Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #133

Hi everyone! Happy Friday and more importantly, Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you are showing and getting some love today. I know I have been making some time for my girlfriends over the past few weeks. Whether it is with your significant other, spouse, girlfriends, or even yourself, today is such a good reminder to give yourself some extra love and maybe even treat yourself too!

I am out of town this weekend, for a little getaway, so I am looking forward to a break in the routine for some fun. However you are spending the day, I hope it’s enjoyable. Before we get to the weekend, I wanted to share some current favorites with you as I link up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites

Simplified Bags and Pouches-We kick things off with travel accessories which ties in perfectly with me being on the road today. I got the Simplified tote and pouches for Christmas and have used them here and there, but was waiting for a trip to use and take advantage of them. I love the soft blue color and the quilted pattern. The size is great for running errands if you need to hold lots of things or for a weekend away. The pouches make organizing small items much easier too.

New Car Scent– My interior of my car has gotten very dirty this winter with lots of snow, ice, and salt. I try to keep up with cleaning it, but it just keeps getting messy. I can’t wait for spring and summer when I can really detail it. One thing I have kept up with is keeping my car smelling good. I swapped out car scents and am going for a fresh scent for a new month. I want to be better with the maintenance of my car this year by including monthly car washes and scent swaps. Here’s what I’m currently using from Bath and Body Works. I love the freshness that it provides to my car.

Valentine’s Day Playlist– It’s Valentine’s Day and I have been enjoying the month of love as much as I can. From doing some decorating, wearing my reds, pinks, and purples, and listening to lots of love music. I found this great playlist on Apple Music which has a little bit of everything, some classic songs, new hits, and all genres of love songs. This has been a go-to playlist for me as I drive or get things done. Give it a try if you are looking for some background music this weekend.

The Six Triple Eight- This has been on my watch list for a while on Netflix and I finally got around to viewing it. The Six Triple Eight is based on the all-black, female battalion in World War II who worked to help organize and distribute mail. I was first intrigued by it because it starred Kerry Washington was a Tyler Perry film, but the more I watched and read about it, the more invested I got. I really loved the historical storyline, and I think they did an incredible job showing just how challenging it was to be a woman of color in the army in World War II. They had a stellar cast who brought so much emotion and passion to the film. I wouldn’t be surprised if it got nominated and won awards for it. This would also be a great film to watch as we make our way into Black History Month.

Ice Scraper-This winter season has been oh-so cold.  We have dealt with record-breaking snow falls, blizzard warnings, freezing temperatures and everything else in between. Needless to say, winter tools have been my best friend this year. I got a heated ice scraper for Christmas, and it has been a game changer. You just plug it in your car, and it heats up and you can start scraping ice off your windshield or other parts of your car. It’s proven to be a big help especially when you don’t want to spend too much time outdoors.

That’s a roundup of things that have grabbed my attention this week! As we make our way to Valentine’s Day weekend, what are your plans and how will you be celebrating? Whether it’s by yourself or with loved ones, I hope it’s a wonderful day and weekend. Happy Valentine’s Day!


Currently #61

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you have been having a great week. We are at the end of the month which means it’s time for another Currently post. I don’t know about you, but this has been a long month.

Most of January has looked like this, lots of snow!

I am ready to see the calendar switch from January to February. Although, it was a long month, I got a lot done and enjoyed the winter season the best I could even with chilly temperatures and lots of snow! It’s been a while since my last post, so I have a lot to catch you up on. Here’s what the past month has looked like.

What I’m up to: I started year with lots of cleaning and organizing. I have been following the Simplicity Challenge through Simplified to tackle little tasks each day, rather than trying to organize your whole house in one go. 

Some of the spots I organized, a full recap will be coming next month!

When it hasn’t been too frigid out, I have gotten outside a few times for winter walks with my dogs. The blue skies are such a breath of fresh air. 

A day outside makes everything better

We got a new indoor mini golf spot in town and my family and I tried it out. It was a lot of fun for a chilly afternoon.We wrapped the afternoon up with some tasty treats.

I made the most of the winter weather by getting in some pond skating. We haven’t had weather cold enough for the lakes and bays to freeze over, so this was a huge perk to our rough winter.

Our man-made rink

What I’m Reading: I have read a lot since my last Currently, here’s a look at my bookshelf.

