Fabulous living

On Turning 26

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of May already!? Where has the month gone…time truly needs to slow down.

Over the weekend and on Monday we celebrated Memorial Day, although I had to work, it was still nice to get family time and remember all those who served our country.

Memorial Day spread

Today is my birthday and while I will be working, I am looking forward to incorporating some celebrations throughout the day. I’ll be getting my free birthday drink from Starbucks, enjoying dinner with my family and then enjoying some of my favorite hobbies on my day off. Nothing too exciting but doing some of my favorite things that bring me JOY! Kendra Adachi aka The Lazy Genius has a podcast episode about the importance of celebrating your birthday and planning it the way you want to enjoy it. You can listen to it here.

Although I love a good surprise, I do think it’s sometimes better to plan your own activity or dinner so you know you will enjoy it. 

I truly love celebrating birthdays, holidays, and all the special occasions, whether it’s a graduation, promotion, or life event. I think it’s important that we acknowledge these milestones in our lives even if we don’t feel like making a big deal out of it. 

Celebrating 25!

As I turn 26, I definitely feel like I am more adult than young adult. When I turned 23, I felt like I made the switch from young adult to adult and since then, I feel I have only continued to grow and mature from there. Over the past few years, I have become the most comfortable in my own skin and I have been confident in myself in the decisions I have made. I really got into a comfortable pattern and routine of work, family time, spending time with friends and growing in my relationship with my boyfriend. I found new hobbies that brought me joy like growing a garden, running, reading, and learning piano.

As much as I love the life I have created and nurtured, I know that we all need to go through some change and growing pains in our lives. 26 is going to be that year for me. I have some big life changes coming in the next year or so, which is exciting but also terrifying. As someone who loves and thrives off a routine, change is not easy for me, but I know it’s necessary for growth. In the times of uncertainty, I have to remind myself to stay true to who I am. In the scary times, I try to put things in perspective and realize change is temporary and we adjust and overcome whatever adversity we are facing. 

25 was such a good year for me in regards to happiness, adventures, career growth, memories, and trying new things. It was by far one of my most memorable years. I am excited to see what 26 brings, although, change can be scary, it’s also where we learn the most about ourselves.

Here’s to another year around the sun, a year of happiness, friendship, family, love, growth, change and embracing the JOY found in every day. 

26, I’m ready for you!

Fabulous living

Seven Years of Blogging

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week, we made it halfway to the weekend!

I am celebrating my blog anniversary this month.

I started to create this little corner on the internet seven years ago as I was finishing up my first year of college. I had just gone through one of the biggest years of growth and change. I moved out of my home, met all new people and went through all the growing pains of being a freshman in college. I started this blog as a creative hobby and outlet and it has grown so much since I wrote my first post. 

One of my first posts

I shared looks of the days, packing tips, my fitness journey, things to organize, and personal topics like eating alone.

Becoming a runner

Now, I share more about my weekly favorites, recipes, and adventures.

Trips to NYC for a day adventure

Over the last seven years, I have gone through college, started my first job, made new friends, lost friends, gone on trips, moved back home, found new hobbies and met my boyfriend.

Time with friends

I’ve shared a lot about myself through my blog, from homesickness, to landing my dream job, and staying true to myself.

So many fashion posts

I’ve also been able to share my favorite things; from beauty products, to fashion trends, travel, books and entertainment. 

A few books from my collection at home.

Every year, I like to look back and see what posts stood out to me the most. This year, the biggest moments come in the form of 24 hour day trips, starting new hobbies in the form of running, playing piano and growing a garden, and being more sure of myself. 

The fruits of my labor

Your 20s can be a challenging time of figuring out your career, being an adult, staying in touch with friends, being involved with family, navigating a relationship and discovering yourself. I really feel like I have found who I am and how I want to live my life over the past year. 

I always say I will blog until it doesn’t bring me joy, but every day I still get excited about writing what I’m feeling and sharing my life with you all. I keep a running list of topics to write about, or favorite things to share, or even stories that I hope can help others who may feel how I feel.

I always learn so much from other bloggers and women and they inspire me every day and make my day a bit brighter. 

