Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #25

Hello all!

Happy Fri-yay!

I can’t believe we are at the end of January! I don’t know about you, but this month went by in the blink of an eye. Between getting back into my routines, checking some tedious projects off my to-do list and staying cozy by trying new recipes and reading, it’s been a good month. That being said, I can’t wait for February. I love Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day, hearts, sweets and all the other things that come with the second month of the year. 

Now, let’s get to this week’s Friday Favorites. I have another fun round-up of things that I have loved this week and who knows maybe you will too. Here’s what I’m loving as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Reusable Bags– You know you are an adult when you get excited about reusable bags. Haha! I got snack and sandwich reusable bags for Christmas, and they are such a practical gift that I use every day. I pack my lunch for work and typically that entails bringing in cut up veggies, fruit, cookies, crackers, trail mix etc. I was constantly using plastic baggies and realized how much of a waste it was, so I did some research and found a solution, reusable baggies. I got them for Christmas and love them. They seal really well and keep your food fresh. They also wash and dry well too. Plus, they are easy to store in lunch boxes, purses, or in a pantry. Definitely worth the investment and great for the environment.

So useful for food storage.

Laundry Sanitizer-Another adult favorite. We are in the midst of cold and flu season which means germs are spreading fast. I picked up this Laundry Sanitizer by Lysol and have been using it when I do laundry, especially with items that may get shared (blankets or towels) or clothing that someone who is sick may have worn. It’s super simple to use, you just pour some in your washer alongside your detergent. It doesn’t bleach and there’s no harsh smell. It’s not too exciting, but it’s an extra step to keep things safe and clean. 

Elizabeth Holmes’ Spare Audio Thoughts-I finished Spare by Prince Harry and loved it! As someone who has followed the Royal Family for years, I couldn’t wait to read Harry’s words and hear his thoughts about growing up. Hearing about his childhood without his mother broke my heart, reading how the army shaped him was profound and reading how he and Meghan fell in love brought me so much joy! I was so happy to finish it but sad it was over. Besides reading the book, I also listened to Elizabeth Holmes’ audio thoughts. I loved the insights she offered through the books, some of it were her opinions, others were facts she shared too. It was the perfect reading companion. I’m eager to see what Harry and Meghan do now.

The Recruit– Have you seen The Recruit on Netflix?! It came out at the end of last year, but I just got around to watching it this past week. It’s only one season and eight episodes, but it’s so good. I finished it in five days! It follows the story of a young lawyer who works for the CIA and gets way in over his head with a case involving a former asset for the CIA. He goes from being stuck at a desk to flying across the world for a mission. Every episode is filled with drama, suspense, some romance and a bit of humor. It hasn’t been renewed yet for a second season, but I hope it does since it leaves you with a big cliff hanger. If you saw it, what did you think?!

Fox’s Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test– I promise I do more than just work and watch tv, but I also got hooked on a new reality/competition show. I’m not big into competition shows, but I look forward to watching this show every week.  Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test on Fox follows over a dozen celebrities as they see if they have what it takes to be a Special Forces Operator. Some of the challenges they have to endure are pretty insane. I know I wouldn’t be able to do them, so I can the recruits a ton of credit for attempting them. Without giving too much way, not everyone can handle the pressure and some go home or quit. It’s fascinating to see some of the different contestants handle the pressure or don’t handle the pressure. 

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this week. Tell me how are you celebrating the last weekend of the month?!

Fun Ways to Organize

Life Hacks

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is going well.

Last week, I went to visit my friend, Sydney for dinner and whenever I take a road trip, I always like to listen to podcasts. My favorite podcast that I listen to every week is Emily Ley’s Simplified podcast. The episodes are typically 30 minutes or less and they are packed with guests, life lessons, and tips to live a simplified life. If you are looking for a new podcast, this is it.

My favorite podcast.

When I’m in the car and on a road trip I love listening to The Bestie Breakdown. Two of my favorite bloggers, Shay Shull and Erika Slaughter share everything about life, travel, fashion, and kids. If you are looking for a fun podcast that will guarantee you laughs, this is perfect for you. I was listening to one of their podcasts where they talked about their favorite life hacks, they offered so many great suggestions that it got me thinking about some of my life hacks. 

This one is great for road trips

 When life gets busy, especially in the spring and summer, I crave order and stability even more. In order for my day to run smoother there’s a few tricks that I incorporate into my daily routine. I also reached out to some of my closests friends and family for their favorite life hacks too. This is a mix of things for at home or at work or on the go.

Five Life Hacks

  • Quick way to clean pots- Pots can be a challenge to clean out especially if you are cooking with cheese, lots of oils, or if you burn something. Instead of spending lots of time scrubbing out the pots after dinner, drop a cascade pod in the pot and fill it with warm water. Let it soak and then rinse, it does a great job giving it a good cleaning and it saves you time from scrubbing.

  • Quick way to clean grills or waffle makers- Making a panini with a panini maker or using a George Foreman grill to cook chicken or a waffle maker are all fun and games until you have to clean them out. Food can become trapped in the holes and on the grill. An easy way to clean it after you are done is by taking a wet paper towel and placing it on the grill or waffle maker after you finish using it, you get it cleaned easily and it saves the wear and tear on your appliances.

  • Never forget a coupon- If you are like me, I’m sure you get coupons or rewards offers in your email all the time. You may get excited by it but then forget about it and you lose out on the money. A new way I have been keeping track of rewards and coupons is by putting the expiration date on my calendar. Whenever I get a coupon or reward in my email that I want to use, I automatically add the date it expires in the calendar on my phone. Once a week when I’m planning out my week, I transfer all my digital dates and appointments to my Simplified planner. This is a way for me to keep all my long-term dates in one spot and not get too overwhelmed by the day to day stuff. You can read about my system here. 
An example of my online calendar.
  • Always keep in your car- Something I always keep in my car is stamps. I know mailing letters isn’t as popular anymore but when you do have to pay that bill, send that birthday card or drop something off in the mailbox, having stamps on hand is key.

  • One load a day – If you live in a big family like I do, I’m sure you have loads and loads of laundry. I’m still living at home and one of the ways I try to help out is by doing the laundry. With a lot of people under one roof, the laundry can get overwhelming. As a way to manage it, I try to follow the one load a day philosophy. Every day, I do a load of laundry, on weekends there may be more, but by doing a load a day, it helps me stay on top of it and not get overwhelmed.

Those are just five easy life hacks that I follow and that help my life run smoother. What are some of your top life hacks?!