Fabulous living


Twenty-five, a quarter of a century, a full blown adult.

These are a few of the things that have been running through my mind over the last few weeks. 

Let me back up, I turn 25 next week and it’s a milestone birthday filled with all the emotions. Excitement, anticipation, nostalgia, and a bit of fear too. 

Growing up, I always thought when you turned 25, you were officially an adult. No longer a child, teenager, or even young adult, but a full-fledged adult, and you had to have it all figured out.

Spoiler alert, I’m almost 25 and I don’t have it all figured out and I’m okay with that, in fact, I’m glad I don’t have it all figured out. I’ve learned you don’t have to have it all sorted out quite yet.

Your twenties are all about growing and learning and taking risks and seeing where life takes you. My first half of my twenties were filled with graduating college, moving back home, starting a career, going through a pandemic, getting promoted, making new friends and meeting my boyfriend, that’s a lot of change for five years.

But, let me let you in on a secret, I have loved every bit of it, even the stressful days or the moments filled with unknowns. I’ve learned so much about myself and from those around me and I’m so happy where I am today. I’ve learned to savor every moment spent with family, whether it’s a major holiday or a Tuesday night dinner (just ask any of my brothers, I always comment how special it is that we are all together-and it drives them nuts.) I’ve also learned to be open to new opportunities, but to trust my gut and how it’s okay to say no to things if they don’t feel right. I’ve learned friendship works both ways and some friendships aren’t meant to last forever, some are only meant for a season, while others are forever.

Most importantly, I’ve learned to savor and love the little things in life, whether it’s a morning walk, a coffee with a friend or even going through an evening routine. The little things in life are often the things you will remember the most.

Now as I embark on the second half of my twenties, I am eager to continue to see how I can grow more and what things I can learn about myself. I’m also interested to see where I will be at age 30. Will I be married? have children? Living in the same city? So much can change in five years, but I also now so many things will still be the same. I know I will have a loving family by my side, I know I will have supportive friends and a caring boyfriend. I’m excited to see where these next few years will take me and how I will grow and change. I always like reflecting as big milestones come and go to see how far I have come and what I’ve learned. 

As far as what this year brings, I don’t have any big goals for this next year, I want to keep doing what I’m doing. I want to keep working hard at my job, putting family and relationships first, making sure I’m taking care of my body and self with different hobbies and I want to make sure I’m taking every opportunity available.  Because my birthday falls in May, I’m halfway through my 2023 New Year’s Resolutions and so far they have been going well, definitely room for improvement in some areas, but I have seen progress in other realms.

My birthday falls on Memorial Day and I’ll be working so I’m not quite sure what the day will hold, but I’m excited for what year 25 will bring!

Here’s to another year! Happy Birthday to Me!

Fabulous living

2022 Year in Review

Here we are at the end of another year. At the beginning of this year, my motto or phrase of the year was “Building the Best Version of Me”. I really wanted to lean into my routines and rhythms that I established at the beginning of the year and stick to them and I was happy I did that.

It’s been said before that the older you get, the faster the years go by and that is certainly the truth.

This year has been busy with growing in my job, time with family both at home and away, building friends, enjoying hobbies.  

I’m using today’s entry as a both a recap of the past year and a favorite things of 2022 post.

So, let’s begin with a recap:

The beginning winter months of 2022 brought me out in snow and soaking up with outdoors with ice skating, winter walks and trying cross country skiing, something I haven’t tried in years.

Starting the year off with time outside, like skiing.
Time spent ice skating.
And cross country skiing…
Seeing the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit.
I also took in some local theater.

It also brought day trips to Pittsburgh for a trip to museums and time with family. As the weather got warmer, it meant more time outdoors with walks, picnics and trips to the local zoo and different parks. 

Time in Pittsburgh in the spring
I love taking in all the architecture.
First zoo trip of the year.
Celebrating Easter traditions.

Both of my brothers graduated in the Spring, one from college and one from high school, so it was fun to celebrate their milestones as a family. I also celebrated my 24th year around the sun. 

First signs of spring.
Cheers to 24!

I tried to spend as much time outdoors as possible in the summer months, from walks, to reading outdoors, picnics, and countless meals outside, our winters are long, so I tred to take advantage of the summer as much as I can.

