Fabulous living

Bringing Back Live Music

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great December! Iā€™ve been doing my best to soak up as much Christmas spirit as I can, between drinking lots of hot coco, doing shopping, having my Christmas lights on, and doing some fun Christmas activities too, like ice skating and watching ALL the holiday movies.Ā I’ve been doing my best to get it all in between work and family time.

Itā€™s been a long time since things have been normal since the pandemic began back in 2020. 

But slowly and surely, things are going back to normal. 

One step towards normalcy has been the return of events and activities including live music and concerts.Ā 
At the start of December, my mom and I traveled to Cleveland for dinner and a concert.Ā 

I didnā€™t take as many pictures as I planned but had the best time.

Hereā€™s a quick recap:

We started the night meeting friends for dinner in downtown Cleveland at The Chocolate Bar.

If you know me then you know I have a HUGE sweet tooth, so this was the perfect spot.

We all enjoyed appetizers and shareable items from potstickers, to artichoke dip and chips, soft pretzels, deep fried raviolis, and then pulled pork sandwiches.

A look at some of the snacks.
The dessert line up was even better. Here’s a look at the menu.
Here’s what I got…the triple chocolate fusion. It was soooo good!

I also got a mug of a mint hot chocolate. It was the best warm cup of cheer.

After dinner we walked over to the show. My mom and I saw Andrea Bocelli. It was a beautiful show, from the choir to the orchestra, the soloists and Bocelli himself. We were blown away by the talent and the performances. He sang a mix of Italian opera, some songs in English and some Christmas tunes too!

Concert time!
A close up of the performances.

After the show, which included FOUR encores (!!!), my mom and I checked out some lights in the city before heading home.

My concert buddy! We’ve seen Matt Nathanson, The Piano Guys, Ed Sheeran and now Andrea Bocelli.

It was so nice to be able to have a sense of normalcy, even though we were masked the full time. After waiting for this show for months, I was so happy to finally see him live in concert especially after not being able to attend live music events in almost two years.

It was the best way to enjoy a night out and enjoy some live music too.

Fabulous living

Fall Bucket List

Hey yaā€™ll, itā€™s fall!!! I rarely say yaā€™ll except to have it rhyme with fall hehe! If you have been following along for a while, you know I love my bucket lists and to do lists.

Every season I make a list of activities or things I want to do in that season. I’ve made them for the past few summers and I love seeing how much I accomplish and all the memories I make along the way. They can be as simple as getting a favorite drink or going for a walk or something bigger like heading to a fall festival. It’s all about taking advantage of opportunities and making memories.

I always like to create a list of season must-doā€™s. Hereā€™s my fall 2021 bucket list:

My Fall Bucket List
  • Apple Picking
  • Niagara Falls
  • Kinzua Hike
  • Hockey Game
  • Cider Press
  • Decorate Pumpkins
  • Collect Leaves
  • Scary Book and Movie
  • Celebrate HalloweenĀ 
  • Fall Walk
  • Enjoy Hot Apple Cider
  • Make A Fall Treat
  • Mason Farms
  • Fall Festival

This is just a little to-do list of plans I have for the next few months. If I get them all done, great! If I donā€™t then itā€™s not the end of the world. Sometimes, I do things that arenā€™t on my list and thatā€™s part of the fun. Also, having a list helps come up with ideas to do when you are looking for fun inspiration.

Whatā€™s something on your fall bucket list!?

Fabulous living

Senior Year…ALL IN!

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesdayā€¦itā€™s my LAST, first week of school. These past few weeks have been so busy since I have been back to school, between training, learning, seeing friends, moving into my last college dorm and starting classes, it has been a whirlwind of activities.Ā Ā Am soaking it all up because I know these will be my lastsā€¦last move in weekend, last training, last first day of school. This past Sunday, I took some time to reflect on starting my last semester of collegeā€¦hereā€™s my thoughts on itā€¦

Senior year…here we GO!

