Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For

It’s Thanksgiving Eve! Is it just me or did the holiday sneak up on you too?

These past few weeks have been the calm before the holiday rush. I have been spending days off doing lots of fall cleaning and organizing. I cleaned out, donated and sold so many items that I had outgrown or wasn’t using anymore. It feels good to have clean spaces before I bring out all the holiday decorations. More on deep cleaning tips to come in the new year.

Before we get to Christmas, we have to focus on Thanksgiving! I’m looking forward to spending time with my family. Everyone will be home for the weekend which will be great to get some quality family time and honor some traditions too.

As we look towards the holiday, I am reflecting on what I am thankful for this year.

As the year began, I didn’t know what the year would hold: change, new beginnings, things sticking to status quo? For the most part, this year has been filled with routine, new hobbies, travel, family time, friends, and creating memories.

I have so much to be thankful for and could list a hundred things, but to save both you and I from a litany, here’s the top things I’m thankful for:

Loving family– I don’t know where I would be without my family. I am so fortunateĀ to have such a loving and supportive family and the fact I get to see them every day as an adult is something I don’t take for granted. I have gotten so much bonus time with my parents and younger siblings as an adult by living at home that I am truly grateful for. Whether we are on vacation together or just sitting around the dining room table, the memories made are ones I truly cherish. This past summer, my family and I all were home under the same roof and the older I get, I know that won’t be the case forever. However, no matter where I am or what I am doing I will always have the love and support of my family with me.

Memories from family trips!

My boyfriend– I have kept my relationship with my boyfriend pretty private over the past few years, but I am so lucky to have such an incredibly supportive and loving person in my life. He’s caring, hardworking, understands my job, gets my humor, is so accommodating and overall, supportive. He will get up early to read my blog every time I have a new post, he notices the little things and goes out of his way to find ways to being unexpected moments of joy to my day. He plans incredible dates whether it’s 24 hours in NYC or a lazy day of childhood movies and junk food. I couldn’t have asked for a better or more supportive boyfriend.

The sights and sounds of NYC

Supportive friends-Whether near or far, I’m so lucky to have such wonderfulĀ friends in my life. I try to be consistent with my friends by doing weekly check-ins via text or monthly meet-ups. I have different friends from different stages of my life and I know I can always count on them to show up when I need them most, whether it’s a funny meme, some advice, or just a good long walk, I know my friends are always in my corner.

Girls night with my friends!

My pets– Keeping this one brief, there’s no better feeling than coming home after a long day and sitting on the couch and petting a dog. They know what you need by just nuzzling their head on you. They provide instant love, they give the best kisses and they really allow you to let your worries fade away for however long you need.

My loving pups!

My faith- Life has its ups and downs, but my faith and trust in God is always there. I’m thankful for my parents for instilling a good faith in me at a young age. I’m so grateful for all the blessings he has given me and how he always, always, always, looks out for me no matter where I am in life. Even when the path may seem unclear, I always put my faith and trust in God.

A good education– From grade school to high school and college, I am so thankful for my educational foundation to get me to where I am today. From the practical skills in the classroom, to the life skills outside of the classroom, my teachers and classmates have helped shaped me into the person I am today. I also got my love of learning from the classroom. One of my favorite parts of my job is learning something new every day and I got that love of learning from going to great schools and having wonderful teachers and role models.

A job I love– I am so lucky that I get to wake up and go to a job that I am passionateĀ about and love every day. I always tell people that I landed my dream job right out of college and that’s the honest truth. I get to do what I love, in a place that I love, with some incredibly smart and talented people. I find fulfillment and joy each day in my work and I couldn’t be more grateful that I found my niche. I have talked to friends who don’t have the same love or passion for their jobs as I do and in those moments, it makes me feel more grateful that I hit the jackpot doing something I love.

New hobbies– This year I have found so many new hobbies that have brought me so much joy. Besides my love of reading, I have developed a love of running (which I never thought would happen). I have gotten physically stronger over this past year and I’m proud of my endurance.

One of my latest runs

My garden was a labor of love this summer, but I loved being able to eat the vegetable I grew over the summer, and I loved the sense of accomplishment of seeing hard work pay off.

My last haul from the garden.

I also have enjoyed all my time in the kitchen whether it be baking, trying new recipes of dinner, or learning family recipes. Not only has it been a good skill to learn, but it’s also been so fun too!

Some of my creations.

Good health of myself, family and friends– My health and the health of my family and friends is something I don’t take for granted. There’s so many illnesses, diseases, and viruses in our world and I’m so grateful that I am healthy and happy along with my family and friends. I’m also grateful for doctors who do what they can to help provide answers to health problems.Ā 

So much to be grateful for!

