Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #52

Hi everyone!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great last week of July! I don’t know about you, but I feel like the pressure is on to get everything in these last few weeks of summer before everyone goes back to school or college. This week has been a good mix of work and fun, which is always a win in my book.

We love a good beach day in the summer!

Today’s Friday Favorites is a mix of food, shows, books and some accessories too. As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea to share some of my favorite things from this past week.

Sweet Magnolias– I know it technically came out last week, but I didn’t start watching Sweet Magnolias until this week, hence why it’s included in this week’s favs! I have missed this show and was so happy to have it back. I’ve been enjoying the storylines, the southern charm, the drama and relationships, but most importantly the friendship. This was a fun show to watch at the end of the day or put it on in the background as I’m cleaning, doing laundry or computer work too.

Stir Fry– I have been loving a classic stir fry lately for lunches. Now, you can make it from scratch with fresh veggies, rice, and a protein and meal prep it for the week ahead, but what I have been doing is using what I have already made in my fridge. Take this stir fry for example, I had leftover rice from a dinner, added some chicken from when we grilled it the night before and then shaved leftover corn from corn on the cob for the corn and added in some fresh veggies and soy sauce to complete the dish. It took me less than ten minutes to throw it together and it gave me a few healthy and filling meals. Here’s a few other food options to add to your stir fry: If you enjoy scrambled eggs or have leftover eggs from breakfast add those in, if you like seafood, add in some shrimp for a seafood stir fry or any type of meat, from steak to beef or chicken, you can really add whatever you want for a healthy and resourceful lunch.

A tasty lunch!

Running Sneakers– If you have been following along this year or summer, you may remember that I have gotten into running this year. I have been running with the same pair of sneakers for the past few years and decided since I am more serious about running, I should invest in some running sneakers. I got a pair of New Balance sneakers and have been wearing them as I run. I really like how they provide support to my ankles and feet. I’m glad I got a sneaker upgrade before my race in a few weeks.

My new go-to sneakers

Hummus– Another food favorite! I have been loving hummus this summer. I really got into it when I was on vacation in June and have been enjoying it through the summer. I love enjoying hummus with carrots, celery, peppers, even apples. A few other ways I have enjoyed hummus is with pita, some grilled chicken, even steak, if you are looking for a protein to add. This has been a tasty summer snack.

The Guest List by Lucy Foley– This is not necessarily a beach and summer read, but I really enjoyed The Guest List by Lucy Foley. Without giving too much away, it’s all about a wedding that happens on an island in Ireland. It’s told through the perspective of the different guests at the wedding, leading up to the wedding and the wedding day itself. On the wedding night, an incident happens and the book follows the events that transpires leading up to it and following it. Throughout the book you learn all the different ways the guests are connected and the secretes that lie among them. I really enjoyed the storyline and hearing the perspectives of different characters and the plot. If you like a good “who done it”, you will like this book. The last ten pages were the best!

That’s a look into things I’m loving this week, a mix of books, shows, food, and clothes. Tell me! As we say goodbye to July and hello to August, what has been some of your favorite moments of this past month? Let me know in the comments below! Enjoy your last week of July!


Currently #43

Hi everyone! 

Happy Wednesday! It makes me sad to that we are at the end of July. I feel like June was so well paced and a great introduction to summer and then July came and went in a blink of an eye. There’s always so much anticipation to summer and then it goes by too fast. I know August will be a busy month with end of summer activities and people heading back to school.

Summer is in full bloom!

In good news, I did my best to make the most out of July! From a low key Fourth of July to a concert, seeing friends and some pool days, it was packed full of summer fun in between work. Here’s a look at what I’ve been up to.

What I’m Up To– July started off with the Fourth of July, this year was a bit more lowkey as it fell in the middle of the week and I was working, but my family and I still grilled and enjoyed some Fourth fun and sunshine after work. It’s more about the people and moments than all the extra hustle and bustle.

Our Fourth of July spread

This month, I also made two trips to the Pittsburg area. The first was to catch up with friends for lunch and dinner.  Living long distance and being on different work schedules has made it challenging to see some friends so it was great to catch up in person and enjoy some time outside too.

Catching up with friends is always good for the soul

My second trip was to see Ed Sheeran in concert which was so fun. I saw him back during his Divide tour and I was excited to see him perform songs from all his albums. 

Ed Sheeran’s tour

I also got to enjoy some live music this summer, our city always does a great job at hosting live music events, and I have gone to a few of them. There’s nothing better than live music by the water.

Live music in the summer, a must for summer!

I also enjoyed lots of time outside, having pool and reading days on my days off. We had a stretch of beautiful weather and I tried to soak up as much time outside as possible.

Reading by the pool days
Summer walks by the water.

What I’m Wearing– Last week, I shared some summer outfits that I have been wearing to work, you can read more about it here.