I hope I can do that for at least one person. Whether this is the first post of mine you are reading or you have read over 500 of them, thank you for being here and reading what’s on my mind and heart. I so appreciate every read, follow, and comment. 

Thank you for being on this journey with me and I can’t wait to see what the next year holds. Cheers to seven years!!!!

Fabulous living


Twenty-five, a quarter of a century, a full blown adult.

These are a few of the things that have been running through my mind over the last few weeks. 

Let me back up, I turn 25 next week and it’s a milestone birthday filled with all the emotions. Excitement, anticipation, nostalgia, and a bit of fear too. 

Growing up, I always thought when you turned 25, you were officially an adult. No longer a child, teenager, or even young adult, but a full-fledged adult, and you had to have it all figured out.

Spoiler alert, I’m almost 25 and I don’t have it all figured out and I’m okay with that, in fact, I’m glad I don’t have it all figured out. I’ve learned you don’t have to have it all sorted out quite yet.

Your twenties are all about growing and learning and taking risks and seeing where life takes you. My first half of my twenties were filled with graduating college, moving back home, starting a career, going through a pandemic, getting promoted, making new friends and meeting my boyfriend, that’s a lot of change for five years.

But, let me let you in on a secret, I have loved every bit of it, even the stressful days or the moments filled with unknowns. I’ve learned so much about myself and from those around me and I’m so happy where I am today. I’ve learned to savor every moment spent with family, whether it’s a major holiday or a Tuesday night dinner (just ask any of my brothers, I always comment how special it is that we are all together-and it drives them nuts.) I’ve also learned to be open to new opportunities, but to trust my gut and how it’s okay to say no to things if they don’t feel right. I’ve learned friendship works both ways and some friendships aren’t meant to last forever, some are only meant for a season, while others are forever.

Most importantly, I’ve learned to savor and love the little things in life, whether it’s a morning walk, a coffee with a friend or even going through an evening routine. The little things in life are often the things you will remember the most.

Now as I embark on the second half of my twenties, I am eager to continue to see how I can grow more and what things I can learn about myself. I’m also interested to see where I will be at age 30. Will I be married? have children? Living in the same city? So much can change in five years, but I also now so many things will still be the same. I know I will have a loving family by my side, I know I will have supportive friends and a caring boyfriend. I’m excited to see where these next few years will take me and how I will grow and change. I always like reflecting as big milestones come and go to see how far I have come and what I’ve learned. 

As far as what this year brings, I don’t have any big goals for this next year, I want to keep doing what I’m doing. I want to keep working hard at my job, putting family and relationships first, making sure I’m taking care of my body and self with different hobbies and I want to make sure I’m taking every opportunity available.  Because my birthday falls in May, I’m halfway through my 2023 New Year’s Resolutions and so far they have been going well, definitely room for improvement in some areas, but I have seen progress in other realms.

My birthday falls on Memorial Day and I’ll be working so I’m not quite sure what the day will hold, but I’m excited for what year 25 will bring!

Here’s to another year! Happy Birthday to Me!

Fabulous living

Six Years Later

Over 400 posts, almost 50 Currently’s and counting, new link ups, like Friday Favorites and Let’s Look, outfits for all the seasons, home decor and favorite things from books, shows, and movies, I have covered a lot of ground over the past six years. 

I started this blog as a way to start a hobby in college, a creative outlet that let me work on my writing, document my feelings and memories of day to day college life and stay in touch with family and friends. It’s been six years and this blog has become so much more than just a creative outlet. Here’s one of my first posts.

A lot has changed since I first blogging.

Since I began this blog, I learned a lot in the classroom, took life changing trips, graduated college, moved home, landed my dream job, got promoted, made new friends and reconnected with old friends, have an incredible boyfriend and grown as a better daughter, girlfriend and friend.

Happy Graduation Day
Heading out for a job interview
Getting ready for work.

I’ve learned to take risks, go with my gut, say yes, but also be okay with saying no, be flexible and make self care a priority.

Skating in the city!

When I reflect on this last year, the word stable keeps coming to mind. I’m stable with my career and friends, I have a good routine, I have been prioritizing my health and hobbies and I have been having fun too. 

My mom and I after a candle making course.
A show in the city at night!

