
Look of the Day #37


Hi friends. Happy February!!

February is one of my favorite months. From the reds and pinks, to everything heart shaped and who could forget the chocolate?! I love everything about the month.

Last week we had a couple of warm days, and when I mean warm, I mean in the high 40’s low 50’s. I’ll take what I can get for January. I took advantage of the warm days with a few layered looks. I love to layer clothes for both style and comfort.

Today’s look of the day!

Here’s what I threw together. I love these brown shoe boots. I got them from Bass a few years ago and I love the style and the character it brings to any outfit. I have worn them previously with a dress and a skirt but wearing them with a pair of boot cut jeans are my favorite.

How cute are these brown shoe boots?! Did someone say character???

The jeans I am wearing are from Old Navy, which by now you probably know how much I love their jeans and all the styles they come in. This plaid flannel is from GAP, I love to wear flannel in transition weather. I love how pink and navy blue look together, so when I saw this flannel I had to get it. This blue vest, which I got from Francesca’s Boutique matches perfectly with my blue jeans and pink and blue flannel.

Pop of pink to add to this outfit

As for accessories, I am wearing my favorite matte lipstick from Bare Minerals. I love shopping with Bare Minerals, its excellent quality and long lasting.

Simple but statement pieces to add to this layered look.

I wanted out bring out the gold detailing in my vest by wearing this bold gold necklaces and these gold dangling earrings.

This outfit is perfect for college students heading to classes or for a Saturday excursion. If you still want to wear this outfit and it is chilly out, no fear just wear your heavy jacket when you are out and when you get inside sow off your layers, it will also keep you warm inside.

That’s a peak into what I am wearing today. What are your favorite accessories to add to any outfit? Let me know in the comments below.

Happy weekend.

Fabulous living

Fall Semester Recap

Another semester has come and gone. Last week I wrapped on my third semester, by far it has been the busiest and most challenging one. In the past few short months, I took 19 credits worth of courses, started a new job, joined a Honor’s Society, and made many new friends. I grew as a person, and a changed in more ways than I thought. Back in August, someone told me, by the time Christmas rolled around I would be a different person than I was back in August, and boy they weren’t wrong.  The top five things that had the biggest impact or that I learned this semester are:

– Heavy course load- I took more credits and classes this semester. It was a challenge to accomplish everything, but I did it. I found new places to study and made new friends in my classes. I learned so much and the courses I took helped point me in the right direction for what I want to do as a career. I also made the decision based on credits I brought in from high school to graduate early. I will be graduating college in December 2019, a semester early. Two years from Saturday I will be a college graduate, which is both exciting and nerve racking.

This is just a small peek into how I stay organized and on top of everything related to school.
I wouldn’t have survived my classes if it weren’t for these girls. Love them to pieces.– 

– My new job. I took on a new job this semester and it has most definitely impacted me. I have more responsibilities and I had to step out of my comfort zone several times this semester. To be honest, this job has caused me stress, like any job does, but I have grown a lot this semester. I am more assertive and confident (well, that’s something I’m still working on). But, a lot of good has come from this job. I have met a lot of good people that I work with on a daily basis. People that started out as strangers are now some of my closest friends. Although, I am using this Christmas Break to catch up on some much need rest and relaxation, I’ll be excited to start back again in January.


My new job has brought me both smiles and stress, like any job.
So blessed I met mt friend Liv through my job. She has been the best mentor and friend. I was told I would meet some of my best friends through this job and I’m so glad i met Liv.

– Try new things. I applied and got accepted into my college’s Honor’s Program. After a lot of persuading from both friends and professors, I decided to apply, and I got in. As a member of the Honor’s Program, I will be taking more rigorous courses, and I will be attending activities as a group. One activity I went to was an Opera performance of “The Marriage of Figaro”, it was very well done and I was happy I made the decision to attend. I am excited to see what other things we do as a group.

A night out for the Opera.

– Letting Loose. Between school and my job, I worked a lot this semester, so when I had a weekend free, I took advantage of it with friends and family. I had movie nights with friends, went on trips to the city, danced the night away at semi formals, and headed home for a few weekends to spend time with family. I learned this semester there always must be a balance between work and fun. Thankfully, I had great friends who made sure I had fun even when I wasn’t always up for it. Even my friends from high school were always there if I needed a laugh or a pick me up.  Whether it was a night out or a chick flick night in, my friends and I knew how to have a good time.

My bestie Danielle and I before a Halloween Dance
A night out with Shay at semi formal. I have no idea where I would be without this girl. She truly is a forever friend.
A night out in the city to celebrate Christmas!!

– Self Care. With a busy semester, I learned how to take care of myself. Whether it was calling it an early night, working out at the gym,  reading a new book, rewatching my favorite guilty pleasure on Netflix (hello, did someone say, Gossip Girl?!?!) , or even doing my nails. I learned that I am not helpful to anyone if I don’t take care of myself first. I am still learning to take care of myself. I will always try to say yes, but I need to learn to say no more. I over commit, and I try to please everyone. Towards the end of this semester, I learned to slow down more. That is something I plan to work on more for the spring semester.

