Fabulous living

20 Things I’ve Learned in My 20 Years of Living

New day, new year, new beginnings. Today, a new decade begins for me. Yes, I am turning 20! Iā€™m really excited for not only this new year but also this new decade. A whole lot can happen from 20 to 30.

Iā€™m also excited for new adventures and beginnings with this new year ahead. Besides looking forward to this new chapter, I am reflecting a lot on these past 20 years.

After careful consideration, I have complied a list of twenty things I have learned in my twenty years of living. Some big things, others not so big and in no particular order. But, all these things have shaped me into the person I am today. Here we go!!


Always share. Whether, itā€™s your toys, talents, or thoughts. Share with others.

Always Smile. A smile can go a long way and even change someoneā€™s day or life.

It can be easy to get caught up with routines and schedules in life. But donā€™t forget to be spontaneous and go on adventures.

You can learn something new every day. Learn about the world around you.

It doesnā€™t hurt to ask questions. Always ask whether you are sure or unsure.

Yes, eating healthy and working out are important but get the dessert, I promise it will be worth it.

Work smarter, not harder.

Donā€™t be afraid to jump into the unknown. Always be open to trying new things.

A favorite movie or good book is always the answer to having a rough day.

Itā€™s okay to say No in life, sometimes it may even be for the better.

Doing small things in life, like doing your nails, or changing your hair or spending more time on your makeup, can make you feel like a different

When in doubt, take a long drive and put the music on high to clear your mind.

The hard work you put in now will benefit you in the future.

The tough times in life will make you a stronger person.

Self-care is so important, you canā€™t take care of others if you donā€™t take care of yourself.

Tell the people in your life that you love them.

Be sure to check in and make time with your friends. Tell them how much they mean to you.

Family is the most important thing in life. Donā€™t take them for granted.

Live life to the fullest and make a difference along the way.

Live, Love, Laugh, Dance.

Well, Iā€™m off to celebrate with some friends and family for my birthday. See you all on Thursday!!



Look of the Day #53


Hello All!

Happy Thursday! We are almost to the end of theĀ  work week and then there is a long weekend ahead for Memorial Weekend! How are you celebrating the holiday weekend? Pool party? Cookout? Fireworks? Iā€™ll be spending time with family and at some fun barbecues. Iā€™m ready to kick off summer!

To start off todayā€™s look of the day, I do have a disclaimer, last week I promised to share more business outfits and I will, but I wore this outfit over the weekend and I couldnā€™t resist sharing it. I’ll be sharing more business casual outfits coming up soon!

I will admit, I am a short girl, Iā€™m only 5ā€™3ā€, so most of the time, I canā€™t wear maxi dresses or skirts. If I do wear them I typically have to wear them with heels or wedges or I must find short maxi dresses or skirts which can be a challenge. When I do find a dress or skirt that works, I immediately pick it up. I love how they are flowy, comfortable, versatile and great for traveling.

Fun for the summer sun!

Onto the dress details. I got this maxi dress from Old Navy a few years ago and I love to wear it since it hasnā€™t gone out of style. I chose navy blue since it is a neutral color and you can mix and match it with other colors and patterns. The fabric is so soft which makes it even more comfortable to wear. Plus, can we talk about how cute the open back is?! I love the cut out and it adds a great style to this simple dress.

How cute are these shoes?!

I decided to pair my maxi dress with a pair of leather peep toe boots. I got them from T. J. Maxx and they were a great buy!Ā  I will only be able to wear these for a few more weeks since they are more of a spring and fall boot. I love how the navy and brown work so well together. Also, the heel makes sure that my maxi dress won’t drag on the ground. Another must for us short girls!

I love the open back and this purse went great with the outfit.

I was looking for a more unique purse and realized this would be the perfect opportunity to use my new bag from my trip to Chicago. I got it from Bloomingdales. It was the perfect size to hold a sweater, my phone, and wallet. I love how it really changed my outfit and made it more fun and functional!

I hope this gives you a new idea to mix and match your summer outfits up. What is something essential you always have to have with you when you are out and about? Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day with your family and loved ones. Have a great start to summer!!


Look of the day #52


Hello All!

