Let's Look

Let’s Look: How We Maintain Relationships

Hello all! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far! This has been a busy, but fun week for me! We had the Super Bowl on Sunday, tomorrow is Galentine’s Day, but I have been celebrating all month long with friends but setting up one on one dates with friends and then this weekend is Valentine’s Day. I’ll be out of town for a weekend getaway which I’m excited about too! 

Here’s how I have been celebrating the month of love! 

Enjoying lots of sweet treats!
And baked goods too!

Love is the topic for today’s Let’s Look as I link up with  Shay and Erika!

In January, we covered low level goals.

Today the topic is How We Work on Our Marriage. Since I’m not married, I switched the topic to how I work on my relationships, with friends, family, and my boyfriend.

Let’s start with friendships! I cherish my friendships with my gals, whether they are near or far away. One of the biggest ways that I maintain my friendships is by being consistent with my friends with routine dates or check-ins. Besides sending random texts or check-ins with my friends, I try to set up weekly or monthly dates depending on our schedules. Life can get busy, but having something on the calendar is important for holding each other accountable. For example, my one friend and I have monthly facetime dates. We talk at the end of the month for about an hour and catch each other up on all our life happenings. We will still occasionally text through the month, but we save all the girl talk for our facetime dates since we live far away from each other.  When it comes to friends who live in town, my friends and I try to see each other once or twice a month for a walk, coffee date, or meal. For me and my friends, having something on the calendar keeps us in a good rhythm of visiting one another. 

When it comes to my family, I live at home with my parents and one brother (the other two are grown and out of the house or in college). Family dinners are super important to us, we always make time for each other and love to hear about each other’s days. I love the connection that sitting down for a meal offers. When it comes to my brothers who aren’t home, besides texting, I try to call and check in about once a week. We talk about our weeks, what’s new and life in general. I love the connection that a phone call or facetime offers as opposed to a text.

Lastly, my boyfriend. I keep my relationship pretty private. But we have been together for almost five years and every day is better than the last. We have grown and learned a lot through our relationship. We met through work and worked together for a few years, before he decided to make a career change and now we are going long distance. We have learned a lot by going the distance and grown in our relationship too. The biggest thing I have learned is the importance of communication, whether it’s something that’s good or bad, being upfront and honest with one another has been so helpful when we are hours apart. We talk and text through the day and try to visit each other once a month and when we are together we try to have a balance or doing things and just doing mundane things. Having good communication skills, putting each other first and giving our best effort are top priorities for us. 

Relationships are so vital to our lives, whether it’s friendships, family, or significant others. I try to maintain relationships the best that I can and in ways that works best for me. With Valentine’s Day just days away, how do you maintain your relationships? Let me know in the comments below! Have a wonderful ramp up to Galentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day! Sending you lots of love!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Low Level Goals

Hello everyone and happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far. We have had lots of snow over the past several weeks and it has been chilly. There have been more days in the teens and twenties than in the thirties and forties. I am hoping for a warm up soon, but until then, I have been hunkering down at home and indoors.

As a new year is underway, I’m once again linking up with Shay and Erika for Let’s Look! Every month they pick a fun topic and share their thoughts on it. I love these kinds of posts because they are fun, creative and it gives you insight into what people are thinking.

Here’s a look at the prompts for the new year.

Today’s topic is all about low level goals for 2025. If you recall, I shared my goals for 2025 on the first day of the year, you can read about them here. 

Today, we are talking about my low level goals, things that have low pressure or can be done daily (at least that’s how I’m interrupting it).

I decided to pick four things that I want to include in my days moving forward for the new year.

