
Helpful Travel Hacks and Hints

Hi everyone and happy October. I hope your next few weeks are filled with fall fun, whether it be in the form of decorating, warm foods, walks, or corn mazes.

I’ve been spending as much time as I can outdoors while the weather is still nice.

I have been in a season of travel, from longer trips to weekend getaways and have been picking up some travel hacks along the way. 

If you are in a season of travel too or preparing for one with the holidays approaching, hereā€™s some helpful hints I have picked up.

  • Packing Cubes– These packing cubes have been a game changer for me, especially for longer travels. I used packing cubes when I went to Rome and I fit so much in my carry-on. I had more than enough space for souvenirs to bring back and for all my clothes. They are also great for keeping dirty and clean clothes separated during and after your trip.
  • Travel Size Inventory- I have talked a lot about using sample beauty products when traveling. This is a great opportunity to use products you may be hesitant to try at home. I also try to use products that I am almost out of it and can throw away when I am away to save space coming back and to come home to fresh and fully stocked products. My motto is use it lose it!
  • Make a List and Take a Photo– I always make a list of what to pack when I leave whether itā€™s for a week or an overnight trip. I like to keep it in my phone, so I always have it with me. It also makes it easier when checking things off to make sure you have everything when you return. If you are a more visual person, lay out everything you want to bring and snap a photo. When you are ready to come home, check the photo to make sure everything is accounted for.
  • Pick a Color Scheme– I always try to be mindful when I am packing and that comes in the form of what I am bringing. I tend to choose a color scheme and stick with it. For example, in Italy, I wore black, white and red. This helped mix and match outfits and shoes. For a recent weekend away, I chose blue and white with a few accent colors, they were all neutral which made it easy to mix and match clothing items. Choosing a color scheme also made packing easier when you are only looking for a few colors, plus it helps with jewelry and accessories.
Black and white was my go-to colors for Italy
  • Bring an Empty Water Bottle– If you are flying or driving, bring an empty water bottle. This is very helpful when flying and you get thirsty as there are always places to refill your cups. If you are driving, it doesnā€™t hurt to have a cup to fill up at gas stations or rest stops, plus it saves you money and helps the environment.
This travel mug came in handy for a weekend out of town
  • Be Mindful of Your Bags– Think practicality over cute. I tend to be practical with what bags and luggage I am using, but I have fallen victim to choosing cute over practical and I faced the consequences. Rolling suitcases and backpacks may be the smarter decision when flying as opposed to totes. However, a tote could be great for a road trip for easy access for snacks and toys for kids. Always be thinking about whatā€™s the best option for organization and practicality.
Practical for flying
Not as practical for flying…lesson learned

There you have it, some helpful hints that I have picked up when traveling. I am by no means an expert, so I am always open to new ideas. Tell me: what are some of your travel tips and advice? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Travels!

Fabulous living

Entertaining Tips and Tricks

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a fulfilling and fun week.Ā The weather has been gorgeous as of late and I have been taking full advantage of it at nights and on the weekends.

From fairs to festivals, I have been busy!

One of my favorite things to do year round, but especially in the summer is entertaining. I love hosting friends and family, whether itā€™s for a barbecue, dinner party, girlā€™s night, or just a cup of coffee. 

I have learned everything I know about hosting from my mom. She makes it look easy and I have gotten my love of welcoming people in my home from her. We just finished hosting family and friends for the Fourth of July. While this is our big party of the year, we also enjoy having friends over for casual dinners and grilling nights. Whether you enjoy entertaining or are a novice, I have some advice for you to make your next event, no matter big or small, a success!