The 5 AM ClubThe 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma, is one of the best books I have read. It was uniquely written, but so informative about the best way to elevate your mornings and change your life by getting up early and how you can work on yourself! Such a life changing book! It’s a fictional book about people who meet at a conference and go on a retreat together about how to live their best lives. I learned so many life lessons that I will be holding onto for a long time.

Every Time I Go on Vacation Somebody Dies– Catherine Mack’s Everytime I Go on Vacation Somebody Dies is about a mystery novelist who goes on vacation and people on the trip start dying or think they are going to die. It’s a bit of a “who done it” with drama. I listened to it as an audiobook, but got a little confused with the footnotes, so it may be a better book to read.

The First LadiesThe First Ladies by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray was a fascinating book about the friendship between Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary Bethune. A little slow at points but overall very interesting and informative. I loved how it followed their friendship through the years. I also recently the Six Triple Eight which touches on their friendship too which was so fun to watch!

A December to Remember– Jenny Bayliss’ A December to Remember was a good winter/Christmas story, but hard to get into at certain time with lots of different plots happening. I really loved the message of sisterhood and family and a small town coming together when three sister’s fathers unexpectedly died. They must come together and face their past for a greater cause. 

Seven Days of UsSeven Days of Us by Francesca Hornak was a good book about a family trapped together in quarantine around the holidays. I loved learning about family dynamics. There were also secrets spilled through the book. A holiday read with some substance.It almost reminded me of the movie, The Family Stone with all the different dynamics. 

Educated– Tara Westover’s memoir, Educated was a heavy book to start the year. It was definitely interesting to learn about the Mormon customs and traditions and I loved the first hand account, but it was definitely a heavy book and serious topics too. I had heard so much about it that I’m glad I had the chance to read it.

Here One Moment–  Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty follows the story of a woman who tells everyone on a plane how and when they will die. It’s up to the passengers about what they want to do with the information, change their lives or keep living them as they were. The beginning was a bit slow and hard to get into but the middle and end went really fast. The ends no tied everything up in a meaningful way and it really gives you a lot to think about with living your best life to the fullest

Be Ready When the Luck Happens– Ina Garten’s memoir, Be Ready When Luck Happens really touched me. I really really loved this book. I heard about it on the podcast, Books Beach, and Beyond and after hearing Garten’s story, I knew I had to read it. I didn’t know much about Ina but learned so much about her life before she was well know for her culinary skills. I love how she talked about the lessons she learned along the way and how she was vulnerable at times too. I also loved how she talked a lot about her background and what she learned through different jobs and life experiences.

What I’m Watching: With lots of time indoors, I have had time to catch up on many shows and movies. I watched the latest season of Virgin River, which is always a fun show to enjoy.

I also finished Outlander, I can’t wait for the final season to come out soon.

I’m currently watching Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test every week on Fox.

My boyfriend and I are also finishing up Breaking Bad and are on the last season. We are open to suggestions for a lighter show to start next if you have any suggestions!

These shows are keeping me busy especially on days inside.

What I’m Cooking/Baking: More time indoors means more time in the kitchen! After lots of holiday baking, I have been focused on warm and hearty meals for the new year. Here’s what I have been cooking.

Cold days calls for warm cookies

Pulled Pork Tacos– I love a good pulled pork sandwich and this was a unique spin on it. I enjoyed eating the pulled pork with a taco shell as opposed to a bun, plus the ratio of wrapping to meat was a lot more manageable. I got the recipe from Shay Shull of Mix and Match Mama. 

Clam Chowder– Another Mix and Match Mama recipe. I love a seafood and this clam chowder was super easy to whip together and very filling too!

Stuffed Chicken Parmesan– This was a fast Sunday night dinner thanks to Jessie James Decker. You can serve it with pasta or salad or Both!

Goulash– This was a perfect meal for a cold day! Yum!

Homemade Spaghetti and Meatballs with Salad and Homemade Croutons- my mom and I spent a Sunday in the kitchen and she taught me some of her favorite recipes. Such a wonderful moment shared!

Homemade Brownies– After reading Ina Garten’s book, I wanted to try some of her recipes, including her outrageous brownies! They were a hit!

What I’m Wearing– Due to cold temperatures, I have been wearing all the layers. From turtlenecks, to blazers, and sweaters. Here are some of my recent outfits for both work and play!