I went to the National Comedy Center this year.
Summer picnics outdoors.
Drive-in dates.

I met up with friends through the summer months for dinners, or coffee or walks. I also did some traveling with day trips with family and my boyfriend and then some meet ups with friends too. My family and I got away for a few days with and went to the ocean which was such a fun escape.

Beach days in the summer
One of the many places I went for hikes for in the summer.
It felt so good to relax for a few days at the beach!
More zoo trips!
Fair fun!
I spent so much time reading outdoors.
I enjoyed sunrises and sunsets.

The summer was also filled with baseball games, strawberry picking, zoos, bonfires, beach days, and grilling. I tried to head outside as much as I could when the seasons changed from summer to fall.

Day trips to Pittsburgh
Lots of burgers on the grill.
Beautiful night for baseball
Strawberry picking summer fun!
Bonfire nights.
In my happy place!
I went to my first MLB game this summer.
And ice cream nights!
I fell in love with avocado toast this summer too.
I enjoyed farmer’s markets this summer too.

But as the winds changed, I had to layer up for fall walks, leaf peeping and apple picking. I tried to do as much baking as possible when I was cooped up indoors.

Fall drives.
Lots of fall baking
Enjoying Beautiful Fall Walks
Apple picking fun!
First time seeing this majestic waterfall.
Making Halloween treats too.

The last chunk of the year was filled with all things holidays. From Halloween movies to family at Thanksgiving and all the Christmas and holiday cheer. The last few months are always my favorite time of the year.

Family movie night for Halloween.
More fall baking.
Hello holiday cheer!
All the Christmas spirit, from movies to decor, to hot cocoa.
Holiday fun!

That was a bit of a recap, now here’s some of my favorite things from the past 12 months:

Favorite Show: This is Us: the Final Season

Favorite Binge Watch: Downton Abbey (both the series and the movies)

Favorite New Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid (new to me!!)

Favorite New Movie: Elvis

Favorite Artist or Song: Taylor Swift’s Midnights

Favorite Adventure: First MLB Game in Cleveland to see the Guardians

This is a snapshot of this past year, it can be easy to forgot or not recall all the little moments that make up the past 365 days. This year has been so fulfilling and fun. I don’t know what the new year will bring, but I’m ready to embrace the change, take opportunities (even the scary ones), and make every moment count.

Thank you 2022…let’s ring in the new year!

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! If you are able to enjoy some time off around the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope the next few days are filled with delicious food, time with family or loved ones, making core memories and a time to rejuvenate.

After Thanksgiving, I know Christmas will be on the minds of many, if it isn’t already. Before Thanksgiving, I always like to take some extra time to reflect on my blessings and what I’m thankful for.

I have so many things to be grateful for this year. I am so lucky to have a loving and supportive family with me. I love that I am able to work in my hometown and I’m able to see my family every day. There’s no greater joy than coming home and enjoying a home cooked meal and talking about our day’s. This year we have traveled to new places and visited old ones. One of the best things about this year was our time together from family dinners, to day trips and just conversations and laughs together. There’s nothing more special than time spent with family. I’m also grateful to my furbabies too!

A snapshot from our time spent at the beach this summer.
My favorite puppies!

I’m grateful for my boyfriend brings out the best in me every day. He who pushes me to work my hardest and supports me in everything I do. From my job to my blog, he’s an incredible supporter. We have created so many wonderful memories from walks to adventures, trying new recipes and long drives. Our time together is one of the things I treasure most of all.

One of the many places we have got walking.

I’m so lucky to have wonderful friends in my life. From friends from preschool, to high school friends and one from college. I’m grateful that I have stayed in touch and continued to create memories with. From meeting halfway for dinners, to monthly facetime dates, walks and coffee hangs. As an adult, life can get busy so I try to make a point to put friendships first by checking in on friends when they have busy weeks, or making a suggestion for a favorite book or movie. I always love when I have friends who check in on me and support me and lift me up when I need an extra hand.

I’m grateful for a job that I love. I enjoy learning new things every day and being challenged and growing every day. I love being able to work and live in my hometown and make an impact every day.

A glimpse into some of the places my job takes me.

After illness being a topic of conversation for the past few years, I am so grateful for my good health, my family’s health and my friend’s health. Waking up every day and being healthy is something I don’t take for granted. Life can get busy and our priorities can shift but reminding ourselves what’s important is something we need to remind ourselves more.