  • More time outdoors and more movement- I love being outdoors and try to get outdoors as much as I can. Even when the weather isn’t always as favorable, I try to make it a point to get outside. I want to do more of that in the new year. I have two dogs that love being outside, but they love it even more when there are people to play with. I want to do a better job of getting outside more every day and get more movement in. This can be as easy as taking a walk while on the phone instead of sitting down or getting outside to read instead of being indoors. These two goals go hand and hand and I think can be easily achieved. 
A day outside makes everything better
  • Meditation– I started to meditate last year and I want to continue to build on my meditation practices in the new year. I have been meditating at the beginning and end of the day to clear my mind, but want to do it more throughout the day, especially when I get overwhelmed or stressed. It may seem silly, but I have found stepping away from whatever is stressful and taking some deep breaths and collecting myself makes a world of difference. I want to do this more as a way to prevent stress and as way to clear my mind.
I have been using Insight Timer since the fall and have been loving it.
  • Use what I have-I want to adopt the mindset or act of shopping my closet to elevate my daily style. I have so many pieces of clothing and I really want to be intentional about wearing what I have, using the good stuff and elevating my daily style. I plan to do this by wearing the fancy jewelry or a cute handbag in my every day life. Instead of waiting for the perfect moment to use something, I want to be intentional and use it in the moment.
It can be fun to shop your closet and mix and match outfits
  • Approach my days calmer– I mentioned this in my New Year’s Resolution post, but I want to approach my days calmer and not be as rushed or on the go. Yes, there will always be things that need done, but I want to build more space in my days and weeks to allow more room for things that matter. I also hope that by building more space in my schedule when I can it will allow for more calmness and clarity. 
Slower mornings have made a huge difference.

I’m hopeful and confident that I can incorporate these in my days moving forward. As we make our way through the new year what are some low level or low stakes goals you have for yourself? I would love to hear them! Have a great week and I will see you back here for Friday Favorites!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: How We Unwind During the Holidays

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great holiday season as we make our way through the second week of December. I’ve been having a great start to December and I hope you are too. We are recovering from a massive snow storm, so needless to say, it definitely feels like Christmas.

So much snow
Even more snow
It wouldn’t stop

Here’s a look at what I have done so far to celebrate the Christmas season.

Watching the tree lighting in NYC
Holiday Baking
And Wrapping

All year long, I have been linking up with Shay and Erika for Let’s Look as we share different parts of our lives. Here’s a look at the topics we have covered in 2024.

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.

In August, we learned about our Pantry Staples

In September, we shared Easy Weeknight Meals

In October, it was all about how we Prep for the Holidays.

In November, we talked about Gift Guides for Guys 

For our final Let’s Look of the year, we are sharing how we unwind during the holidays. The holiday season can be a magical, but busy time of the year. You have all your regular things to get done, plus make some holiday magic, and additional holiday to-do’s to get done. Needless to say, it may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be an overwhelming time.

Here are some ways I try to unwind during the season.

Make a Gift Giving Plan– I always feel better with a game plan and that takes the stress away. I like to set deadlines for making my list of who I have to buy for, when I want to have my wrapping done and when I want to give gifts out to people.

Schedule Christmas Activities– Life can certainly get busy during the month of December, I make sure to put things on the calendar for must-do activities. For example, there are certain things that are spur of the moments activities, like see Christmas lights or watch a Christmas movie. But other things like see a Christmas show or bake Christmas cookies or gift exchanges should be put on the calendar. 

Don’t Add Unnecessary Things to the Calendar- With so much already going on, December isn’t the month to add more to the calendar, save the doctor’s appointments or or unnecessary appointments until after the new year to save you stress and to free up your calendar.

Do Things that Bring You Joy- There can be a lot of pressure around the holidays, especially when it comes to making Christmas magic. Don’t feel like you have to do it all. Only do what brings you joy. If you don’t have the time or desire to bake dozens of cookies, don’t do it. Save yourself the time and pressure and only do what you have time for and what you want to do.

A hot chocolate bar and movie night brings me joy!

Delayed Gratification– A lot of work comes with the holiday season, put in the time and effort now, so you can relax and enjoy the holiday season and relax and be present later. The last thing you want is for everyone to be relaxing and you still be working. Get all the to-dos done early on, so you can be present and remember the reason for the season.