A black and white combo!
A sparkly combo for the new year
A gray combo for warmer days
Lots of layers
And turtlenecks too

What Inspires Me: Emily Ley shared this quote for the new year and I saved it as my phone background and I have it on my desk at work. Such a good reminder!

What I Accomplished: I’m proud of all the organizing and tidying I have gotten done by being cooped up indoors over the past month. 

Another space I organized

I’ve also made some progress with my New Year’s Resolutions this year which is always a good feeling and I have made headway on my Winter Bucket List!

Goals from Last Month: I certainly have started some of my New Year’s Resolutions and have been adapting my new year’s motto in my everyday life by not rushing around and being calmer about my days. I’m eager to continue this practice in the next month and through the year.

Winter has returned
Making the most of winter mornings

Goals for this Month: I love the month of February to celebrate Valentine’s Day. I’m also looking forward to a weekend away and time with friends too. 

But, most of all, I’m looking forward to longer and warmer days and hopefully more sunshine!

That’s a look into what I’m currently up to! What has the past month looked like for you!? I would love to know, until then, have a great rest of your week and I’ll see you back here for Friday Favorites!


Currently #50

Hey! Hey! Happy Wednesday!

I hope you have had a great week so far. It’s crazy to think we are at the end of February, with one more day to go as it’s a Leap Year!

This month went by much faster than January, there were more things on the calendar, more time with friends, and much better weather-all good things in my book. Although I know we are not out of the woods yet with winter, knowing we are closer to the end than the beginning is a huge win! There’s more daylight, the days are getting longer, and the temperatures are slowly but surely rising. Spring, I can hear you knocking on my door.

As we get ready for a new month and season, I’m sharing some of the highlights from the past month for this month’s edition of Currently.

What I’ve Been Up To: The month started with some really warm days. Temperatures hit the 50’s and we had lots of sunshine. I didn’t realize how much I missed the sun until we got it back for a few days. I made it a point to get outside for lots of fresh air.  I always like to take advantage of the warm weather and stay active. One of my favorite ways to enjoy both is by taking long walks with my dogs and making phone calls. I love getting my steps in and catching up with friends or family on the phone.

We love a good coffee shop date!

I also have enjoyed time with family and cozing up on the winter days by watching movies or reading. Give me a blanket, light me a candle, and some form of entertainment and I am one happy gal!

Cozy afternoons on the couch

What I’m Wearing: This hasn’t been too much of an exciting month when it comes to clothes. I tried my best to wear my reds and pinks in honor of Valentine’s Day. I also got a lot of wear out of one of my favorite red coats from Old Navy. I love that you can dress up or down in an outfit with this coat. I have worn it out to dinners and work and with leggings and boots.

A look at an outfit for a night out.

What I’m Reading: This was such a good reading month for me. I read a variety of books and genres. 

 Lost and Found in Paris–  Lost and Found in Paris is about a young woman who travels to Paris for work after a major shift in her relationship. She’s hoping to find herself and deliver a piece of artwork to a client. When the artwork goes missing, she’s forced to go on a bit of a treasure hunt around Paris with someone she meets in the city of lights. Through the course of the book, she learns more about herself than she was ever anticipating. I loved this book and it’s in the running for a top book of the year.

Love and Olives– This is the third book in the “Love” trilogy. Jenna Evans Welch wrote two other books, one that takes place in Italy and another in Greece.  This book, Love and Olives follows a girl in high school who travels to Greece to work on her relationship with her dad and help him with a big project. While she’s visiting, she learns more about her father and why he left her for Greece. I loved the setting and the characters. After reading it, I want to book a trip to Greece.

The Unexpected Joy of the Ordinary– This book was more psychologically heavy. The Unexpected Joy of the Ordinary is all about finding the joy in everyday happenings. I was interested in the concept but sometimes got lost in the science behind it. I liked how the author brought in her own experiences to make it relatable but found some of her examples and stories to be a bit sad and dark. I learned a handful of things from the book, but it wasn’t my favorite.

The Little Italian Hotel-  “The Little Italian Hotel”  follows a talk show host who ends up taking her anniversary trip alone. Rather than go with her husband, she invites four strangers to accompany her. The five people bond over heartbreak and become friends as they create memories during their three-week trip abroad. I listened to the book as an audiobook in the car, while I was jogging, and while I was cleaning and doing things around the house. I like the narrator’s voice and she had me hooked the entire time.