New opportunities to grow and push me out of my comfortĀ zone– Even when things can get challenging, I am grateful for the hard and uncomfortable moments in life because that’s when we see the biggest growth in ourselves and others. I’m grateful for new adventures, new opportunities and experiences. Whether positive or negative, I’m grateful for every moment that got me to where I am today.

SO many moments of joy this year!

I have a lot to be grateful for this year. I don’t know what the next year will bring, but I’m thankful for every moment of 2023.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Give Thanks!

Fabulous living

Growing A Garden

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week! It’s starting to feel more and more like fall. The leaves are starting to change, it’s getting cooler and it’s almost time to start pulling out legging and long sleeve t-shirts. 

Today’s post is a bit of a different spin on the weather. One of my summer goals was to grow a garden. I have always wanted to get my hands dirty and see if I had a green thumb. I love vegetables and planned to challenge myself to see if I could grow my own. My first summer of being a gardener is in the books, so I wanted to share what I learned and a bit about my experience. I am by no means an expert gardener. This was my first year giving it a try and I’m happy with the results, even if it did have some ups and downs. I learned a lot and I will be taking what I learned this year and using it when I garden in the future.

I started the process back in May, with the help of my boyfriend, who has helped grow his fair share of vegetable. I did some research on what plants vegetables to try and grow. Since this was my first year, I decided to not go overboard and start small by planting seeds for tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, carrots and peppers. I got the seeds at our local nursery and went home to plant them.

I found a section of the garden, dug the holes, planted the seeds and covered them with fresh planting soil and gave them some water. 

The start of my garden

I like to be creative whenever I can, so I made signs for each plant so I could keep track of what I planted and where it was located. 

The signs

Then the tending began. I checked on my garden every day and watered them frequently. It was exciting to see the progress of my vegetables grow through the summer, what started out as seeds, turned into stems, blossoms, leaves and eventually fully grown vegetables. 

Just the beginning

The biggest thing I learned through the process of growing a garden this summer was the power of patience and accepting trial and error. It takes a while for things to grow sometimes things don’t always grow according to plan or grow at all.

My garden growing- peas, carrots, and cucumbers.

For example, I started out with a lot of peas, but they quickly died, after researching I think it was due to being overwatered. I also got blossoms on my pepper plants, and they grew a lot too.

Early pepper plants.

While it was frustrating and disappointing, I still had other plants to care for.Ā 

My first set of veggies! Peas!

Other vegetables did fairly well. I got a handful of tomatoes, while small, they were tasty, and I was very proud of them.

The fruits of my labor
My tomatoes!

I used them to make a Peach Caprese Salad.

A fresh salad with veggies from the garden

I also got a handful of cucumbers, I really enjoyed seeing them grow from week to week and lastly, I got carrots! 

My cucumbers!

I started the summer with the hopes to grow five different vegetables and ended up with three, for my first time growing a garden, I’m pretty proud of successfully growing different vegetables and being able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. 

My baby tomatoes

I will definitely be growing a garden again and I want to try my hand at some new vegetables too. I really enjoyed the process of growing vegetables, and my favorite part was having something to show for a hard summer’s work. Next summer, I may change where I grow my plants and may change my watering habits. I have a much better appreciation for fruits andĀ vegetables especially when I see how long it takes to grow the individual vegetables.Ā 

Cucumbers growing.

There’s no better feeling than accomplishing your goals and it feels pretty good when they are a success and taste good too.

If you have grown a garden, I want to hear about your experience! What did you learn and what have you grown?

Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Planting!

Fabulous living

5 Years of Writing

5 years…every week for the past five years, I’ve sat down and opened my laptop and began to write.Ā 

Some days, it was therapeutic to put into words what’s been on my mind, other days I got to talk about things I’m passionate about, like products, books, or movies.

Ā I’ve written about outfits I’ve put together and mixing and matching different pieces to keep things affordable.

I’ve written about how to keep your spaces clean whether it’s your dorm room, car, or daily planner.

I’ve written about trips I’ve taken, or bucket lists I’ve made and things I’ve accomplished. It’s amazing that just when I think so don’t have any more ideas, something new comes to mind. Over 350 posts and counting.

When I started my blog at the end of my freshmen year of college, I was looking for a creative outlet. I was homesick and I was searching for a hobby and decided why not write. My blog was a way to keep family members and friends in the loop about what I was doing and as a way to express myself.

A look at some of my first posts.

I looked forward to sharing different outfits and life hacks each week. As I grew up and matured, so did my blog. I changed the style and content as I made my way through college and graduated. If you have been following since the very beginning, you know there’s been changes with color schemes and the days I posted and even some of the topics. It’s been fun to look back and see how far I have come since May 2017.

Another throwback to one of my first outfits.