Work hard to relax later!

I also try to carve out little moments every day to enjoy the season, whether it’s with festive mugs in the morning, Christmas scents, or holiday music at all times. These are little ways I like to sprinkle in Christmas cheer all season long. How do you unwind during the holiday season? Let me know in the comments below! I hope you take the time to unwind and relax during the holiday season and take some time for yourself. 

Family time is the best time!

Enjoy the Christmas season and remember the reason for the season.

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Gift Guides for Guys

Hi everyone! 

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week. These next few weeks will be busy as we get ready for Thanksgiving and then eventually, Christmas, but I am ready for it. Bring on the challenge and the fun too! It’s still fairly decent weather for November, so I have been doing my best to enjoy the outdoors as much as I can, even enjoying my drinks outside when I can.

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with Shay and Erika.

Here’s a recap of the things we have talked about so far this year:

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.

In August, we learned about our Pantry Staples

In September, we shared Easy Weeknight Meals

In October, it was all about how we Prep for the Holidays.

I can’t believe we only have a few more to go this year. Today’s topic is Gift Ideas for Men, now guys are hard to buy for, no matter the age, so hopefully, this gives you some ideas or suggestions. I asked my boyfriend for some help on this and I came up with my own ideas too. I created five categories or groups to get ideas from. 

First, when it comes to men, always think practically. It may not be as fun, but most guys prefer a practical gift that they will use time and time again over something that is nice, but not as functional. Let’s dive right in!

  • Experience– Rather than getting a guy something they may not use or like, think about getting them an experience. This can be anything from tickets to seeing their favorite sporting team, going to a concert, maybe doing an activity, like beer tasting or trying a new hobby, and taking lessons or a course in it. You can still wrap up the tickets and make it something fun to open with the information inside.
  • Game Day Gear– Whether they are into sports or music or another hobby, you can never go wrong with getting them some gear. This can be more traditional items like jerseys or t-shirts, or you can go the more unique route and find something vintage online. Etsy always has such unique gifts and I love supporting local businesses too!
  • A Nice Watch– Guys might not be into jewelry as much as girls, but, you can never go wrong with a nice watch. You can take the more route with a traditional watch that they can dress up or down, or if they are more sporty, you can go the fitness watch route. I personally love my Apple Watch and use it every day. This is definitely a practical and useful gift for the guy.
  • Favorites Gift- For the guy who has everything, get him all his favorites. This can be his favorite foods, drinks, snacks, and gift cards to his favorite restaurants. You can even use this gift as a way to restock on his go to items, maybe he has a favorite type of pen that he only uses or a brand of shirts that he always wears, buy all his must have items and wrap them all up together or separate.
  • Upgrade Essentials– Purchase some higher quality versions of his favorite items. This can be anything from buying some nicer dress shirts or socks if he works in an office, to getting him a new pair of running shoes. Guys don’t always want to spend money on themselves, so this is a great way to get them things they need and splurge a bit. 

I know these aren’t specific gifts for guys, but hopefully these suggestions lead to more ideas for the special guy in your life. Tell me: what are some things you plan on buying for the men in your lives? I’m always open to ideas! Happy Christmas Shopping!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: How We Prep for the Holidays

Hello all! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week as we made it to hump day! I don’t know about you, but it is full on fall here, we have had rainy days, leaves falling and some sunshine peaking through, but the changing weather is getting me excited for the next few months.

Cool crisp fall mornings

This year has been flying by, I can’t believe we are already at the second week of October. It’s time for another Let’s Look, where we share different parts of our lives. Each month, I link up with  Shay and Erika to share my thoughts on different topics. 

Here’s what we have covered so far this year:

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.