Savoring the little moments in life, like fall drives.

I’m thankful for all the challenging moments in life, for the long or stressful moments because it makes me stronger and makes me a better person. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for the growing pains or the rollercoaster moments. All those little things got me to where I am today.

I am grateful for all the things that bring me joy! From curling up with a good book, to baking food for ones that I love, and enjoying heartfelt conversations with family and friends. I’m grateful for how I feel when I finish a hard workout or a long walk. I’m grateful for the satisfaction I feel when I prepare a meal or dessert for my family. I’m grateful for the experience of getting lost in a book or a movie. I’m grateful for resting after a productive day. I’m thankful for seeing the sunrise every morning and watching it set. 

Finding hobbies like cooking and baking bring me so much joy!

Life is so precious and it’s made up so many little moments. At the end of the day, that’s what I’m most grateful for, all the moments, big and small. 

Feeling extra grateful this year!

Over the next few days, I hope you take the time to reflect on what you are most grateful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Fabulous living

One Year Since the World Changed

Hi all! Happy Wednesday! A very happy St. Patrick’s Day to those who celebrate! I hope your week is off to a good start. This week, both at work and at home, there’s been a lot of reflection of a year ago and where we were then compared to where we are now.

I remember just over a year ago, I started a new shift at work, and on that night, the NBA shutdown, and Covid-19 was declared a pandemic, we thought it would be a two week period of people staying at home and then it would be back to normal, and boy were we wrong…here we are… one year later…months of staying at home, countless events cancelled, missed moments, and learning new things every day about a virus. The words: pandemic, Zoom, N-95, testing, Pfizer, Moderna, social distancing and more, all became part of our vocabulary.

Almost a year ago…I went in for a haircut, little did I know it would be my last one for months…also the day, Covid-19 was declared a pandemic.

In the past year, we spent more time with family, picked up new hobbies, shifted our priorities and binge-watched a lot of tv.

We spent a lot of extra time at home and with family in the spring.

We had setbacks but saw great advances in science and medicine. Our daily lives were altered but here we are, all changed but still standing.

It’s hard to imagine how much has changed in a year, in some ways it’s almost as if the year didn’t happen. But when I look back, I’m glad this past year happened. I grew a lot at work, every day the news was changing, we were constantly shifting gears and working to provide viewers with the latest news and updates.

How it looks to work in news during a pandemic

Although, I couldn’t see as many friends in person this year, zoom and facetime became the biggest tools. From bi-weekly calls with best friends to Book Club via facetime, my friends and I made it work to still in touch while being spread a apart.

Seeing friends in the summer involved being socially distant and masked up

The best part was the extra time with family, having my whole family home together for months at a time was such a blessing. We watched movies, worked on house projects, had most meals together and got quality time that wouldn’t have happened had there not been a pandemic. 

The pandemic brought lots of extra time outside.

No one could have imagined what this past year would bring. There has been enormous loss and devastation but also unity as a nation. I realized what things were important to me and at the end of the day, I’m so grateful for having a job I love, a loving and supportive family and my health. 

In times of crisis, I think we truly realize what’s important and what matters. 

It was a year of chaos, change and adapting, but here we are, stronger than ever.

It’s been a year of constant change and confusion, but also growth and love.

How much have you changed this last year?


Currently #9

Hi everyone!! Happy Fall!! Can you believe we are finishing up September. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to summer, but after chilly weather these past few weeks, I am officially ready for fall. I want crisp leaves, hot apple cider, pumpkins, and all the sweaters! As we wrap up another month, it’s time for another Currently. Here’s a look into what’s new this past month. 

What I’m up to: This month started out with all things summer, from Labor day, to days spent outside and end of the season barbecues. But, mid way through it changed from summer to fall fast. I couldn’t believe when it was 45 degrees when I was heading into work..brrrr….but now that fall is here I am ready to embrace it and everything that comes with it.  

What I’m wearing: This part of the year is always so hard when it comes to work clothes, do you look too fall-ish with pants and sweaters or do you freeze with dresses?! It’s such a toss-up, I will be ready for when weather gets consistent, if it ever does? What are some of your go-tos for fall fashion?