Itā€™s officially the start of summer (or work season for me)! This will be a busy summer for me as I will be doing an internship and working part time. I’m super excited to learn new things and be exposed to new experiences!Ā  Due to these jobs, I will be working in a professional setting and I will be wearing a lot of business casual outfits this summer. The next few looks I will be sharing will be geared towards a business style.

It’s all about looking professional today on the blog.

Today, is my first professional attire look, I got these navy blue, dress pants from The Limited. I love how they can go with any bold blouse, sweater set, or cardigan. Ā The length on them works great if you want to pair either a ballet flat, small pump or stiletto with them. The quality is also long lasting, I have had them for a few years and have worn them on numerous occasions.

Along with the blue dress pants, I am wearing a bold pink and navy-blue top alongside the pants. I wanted to break up the solid pattern with my pants. I got this silky long sleeve top from Francescaā€™s Boutique. Previously, I have worn this top with cotton skirts, leggings, and even jeans, it is so versatile. I personally like to wear this top with business looks, but it never hurts to mix it with other outfits.

Lastly, I wanted to rave about these navy-blue pumps I am rocking on my feet. I got them from DSW, several years ago. I donā€™t wear them too often since I typically wear black or brown shoes, but I love how these neutral shoes really break up my outfit.

Thatā€™s a peak into my closet today on the more formal side of things. If there is ever a look you want to see styled. Let me know in the comments below! I am always open to new ideas and styles. Have the best weekend!!

Fabulous living

One Year Reflection

1 year, 365 days, 52 weeks, and 104 blog posts laterā€¦what a year it has been.

This has been a year of joy, happiness, learning, love, and new experiences.

The idea to start a blog came to me over a year ago. After a long first year of college, I wanted to do something for myself through the summer. That came in the form of the birth of Elspethā€™s Day by Day. I spent the first few weeks of my summer vacation researching how to start a blog and reading lots of blogs. I decided to give it a try for the summer AND I LOVED IT. I loved the idea of not only practicing my writing by blogging every week, but I loved the idea of sharing things that I have learned through life. Whether it was fashion, organizing, fitness or even the difficult things in life like battling homesickness or being independent. It is a great feeling to be open with your struggles and have others say they my post helped them through something. It is a very humbling experience. I have loved it all. This blog has been a great creative outlet for me especially during the school year, whenever I needed a break from the stressers of college, this was the perfect channel.

A huge thank you to all of you for reading and sharing and commenting on my blog. I appreciate your support so much. Whether you have been an avid reader since Day 1 or you are reading this for the first time today, thank you for your time and attention. It means so much to me. I never thought I would make it a year, but I did it and it has been a joy the whole time. I canā€™t wait to see what the new year holds, new ideas, new posts and new content. Season 2 is coming soon!!!

Thank you again for all the love and support this year! If there is anything you want to see on here during this next year of blogging, please let me know in the comments below!


Fabulous living

Love the Season You are In

Hi Everyone!!

These past few weeks have been super busy and have flown by. Right now, I am in the midst of finals week and finishing up work before it’s officially summer. And by summer I mean, I finish my one job on Saturday and start my summer job and internship on Monday. Yes, I am busy. But, I am loving these last few weeks of school, classes are finishing up and I’m saying some hard goodbyes to a lot of my friends who are graduating. Needless to say, it’s a bittersweet time.

I did want to take a moment to reflect on enjoying where I am in life. I was recalling a passage from Emily Ley’s book, Grace Not Perfection…she spoke about the importance of loving the season you are in through life. I think that is so important. Whether you are a senior in high school, a college student getting ready to take on a career for the first time, or a mom balancing three different spring sport schedules, enjoy the season you are in.

There are often so many times when I find myself remembering past memories or getting excited about the future that I forget to live in the present moment and enjoy where I am in life. I also find myself sometimes wishing away stressful moments or long days only to find that I will miss the days of the past. It’s funny sometimes the days that I dread or I get overwhelmed about, I end up making the most memories. The same goes for moms juggling different spring sports and graduations, yes it is stressful but at one point, there will be no more carpooling or graduation parties and the house will be quiet once again. Same goes for college students, finals may be taking over your life but don’t let that stop you from creating memories with your true friends. You are only in college once.