In August, we learned about our Pantry Staples

In September, we shared Easy Weeknight Meals

This month, the topic is how we prep for the holidays. I love all the seasons, summer is by far my favorite, but I do enjoy the “Ber” months…September, October, November and December. There is so much to look forward to, from the holidays, traditions, extra family time, and festivities. 

Fall, one of my favorite times of the year

As we get closer to the holiday months, I’m sharing how I prep for all the fun and I hope you will share some of your holiday prep hacks too! I don’t have my own home or family yet, so how I prepare may look a little different.

I always like to prep for the holiday seasons, by creating bucket lists, by writing a bucket or goal list, this ensures that things that I want or hope to get done, get accomplished. Some are big activities and others are little outings or things I want to cook or bake. For example, my fall bucket list includes celebrating Halloween, Thanksgiving, watching festive movies, enjoying holiday treats and Halloween activities.

I don’t know how I will celebrate Halloween on the actual holiday, but I do plan on making some festive treats, decorating and enjoying some Halloween movies. 

Some fall treats from last year

As far as Thanksgiving goes, we typically enjoy the holiday with family and then we have our own Thanksgiving dinner the weekend after. Preparations for Thanksgiving looks like figuring out what traditional dishes will be made, baking pies, and doing some decorating around the house. These are subtle ways to celebrate the holiday. There’s so much cooking and baking that goes into Thanksgiving that it is nice to just enjoy the time with family. 

A delicious, Thanksgiving spread!

Christmas always comes with the most prep. Once again, I make a Christmas bucket list of things I want to do around the Christmas season, from ice skating, baking cookies, shopping, looking at lights, and decorating. I like to make the most out of the Christmas season.

Prep for Christmas starts with decorating the day after Thanksgiving, it’s a tradition we have been doing for years and it’s always one of my favorite things.

I will also make a master list of people I want to buy for and set a budget. I keep a running list in my phone of who I need to buy for, what the gift is, the status of it, and how much I spent. Once all the gifts have arrived, I take time to wrap them all and watch a holiday movie. This method always keeps me organized.

I love to bake cookies around the holidays and one of the ways that I prep is by making one or two types of cookies a week leading up to Christmas. I will share some with family after I bake them and then store the rest for the holidays. This method ensures that I get all my baking done, but I’m not stressed getting it done.

After all the prep is done, it’s time to enjoy the holidays and relax. There’s only so much prep you can do, what matters is the end result and spending time with family and loved one around the holidays. They will be here before we know it, so I want to know what hacks you have to make the holidays smoother? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Holiday Prepping!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Our Pantry Staples

Hello everyone!

I hope you are having a great week so far as we say hello to August as we are embracing the second full week of the eighth month of the year! I just got back from being on vacation with my family, but still wanted to share what’s going up with my world as I link up with Shay and Erika.

I will have a full recap of my trip in a few weeks, but until then, I enjoyed some much needed time exploring and unplugging.

As we make our way through the year, it’s time for another Let’s Look.

Here’s some of the topics we have covered so far this year.

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.

This has been such a fun way to share tidbits of my life and learn from others too. 

This month’s topic is showing off our pantry and some of our staples. 

Here’s a look at my pantry set up. The top shelf is snacks and chips, the second shelf is canned goods (soups, rice, sauces etc.), the third shelf is breads, cereal, and crackers and the bottom shelf is pasta and oils and condiments.

We like to keep our pantry pretty stocked with essentials not just for snacks, but meals too. 

We always have some sort of cracker, cereal, bread, popcorn, and pasta. These are easy for meals and snacks. We change up the brands, but you can always find these in the pantry.

Our cereal set-up.

We keep the essentials for cooking and baking well stocked, like oils and back up condiments.

As far as meal staples go, cans of tuna, soup, and rice are always stocked. We will do soup and sandwich for an easy weeknight meal. Plus, we always make sure to have ingredients for spaghetti. My mom makes delicious homemade sauce, so she always has the ingredients needed to whip up this family favorite meal. 

Some of our canned goods and condiments.