Bringing in darker colors for fall for work

What I’m reading: I just finished reading, The Royal We, it was the perfect mix of romance, drama, fairy tale and fun. Although, it took a while to get through it, I was so happy with the ending. The sequel just came out so I know I am going to dig into it soon. I am about to pick up a new book, about the end of summer, perfect timing don’t you think? What are you reading now?

What I’m Watching: I just finished watching Get Organized with The Home Edit on Netflix. As someone who loves to organize, this was my show, I loved that they showed how to organize different spaces in every episode. I love to learn different tips and tricks to make my spaces clutter free and more orderly, plus who doesn’t like a peak into some of your favorite celebrity homes?

What I’m Loving: I am loving the changing of the leaves and seasons, although I was so sad to see summer go, I am already working on a bucket list for fall, it includes, apple picking, pumpkins, scarves, autumn colors, and crisp air. I can’t wait to start celebrating the next few holidays. I am also loving fresh flowers as the seasons change.

End of summer flowers

What Inspires Me: I have been on a Pinterest kick, everything from seasons, quotes, and home décor. Its been a fun escape from social media and it makes me feel a lot more creative too. 

What I accomplished: I have been working on budgeting. I made a lot of headway in saving and organizing my money. One of my goals after college was to live at home and save a lot and I am happy with how I have been doing with it so far. Plus, thanks to the Every Dollar Budget App, I have everything organized in one place and on my phone and I can reference it whenever I need it.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I took advantage of the last few weeks of summer and I still want to keep up with that this month. I also got a lot of things done in and out of work, there is nothing better than crossing things off a to-do list. 

Goals for the New Month: I want to make sure I am connecting with friends whether it’s in person or facetime. Putting family and friends first is a huge priority for me. I also want to make sure I am still getting fresh air and exercise in my daily routines. As the weather gets colder and I’m tempted to stay inside more I still want to make sure I am getting out of the house when I can.

I’ve been loving extra cuddle time with my pups

That’s a little look into life this month, nothing too exciting, a lot of work, downtime on days off, time spent with family, staying in touch with friends. Watching some shows, doing some reading, working out and balancing life. I’m excited for fall and what this next season brings! What are you looking forward to?

Fabulous living

Ditch the List and Live

Hi everyone, happy Wednesday!

Today’s post is not what I had planned, but a thing called life happened. I had to readjust and then I realized this post was perfect for today.

I LOVE LISTS. I have to do lists, every day I make one for at home, at work, grocery shopping, days off etc Yes, I have everything in my mind but I still love to physically cross things off my list. I had a list of things I planned to get done on my days off and some happened and others didn’t. I could have gotten upset it or overwhelmed and stressed about not getting it done but instead I decided to live. 

Too often we find ourselves wanting to check all the boxes or get everything done that we forget to really experience and be present on what’s going on, I know I am guilty of this too. 

So, I didn’t get everything done on my days off that I wanted to, but what I did get was time spent doing something fun, time spent entertaining, time spent relaxing, time spent reconnecting. In the grand scheme of things, that’s more important to me than cleaning my car or organizing my room or planning for the week ahead. Yes, those things will get done and it will work out, but this was a lesson that showed me that it’s okay if I don’t always get everything on my list done in a day, I still will have plenty of time to eventually get it done, but for now, sometimes it’s better to ditch the list and live. 

I had something else in mind for my post for today, but life happened and I realized something we need to write from the heart and write about life instead of what the list says to do.

Anyways, that’s a look into my mind now, just some thoughts on life and living instead of living by a list. 

I hope you all have a great week!

Fabulous living

Summer To Do List

Hi all! Happy Wednesday! With summer underway, I always take the time at the start of the season to come up with a list of things I want to accomplish. In years past, I have a deadline with school starting back to get things done, but now with working, I don’t have a deadline with going back to school.

I like creating lists of things I want to do to hold myself accountable to do things and also to give myself ideas when I’m looking to change things up in my daily routines.