Smiling is the easiest way to spread happiness. At the end of the day, all we can do is keep smiling.

Some days it felt like this semester dragged on, and other days, I can hardly believe it is already December! Overall, I had a successful semester. I learned a lot and I gained a lot. I can’t wait to see what next semester has in store for me. Until then….xoxo

Fabulous living

Things I’m Thankful For

With Thanksgiving, this coming week, I’m taking some time to remember what I am thankful for. We all get busy and caught up that we forget what’s truly important. So, here it goes, the things I’m thankful for.

  • My loving family. Both immediate and extended. Always there when I need them most. From texts to care packages. My family knows me best and I couldn’t be more thankful for have them in my life especially this past year.
Family over everything
  •  My supportive friends. The older I have gotten the smaller my circle of friends has gotten. I am beyond thankful to have such good friends who have always been there. My friends from high school are always there to remind me where I have come from. Who else would I text about our favorite TV shows with?!  My friends from college remind me where I’m going. I know I have people in my life to sing Beyonce with, spill tea with, dance and eat the night away at a Semi Formal dances, and have real life talks with.
My favorite chick in college, Shay
Two words. Squad Goals. Spending time with these two is never boring. High school friends last a lifetime.
My first friend in college, Danielle and I have been through it all
  • My dogs. As cliche as it sounds, one of my favorite places to be is at home, on my couch cuddling with my pups. Just being with my dogs relaxes me. Plus, how can you say no to this face?!
One of my favorite parts about coming home.
  • Good Health. I’m thankful I can happy and healthy along with my family. Health is so important especially for all the sickness in our world. I’m thankful I can wake up every morning healthy.
  • My job. I took on a new job this year and although there have been some challenging days, I have great coworkers who I have grown close with over the past few months. I have learned so much about myself through this job and I can’t wait to see where else it takes me.

    New year, new opportunities
  • The country I live in. I thankful for living in a free country. I am so lucky to live in such a wonderful country.

    Land of the Free and Home of the Brave
  • I am thankful for the things that bring me joy. I have interests, hobbies, and activities that make me love life.  I am thankful for all the opportunities that fulfill me.
  • I am thankful for going to a school that I have grown in many ways. I have learned so much in and out of the classroom. I have be given so many opportunities and I could not a picked a better school to attend.
  • My faith. I am so thankful to have a deep rooted faith. When times get tough, I always know God is there. I am thankful for the friends I have made through my faith.
  • I am thankful for people to look up to, whether they are family members, people in the industry I hope to work in one day, authors,bloggers, actors, and anyone else that inspires me. I am thankful to have inspirations in my life.

There are so many things I am thankful for, but these are just a few. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with loved ones. I will be taking Thursday off, but will be back on Tuesday! What are you thankful for this year?

Fabulous living

Finding Happiness Every Day

We have all had those days when it’s gloomy outside, our outfit isn’t working, we over commit and we are left with nothing but stress. We let everything pile up around us until we are left completely overwhelmed. I may not be able to change the weather or help free your schedule but I can show you where to find happiness every day. These are five easy ways where I find happiness in every day life. We are all humans and mistakes happen and some days are harder than others, but it’s important to remember to stand up again and keep moving forward. I hope this helps you find some happiness in your lives.

  1.  Play Good Music. Blast your favorite   Pandora station and dance around. Put on some soothing music when you just need a break. When I really need a pickup up, this is my favorite Pandora station. Sometimes we just need to let go and let God take over.

    My favorite station
  2. Talk to a friend. Whether it’s your best friend or your mom (or if that’s the same person), stop the texting and have a phone call or Face Time session. Talk about your latest tv show you both are watching or what’s going on in your lives, or even plan an activity. Whatever you talk about it will take you mind off what you are stressing about. Reminisce and relive your favorite moments.

    Friends always make things better
  3. Read a book. Sometimes we need to step away from everything, even technology. Pick a up book you keep telling yourself you are going to read but haven’t started yet. Get lost in a world besides your own. Flip through your favorite magazine. Do something for you.

    My next read
  4. Go for a Walk. Step away from your stressful day and just spend time thinking and being one with nature. Let your mind wander and then come back to the task with a fresh set of eyes. We all feel happier after spending some time with our own quiet thoughts.

    Beautiful morning walk
  5. Do something you love! Whether it’s eating your favorite snack, grabbing lunch with a girlfriend, or catching up with your favorite show. Take that time and do something you will feel relaxed and happy with.

    Smiling is the easiest way to spread happiness

Well, there you have it. When I am in a rut, I turn my frustrations into joy. To leave you with a quote on the Tuesday. “What’s broken can be mended. What’s hurt can be healed. And no matter how dark it gets, the sun’s gonna rise again.” -Meredith Grey