Thicker than Water– “Thicker than Water” is by actress, Kerry Washington. She talked about her upbringing, getting into acting, and secrets about her childhood that she learned as an adult. Washington focused more on how she got to where she is today than her career in TV and film. I appreciated her candor in tackling different challenges as she grew up. 

What I’m Watching: I did my best to watch some of the movies and series up for awards this season. I also made some headway in my watchlist on Netflix and Amazon Prime including some older rom-coms. I have been enjoying watching or rewatching them the past few weeks. I did however start a new mini-series which has brought me great joy!

Sanditon PBS mini-series follows a young woman who goes to live with a family who has plans to build up a town by the water. There’s romance, drama, dealing with the class system, and of course, a beautiful backdrop where it all takes place. If you enjoy old British shows or movies, give it a try! There are three seasons, and each season has six to eight episodes. This has been holding me over until Bridgerton is back in the spring.

What Inspires Me: I have been keeping up with my cooking in the kitchen which has brought me lots of joy. I love researching to find a recipe for a meal and then I love taking the time to prepare it, but my favorite part is seeing people’s reactions to trying it. Some of my recipes have been wins, others have flopped, but that’s all a part of the process. I aim to try one new recipe a week if my schedule allows. I also have been using my air fryer more and have tried different recipes, thanks to Pinterest.  Here are some of the recipes I have made.

Air Fryer Blackened Chicken Caesar Salad

Air Fryer Chicken Caprese

Stir Fry

Brownie Truffles

Baked Chicken Fajitas

Air Fryer Potatoes

A Veggies and Rice Stir fry

Baked Chicken Nachos

What I Accomplished: This month started with the Super Bowl and a fun spread I put together for my family. We are Steelers fans, so we didn’t have a team in the game, but it was fun to watch, especially the ending in overtime! I enjoyed the commercials and half-time show and of course, all the snacks!

Just a few days later, we celebrated Valentine’s Day. I put together little treat bags for my gals who live by me and sent some cards to my friends who live out of town. I love doing little things to shower my people with love. I also made my some heart-shaped cookies for my family, which were a hit too.

Valentine’s Day cookies are always a must!

Valentine’s Day also fell on Ash Wednesday, so I started Lent with a new devotional that I got from my church that I will work my way through for the next several weeks.

Sweet Valentine’s gifts
Celebrating Valentine’s Day with some fondue

Goals from Last Month: I was happy that I got to celebrate my gals for Galentine’s Day by catching up with them in person for coffee, a meal, or a shopping trip, or via Facetime or call. The older I get, the more I want to make sure I continue to make time for my friends no matter the distance. I also enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day and making the most out of the winter months.

Sweet treats with friends

Goals from this Month: I am hoping this next month brings an increase in temperatures, more time outside, and more time doing what I love. I’m in a season of gratitude and being present in the moment and I’m working on not stressing about things out of my control. I hope I can continue with that mission in the coming weeks. I am also looking forward to some bonus family time with my brothers being home from school for Spring Break. I am also looking forward to a show at the end of the month. Spring is coming, I can feel it.

Fresh cookies to round out the month

That’s a look into life lately. 

Tell me: as we gear up for a new season, what are you looking forward to the most? Let me know in the comments below! Enjoy your bonus day of February! See you back here on Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #82

Hello All!

Happy Friday! I hope it has been a great week for you as we get ready for another weekend. I hope you are able to fill your cup with what matters most, whether it’s family time, some extra sleep, or a fun excursion. As we make our way through February I am getting set for another round of fun favorites from this past week. These are little things that have brought me joy and I hope you are finding things that have made you smile this past week too.

Let’s jump into this week’s Friday Favorites with Erika and Andrea.

Office Ladies and the Lazy Genius Collaboration– I love the Office and I love the podcast, The Lazy Genius. When I heard they were a part of the same network, I couldn’t wait to see what it would bring. Kendra joined the Office Ladies podcast for an episode and in return, the Office Ladies made an appearance on The Lazy Genius. I loved hearing about their collaboration and how Kendra helped both Angela and Jenna lazy genius different parts of their lives. If you are fans or both or either of these, give both of them a listen. You can find The Lazy Genius episode here and The Office Ladies episode here.

