel right. I’ve learned friendship works both ways and some friendships aren’t meant to last forever, some are only meant for a season, while others are forever.

Most importantly, I’ve learned to savor and love the little things in life, whether it’s a morning walk, a coffee with a friend or even going through an evening routine. The little things in life are often the things you will remember the most.

Now as I embark on the second half of my twenties, I am eager to continue to see how I can grow more and what things I can learn about myself. I’m also interested to see where I will be at age 30. Will I be married? have children? Living in the same city? So much can change in five years, but I also now so many things will still be the same. I know I will have a loving family by my side, I know I will have supportive friends and a caring boyfriend. I’m excited to see where these next few years will take me and how I will grow and change. I always like reflecting as big milestones come and go to see how far I have come and what I’ve learned. 

As far as what this year brings, I don’t have any big goals for this next year, I want to keep doing what I’m doing. I want to keep working hard at my job, putting family and relationships first, making sure I’m taking care of my body and self with different hobbies and I want to make sure I’m taking every opportunity available.  Because my birthday falls in May, I’m halfway through my 2023 New Year’s Resolutions and so far they have been going well, definitely room for improvement in some areas, but I have seen progress in other realms.

My birthday falls on Memorial Day and I’ll be working so I’m not quite sure what the day will hold, but I’m excited for what year 25 will bring!

Here’s to another year! Happy Birthday to Me!