  • Make a List and Plan of Action– Whether its having another couple over or twenty people over, make a list of what you need and what you need to accomplish before the event. I like to write down all the dishes I need to make and do an inventory of what I already have, before I go shopping. Then I make a list of what things I need to do to prepare. This list includes everything from grocery shopping, to cleaning the house, making dishes, and buying any extra things to have on hand. This helps me stay organized and gives me a list to refer back to leading up to the day.
  • Stick with What You Know– When it comes to choosing what to make, stick with what you know and what are crowd pleasers. I love trying new recipes and dishes, but trying them for the first time when you are having company over is not the time for it, nor the place. Do you need the extra stress? No! No matter what you are preparing, make it a point to cook things you feel comfortable with and are easy dishes that others enjoy too. Donā€™t forget to ask your guests if there are any allergies you need to be aware of. When it comes to making the food, always make more than you think you will need. Itā€™s better to have leftovers than not enough food.
You can never go wrong with crowd pleasers, like burgers, fruit and chips!
  • Accept the Help– If you are planning on having a lot of people over and people offer to bring an item, accept the help. You can easily assign them something to bring if they insist on bringing something, or if you are open to anything, let them choose what they want to make, but ask them what it is so you can prepare. Thereā€™s nothing worse than having all desserts and no sides. This makes people feel like they are helping and it helps make your meal easier. 
  • Have Takeout Containers on Hand- Speaking of leftovers, if you are planning a big party with lots of people, buy takeout containers to send your guests home with leftovers if you have them. You can find inexpensive containers at the store and you are sending your guests home with good food and you arenā€™t wasting them. Plus, you doesnā€™t love some extra food the day after a party.
  • Buy Neutral Paper Products and Take Advantage of Sales– No matter the season, always have extra, neutral paper products on hand. I always like to have plastic silverware, paper plates, bowls and napkins on hand. I have a mix of white products and some colorful and seasonal products too. Itā€™s always good to have some basic products for spontaneous entertainment and easy cleanup. Take advantage of sales after major holidays for deals on festive paper products to have on hand for when you are looking for something fun to pull out.
  • Always Have Boxed Mixes on Hand- I always like to keep a box (or two) or brownie mix on hand for spontaneous entertainment. The same goes for having extra trail mix, or crackers, or chips to serve people if they show up unexpectedly. If you have a neighbor, family member or friend drop by, itā€™s always good to have a little snack to graze on. Brownie and cookie mixes are affordable and easy things to have in the pantry if you need to make a quick dessert to either entertain or to bring someplace. 

There you have it. Some of the best advice passed down from my mom to me. These are things that she has taught me and I have picked up on through hosting friends and family. If you enjoy hosting, what are some of your favorite hosting tips and tricks!? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Summer Hosting!

Fun Ways to Organize

Deep Cleaning Hacks and Organizing

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday. I hope you are having a great week so far. I feel like we are finally back into the routine of the new year and after the holidays. Last week was still a bit wonky with New Year’s Day falling on a Monday, but now we are in our groove. Whether you are establishing new routines and rhythms for the new year or getting back into systems that work for you, I hope your week is off to a great start.

The new year can often bring new resolutions or goals. I talked about mine last week, but the new year can also bring fresh starts and that can come in the form deep cleaning and organization.

Before the holidays, I did a deep cleaning and organizing of my home. It took a few weeks and I broke it up when I had time to work on the projects on the weekends, but I was thrilled with the end results. I tackled projects large and small, cleaned out spaces that haven’t been touched in months and donated a lot. It felt so good to work with a clean space before holiday decorating began.

If you are looking to do some deep cleaning yourself, here’s some advice about what worked well for me as I helped my mom tackle our home:

  • Go through your home or space and write down all the spaces you want to tackle. They can be as small as a spice cabinet, or as big as a bedroom closet or family room. Once you have your list, it makes it easier to figure out the best way to tackle the projects and how long each project will take.
Keep track of spaces you want to clean
  • Figure out the most efficient way to tackle the projects you want done and space them out. Maybe decide to do all the kitchen cabinets in one afternoon or spend a whole day going through your bedroom closet. Make a plan of what spaces you want to deep clean and organize and stick to it. This makes the projects more manageable and not as daunting. For example, I decided to do bathroom and kitchen cabinets on one day, the following week, I just did bedroom closets for a day and then I set aside a third day for the home office and other odds and ends rooms. I made my plan and stuck to it. When I was done with all the tasks for one day, I wasn’t exhausted or overwhelmed, rather I felt accomplished and then I knew what my tasks were for the next time I revisited the projects. 
We love an organized pantry
  •  When going through your spaces, be intentional with the items you want to keep, toss or donate. Check the dates on food or medicine, is it expired? If so, toss it. Have a junk drawer with old pens and paper? Do a pen test to see how many pens or markers still have ink in them. When it comes to clothes, I ask myself when the last time was I wore the article of clothing and do I still have a need for it. (Asking yourself these questions makes it easier when making decisions about whether to keep or get rid of something.) 
A look at piles to be organized
  • Make a list of things to replenish. This can be as easy as getting new spices or cold medicine to replace old ones, or it can be adding a new white blouse to your wardrobe if your current one is stained. Making a list of things you to replace saves you the stress of not having an item when you need it in a pinch.
Write down what things to refill when cleaning out cabinets
  • Donate or get rid of things right away. Once all your spaces are deep cleaned and organized (whether it takes a day or a month), do yourself a favor and get it out of your home. Whether it’s in the form or trash or donating old items or selling them, don’t let them linger for days or months, get them out so you can enjoy your clean space to the fullest.
A pile of donations

