Fabulous living

Seven Years of Blogging

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week, we made it halfway to the weekend!

I am celebrating my blog anniversary this month.

I started to create this little corner on the internet seven years ago as I was finishing up my first year of college. I had just gone through one of the biggest years of growth and change. I moved out of my home, met all new people and went through all the growing pains of being a freshman in college. I started this blog as a creative hobby and outlet and it has grown so much since I wrote my first post. 

One of my first posts

I shared looks of the days, packing tips, my fitness journey, things to organize, and personal topics like eating alone.

Becoming a runner

Now, I share more about my weekly favorites, recipes, and adventures.

Trips to NYC for a day adventure

Over the last seven years, I have gone through college, started my first job, made new friends, lost friends, gone on trips, moved back home, found new hobbies and met my boyfriend.

Time with friends

I’ve shared a lot about myself through my blog, from homesickness, to landing my dream job, and staying true to myself.

So many fashion posts

I’ve also been able to share my favorite things; from beauty products, to fashion trends, travel, books and entertainment. 

A few books from my collection at home.

Every year, I like to look back and see what posts stood out to me the most. This year, the biggest moments come in the form of 24 hour day trips, starting new hobbies in the form of running, playing piano and growing a garden, and being more sure of myself. 

The fruits of my labor

Your 20s can be a challenging time of figuring out your career, being an adult, staying in touch with friends, being involved with family, navigating a relationship and discovering yourself. I really feel like I have found who I am and how I want to live my life over the past year. 

I always say I will blog until it doesn’t bring me joy, but every day I still get excited about writing what I’m feeling and sharing my life with you all. I keep a running list of topics to write about, or favorite things to share, or even stories that I hope can help others who may feel how I feel.

I always learn so much from other bloggers and women and they inspire me every day and make my day a bit brighter. 

I hope I can do that for at least one person. Whether this is the first post of mine you are reading or you have read over 500 of them, thank you for being here and reading what’s on my mind and heart. I so appreciate every read, follow, and comment. 

Thank you for being on this journey with me and I can’t wait to see what the next year holds. Cheers to seven years!!!!

Fabulous living

Six Years Later

Over 400 posts, almost 50 Currently’s and counting, new link ups, like Friday Favorites and Let’s Look, outfits for all the seasons, home decor and favorite things from books, shows, and movies, I have covered a lot of ground over the past six years. 

I started this blog as a way to start a hobby in college, a creative outlet that let me work on my writing, document my feelings and memories of day to day college life and stay in touch with family and friends. It’s been six years and this blog has become so much more than just a creative outlet. Here’s one of my first posts.

A lot has changed since I first blogging.

Since I began this blog, I learned a lot in the classroom, took life changing trips, graduated college, moved home, landed my dream job, got promoted, made new friends and reconnected with old friends, have an incredible boyfriend and grown as a better daughter, girlfriend and friend.

Happy Graduation Day
Heading out for a job interview
Getting ready for work.

I’ve learned to take risks, go with my gut, say yes, but also be okay with saying no, be flexible and make self care a priority.

Skating in the city!

When I reflect on this last year, the word stable keeps coming to mind. I’m stable with my career and friends, I have a good routine, I have been prioritizing my health and hobbies and I have been having fun too. 

My mom and I after a candle making course.
A show in the city at night!

Some of the past highlights of this past year for me and my blog include launching my Friday Favorites as I link up with other bloggers every Friday.

Traveling to new places in the summer to visit friends, spending quality time with family and embracing my community by taking advantage of places and events in my backyard.

 I read so many different genres of books and shared many of them with you on here.

Some of my books that I’ve read and still need to read.

I tried new beauty products and changed up my wardrobe.

The final look using all my products!

I also tried lots of recipes.

I feel like this past year, I have really found my groove in who I am and what I want in life. College was a time of constant change and growth and then I started my job and the pandemic hit and we spent years navigating that and now it feels like the dust has settled and I’m content and SO happy.

At the beginning of this year, I said my quote was to embrace change and so far, I haven’t had to embrace too much change and I’m okay with that. I don’t know what the second half of the year will hold, but I know I will be taking you all along with me. 

Whether you have been following along since my first post all those years ago or you found my blog through a link up, I’m so happy you are here and I’m so honored you took the time to spend some time reading my words. 

I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

Here’s to another year of writing, learning, growth, change and blogging.

As always, we are taking it day by day.