Some of the past highlights of this past year for me and my blog include launching my Friday Favorites as I link up with other bloggers every Friday.

Traveling to new places in the summer to visit friends, spending quality time with family and embracing my community by taking advantage of places and events in my backyard.

 I read so many different genres of books and shared many of them with you on here.

Some of my books that I’ve read and still need to read.

I tried new beauty products and changed up my wardrobe.

The final look using all my products!

I also tried lots of recipes.

I feel like this past year, I have really found my groove in who I am and what I want in life. College was a time of constant change and growth and then I started my job and the pandemic hit and we spent years navigating that and now it feels like the dust has settled and I’m content and SO happy.

At the beginning of this year, I said my quote was to embrace change and so far, I haven’t had to embrace too much change and I’m okay with that. I don’t know what the second half of the year will hold, but I know I will be taking you all along with me. 

Whether you have been following along since my first post all those years ago or you found my blog through a link up, I’m so happy you are here and I’m so honored you took the time to spend some time reading my words. 

I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

Here’s to another year of writing, learning, growth, change and blogging.

As always, we are taking it day by day.


Fabulous living

Looking Towards 24

Hey guys!

Happy Wednesday!

I hope you are having a good week. This weekend is Memorial Day weekend and if always feels like to official start of summer to me and I can’t wait! In good news, these past few weeks, I’ve been treated to lots of sunshine and 70 degrees days so it feels like I got a jumpstart to summer.

Nothing better than clear skies and spring walks

Every year since I started my blog in 2017, I always done a birthday/reflection post. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed looking back to see how far I’ve come and what my goals or aspirations were at different points in my life. It’s interesting to see what I wanted to accomplish at 19 compared to 23.

In case you missed any of them, you can find my past birthday posts here.





Now, it’s time for 24. I don’t know if you felt this way when you turned 24, but to me, 24 feels like “adult-adult”. For most people, they have graduated college, maybe even gone to grad school, started a job, maybe in a relationship, and have a game plan for the direction they want their life to take. I know this is not the case for everyone and everyone’s paths are different but from my experience and those close to me, we are all kind of in the same boat right now at 24. 

As I embark on 24, there’s a few things that have stood out to me that I’ve learned over the past year that have really made a difference and there’s a few things I want incorporate in my life this next year.

Things I’ve learned in year 23

-Sleep is so important. This may seem really silly and overrated, but this past year I’ve really done a good job at making sleep a priority in my life. In college and right after I graduated college, sleep wasn’t always at the top of my mind. I had clubs to be a part of, meetings to go to, papers to write etc. and in college and I would stay up late to get everything done and still wake up at my regular time to go to the gym first thing in the morning or get things done before I started my day. I loved everything I was involved in, but it was taking a toll on my body. I was still getting a decent amount if sleep but it wasn’t always consistent and I wanted to change that.

A look at the Sleep Tracker app

This past year, I’ve done a much better job at getting consistent sleep and winding down more at night and having a good evening routine, this especially helps when I work weird hours. As a result, I feel better, more alert, and more energized. Even just getting an extra hour or two of sleep a night makes a big difference. I’ve also been tracking my sleep which shows if I really got a good night sleep or not, and for that I use the sleep tracker app, I’ve used it for a few years now and I like how it tracks your sleep and functions as an alarm. I also rely on the Health app in my iPhone too. This past year I’ve learned how much sleep helps your mental health too. I know this isn’t news to many, but for me, this made a big difference this past year.

And the Health app on my iPhone.

-Another thing I’ve learned a lot over this past year is to make a point to make plans whether it’s with family or friends or even activities. Yes, being spontaneous is fun, but when you make a point to see people or do things, it shows that level of commitment to your friends and yourself. This past year, I’ve really made an effort with friends to set up monthly dinner dates, or walks, or even facetime calls, even if things come up and we have to adjust, knowing you have something set-up gives you something to look forward too. Plus, we all can get wrapped up with our lives between work and family and it’s always good to remind ourselves to carve time out for ourselves. 