“Itā€™s Sunday, tomorrow is my last first day of schoolā€¦EVER. Itā€™s weird to think that after tomorrow, I will never have another first day of school. I remember my first day of Kindergarten, high school and college. All big days, and tomorrow is no less a big day.
I have always loved school and going to school. I loved laying out my clothes the night before, buying fresh supplies for the new year, taking the picture outside of our home, and coming home to a special treat from my mom while we shared about our first day. There is just something about the first day that brings me so much JOY and excitement!
I only have one more semester of college. Itā€™s weird to think that by Christmas I will be done with school and being saying goodbye to a place that has been a HUGE part of my life story, a place where I grew, gained confidence, made lifelong friends, and created incredible memories. Thankfully, I still have a few months before I say goodbye and start a new chapter in my life.Ā 

So, what does these next few months hold? Lots of classes, homework, reading, studying, working, applying for jobs, spending time with friends, crossing off college bucket lists, doing all the senior things, and celebrating milestones.Ā 
This past week, I was at Mass and the priest shared about going all in and immersing yourself in your life and that really resonated with me. These next few months, I am going ALL IN, doing as much as I can, working my hardest, getting involved with my favorite organizations, meeting new friends, stepping out of my comfort zone, and living up my last time as a college student. I have no idea what comes after college, yes, I will be getting a job and working, but itā€™s exciting to not know where I could end up or what I will be doing. When my friends come back to classes after Christmas, I will be working.
Many people have told me that your years in college will be the best time of your life, and I have to agree, I love the person I have become thanks to the people I met and the opportunities I have done while in college. I have met so many people who have shaped me into the person I am today, and this school will always hold a special place in my heart. I canā€™t wait to see what these next few months bringsā€¦senior yearā€¦Iā€™m ALL IN!”

Fabulous living

Friends, Friends, Friends!!!

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday and an early happy Fourth of July! The Fourth is one of my favorite summer activities. Not only is it a day for seeing family, eating delicious food, and being outside in the sun, but itā€™s a day to celebrate our country!

This past week has been such a whirlwind filled with so many wonderful moments and memories that I loved making. 

Letā€™s recap!

On Wednesday to Friday my best friend, Bailey, from college came to visit. This was one of the first times a college friend came to visit me, since I live further away from school. During her visit, we did so many things.  

Look who’s here!!!

We started the mini vacay with a drive around my hometown and the happy hour by the bay. 

Beautiful weather for her visit!

We then headed to the beach to listen to live music at sunset. After the live music we headed to get some ice cream before heading back to my house for a cook out. We relaxed for the rest of the night and caught up. 

Sun setting at the beach

We got up bright and early on Thursday morning and headed out for a morning run. It was great to get a workout in, to start the day. 

Hello Morning Run!

We then came back to my house and got ready for a day out in the sun. We got lunch at Saraā€™s, an iconic diner in my hometown.

Introducing her to Sara’s!

We then went kayaking, which was my first time going out, but so much fun! 

After spending time on the water, we went to the beach, we tanned, relaxed, went in the water and even took a nap. 

ALL the beach vibes!
Beach vibes

After spending all day out in the sun, we went back to my house and relaxed. I just started watching Outlander and am obsessed!

We ate dinner and then went out for the night, which was so much fun!

We eased into Friday by going for a hike and then coming back for breakfast before she had to head back to Pittsburgh. 

Hiking before she had to head back to Pittsburgh

I am so thankful for our friendship and her visit. It was so good to be a tourist in my own hometown. We are already planning our next adventure! Much love Bailey!

Thanks for a great visit!!!

After she left on Friday, I quickly had to switch gears since I was going away for the weekend with my high school Madeline to visit our friend Ryan in Buffalo!


We left early Saturday morning and made the journey up to Buffalo. 

Buffalo bound

Once we arrived in New York, Ryan gave us a tour of Buffalo, from his college, Canisius, to downtown Buffalo and the canal side. It was so nice to get a look into his world. 

Checking out his school

We went to the Terrace for lunch, the food was delicious, and the view was even better.

Lunch with my favorite high school pals
Beautiful view

After walking around the city, we relaxed until we went out to dinner at Duffā€™s and had some of their famous wings. They didnā€™t disappoint. We hung out and played some games before calling it a night. 

Did someone say Buffalo Chicken Wings?!

Before, Madeline and I left Buffalo we got brunch at Panoā€™s, a delicious place that was in downtown Buffalo. It was delicious and so filling. 

I love these people

I was so glad to have made the trip to Buffalo and spend some quality time with my high school friends. 

Thanks for being some of my best friends!

These past few days have truly reminded me how lucky I am to have such good, fun, and supportive friends. From high school to college, we all get by with a little help from our friends!