Fabulous living

One Year Since the World Changed

Hi all! Happy Wednesday! A very happy St. Patrick’s Day to those who celebrate! I hope your week is off to a good start. This week, both at work and at home, there’s been a lot of reflection of a year ago and where we were then compared to where we are now.

I remember just over a year ago, I started a new shift at work, and on that night, the NBA shutdown, and Covid-19 was declared a pandemic, we thought it would be a two week period of people staying at home and then it would be back to normal, and boy were we wrong…here we are… one year later…months of staying at home, countless events cancelled, missed moments, and learning new things every day about a virus. The words: pandemic, Zoom, N-95, testing, Pfizer, Moderna, social distancing and more, all became part of our vocabulary.

Almost a year ago…I went in for a haircut, little did I know it would be my last one for months…also the day, Covid-19 was declared a pandemic.

In the past year, we spent more time with family, picked up new hobbies, shifted our priorities and binge-watched a lot of tv.

We spent a lot of extra time at home and with family in the spring.

We had setbacks but saw great advances in science and medicine. Our daily lives were altered but here we are, all changed but still standing.

It’s hard to imagine how much has changed in a year, in some ways it’s almost as if the year didn’t happen. But when I look back, I’m glad this past year happened. I grew a lot at work, every day the news was changing, we were constantly shifting gears and working to provide viewers with the latest news and updates.

How it looks to work in news during a pandemic

Although, I couldn’t see as many friends in person this year, zoom and facetime became the biggest tools. From bi-weekly calls with best friends to Book Club via facetime, my friends and I made it work to still in touch while being spread a apart.

Seeing friends in the summer involved being socially distant and masked up

The best part was the extra time with family, having my whole family home together for months at a time was such a blessing. We watched movies, worked on house projects, had most meals together and got quality time that wouldn’t have happened had there not been a pandemic. 

The pandemic brought lots of extra time outside.

No one could have imagined what this past year would bring. There has been enormous loss and devastation but also unity as a nation. I realized what things were important to me and at the end of the day, I’m so grateful for having a job I love, a loving and supportive family and my health. 

In times of crisis, I think we truly realize what’s important and what matters. 

It was a year of chaos, change and adapting, but here we are, stronger than ever.

It’s been a year of constant change and confusion, but also growth and love.

How much have you changed this last year?