Coloring Books– I always loved to color as a child and got back into it in college. Once again, coloring has found its way in my life and I’m not complaining. I enjoy the calming activity if I’m watching a show in the background or if I’m sitting and just relaxing. I also enjoy coloring or doodling if sports are on and I’m only semi paying attention. Haha! I know studies have been done about the relaxing technique between coloring and I have found that it  calms me down and is a soothing activity. It has definitely brought me joy on chilly winter days.

Thicker than Water– I finished Kerry Washington’s memoir “Thicker than Water” last week. I was captivated from start to finish as she talked about her upbringing, getting into acting and secrets about her childhood that she learned as an adult. It was a fast read as I finished it cover to cover in four days. Washington focused more on how she got to where she is today more than her career in tv and film. I really appreciated her candor about tackling different challenges as she grew up. Washington covered a lot of topics in an earlier interview she did this year with ABC back in September. I would recommend watching that as a companion to reading her book.

Sanditon- I heard about this PBS mini series from The Lazy Genius. In Kendra’s newsletter she talked about how she has been into all this Jane Austen, including this mini-series about one of Austen’s unfinished books. I am currently watching this series on Amazon Prime and have been loving it. The series follows a young woman who goes to live with a family who has plans to build up a town by the water. There’s romance, drama, dealing with the class system and of course a beautiful backdrop where it all takes place. If you enjoy old British shows or movies, give it a try!

Brownie Truffles– As we close out this edition of Friday Favorites, I wanted to share this sweet treat I made last week. I have always been intimidated by making truffles, but I found this recipe from Hershey’s (one of my favorite companies) and had to try it! The recipe was so easy to follow and they came out delicious! Super easy for any party or gathering and they were a hit with my family.

That wraps up today’s Friday Favorites! Some entertainment, recipes, and family fun! 

Tell me: how are you filling your cup this weekend? I hope you make it a memorable one!

Happy Friday! 

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #65

Hello all and happy Halloween weekend! I know Halloween falls on next Tuesday but I feel like this weekend will be a weekend full of celebrating. I know I plan on making some fun Halloween treats, popping some popcorn and enjoying a Halloween movie or two!

Fall out of my kitchen window is BEAUTIFUL!

As the week wraps up, I have a fun roundup of Friday Favorites for you as I link up with with Erika and Andrea .

Love in the Air– If you want a break from Halloween or fall movies and are searching for a light rom-com, I have just the pick for you! Love in the Air on Netflix is all about a woman who takes over her mother’s flight company in Australia. However, it’s on the brink of being closed and being bought by a larger company. After a rocky start when the potential new owner comes to visit, sparks begin to fly between the two. You can figure out the ending from here, but my favorite part was seeing all the beautiful sights in Australia, the entire continent looked gorgeous! If you are looking for a movie to escape for 90 minutes, this is it.

Such a cute movie!

Just Eat– Jessie James Decker’s new cook book, Just Eat, dropped last week and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I love browsing through cookbooks and choosing recipes that look good and attempting to make them on my own. There’s so many sweet and savory recipes that I can’t wait to test out these for myself and my family. Just paging through the book has my mouth watering. I have really enjoyed getting more comfortable in the kitchen and trying new recipes. I grew up helping my mom in the kitchen with cooking and baking and as an adult I have enjoyed the process of attempting family-favorite recipes and trying new ones too. 

Latest cook book!

Fall Graphic T-Shirt– I briefly mentioned this shirt in my post on Wednesday, but I loved it so much I had to make it its own favorite! I browsed so many stores for a cute, fall graphic t-shirt and thanks to YOUR recommendations I found exactly what I was looking for on Amazon and I scored a great deal on it on Prime Days! I got this shirt. I love the fabric, how it fits and how it’s just enough fall cheer without going overboard, plus it was very affordable, what more could you ask for in a shirt? I already have a few graphic t-shirts for Christmas, but I may have to check out Amazon again to see if there’s any new styles.

Burt’s Bees Almond and Milk Hand Cream– I always have hand lotion or cream on me, whether it’s at my desk, in my car or in my purse. My hands get dry in the winter and even in the other months of the year, I like to keep my hands moisturized. I have been using Burt’s Bees Almond and Milk hand cream every day and have been really enjoying this lotion. Just be warned, it is a thick and heavy cream which is great if you have really dry skin. Because it is so heavy, you only need a little bit for your hands. I always feel better after applying some lotion at the start and end of the day and this has been a good product to try and use. 

