Fabulous living

Fall Bucket List

Hello All! 

Happy first full week of September. I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend and soaked up the last big weekend of summer. I still plan on keeping the shorts on and enjoying the sunshine for as long as I can this month.

September is always a month of transition, from getting back into a new routine being back to school, to the changing weather, this month can be a busy one. Over the next few weeks, I have some day trips planned, lots of appointments that I scheduled for when things calmed down from the busy summer and then some friend dates. I’m looking forward to crossing things off my to-do list and starting my fall bucket list!

Speaking of bucket lists, here’s a look at my summer bucket list all completed: 

I got so much accomplished this summer, both on my list and doing things that came up through the summer, needless to say it was a fun and packed full summer. From trips to New York City, Toronto and San Diego, to lots of walks and picnics, grilling and pool days, it was a memorable summer!

Summer is a photo!

Now that we are slowly saying goodbye to summer, it’s time to start thinking about FALL!

I started a fall bucket list at the beginning of the month and will add to it over the next few weeks, but here’s what I hope to accomplish over the next few months. 

My Fall Bucket List

Apple Picking

Fall Walks

Collect Leaves

Make Apple Recipe

Try A New Recipe Once a Week


Football Game

Pumpkin Patch and Carve Pumpkins

Celebrate Halloween

Make Chili

Use Kitchen Aid

Read Fall Books

Go to a Fall Fest

Celebrate Thanksgiving

Enjoy Apple Cider

Hockey Game

Soup Recipe

Kinzua Hike

Elk Watching 

That’s just a start into what I hope to accomplish over the next few months. I love to make to-do lists and bucket lists because they give me ideas of things to do for fun and it encourages me to take advantage of my hometown and the season. I hope this gives you some ideas of fun things to do in the fall season.

Tell me, do you have a fall bucket list? What do you hope to accomplish?

Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Fall Y’all!

Fabulous living

Fall Bucket List Recap

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! Even though we are in the middle of November and still have about a month of fall left, I wanted to recap my fall bucket list before we get into the holiday fun between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Here’s a recap of my fall bucket list.

Here’s my bucket list all marked off.
  • Apple Picking
I collected lots of apples and made some tasty recipes too!
Up-close of the apples.
  • Niagara Falls

I didn’t get to Niagara Falls, but I’m making a plan to go next spring or summer.

But I did get to go to another set of water falls in New York in Letchworth State Park.
  • Kinzua Hike
A beautiful fall day for a hike at Kinzua State Park.
  • Hockey Game

I didn’t make this happen, but I’m hoping to head to some local games this winter.

  • -Cider Press
I went to a pumpkin patch that at a cider press on site.
  • Decorate Pumpkins
Collected lots of pumpkins and used the to decorate my house.
  • Collect Leaves
Some of the leaves that I saw on the walk.
Then I used them to decorate my desk in my room
  • Scary Book and Movie
This was a chick read with a Halloween/mystery twist.
  • Celebrate Halloween 
Decorated my house for Halloween. (The pumpkins are from Mason Farms)
And I ate a lot of sweet candy, probably too much!
  • Fall Walk
Nothing beats a fall walk. If you are looking for places to walk, check out my blog post on places to walk or hike.
  • Enjoy Hot Apple Cider

I was enjoying a cup of hot cider every morning but work, but I never snapped a picture…blogger fail.

  • Make A Fall Treat
I made cut out cookies for Halloween
I made apple crisp and apple bread from the apples I picked.
I made s’mores cookies for the first time.
And of course fall trail mix.
  • Mason Farms
Here’s the pumpkins I got from Mason Farms.
  • Fall Festival

I didn’t make it to a fall fest this year, but I clearly enjoyed lots of fall fun!

I hate to see summer end, but I always look forward to the changing leaves and fall fun. That’s just a little peak into my fall fun! What are some of our favorite fall activities?!

Fitness Travel

Fall Hiking Spots

I need to start today’s post by putting it out there that I’ve never been much of an outdoors or sporty person. I played soccer in the summer when I was in grade school, and I did tennis for one year in middle school. But other than that, I didn’t do too many other sports. I have always enjoyed working out, whether it’s lifting or cardio, but I won’t be competing in the Olympics anytime soon. But walking? That’s up to my speed.

One thing I have always loved is walks. There’s nothing like taking in nature and fresh air while getting in a workout. I took advantage of walks even more during the pandemic. It was a safe way to see people at a distance, get out the house, and have things be semi-normal. I have continued to fall in love with walks and hiking in the past few months and I love traveling to different places to see new things and get in a good walk too. Plus, you can go for a walk in every season-just make sure you dress appropriately.

Here’s a roundup of some of my favorite spots so far this fall.

-Presque Isle

The beautiful Lake Erie

This may seem like a no brainer, but I love going for walks at Presque Isle. People come from all over the region and I’m lucky enough to have it in my backyard. Whether it’s on the paths by the water or deep in the trails, it’s a beautiful spot to walk in any season.

-The Bayfront

Another view from the Bayfront

Another beautiful spot to go for a walk in the city is on the Bayfront. There’s sidewalks and parks to enjoy time outside and with a beautiful backdrop. I love watching the sunset after taking an evening stroll.

-Erie Bluffs

A hidden gem outside of Erie.

Not the greatest picture, but it was beautiful spot about 20 minutes outside of Erie. Erie Bluffs has a number of trails and walking areas. I stumbled upon a beach and access to water and it was a great place to take in the scenery especially after a long walk.

-Geneva State Park

Another view of Lake Erie, this time from Ohio.

If you are looking to head out of Erie County, then heading over to Ohio for a quick drive is always a good idea. At Geneva State Park, there’s a number of trails, both paved and not paved to enjoy. There’s also the beaches, the camp sites and the vegetation to enjoy. I love getting to see Lake Erie from all different angles.

-Cuyahoga Valley National Park

The creeks and the trees were picture perfect
Another view

If you are up for a bit of an adventure, heading into Ohio, there’s plenty to find. A few weeks back, I ventured to Cuyahoga Valley National Park for a train ride and a walk. Even though it was cold and rainy it was the perfect fall backdrop. I loved all the trails and paths.

-Kinzua Bridge State Park

The broken railroad tracks.
All bundled up for a walk

Another perfect place for a walk with some gorgeous views especially in the fall is the Kinzua State Park. There’s a number of trails and places to explore but the highlight is seeing the broken railroad tracks after a tornado came though a number of years ago. You can go down into the valley which is a pretty cool part too.

-Letchworth State Park

My second favorite waterfall in New York.
Gorgeous views

I spent my first time in Letchworth State Park just a few weeks ago. It is in the middle of nowhere in New York, but after going through twists and turns, you hear the rushing water and then you are greeted by the waterfalls. You can view them from all different levels. I loved the fact that there was these beautiful waterfalls in the middle of a forest. Simply stunning and so serene.

There’s are just a few places that I have travelled to recently. Where are your favorite places to hike, walk or run.