Now, that we have the savory and meals covered, we have to have something sweet. Brownie or cake mixes always live in the pantry for a quick and easy dessert for entertaining or a late-night treat. I talked about the importance of having these on hand in my entertainment post a few weeks back.

As far as my favorite snacks go. I always like to keep something sweet and salty for snacks for work. These are typically a mix of pretzels, nuts, goldfish etc. I also love something sweet like cookies, trail mix, or granola bars. These are great for grab and go. 

Other items vary in our pantry from season to season, but these tried and true staples can always be found on the shelves.

I am always looking for new snacks for grab and go, and if they are healthy too-that’s a bonus! Tell me, what are your favorite pantry staples? Let me know in the comments below. 

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Binge-Worthy Podcasts and TV Shows

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a week so far. It was a busy past few days, between the Fourth of July, a wedding over the weekend, plus work. I did sneak in a trip to do some blueberry picking. It was a huge success! Needless to say, I am looking forward to the weekend. 

It’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with Shay and Erika.

Here’s some of the prompts we have followed so far this year.

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

Today’s topic is current podcasts and tv shows we are currently binge-watching.

I was never much of a podcast person, but I got into them more in the last year, especially when I am running or when I am taking long car rides. 

 As far as tv shows go, I am always watching a show whether it’s week by week or nightly. However, in the summertime, I don’t watch a lot of shows since I try to spend as much time as possible outdoors, whether it be in the morning, at night or on weekends. I also read a lot and sometimes prefer reading over watching tv. It all depends on the day and season. 

There are some podcasts that I have listened to in the past, but have ended, so I’m just sharing my current favorite ones. Here’s a few of my favorite podcasts and shows at the moment, maybe you will be interested in them too!

The Lazy Genius Podcast– I found this podcast in 2023 after hearing about it for years. I love the practices that Kendra preaches, especially starting small. Her lazy genius principles are simple ways to bring calm into the chaos of your life. She comes out with weekly episodes, but I have been going through her library and listening to past episodes I am interested in. Episodes range from 20-40 minutes, they are perfect to listen to when you are in the car, folding laundry or on a walk. I have implemented so many of her practices in my life. She has a wonderful message and philosophy. I have also read or plan to read her books as well.


Books, Beach, and Beyond Podcast– I have talked about this podcast a lot recently. Books, Beach, and Beyond is from author, Elin Hilderbrand and Tim Ehrenberg. It’s currently in its second season. They talk about what books they are reading, Hilderbrand’s books, and they chat with authors, people in the book publishing industry and avid book readers. As a book lover myself, I learn so much when I listen to this podcast. Episodes are about an hour long and whenever I finish one, I always have list of books to add to my “To Be Read” list.


Now onto some of my current favorite shows this summer.

Bridgerton– Need I say more? I have been loving Bridgerton’s third season this summer. I like how they broke up this season into two parts, it made the season last longer especially since we won’t get another season until 2026. I really got to love Penelope this season and see her relationship with Colin change. My favorite parts about Bridgerton include the gorgeous sets, fabulous clothes and beautiful music. Truly a show you can watch to escape with. You can watch all the seasons and spin-offs on Netflix.

The Girls on the Bus– As we gear up for another election season and as a journalist myself, I really enjoyed watching The Girls on the Bus on HBO Max. It’s all about four different female journalists as they hit the campaign trail for election season. I love all the different personalities and perspectives the characters bring. I have found myself identifying with different characters at different times. I was sad to learn it got cancelled after one season, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it in its entirety.

Fixer Upper: The Lake House– I love a good home renovation show, especially Fixer Upper. Although it was a mini-series, I loved watching Fixer Upper: The Lake House over the course of a few weeks. Seeing Chip and Jo interact and work on a project together was so fun, I love their antics and their sweet moments. Seeing the house get transformed was my favorite part of the series. It also gets me excited to see what project the Gaines tackle next.