  1. Read 20 Books (I’ve read 18 last summer so I want to up my books for this summer)
  2. Finish 30 Rock (I keep starting it but never finish it)
  3. Be outside for 3-4 days a week (whether its swimming, walking, or running)
  4. Spend 30 minutes outside a day (Eating, reading, doing work, I want more sunshine)
  5. Go someplace new
  6. Catch up with college friends (lots of plans have gotten changed due to Coronavirus, so I’m hoping to start rescheduling things)
  7. See high school friends (hoping to make more time for friends near and far)
  8. Entertain friends at home (I love entertaining so I’m hoping to have more friends over)
  9. Wine Tasting (my friends and I have talked about doing this for ages, hoping we can finally make it happen this summer)
  10. Beach Day
  11. Dinner by the water (I love living by the water and having dinner by it is so nice)
  12. Kayaking (I love being on the water in any form)
  13. Working out (I want to keep being consistent with it)
  14. Pool Day
  15. Bonfire
  16. Day Trips
  17. Really take time to slow down ( I took the time during Coronavirus to slow down and I want to continue to do that)
  18. Summer restaurants (I have a few favorite seasonal places that I can’t wait to get back to)
  19. Ice Cream shops
  20. Take advantage of local spots and free activities

This is just a start on my to do list and who knows what the summer holds…let the adventure begin!

Fabulous living

Thank You Saint Vincent College

Hello All!

My goodness, so much has happened since we last were together.  Since my last post, I finished all my finals and wrapped up all my work at school, I said goodbye to all my friends, I packed up my room, graduated college, moved out of college, and moved back home. What a whirlwind. 

Happy Graduation Day

I have been putting off this post because how does one put into words how much a place has meant to them and how much they have changed since going to college. I have completed changed since coming to college for the better. I am so much more happier and well-rounded and most importantly, confident in who I am. 

When I moved into college in August of 2016, I was scared of what to expect for what college would hold. Through every semester, I learned in and out of the classroom, I gained more leadership roles, I tried new things, got involved, but most importantly, I learned a tremendous about myself. 

I had professors in class who would become my bosses and greatest mentors. People who I was co-workers with have become some of my closest friends. Even individuals who I met on move in day have become my best friends. 

My bestie since day one, Danielle

College is a weird thing because, you meet people from all over the country from all different walks of life and one singular place ties you all together. You spend every day walking the halls and seeing the same familiar faces and then, all of a sudden, it’s graduation day and you all move on and go your separate ways. You may not see the people ever again but you are all still connected to that one place.

I wouldn’t be the person I am today, if it weren’t for my incredibly supportive family, loving friends, encouraging professors, and influential bosses and mentors. I have learned so much from the people who graduated before me and the people I had to leave behind. I’m so lucky and thankful for all the people who were a part of my college journey, whether it was from day one, two years ago, or even four months ago. I’m so glad I took every opportunity presented to me in college, whether it was for an honor society, job opportunity, or work study position. Every single experience has influenced me and helped shape me into the person I am today. 

I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my family

I couldn’t be more blessed with a school that allowed me to grow and flourish and find myself, however, it makes it so much harder to leave behind. Saint Vincent College has truly become home to me and I know I will be back. Thank you to the school that has given me so much. I will never forget my time at Saint Vincent College and all the incredible things it has given me. Once a Bearcat, Always a bearcat. 

Fabulous living

My College Career in Four Journals

Hey everyone! Happy Tuesday. I hope you all had a great and restful weekend. With only a few weekends left in college, I am trying to soak up all the time I have left being with my friends, I have been taking advantage of going out to brunch with my buddies, having good conversations with friends, and always being down to do something. 

That brings me to my new series of blog posts. I started this blog when I was in my freshmen year of college and a lot has happened since I started it. The next several weeks, my posts will be dedicated to reflecting on my time in college, my favorite memories, what I learned, a final semester recap, and a thank you to a place that I have truly grown in so many ways. 

Four years of memories, moments, and happiness

Today’s post is something that I have talked about through the years, but I am ready to really talk about it more. Let’s talk about journaling! I can successfully say that I have journaled through my entire college career. Yes, every single day of college, is documented and written about. I can tell you what I was doing on November 29, 2016, or April 16, 2017, or January 25, 2018, and even on August 26, 2019. I can tell you how I was feeling, what I was struggling with, what sparked joy that day because I wrote it all down. Looking back, this was one of the best decisions I made while I was in college. Writing about my feelings, what I was going through, what things caused me stressed and what things made me happy was such a good way to unwind and reflect. It also put things in perspective for me. I never had a full day where I complained, I always found something positive or good about the day, whether it was getting a good grade on an exam or catching up with an old friend. Journaling every day made me realize how good life is, and all the things I have to be grateful for. Every year, I had a different theme for my journaling.