What is the point of me saying all this?! Enjoy where you are in life. Yes, it may not be perfect, it may be messy, exhausting, and overwhelming but it’s life and it only happens once. Embrace the disorder and chaos and live for the moment. Instead of taking selfies of the exciting moments, be present for them instead.

Life is all what you make of it. Make your life memorable.

Sorry for a shorter post, but these past few weeks have been busy. Looking forward to writing more this summer.Ā  Until then…


Ending this post with my favorite Office quote that I remind myself of daily. Live for today.
Fabulous living

Slowing Down and Self Care

Happy Tuesday. How was your weekend? Restful and relaxing, I hope.

We are down to the final countdown for summer and I canā€™t wait. Between classes and work, I am ready for a break. That brings me to todayā€™s topic. Taking care of yourself, even if it means saying no. Kinda ironic, last week, I shared the importance of saying yes and stepping out of your comfort zone, but today, itā€™s the opposite. I often find myselfĀ  getting run down and tired this time of year, thatā€™s why self-care is important now more than ever. Between finals, projects, and summer activities upon us, itā€™s easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out. The same goes for parents, school is winding down, which means trying to figure out summer plans for children along with summer schedules.

This past year, I got very busy, between classes, work, and maintaining friendships, I was running myself into the ground. I realized I had to take care of myself so I could be the best version of myself.Ā  I have carved times in my schedule to set aside for myself. For example, every Sunday, I try to take a break from homework and spend time either reading or watching a movie or whatever I wanted, unscheduled. I always like to leave from 2:00-4:00 open for myself, it doesnā€™t always happen but I try my best to make it work. These two hours gives me time to recharge myself for the week ahead. If you donā€™t have two hours to block out for yourself, donā€™t worry. Maybe block out 15 minutes of your day everyday. Or give yourself a half hour in the morning or before bed to unwind without distractions. However long, be sure you are taking care of yourself. Ā Also, you canā€™t be helpful to others if you arenā€™t taking care of yourself.

I found myself committing to many things during the week and weekend that I was left no time for myself. I will admit, I am a Yes women. I am also the queen of over committing. Donā€™t believe me? Last week I booked myself from 10:00 amĀ  to 8:00 pm solid. It wasnā€™t the best idea, but I made it through the day successfully. Itā€™s all about having balance in your lives. I had made plans to hang out with friends around 9:30, but by the time it rolled around, I was exhausted. I wanted to spend time with friends, but I knew I had to recharge. I am so glad I did, I slept like a log that night. Our bodies know us better than we think. Sometimes, even if we don’t like it, it benefits us to say no.

A few ways I unwind are:

  • Watching movies or catching up on my favorite series
  • Reading
  • Facetiming my bestie from back home
  • Taking a walk
  • Doing my nails

We all need to take care of ourselves even if it means saying no. We may not like to say no, but it will benefit us in the long run. With the changing of seasons, make sure you put yourself first sometimes. It may help you more than you realize.

Have a great week.


Look of the Day #46


Hello All!

Happy April!

I hope your Aprilā€™s are all off to a good start. I am back to school for the last leg of the semester. This semester and year has flown by!Ā  My April is jammed packed, if I survive this month, I think I can tackle anything. Haha.

Today, I am sharing the outfit I wore on Easter. I spent my Easter Sunday by attending mass and spending time with family. I couldnā€™t have asked for a better day. Ā I think Spring is finally upon on, I wanted to get in the spirit with this bold print floral dress. I donā€™t often wear these colors, but I saw the dress a few years ago and couldnā€™t resist.

I actually purchased this dress two years ago from Nordstromā€™s . Unfortunately, it is no longer in stock. Ā I wore it for my high school Baccalaureate Mass. It was held at the end of the year and I love the bright colors. I love to buy things that are very good quality so i can wear them on numerous occasions especially as I will be heading into the real world soon. I love the dark blues and greens, but I love the pop of yellow even more. I decided to bring out the yellow with these light-yellow heels from Kelly and Katie, I got them at DSW a few years ago as well. I added some simple but classic to go along with the dress and shoes.

I donā€™t often wear bold dresses like this, but I decided to change up my look for Easter. I often choose to wear simple colors and add bold jewelry or accessories as my statement pieces. Today, however, my dress was my statement piece.