A few months back, my mom and I made a point to see an immersive Van Gogh exhibit in Pittsburgh and I’m so glad we did.
Such a cool experience

Goals for 24

-Remember how I said how it’s good to have a plan? This year, I want to be open to more spontaneous trips or activities. I’m a girl who LOVES a routine and schedule, but this year I want to TRY to let go of the routine just a bit and be more open to changing the plan, if it means having fun or doing different things or creating memories. This is going to be a real challenge for me, but I have found when I do let go of the routine and step out of my comfort zone, it’s always worth it. 

Being spontaneous can be as simple as getting ice cream after work.

– Lastly, I want to pick up a new hobby or get involved more in my community. I don’t know what I want to do yet, but over the past few years, I’ve witnessed so many great things in the community that I want to become more involved. As far as hobbies go, mine are pretty limited, I LOVE reading and always have a book on me, and I really enjoy exercising whether it’s in the form of the gym or walking or yoga, and then my blog. I’m looking to see what other things I can learn or try this year, or at least attempt. 

Over the past five years, it’s been great to see how much I have grown and changed from year to year, that’s one of my favorite things about my blog, having a digital documentation of my life over some pretty crucial years. Here’s to a new year and new memories. I can’t wait to see what 24 has in store for me!

Here’s to 24!
Fabulous living

5 Years of Writing

5 years…every week for the past five years, I’ve sat down and opened my laptop and began to write. 

Some days, it was therapeutic to put into words what’s been on my mind, other days I got to talk about things I’m passionate about, like products, books, or movies.

 I’ve written about outfits I’ve put together and mixing and matching different pieces to keep things affordable.

I’ve written about how to keep your spaces clean whether it’s your dorm room, car, or daily planner.

I’ve written about trips I’ve taken, or bucket lists I’ve made and things I’ve accomplished. It’s amazing that just when I think so don’t have any more ideas, something new comes to mind. Over 350 posts and counting.

When I started my blog at the end of my freshmen year of college, I was looking for a creative outlet. I was homesick and I was searching for a hobby and decided why not write. My blog was a way to keep family members and friends in the loop about what I was doing and as a way to express myself.

A look at some of my first posts.

I looked forward to sharing different outfits and life hacks each week. As I grew up and matured, so did my blog. I changed the style and content as I made my way through college and graduated. If you have been following since the very beginning, you know there’s been changes with color schemes and the days I posted and even some of the topics. It’s been fun to look back and see how far I have come since May 2017.

Another throwback to one of my first outfits.

I learned balance with my blog as I started my first job. Every weekend I always looked forward to working on something creative and fun, especially as our world changed with the pandemic. Even with all the unknowns and at sometimes darkness, my blog was a bright spot for me and hopefully for others. 

From college to my first day of work

I’ve learned a lot about myself these past five years. I’ve learned that it’s okay to be vulnerable and share what’s on your mind, whether it’s about eating alone or transitioning from college to working. I’ve learned the importance of making time for yourself and finding joy every day, whether it’s through journaling or walks or cooking.

Enjoying the simple things in life like apple picking has been something I’ve leaned into more these past few years.

While I’ve learned a lot so far, I know I still have a ways to go. I’m excited to see what this next year brings. My hope is that it brings more life lessons, more memories, and most importantly, little moments that bring joy every day.

 To those who read my blog posts when I started writing them sitting in my college dorm room, thank you for sticking with me! And, to those who started following along as I now write them on weekend with my dog curled up on my lap back home, thank you for stopping by.

I hope my blog brings you a little bit of joy, like it does for me every day.

Here’s to a new year, a new chapter, and taking life one day at a time.



Fabulous living

2020 Recap

Hi everyone! I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and holiday weekend. Although, I spent more time at work during the past few days, I was very glad I got to spend time with my family before and after work. The holidays may have looked different this year, but I still love everything that comes with them from the prep, the gift giving, the baking, and the traditions.

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for 2021, a lot of good things came from this past year, but I’m ready for a fresh start, new beginnings, and new goals. Check back in next week for my goals for 2021, I’m still working on them but I’m excited for what the new year. 

In years past, I would typically have a long post with lots of things I did, places I went and people I met, and many memories made, well, this year turned out very different than I planned, so my recap looks different. 