Freshmen year, my mom gifted me this journal when I moved into my first day of college. I journaled about every single thing that happened, what I ate for breakfast, how my classes went, what I did for fun and when I went to bed. I was so detailed with my journaling. It was a great way to unwind at the end of the day and reflect of everything I got done. This method really worked during a year of adjusting to a new place and new people. It was a form of comfort to me. 

Sophomore year-my year of YES

Sophomore year came and it was all about yes saying to everything. I started a new job, met new friends, tried new things and stepped out of my comfort zone. I had read Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes and I made my sophomore year my year of yes. I started every day with my Years of Yes journal. The journal was set up with a topic each month to say yes to things. There was a goals section where you can map out where you want to see yourself by the end of the month. Each day is split up into three sections where you can write about the things you said yes to. Inspirational quotes by Rhimes are spread throughout the book to give you motivation if you need it. I spent 5 minutes a day on this and it was such a positive way to start the day. I loved seeing all the things I tried and said yes to through the year. 

Junior Year JOY

Junior year brought JOY. I decided to journal about all the joy in my life. I found myself getting negative about the small things in life, whether it was a long day or friendship troubles. I decided to find joy in every day. I would write down three good things or three things that brought me joy. After doing this for a full year I got to change my mindset and see all the good things in my life. It also made the small annoying things in life seem nonexistent. I’m so glad I found the good in every day. 

Finding Grace in my Senior Year

For senior year, I wanted to try something new. I have always been very involved and balancing a lot of things in life, which I do very well at. For senior year, I decided to give myself the gift of grace. I was inspired by Emily Ley’s Grace Not Perfection and, journaled every day from prompts in the book, A Standard of Grace as well sharing the highlights of my day. It really made me focus on what was important in life. 

Four years later

Although, my college career is winding down, I will continue to journal, it has been a great stress reliever, and a beautiful way to reflect on my time in college and see the beauty and good in every day. Journaling has brought me so much joy and happiness and I am so glad I have four journals full of thoughts, memories, and happiness from my time in college. 

Fabulous living

Senior Year…ALL IN!

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday…it’s my LAST, first week of school. These past few weeks have been so busy since I have been back to school, between training, learning, seeing friends, moving into my last college dorm and starting classes, it has been a whirlwind of activities.  Am soaking it all up because I know these will be my lasts…last move in weekend, last training, last first day of school. This past Sunday, I took some time to reflect on starting my last semester of college…here’s my thoughts on it…

Senior year…here we GO!

“It’s Sunday, tomorrow is my last first day of school…EVER. It’s weird to think that after tomorrow, I will never have another first day of school. I remember my first day of Kindergarten, high school and college. All big days, and tomorrow is no less a big day.
I have always loved school and going to school. I loved laying out my clothes the night before, buying fresh supplies for the new year, taking the picture outside of our home, and coming home to a special treat from my mom while we shared about our first day. There is just something about the first day that brings me so much JOY and excitement!
I only have one more semester of college. It’s weird to think that by Christmas I will be done with school and being saying goodbye to a place that has been a HUGE part of my life story, a place where I grew, gained confidence, made lifelong friends, and created incredible memories. Thankfully, I still have a few months before I say goodbye and start a new chapter in my life. 

So, what does these next few months hold? Lots of classes, homework, reading, studying, working, applying for jobs, spending time with friends, crossing off college bucket lists, doing all the senior things, and celebrating milestones. 
This past week, I was at Mass and the priest shared about going all in and immersing yourself in your life and that really resonated with me. These next few months, I am going ALL IN, doing as much as I can, working my hardest, getting involved with my favorite organizations, meeting new friends, stepping out of my comfort zone, and living up my last time as a college student. I have no idea what comes after college, yes, I will be getting a job and working, but it’s exciting to not know where I could end up or what I will be doing. When my friends come back to classes after Christmas, I will be working.
Many people have told me that your years in college will be the best time of your life, and I have to agree, I love the person I have become thanks to the people I met and the opportunities I have done while in college. I have met so many people who have shaped me into the person I am today, and this school will always hold a special place in my heart. I can’t wait to see what these next few months brings…senior year…I’m ALL IN!”