I canā€™t wait for Spring to get fully underway for all things spring fashion. What trends are you looking forward to this spring/summer season?

Also, I will be out of town this weekend, to follow along with my adventures, check out my Instagram for all things travel @elspethsdaybyday

See you next week!!

Fabulous living

Let’s Get Real: Homesickness

Hello All!

Todayā€™s post is going to be a bit more on the serious side. Besides, showing you the latest trends and how to organize areas in your home, I like to be real and honest about what life as a college students is truly like. So, we are getting real about homesickness. What a fun topic for a Tuesday. In all seriousness, letā€™s get real.

Before I started college, almost two years ago, I was worried about being homesick. Many family and friends had assured me I would be so busy I wouldnā€™t be able to get homesick, or it would go away after a month, someone had even told me that by Fall break I wouldnā€™t even want to come home because I would be loving school so much.

They were all wrong.

Yes, I was enjoying school, and I was making friends and I was most certainly busy, but that didnā€™t change the fact that I was homesick. There would be times when I was lonely, or I craved a homecooked meal or I wished I was back in my own room. But, I didnā€™t let that stop me from enjoying college life. Christmas rolled around, and I was told that I wouldnā€™t want to be home for a whole month and I would soon get bored and I would be thrilled when I could go back to school.

Nope, it was still hard going back.

Spring semester brought more hope and more experiences. But I still had my moments of weakness and some tears. Once May rolled around, I was so proud of myself for making it through a full year. I thought, if I could accomplish that I could do anything.

A few months later, Year Two rolled around. It brought new experiences, new friends, new challenges and new beginnings. I didnā€™t get homesick as much, mostly when I was getting dropped off from being back home from a break. I had gotten used to falling back into my routines at home, it was hard to get adjusted back at school. There were times when I was overwhelmed and stressed and wanted a break from school and just to be home, but I had to push through. Thatā€™s the thing about homesickness, you can take a bad situation and make it better.

How can you handle those moments of weakness and homesickness?

  • Have a good cry (yes, we all need a good cry to let ourselves go and feel all our emotions that we keep buried deep within.)
  • Take that time to be alone but not too long, make plans to go out with a friend to grab dinner or go to study.
  • Share how you are feeling. It may be uncomfortable, but who knows you may find someone who feels the same way and doesnā€™t know who to talk to about it. You can be there to help each other through it.

Homesickness is different for everyone, others donā€™t have it all, some only have it until their first fall break, but for few like myself, it never goes away. As I close on my second year of college, I still have my moments where I am homesick. I donā€™t let that dictate my life. I push through the pain, sometimes I cry, sometimes I watch my latest binge show, sometimes a phone call homes helps. But, I carry on, and I keep on living life. As i look back on the past two years, I don’t remember being homesick or sad but rather the joy, the laughter, and the memories that came with friends and family.

Whether you are a first-time college student leaving home for the first time or you are gearing up to start your first job in the new world, we all miss home, it just means you feel so much love from home that it’s hard to be without it.

Until next time,


Fabulous living

10 Fun Facts about ME!

Welcome! Welcome!

For those who have followed my blogs for months or whether this is your first time stopping by, Iā€™m going to share some fun facts about myself.

– I am sophomore in college. I am majoring in Communication with a minor in Creative Writing. I plan to graduate in 3 and a half years


-Following graduation my ā€œdream jobā€ is to work in broadcast journalism. Iā€™ve grown up watching the news from local, to national, and entertainment. I hope to follow in the footsteps of some of my favorite journalists.

Fun friday night working on a project for one of my favorite classes. Could this be the start of a career?

-I am a morning person. I like to get up early and I feel most productive in the early hours. On the other hand, I get very tired by night so Iā€™m not a party animal. This is one of the harder aspects of my job since I work late hours.

6:15 the alarm goes off and it’s time to start the day. Rise and shine

-I am fortunate to live in a place where I get to experience all four seasons. Spring is my favorite season, I love the smell of grass, fresh cut flowers, and it doesnā€™t hurt that my birthday is in Spring either.

One of my favorite pastimes is watching the sunset

-I love to read. As a young girl I was always happiest with a book. As I have grown older, I love to read autobiographies and memoirs. Some of my favorite books Iā€™ve read are: Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes, Going off Script by Giuliana Rancic, and Sisters First by Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush. As an avid book lover, I prefer the hard or soft cover rather than reading them online.