And there you have it! Five ways tips for organizing and deep cleaning your spaces. They may not work for everyone, but I have found success by using these tips and tricks. I am always interested in seeing how other people organize their spaces, tell me: what advice do you have for organizing? 

Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Cleaning!

Let's Look Travel

Let’s Look: Best Travel Tips

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far!Ā  Itā€™s the second Wednesday of the month which means itā€™s time for another Letā€™s Look as I link up with Erika and Shay.

Hereā€™s some of the past prompts. In May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

As we make our way through summer, one thing you may be doing is heading on a trip, so this month, we are talking about travel tips. I did a post about summer travel tips that you can read here. But hereā€™s a bit of a refresher and some new advice!

I broke down my travel tips for a day trip, weekend away and week long trip. I have been going on lots of day trips recently, so I have it down to a science. All these tips are for road trips in a car, but can be altered for flying.

Day Trip

  • Make a list of everything you plan to bring (I always like to keep it on my phone, so I can reference it- write everything down-from wallet to snacks, even chargers)
An example of a packing list (mine are more detailed but this just an example)
  • Totes and smaller pouches are the best tools. I love to bring a big tote (some of my favorite brands are my new Barrington tote, my Longchamp tote and my Thirty One bags) and then store smaller items like chargers, ear buds, gadgets in the pouches.
  • Always bring the necessities in addition to the fun things. (I always bring extra medicine, a first aid kit, a book, my glasses, some backup makeup, a hoodie or sweater, sunscreen or sunglasses- in the summer, just in case I may need them.)
  • A good road trip isnā€™t complete without some good snacks and donā€™t forget bottle water and drinks in case you get stranded in a car.
  • I always pack a backup outfit or blanket in case something happens and a day trip turns into an overnight trip.Ā 
  • I always have a go-bag with extra clothes, toiletries, a blanket and pillow in my trunk.

Weekend Away

  • A lot of the same advice applies to a weekend away as they would to a day trip, but hereā€™s a few extra tips. 
  • I always like to use sample products from toiletries and beauty products when I go away. Itā€™s a way to try different products, see what works, but you donā€™t have to worry about long-term uses.
An example of some free samples that I can’t wait to try when I go away.
  • If you are low on items, use them on the trip and then toss them so you donā€™t have to bring them back.
  • Donā€™t overpack, try to keep in mind what events you need to pack for and try and stick with a color scheme too, it makes planning outfits easier

Week Long Trip

  • Always keep a packing list with all the details of every item and every place, event, or activity you need an outfit for.
  • Pack back up items in neutral colors to mix and match for outfits ( I always pack a white shirt, a t-shirt dress, and an extra pair of shoes that can be worn with other outfits.)
  • Leave room for souvenirs or any items you may buy or bring back. 

I enjoy traveling for long and short trips and while packing can be stressful or overwhelming, breaking it down by making lists, keeping things simple and not overthinking always helps. Always remember, if you forget something, you can always pick it up at the store!

That’s just some travel and packing tips that work for me. Tell me, what travel tips do you live by? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Traveling!

Fun Ways to Organize Travel

Summer Packing Tips

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope this past week has been filled with sunshine, nights grilling, lemonade and maybe even some fruit salad. There’s nothing quite that says summer like eating outside with some fresh food and good conversations-summer nights are a favorite for me!

Nothing says summer like grilling lunch or dinner.

Ā Another thing that completes my summer is getting away, whether it’s for a family vacation, a girl’s trip or even just an overnight. Taking some time off always gives you the chance to recharge and return to your everyday life feeling refreshed, relaxed and maybe even a little tanner.

Before you jet off, you may need to complete that to-do list before it’s vacay time- which includes packing. Some people may dread packing, but I enjoy it. I do dread the unpacking when I return home, haha. Whenever I get home from a trip, I immediately start unpacking, putting things away and starting laundry. To me, there’s nothing better than everything back in its place when you get home.

