
Currently #18

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of JUNE!!! Where has the month gone??  These past few weeks have been packed with fun, family time, and lots of fresh food. YUM! I have so much to share with you. Let’s get started!

What I’m up to: I’ve been marking a lot of things off my summer to do list. From seeing friends, doing family activities and going to my favorite summer spots. From ice cream dates, to our family vacation and end of the school year traditions. June has been packed, but so fun. 

Summer smores and bonfires go hand and hand

What I’m wearing: I did a post a few weeks back about some of my favorite summer outfits. You can find it here. We went on vacation last week and I will have a post about what I wore on vacation in the coming weeks. For work days, it’s been lots of sleeveless dresses. For off days it was been t-shirt dresses and short sets. Super easy to put together and comfortable for being outside. 

Here’s one of the dresses I wore!

What I’m reading: I’ve been on the fiction train when it comes to books. Some of my favorite reads have been about travel, friendship and love. No surprise there…haha. I like to really escape. I just finished The Paris Wedding for our book club…it was so good. It told the story of a girl who goes to her ex’s wedding in Paris. I love the description of Paris and reading about what happens when these ex’s are reunited. I’m currently working on The Bookstore at the Beach. It’s the perfect summer read by the pool or ocean. It’s about three generations of women and the secrets and struggles that they are working on while spending the summer together. I’m only halfway through but I’m loving it so far.

What I’m Watching: If you have been following this blog for a while you know I take forever to watch a show…like for someone who watches a series in a month, it will take me 3 months. That being said, I’m still watching Offspring, which is soooo good. I’m also catching up on season 2 of Lupin on Netflix, again a very good show too! 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving the summer weather and spending time outside and making more plans with friends. Now that more people are vaccinated it makes travel and seeing friends and family much easier! Also I’ve been loving all the fresh fruits and veggies that come with summer too. Plus who doesn’t love a summer salad. YUM!

My favorite summer pasta salad. Recipe coming soon!

What Inspires Me: I’m inspired by our return to a sense of normalcy. This summer feels almost like things are back to normal. I’m also inspired by new life with fresh flowers and taking things a bit slower in the summer months too.

Grilling at the beach was something new I tried this summer!

What I accomplished: I am making the most of summer. I’ve also been working on some fun work projects and making plans more plans for summer. We also celebrated my youngest brother graduating from elementary school too which was fun. We had been at the same school with 4 children for 18 years. It was sweet send off.  

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Getting some time away with my family was much needed and so fun! We went to one of our favorite places and I can’t wait to share some pictures soon!! 

Just a taste from our family vacation… 😉

Goals for the New Month: Continuing with my summer bucket list. I can’t wait to see more friends, do my summer activities and relax with family at the end of the day! I’m also starting a new role at my job which I’m super excited about. Also, the Fourth of July is quickly approaching which is a favorite summer event for me too! 

I tried a new local crepe spot this summer…yum!

That’s a recap of my life. Lots of family time, crossing off things from my summer bucket list and enjoying the outdoors…it’s truly the best days of summer. 


Currently #17

Hey guys!

Happy Wednesday! I’m doing my Currently a week early since my birthday is next week and my post next week will be about turning 23…now that all that is out of the way, it’s time for this month’s currently. 

What I’m up to: I had many plans to be outside, but this past month was wet, cold and rainy. The dreary weather led me to stay inside more. But that meant more time for reading, watching movies and baking, I do hope that June brings warmer weather and more sunshine too. We got lots of sun in April so it was a tease not to have it in May. I also don’t mention it a lot but I go to the gym regularly so that helps get my blood pumping in the morning when I can’t get outside for a walk. 

Wearing all the bright colors to channel some warmer weather.

What I’m wearing: I wish I could say I was wearing sleeveless dresses, and shorter, summery dresses but unfortunately, it’s a lot of layers still. ¾ sleeve dresses have been my go-to. It’s a perfect mix of summer with the coverage for spring. Jean jackets and leggings have been my comfy go-to on days off. I have a few new brighter dresses that I can’t wait for warmer weather to wear. 

A look at some longer sleeve dresses

What I’m reading: My book club has been a godsend through the pandemic and this past year. Not only do I get my daily reading thanks to my book club, but I also get weekly chats with my high school friends in. This past month I read a lot of books. We started out with Eat Pray Love. I have seen the movie starring Julia Roberts but was excited to read the book too. The book goes deeper than the movie. But they tell the story of a woman who isn’t happy in her marriage or her job. She decides to end her marriage and go on a year long trip to Italy, India and Indonesia. On this trip she finds herself, finds her faith maybe even finds love. After reading it, it makes me want to go on a trip to some of these gorgeous places.

A+ book for me!

I also read Bobbi Brown’s book, Beauty Rules, I’ve had it for years but finally got around to reading it. There was lots of good information and tips of beauty too.

Another informative read

I’m currently reading Spilled Milk, it’s been a tougher book to get through. It’s about a girl growing up and the hardship she endures as she lives in an abusive household. It’s definitely been a tougher book to get through due to the subject material but it’s been good so far. 

My current read

What I’m Watching:  I’m still loving Offspring on Netflix. It’s about a family and their grown children and all the ups and downs of life. It’s a fun and quirky show and definitely a lighter watch especially at the end of a long day. A lot of my weekly shows are wrapping up. It’s been interesting to see how different shows handle Covid, some have taken the pandemic into their storylines, others haven’t incorporated them in their shows. It’s been fascinating to see them all handle the challenged this year has thrown at them. 

What I’m Loving: Life has been good. I’ve gotten a chance to work on some fun stories at work and fill in on our weekend morning show which was fun. I’ve enjoyed the extra family time I’ve gotten with my parents and siblings now that school is wrapping up for the year. 

I got to celebrate my brother’s Confirmation last week.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by more and more people getting vaccinated and the world slowly getting back to normal. I got my second dose a few weeks back. Although, I had some typical side effects I was very glad to have gotten vaccinated. A lot of our restrictions are getting lifted at the end of the month which makes me feel more comfortable going out and doing things and seeing people.

Proof of getting vaccinated

What I accomplished: In the past month I got my second dose, got some big work projects done and continued to see my close family and friends on my days off. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I got to celebrate Mother’s Day at home with my family which was so nice. I also got to celebrate some birthdays which was fun. I also got to try a few new restaurants which was fun and super tasty. It gives me things to look forward to in the summer months. 

Trying out some local spots

Goals for the New Month: summer, bucket list, trips, seeing friends, For June, I’m looking forward to planning my summer bucket list from things to do, places to see and people to visit. I am looking forward to summer getting underway and spending more time outside and doing outdoor activities too. 

That’s a recap of my life. Nothing too exciting, but some of the best things in life happen during the simple days. What are you loving nowadays?