-I love movies. Romantic comedies are my favorite genre. I always love a good ending but some of my favorite ends are the ones that are most unexpected.

-Besides watching movies, I am also a lover of tv. Iā€™m a die hard TGIT fan-thank you Shonda Rhimes, This is Us has been my latest obsession, and SEAL TEAM is my freshmen favorite series

Thursdays 8:00-11:00 (ABC)
Tuesdays at 9:00 (NBC)
Wednesdays at 9:00 (CBS)

-One of my favorite things to do when Iā€™m home is to shop, whether am looking for something in particular or Iā€™m just window shopping. I love to shop. You can most likely catch me at Marshalls, Home Goods or Francescaā€™s.

-I am an avid dog lover. I have three dogs at home and I am constantly counting down when I can see them when Iā€™m at school. My youngest dog, who I still think of as a puppy is one of my greatest joys.

My two older dogs. They are brother and sister
I still picture him as a 6 pound pup but he has certainly grown

-Lastly, I couldnā€™t go through this crazy experience we call life, if it wasnā€™t for the support of my family. My family and I are very close, we share lots of laughs, and smiles whenever we are together. They truly are my biggest supporters.


And thatā€™s a wrap! 10 (fun) facts about myself. I hope you learned something new about me or it was a bit of a refresher for you. Whatā€™s one fun fact about yourself? Let me know in the comments below!

Fabulous living

Valentines Day Q&A

Happy February! How was your weekend? I spent my weekend working so Iā€™m looking forward to getting back into a routine this week. Ā Valentineā€™s Day is one of my favorite holidays! I love the colors, the love, and most of all the chocolate! Today, Iā€™m answering questions posed by The Blended Blog: Valentines Day edition. Letā€™s get down to answering. Feel free to answer along and post your answers in the comments below!

-Hugs or Kisses?

Hugs, I feel like you can give out more hugs, when you are happy, sad, excited, scared, anxious, even overwhelmed, a hug can make it all better. The best kinds of hugs are the ones you get and didnā€™t know you needed.

-Candy or Flowers?

As much as I love flowers and they can brighten up a room, I have a HUGE sweet tooth and I will never pass up an opportunity for chocolate.

Here’s a sneak peak of some Valentines I’m giving out to close friends.

-Baking or Cooking?

Baking, I love baking cookies, cupcakes, and any new desserts. Also, the best part of any meal is the dessert, did I mention I have a thing for sweets?!

-Do you remember your first crush?

Yes! from my first child crush, to celeb crush, to serious crush. Most will never happen but it’s still nice to dream.

-Favorite color of roses?


-Conversation Hearts. Yes or No?

Yes, for decoration. No for eating.

-Do you leave love notes?

Yes, I love leaving notes for others. Whether itā€™s a love note, a good luck note, or an Iā€™m thinking of you note. They are an easy way to show someone you care.

-Do you decorate for Valentines Day?

Absolutely!!! Hereā€™s a peak into how I decorated for Valentines Day in my dorm room.

I got this banner at Target for $3!! It looks great on an empty wall.
I got this filled with goodies last Valentines Day and this year it makes the perfect decor piece.

-Red or Pink?

Red, I love how bright, bold, and powerful it is.

-Milk, White, or Dark Chocolate?

Milk chocolate, and to take it a step further. Dove chocolate is my weakness.

-Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yes, but not for everyone. I think itā€™s definitely possible but I also believe in relationships starting from friendships.

-Do you give humorous or serious Valentineā€™s day cards?

Always serious. There is nothing wrong in telling someone how you feel, whether they be a spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend or even a best friend. Give anyone you care about a card.

-Favorite Chick Flick or Romantic Movie?

This is so hard because I love movies but my favorite ones are: Pride and Prejudice, Valentines Day, Sex and the City. All different genres but I love all them in their own ways.

Well, there you have it. Ā My favorite things about Valentines Day, which after reading this over, my greatest love is chocolate. Oops. Thatā€™s what the gym is for! What do you like about Valentines Day? Pick a few questions and answer them in the comments. Have a great Tuesday!