Ā There’s something fun about planning and being intentional with what you need and what you want to bring on a trip. You can also have some fun picking out things you may not wear every day, like different dresses, bolder jewelry or brighter shoes. It can also get stressful especially if you are packing for more than one person. Whether you are packing overnight for one, or a week-long trip for a family of five, here’s some tips for efficient packing that will have you feeling relaxed before you even leave home.

  • Make a List-It may sound cliche, but make a list of everything you need, from clothes, makeup, medicines, even things you bring in your purse or carry-on. I typically create a list on my phone so I can reference it throughout the trip and make sure I have everything before heading back home. I write everything down I take, even to the amount of things I’m taking, so I can just do a visual check of things before I leave. This also comes in handy if you are staying at more than one place over the course of your trip. Make a list and check it twice before you bounce from place to place. Plus, if you have children, keeping a list of things you are packing for them in addition to yourself makes things even easier for travel.
An example of a packing list(mine are more detailed but this just an example)
  • Don’t overpack-It can be easy to overpack especially when it comes to clothes and shoes. You may think to bring outfits for different meals, events or activities and think you will wear them, only to wear one outfit for a day and not change for dinner or other activities. I always try to be intentional with what I am packing, but I always bring a neutral outfit as a backup. This can be an easy t-shirt dress that can be worn for a dinner or outing, or an extra pair of short if you will be doing lots of outdoor activities or walking. I always, always, always bring an extra white t-shirt, it can go with pretty much anything (jeans, shorts, even skirts and it never hurts to have a backup in case an accident happens0hello stains!).
Having an easy tee shirt dress always comes in handy when away and it travels well too!
  • Use it or Lose it-This is one of my favorite rules, whenever I travel, I always try to use products that are almost out, so I can toss it when I’m away and come back to fresh products. So, what does this mean exactly? If I’m really low on full size products (i.e. face wash, toothpaste, lotion, I will take them with them and use the remainder of them and toss them when I’m away so I can come home to fresh and full products. Now, this doesn’t always work out with products, but when it does, it’s always a win!
A few examples of things that I’ll try to use up on a trip.
  • Use Free Samples-Now, let’s say you don’t have any products that are close to being done to bring on vacation and you prefer to use travel size things, here’s a fun suggestion, when traveling take the time to use free sample products. Whether it’s through Ulta Beauty or wherever you get your beauty products, I’m sure you have accumulated your fair share of sample products, use any free samples you have on vacation to see if it’s something worth investing in, whether it be serums, body lotions, face washes, or different color pallets for makeup. While you are away you can try out new products and if you love them, great, if not, you can toss them before you come home. By using your free samples while you are away, it forces you to use your products you have besides having them sit there and it gives you a chance to try new products too
An example of some free samples that I can’t wait to try when I go away.
  • Be present and have fun! I know this may sound like no brainer, but after planning and organizing there’s nothing better than really unwinding while on vacation. Take the time to unplug, put the phone down and be present where you are at and enjoy it.
Sweet summertime!

Those are just a few tips and tricks that help me for when I travel, not just in the summer but all year around. For those frequent flyers and road trippers, what are your top tips for travel? Let me know in the comments below! 

Until next week, happy traveling!

Fun Ways to Organize

Spring Cleaning

Hello all! Happy Wednesday!

The days are getting longer, the sun is setting later, and we are having more days that are warmer rather than freezingā€¦thereā€™s nothing quite like spring.Ā I can hardly wait for next month!

Ever since the start of the new year I have been in cleaning and organizing mode. From closets, to cabinets, under beds and all around the house. I tossed and donated A LOT! I first blamed it on being coped up in the winter and wanting to get things tidied up after the holidays. Then I said I was getting my spring cleaning out of the way. Once I started, I couldnā€™t stop. The one thing I didnā€™t do was take any before or after picturesā€¦blogger fail. So I apologize for the lack or pictures in this post.

If you are on the fence about doing some spring cleaning or need that extra push to get it done, I hope this post serves as that motivation.