There you have it, a look at some of my favorite binge-watches and listens. Past podcasts I have enjoyed include the Simplified podcast and Credentialed podcast. As far as good binge-worthy shows, some of my top favorites include, This is Us, Grey’s Anatomy, Sex and the City, The Office, and Parks and Rec. I have watched a variety of other shows and mini-series, but these are some of my favorites.

I am always looking for recommendations. Tell me what are some of your favorite things to listen to or watch? 

See you back here on Friday!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Summer Schedules

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday! If you are in summer mode, I hope you are embracing the summer season and everything that comes with it. If your life is still normal and not much has changed except for the weather, I hope you are able to enjoy the warm temperatures in the midst of your everyday happenings.

Taking time slow down in the summer months.

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with with Shay and Erika.This has been such a fun link up for me as I love sharing bits and pieces of my life and I love learning from others too.

Here’s a look at some of the topics we have discussed so far this year:

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

Today’s topic is all about our summer schedules.

My summer schedule doesn’t look too much different compared to my schedule throughout the year. Because I work full-time and year-round, how I structure my day doesn’t change no matter the season. I work the same days and hours and things stay pretty status quo. However, I do try to keep my schedule more open in the summer months to allow for more flexibility with events and plans. I have siblings who are home from school and like to spend time with them when I’m not working. I also like to build in time for day trips, family vacations, and time to do things before or after work. In the other three seasons, I often try to add things to do after work, but in the summer, I like to have as little on my calendar as possible to allow room for spontaneity. If I want to go to a baseball game after work on a Tuesday, I want to be able to do that without having to rearrange schedules or plans.  

In the fall and winter, I tend to schedule more doctor’s appointments or make plans to accomplish different house projects or personal projects on days off. I really like to maximize my time the best I can, but in the summertime, I put the projects on hold to really enjoy the weather and time outside and build in time for loved ones.

I always like to make my summer bucket list which I shared last week, which always gives me ideas of things to do with my boyfriend or friends or family. It also holds me accountable for what I want to make sure I accomplish every week.

Whether you have a strict summer schedule or routine due to children being out of school, or you like to let things go and add more flexibility in your schedule, I highly recommend giving yourself grace and being present. 

A few weeks ago, I got home from work on a Sunday afternoon and rather than rush to get things done like laundry or cleaning, I decided to go for a walk, sit outside and have a slow dinner that wasn’t rushed. The laundry got done after the sun went down and the cleaning was a quick dusting as opposed to a deep dive, however, I was much happier by sitting in the sun as opposed to working indoors. When I think of summer, I like to think of slow afternoons, nights by the grill, and being tired because you spent too much time in the sun. That’s what I’m hoping for this summer. I know not every day will be like that, but if I can squeeze in more calm days as opposed to rushing around and always being in a hurry, I will be happy. 

I know this wasn’t how the prompt was intended, but I took my own spin on it. Tell me: As we gear up for summer, what are your hopes and dreams and how do you want your summer to look and feel? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy June!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Summer Staples

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are enjoying May and the fresh starts the season brings. It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with Shay and Erika.

Here’s a recap of the topics we have covered so far this year

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

This month’s topic is Summer Staples.

I’m going to be sharing some new items that I purchased for this season and some of my favorite items that I have loved through the years.

Let’s start with the new items:

I love a good wedge especially for going out and when I saw these heels for sale at Marshall’s I knew I had to get them. I shared them just last week as a part of my Friday favorites! Wedges provide more support for me and I can pair them with multiple outfits. You can wear these with a pair of white jeans or capris and fun blouse, a short sundress, or a longer, flowy dress depending on the occasion. I can’t wait to wear them this summer.

Now let’s get to the tried and true:

I love having a solid long and flowy dress in my closet. I got this black one from Old Navy and adore the style. You can pair it with sandals or wedges and wear it to the beach, out shopping or out to dinner. Throw on a jean jacket or sweater and you are set.