My new favorite and cream!

Kerry Washington “Thicker Than Water” article on Shondaland- I talked about Kerry Washington’s memoir, “Thicker than Water” coming out a few weeks ago and her interview with Robin Roberts. I haven’t had a chance to read “Thicker than Water” yet, but it’s on my to be read list. Recently, Washington did an interview with Shondaland about how Shonda Rhimes encouraged her to write a book in the first place. I’ve really been enjoying seeing Washington on her press tour and all the different guest moderators at her events. This article gives more insight into why Washington decided to write the book in the first place and some of the things she reveals throughout it. After all this prep, I’m looking forward to reading Washington’s book soon.

That’s a look into some of the things I have been loving this week. Some fall stuff, some shows and books and beauty products! As we gear up for Halloween-weekend, how are you celebrating? Scary movies? Costume parties? Lots of candy? I hope you have a fun and festive weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #61

Happy Friday friends and happy end of September! 

This month of transition flew by! Now that we are at the end of the month, I am officially ready for fall come this weekend! Bring on the apple cider, pumpkins and all the fall leaves!

Beautiful fall walks!

This week was a busy one between catching up with friends for walks and meals, doctor’s appointments and setting up appointments. It was a busy, but productive week and now I’m looking forward to the weekend.

As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s been a few things I’m loving this week.

New Lavendar Pillow Mist Spray– A few weeks ago, in my Let’s Look post, I shared how I use a pillow/room mist spray before bed. Well, right after that post, I finished off the bottle, so it was time to get a new one. I got this Lavendar spray from Bath and Body Works and I have been loving it. The scent isn’t too strong and it’s very subtle. That’s something I always worry about when it comes to the scents, how strong do they come across? Especially when I’m going to be breathing it in for hours. Thankfully, this one isn’t too strong. If you are looking for a room or pillow spray to use before bed, I would recommend this one!

A fresh scent for bedtime.

Kerry Washington and Robin Roberts Interview– I’ve been a fan of Kerry Washington since she starred in Scandal. I loved the show and her acting in it and I have continued to follow her career since then. I was interested in her autobiography, Thicker than Water that came out this week. I plan on reading it soon, however, ahead of the release, she did an interview with Robin Roberts with ABC News that aired on Sunday night. Washington talked a lot about her book and some of the big bombshells from it and what she learned about herself writing it. Washington opened up a lot in her interview with Roberts and after watching it, I saw a whole different side of Washington. After watching the interview, I’m even more eager to get my hands on it. You can find her interview with Roberts here. 

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3- I love a good rom-com and I haven’t been to the movies in ages. My mom and I took advantage of a cooler day and went to the movies to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 and it didn’t disappoint. It was the perfect continuation of the other two movies. Tula and some members of her family head to Greece for a family reunion and of course, the trip doesn’t go as planned. The movie is filled with laughs, romance, gorgeous places in Greece and of course, lots of Greek food. After watching the movie, I was craving Greek delicacies. This was movie was so cute and well-worth the trip to the theater.

Such a cute movie!

New shoes from Anne Klein– Clearly, I have been on a shopping frenzy when it comes to shoes. From brown flats, to black Mary Janes and now some dress shoes from Anne Klein, I have been doing all the shopping. I got these shoes from DSW, and I have worn them for work a lot already. They are super comfortable which is a major win! I love how they are both nude and black so they can work with so many outfits, whether it’s a pair of dress pants, a skirt, or a dress, and with any color!  I also love the small block heel, this makes it great for long days on my feet and I love the thin strap too, another way to make sure your feet stay in place. These shoes can be dressed up and down in both a professional and casual manner. I can’t wait to start pairing them with outfits soon!

New shoes for the new season!

Fall Fruit– I’m in my fruit era and that includes all the end of summer and start of fall fruits. Pears have been my go-to recently. I have been enjoying them with lunches even on salads. They have been the perfect complement to my meals. I always find myself eating more fruit in the summer compared to fall and winter but want to keep up with my fruit intake over the next few months. I can’t wait to go apple picking over the next few weeks and enjoy the apple by themselves and in lots of fruit baked goods too- hello apple muffins, breads, crumbles and pies! 

I have been loving my pears!

That’s a look into what has been on my radar and what I’ve been loving! Tell me, as we say goodbye to September and hello to October, what’s on your October to-do? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fall-tastic weekend!