In the past year, it feels like it just started and at the same time, never happened, almost like a blur. I never thought my first year working in news would look like this, but it truly was a historical time to be reporting. I’ll have more on my first year in news in the coming weeks as well.

Back to looking back on 2020, the year started out by jumping straight into work. I learned a lot during my first weeks and I made some of my closests friends during my first month at work. 

I also bought my first car in January which was very exciting.

My first car!

In March, before the world halted, I was able to see some of my college friends which was fun and great to catch up. One week later, the world paused, as country by country closed their borders, states shut down, businesses closed their doors, students and adults all began working from home. It was definitely a weird time. Work kept me busy. I covered latest developments and cancellations, worked from a second location most of the time, handled daily news conferences and dealt with constant information while so many things got cancelled. 

Seeing friends one week before everything shutdown

The spring brought extra time with family as everyone worked at home, it was nice that even though I would be busy at work, I still got lots of family time, time that I may not have gotten without the pandemic. I got to work on my first week long series about businesses reopening which was so special to highlight businesses that I know and love. It also brought covering the morning after riots happened in our downtown.

The morning after riot coverage

The summer brought lots of time spent outside walking, running, swimming and eating outside to support local restaurants. After more things opened up, I was back in the gym 5 days a week which I loved for my physical and mental health. The summer reminded me to stop and enjoy the little moments in life.

Beach day and a day trip, lots to time spent outside

I got to see a few friends, masked and socially distanced and some family, again all masked and six feet apart. 

Seeing friends socially distant

The fall brought lots of stories about schools going back, including my own siblings. It also brought lots of the historic Election coverage, from visits to Erie and working on Election night, to seeing ow our next President would be. 

Covering President Trump coming to Erie.

The fall also brought the passing of our sweet pup, Hershey Kiss. 

My sweet Hershey Kiss

At work, I got to anchor my first show and I have filled in on the desk since then, a goal I have been working towards for months and I continue to grow and get better. 

Anchoring my first show

The winter brought getting ready for the holidays, making new traditions and memories, and seeing some of the first vaccines distributed here in Erie. 

All my gifts wrapped for Christmas

Throughout 2020, I worked on every single holiday, worked every shift, tried new roles, and got better at my previous roles. 

2020 brought lots of binge-watching, hello Tiger King, 30 Rock, Emily in Paris, Schitt’s Creek, The Crown, and more! 

It brought more family time, lots of facetimes with friends, making new friends and starting a new relationship. 2020 you weren’t so bad after all….2021, I am ready for you!

Fabulous living

22 Lessons for this Past Year

Hey guys! I’m a reflective person, so it’s no surprise that whenever my birthday rolls around, I always use this time to reflect on this past year and how far I’ve come. Since I will be turning 22 on Friday, I wanted to take the time to look back on this past year. 21 has been such a big and transformative year for me. From kicking off my senior summer and senior year of college and celebrating all those lasts, to graduating, starting my dream first job, moving home, and meeting some incredible people, it has been a wonderful year with so much growth. 

Here are 22 things I’ve learned this past year:

  1. Treasure the slow and calm times and embrace the chaos.
  2. Make the most of any situation.
  3. Know the confusion and the chaos will make sense later.
  4. If you have to travel for work, see as many friends as you can.
  5. Enjoy college, it will be over fast.
  6. Make every moment a memory.
  7. Be present where you are 
  8. Take the time to thank the people who helped you get to where you are.
  9. Shoot you shot.
  10. Take time to get your Closure Before you Move on
  11. Now, that Goodbyes don’t last forever
  12. Be open to New Beginnings
  13. Jump with Two Feet in
  14. Take Every Opportunity Available
  15. Hard Work Does Pay off
  16. Look for the good in Every Day and use every day as a learning opportunity
  17. Be nice to everyone, you never know when you will meet them again
  18. A good night’s sleep does wonders 
  19. The little moments end up being the most important ones
  20. Appreciate those you have in your life
  21. Recognize how far you have come 
  22. When in doubt, keep smiling

This past year was a year of learning, growth, change and happiness. I’ve learned so much about myself, my goals, and the people in my life. 21 was a game changer of a year and I can’t wait to see what 22 brings!