I also have been into skorts and casual skirts recently too. Here’s been some of my favorite looks. 

I have also been wearing shorts and all the graphic t-shirts. They are so easy to throw on for off days especially when I’m outside and just relaxing on days off. 

Also, t-shirt dresses are a major win for me in the summer, they are lightweight and easy to throw on after work or heading out and about to run errands, you look put together with minimal effort. A win across the board.

Perfect for a day in the city

What I’m Reading– I had such a good month for reading. This month has been a mixed bag of genres and they have been so fun!

Happy Place- I couldn’t wait to dive into this book. Happy Place tells the story of six friends reuniting in their favorite spot for one last summer trip together and one of the couples pretending they are still together when they have broken up. The personalities of the friends, the description of the setting and the nostalgia had me craving a week at the lake. I read this book on vacation and it was the perfect beach read. If you haven’t read this book yet or any of Emily Henry’s books, you are missing out.

Such a fun, summer read!

My Hygee Home- I got this book for my birthday and it’s all about making a house a home and ways to incorporate Hygee which is a Danish practice into your home. I learned a lot of practical lessons about ways to make your home cozy and useful and purposeful too. It would be a great coffee table book and a great read too. You can easily finish it in one sitting.

28 Summers- 28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand was such a fun summer read. It’s about a man and woman who meet as young college students and agree to meet up every summer in Nantucket no matter what. Now, let me start out by saying, I don’t believe in cheating or having affairs, but I did enjoy reading about how no matter what was going on in these character’s lives, they always met up every year. I loved seeing how their relationship changed and stayed the same through the years. I also loved reading all about Nantucket and it makes me want to visit even more.

A favorite summer read.

What I’m Watching– Summer is typically a slower time for me for tv shows, but now with streaming services, I feel like there are more options to watch different shows. I’ve done some binge watching, but a lot of these shows have episodes that come out weekly. This summer, I have been watching Outlander, which I have really been enjoying this season, especially the twist with Roger and Brianna. I won’t say more than that to avoid spoilers, but these episodes have been really good.

I also have been watching And Just Like That, every week, again, another light and fun show. In my opinion, season two has had really good episodes and some have fallen flat for me. Overall, I still love the friendships, the fashion and the nostalgia and that’s what draws me in week after week. 

As far as binge-watching goes, I have been watching The Summer I Turned Pretty on Amazon Prime. I never read the books, but I watched the first season last summer and thought it was cute and I wanted to see what was in store for season 2. This season has been definitely more dramatic and intense, but it’s still fun to watch. There are moments that are a bit unrealistic, but overall, it’s a fun show to watch at the end of the day.

Lastly, Sweet Magnolias has been my other go-to binge watch. If watching this show doesn’t make you want to move to a small Southern town, I don’t know what does. I love the aspects of southern hospitality, the one-liners and life lessons and most of all the friendships. Such a fun summer show.

What Inspires Me– I have been inspired by my garden that I started at the beginning of this summer. I am finally seeing some progress and some buds. It’s been exciting to see it grow as I tend to it every day.

My garden so far!
My first set of veggies! Peas!

I’ve also been inspired by finding new places to walk and hike. I have my places that I love to go to, but it’s been fun to find new spots and explore new places and get some exercise too.

Plus no summer would be complete without a trip to the zoo!

What I Accomplished– I’ve been doing my best to soak up summer and I think I’ve been doing a good job with it by trying to build in slower days in a busy schedule. I have also been trying to go to as many events that are traditions and free and fun! Plus, I’ve been doing everything I can do to spend time outside, from reading to grilling outside, I have been soaking up all the sun!

I’ve also been enjoying lots of meals outside.
Plus lots of grilling too!

Goals from Last Month– I made the most of summer and actitvites by crossing things off my summer bucket list. From friends, to new adventures and places and visiting old spots, it’s been a packed month. Plus, throw in some family time and you have a great July!

Summer beach days in July!

I’ve also been enjoying trying new recipes! Last week, I made homemade chicken sandwiches! So good!

A mix between a McChicken and Chick Fil A sandwich! Yum!

Goals for Next Month-The time is almost here. I’m crossing something off my 2023 New Year’s Resolutions and Summer Bucket List by running my first 5K. I have been training for it since the spring and all of this summer and I think I’m almost ready. A 5K may not seem like a huge accomplishment, but for someone who has always hated running, the fact I am excited to do this and have enjoyed the hobby is a big deal to me. I’m looking forward to finishing and accomplishing it next month. I’ve been running longer distances and I’m proud of myself for what my body can do.

Next month, I’m also looking to some family time as we take a little getaway and then some final summer adventures. 

July flew by, but looking back, I accomplished so much. I know August will be busy with trying to get everything done, but I’m excited to see what the next month brings.