I learned balance with my blog as I started my first job. Every weekend I always looked forward to working on something creative and fun, especially as our world changed with the pandemic. Even with all the unknowns and at sometimes darkness, my blog was a bright spot for me and hopefully for others.Ā 

From college to my first day of work

I’ve learned a lot about myself these past five years. I’ve learned that it’s okay to be vulnerable and share what’s on your mind, whether it’s about eating alone or transitioning from college to working. I’ve learned the importance of making time for yourself and finding joy every day, whether it’s through journaling or walks or cooking.

Enjoying the simple things in life like apple picking has been something I’ve leaned into more these past few years.

While I’ve learned a lot so far, I know I still have a ways to go. I’m excited to see what this next year brings. My hope is that it brings more life lessons, more memories, and most importantly, little moments that bring joy every day.

 To those who read my blog posts when I started writing them sitting in my college dorm room, thank you for sticking with me! And, to those who started following along as I now write them on weekend with my dog curled up on my lap back home, thank you for stopping by.

I hope my blog brings you a little bit of joy, like it does for me every day.

Here’s to a new year, a new chapter, and taking life one day at a time.



Fabulous living

Why I Chose My Career

Hey guys, a little bit of a different post for today. 

I use my blog as a fun creative, outlet outside of my work and family life. 

But, my work is a big part of my life. I sometimes spend more time at work than I do at home, which I love, but it shows that itā€™s a big part of whoĀ I am.

Today, Iā€™m sharing a little bit about why I chose the field I am in now. If you know me, you know I am a very organized, structure and routine loving girl, so why would someone like that dive into a job and career that is the complete opposite?!

Getting behind the desk has become a new adventure that I’m loving

One of my favorite things about my job is that every day is different. No two days are ever the same. Some days, I am talking to local businesses, other days itā€™s about Covid-19 vaccines, on a Monday I could be in another town 45 minutes away and on Wednesday, all my interviews could be on Zoom.Ā You never know what you are going to get.

Speaking of Zoom, one of my latest stories was about how much Zoom has changed our lives this past year.

I love that Iā€™m constantly learning every day. If I wasnā€™t in news, I would probably be a teacher. I have always loved school, from the schedule to learning new things and advancing in what Iā€™m learning. I also tend to ask a lot of questions in my life. Clarifying questions were always my favorite in school. If you gave me a group project with all the directions in front of me, I would still ask a few follow-up questions, just to be safe. Those traits are just part of the reason why I am a journalist.Ā 

I love that very day takes me someplace different for a story.

I also love stories. I love to read and write. Getting lost in a different world through a story is one of my favorite things. As much as I love reading stories, I love telling them just as much. Telling peopleā€™s stories, every day, no matter big or small brings me so much joy! You never know how much of an impact a story can have on someone until you tell it. 

I enjoy working and learning from my co-workers every day.

I get asked a lot why I chose this field and profession. I am a fairly quiet girl, I like structure and routine and Iā€™m a homebody, so why would I ever want to be in a field that encourages me to use my voice, have a constant changing schedule with lots of uncertainity? Because, I care about others and their stories and I like answers. But most importantly, I want to make sure peopleā€™s voices and stories are heard. Thatā€™s why I love what I do every day. 

What brings you joy in your career? What makes you smile every day?

Fabulous living

22 Lessons for this Past Year

Hey guys! Iā€™m a reflective person, so itā€™s no surprise that whenever my birthday rolls around, I always use this time to reflect on this past year and how far Iā€™ve come. Since I will be turning 22 on Friday, I wanted to take the time to look back on this past year. 21 has been such a big and transformative year for me. From kicking off my senior summer and senior year of college and celebrating all those lasts, to graduating, starting my dream first job, moving home, and meeting some incredible people, it has been a wonderful year with so much growth.Ā 

Here are 22 things Iā€™ve learned this past year:

  1. Treasure the slow and calm times and embrace the chaos.
  2. Make the most of any situation.
  3. Know the confusion and the chaos will make sense later.
  4. If you have to travel for work, see as many friends as you can.
  5. Enjoy college, it will be over fast.
  6. Make every moment a memory.
  7. Be present where you are 
  8. Take the time to thank the people who helped you get to where you are.
  9. Shoot you shot.
  10. Take time to get your Closure Before you Move on
  11. Now, that Goodbyes donā€™t last forever
  12. Be open to New Beginnings
  13. Jump with Two Feet in
  14. Take Every Opportunity Available
  15. Hard Work Does Pay off
  16. Look for the good in Every Day and use every day as a learning opportunity
  17. Be nice to everyone, you never know when you will meet them again
  18. A good nightā€™s sleep does wonders 
  19. The little moments end up being the most important ones
  20. Appreciate those you have in your life
  21. Recognize how far you have come 
  22. When in doubt, keep smiling

This past year was a year of learning, growth, change and happiness. Iā€™ve learned so much about myself, my goals, and the people in my life. 21 was a game changer of a year and I canā€™t wait to see what 22 brings!