Hereā€™s some tips and tricks for spring cleaning:

  • Start small
    • It can get overwhelming to start cleaning and organizing. Donā€™t get too stressed out about the mess or clutter, instead break it up. Start with a closet one afternoon or cabinets one night.Ā Ā For example, I did my closet on Sunday after work, then the following week, I worked on organizing shoes and donating ones that didnā€™t fit. The following week, I went through my drawers. I broke it up when I had the time and I worked on small areas. I had a sense of accomplishment at the end of each task but wasnā€™t burnt out after a mass undertaking of non-stop cleaning.
  • Make a List
    • If you canā€™t get to everything in one day or even one month, keep a running list of things of things you want to tackle. Sometimes I would be going about my day and would see a cabinet that needs organized or tidied up, if I didnā€™t have the time to tackle that in that moment, I jotted it down to clean it out when I had the time. I had a list to refer to when I had time to clean or organize and then it was always good to see how far you have come with organizing.
  • Use It or Lose it Rule
    • This is a question I ask myself if Iā€™m on the fence about getting rid of something. There are some things I know can be an easy decision to donate or toss. But then thereā€™s the other things that may be harder to decide to donate or keep. The first question I ask myself is ā€œHave I used or worn this in the past year?ā€, yes, the pandemic makes it tricky, but if I have used or worn it then I keep, if I havenā€™t then I reconsider. The second question I ask myself is “If I keep it, will I use it within the next few months?”, if the answer is yes, then I keep it and I do my best to use or wear it. This is another way to make sure you are using or wearing what you have.
  • Donā€™t buy organizational tools while you are in the thick of it.
    • This is easier said than done. It can be easy to be cleaning something and then think, ā€œI need to buy a new bin or desk organizer”. Hold off on buying a new tool or item, instead see what you must use. For example, for the longest time, I thought I needed a new jewelry box. I hunted for one for a while, but kept coming up empty handed. I went through my jewelry and ended up getting rid of things that were broken or I hadnā€™t worn and was able to reorganize my jewelry and turns out I didnā€™t need a new jewelry box. Thatā€™s another benefit of cleaning or reorganizing, you find new purposes for old things.

Those are just a few ideas or tips when it comes to spring cleaning. I have spent a lot of time over the past few months cleaning, tidying and reorganizing and it has been so nice to see more clean and empty spaces around my house and room. For those who enjoy spring cleaning and organizing, what are your top tips for cleaning? Drop them below!

Fabulous living Fun Ways to Organize Travel

Weekend Away Essentials

Last week, I blogged about my weekend trip to Chicago! I love to travel, and I try to take any opportunity available to me to travel whether itā€™s near or far. Throughout, my weekend away I made mental notes of things I want to remember when it comes to future traveling, especially for a college student on a budget. Here are my must haves for weekend adventures:

  • Donā€™t over-pack. Yes, it may seem tempting to pack several cute outfits and figure out what to wear when you get there, but thatā€™s not the answer. Pack simple and efficient. For example, for my trip I packed one pair of jeans, a few different tops to alternate, an outfit to wear at night, and two pairs of shoes, as well as comfortable clothes for traveling. I wanted to make sure I had the essentials and things to mix and match for the weekend. Although, I didnā€™t look the cutest in all my photos wearing my north face, jeans, and sneakers, I was very comfortable walking several miles each day. I also packed pretty simple when it came to luggage. I had a duffel bag, small tote, and cross-body. The small tote came in very handy for the souvenirs I bought while I was away.

All packed! Simple but efficient

  • Plan accordingly for traveling. We drove down to Chicago over night on a bus, so I made sure I was comfortable for the long bus ride, therefore I made sure I brought a blanket and pillow for the bus. This came in extremely useful when I was able to sleep a few hours driving down. The same goes for flying, planes are notorious for being chilly, be sure to throw an extra sweatshirt or socks in your carry on so you arenā€™t freezing your whole flight. Overall, be sure to pack for your destination and any accessories that may come along with it.

Itā€™s was very chilly in the Windy City. The weather was in the 30’s the whole weekend so i was bundled up. Yes, it may not look super cute, but I was very warm

  • Make a Plan. When we found out that we were going to Chicago, my friend and I made sure we had a plan of things we wanted to get done and when. There is nothing worse than going to a new city for the first time and not knowing what to do or where to go. Donā€™t be afraid to ask for suggestions of places to try. I have several friends who live in the Chicago area, so I made sure to get their opinions on their favorite spots. This helps to ensure you get the authentic experience while being in the city.

I found these tricks to be most helpful while traveling for a weekend away. Do you prefer weekend getaways or week-long vacations? What helpful hints do you have for trips? Let me know in comments below!

Have a happy Tuesday!!