From long to short, I love having a good t-shirt dress in my closet too. I have a few solid and print dresses and love to pair them with sneakers for a sporty look or sandals for a dressed up look.

Cotton shorts are such an easy go-to when you are looking to throw something on after a day at the pool or beach. I have a pair of cotton shorts in both blue and white and I am constantly reaching for them in the summer months.

Graphic t-shirt, if you are looking for an easy and casual shirt to pair with a pair of cotton shorts or regular shorts, you can’t go wrong with a graphic t-shirt. I personally love ones that I have gotten from different places I have traveled to, it’s a great memory of where you have been and a cute item to add to your wardrobe. 

Fun sandals are something that can really elevate your outfit, whether they are with a pair of shorts or a dress or even a skirt, I love a pair of sandals that can add some flair and fun to your outfit.

A tennis dress or skirt are two items I added to my closet last summer and I got so much wear out of them. I got both of these from Amazon and once again, they were easy outfits to wear after a day at work, at the pool, or running errands.

These are some of my favorite summer staples that are go-to’s for me in the closet. I am looking to add a few new items this summer including some white capris, denim shorts, and some cover-ups for the pool or beach. Tell me: what are some of your summer must-haves?! Let me know in the comments below and if you have any suggestions for denim shorts or cover-ups, I’m all ears! 

See you back here on Friday!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Quiet and Prayer Time

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! This has been a BUSY week, I just wrapped up a big work project, so the fact that my weekend starts tomorrow is huge sigh of relief.

I got to witness my first Total Solar Eclipse which was an incredible experience.

Such a cool moment

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with with Shay and Erika.

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

This month, we are chatting all about our Quiet and Prayer time.

This is a personal topic for many, and I know everyone has their own faith life and practices. Today, I’m sharing what has worked best for me in my prayer life as an adult and how I have incorporated my relationship with God in my every day life as I have gotten older.

I have gone to church my entire life. I went to Catholic grade school, high school, and college, so I always felt like I had a good relationship with God. As an adult, I wanted to grow more in my faith life and that came in the form of making more time for prayer every day. 

Every morning, I begin my day with a daily prayer/reflection. I like to ease into my day with quiet time before the days gets busy.

I use the app Laudate, which contains daily readings, prayers and reflections. During special seasons in the Catholic church, like Advent and Lent, I spend more time in my prayer by reading other devotionals I get through my Church, they typically contain a reading and reflection and prayer.

 This was the one I was using for this Lenten season at the end of the day before bed.

After some prayer and intention time, I spend time journaling about my day, what happened, what was good or bad, what’s stressing me out and what’s bringing me joy. I really like to take the time for reflection before the day begins, plus it gets all my thoughts out on paper and out of my mind. This takes about ten to fifteen minutes depending on how much I need to unpack, haha! Once my quiet time in the morning is done, it’s off to start the day.

At the end of the day, I have been working to unwind and have a few minutes of quiet time before getting ready for bed. I started the year by reading Near in the Night, it’s a companion piece to Sure as the Sunrise by Emily Ley.

It’s 100 daily devotionals and reflections. I made my way through Sure as the Sunrise last year in the mornings and have been making my way through Near in the Night this year. I did take a brief pause for Lent, but now, I’m back into it. I like the different devotionals and prompts that Ley writes and I like the room for daily and weekly reflection that she provides. After a little bit of quiet time, it’s time for bed.

Everyone has the own relationship with their faith life, some may choose to go to Church every day, while others may only go once a week. Faith is such a personal choice, and everyone has to decide for themselves what works best for them. I have found that incorporating time in the morning and night to spend time on my faith life is what matters most to me, so I make it a priority every day. There is always room for more time with God, but at this stage in my life this is what works for me.

If you are struggling with a faith life, I hope this encourages you to explore what else is out there for you. 

See you back here on Friday for another edition of Friday Favorites!