Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #78

Hello all!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week and have something fun planned for the weekend. I can’t believe we are looking ahead to the last weekend of January. This month went by so fast, I have a love/hate relationship with January. I love the clean slate and freshness that comes with a new month, but I don’t like the cold and how after the holidays there’s not as much to look forward to. I try to put things on the calendar or make plans so I have something to look forward to in the winter months. That being said, I am looking forward to February and a new month.

Fresh cookies on cold, winter days

This week’s roundup of Friday Favorites is giving me something to smile about and look forward to. 

Here’s some of my favorite things this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

New Candle– There’s no better pairing than a cold, snowy, day and a warm, burning candle. I have been using this candle, Winter, from Bath and Body Works all month long in the morning and night. It’s hard to describe the scent, it’s not overpowering with fragrance. It has a subtle, natural scent, that’s perfect for a fresh start. It definitely smells like nature with some of the notes. Although I use it in my room, it would be great in a common space like a living room or dining room too. I don’t often purchase candles from Bath and Body Works due to the cost, but I couldn’t wait to try this one I got for Christmas.

 Maestro– Have you watched Maestro yet on Netflix? It tells the story of American composer, Leonard Bernstein. Bradley Cooper, directed, produced, and starred in the movie that has already gained nominations at several different award shows. I heard a lot of mixed reviews about the movie, and I was anxious to see it for myself. I learned a lot about Bernstein; his life, his music, his marriage and personal life. I thought there would be more about his music and work as a composer, but the movie focused more on his marriage and the relationships he had. The movie was interesting, and I learned a lot about the man that had a lot to do with the music we still listen and recognize today. My biggest takeaway was how much Cooper transformed into the character. He deserves all the awards for this role. 

Favoriting Photos– This isn’t a new concept by any means, but I found a new life hack and wanted to share it with you. Favoriting photos on my iPhone has been such a game changer for me. I use my camera a lot not only for taking planned photos, but also for taking photos of things that are important and don’t want to forget. Having important photos saved in one spot makes it so easy to find things. I also create folders for my photos for projects too. But, if I need to save a password or username or important photo, I know it’s saved in one spot. This is a great tool for helping organize your photos.

Mini Notebooks– By now you probably know I am a huge fan of Simplified. I use their planner daily and some of their products too. I have several of their mini notebooks but didn’t know the best way to use them in my life. At the start of the year, I finally came up with a great system to use them. I was constantly finding myself grabbing scrap paper or post-it notes to write down to-dos or reminders and would either end up losing the papers or I would end up with several post it notes. I decided to use one of the notebooks to put all the lists in. Each week I start a new page and write down any extra to-dos that need done over the course of the week. In my planner, I write down specific to-dos for each day, but I use my mini notebooks almost as a brain dump for all the extra things that need done. I have a running list in one spot and I’m not constantly writing down notes on random pieces of paper. This has been a huge help for me this year.

Matching mini notebook and planner

New Car Scent– I promise this is my last favorite thing of new scents, but it turned out that all my scents got swapped through this month. It seemed like the theme was new year/month, new scents. I always like a fresh and refreshing scent in my car. This Eucalyptus and Spearmint scent was just the thing I was looking for when I wanted to update my scent from Bath and Body Works. The scent is a bit stronger which I prefer especially if I’m driving around or if I have food or something heavily scented in my car. I always love a refreshing smell and this didn’t disappoint.

That wraps up another round of Friday Favorites. As we wrap up this month, I hope you find something that brings a smile to your face. I always try to remind myself that we can find joy and happiness in the smallest and most mundane things in life.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #77

Hello All!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week! I like this time of year since it really forces you to slow down and rest. I’ve been spending more time indoors, reading, cooking, and watching movies, however, I do miss getting outdoors for fresh air but right now, 32 degrees doesn’t seem too pleasant to enjoy. I’ve also been doing my best to catch up with friends after the holidays. I got to see friends before things got busy in December, but now that things have calmed down, it’s been good to get back into a routine of seeing my people.

Warm soup on a cold day

As we finish up another work week, I’m sharing a fun batch of favorites from the past week as I Iink up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites.

I have a mixed bag of things I’m loving and using this week. 

Family Switch– Have you seen the Family Switch on Netflix? I had it on my watch list for a while and some of my family members and I watched it right after the holidays. I was really looking forward to seeing the movie since the concept looked cute and I liked the casting. The movie was good, but not great. There were some cheesy and unrealistic parts and lines, but the overall the message was cute. The movie follows a family whose bodies and personalities all get swapped with one another right before Christmas. The theme of the movie is all about living in someone else’s shoes and learning from each other. This would be a good family movie or a good movie to have on in the background if you are working on other projects. Tell me: if you have seen it, what did you think of it?

New Journal-New year, new journal. Every year I get a different journal and I take my time picking it out, based on what I want to reflect on or what I need it for. I got this journal for Christmas, and it fits exactly what I was looking for in a journal for this year. It’s organized a bit more like a planner, so you can use it as a planner if you choose,  but you can fill out your monthly goals and dreams, there’s a spot for daily musings or writings and there’s inspirational quotes and stickers found throughout the book. I always do my journaling in the morning and I’m looking forward to filling out this journal through the year.

New Room Scent– The Christmas scents are done and now it’s time for warm, winter scents. Snowflakes and Cashmere is my new wall flower scent. Like many scents I enjoy, this has a subtle, sweet scent that isn’t too overpowering. I did a post a while back, but I always like to have some scent in my room, whether it be a candle burning, a wall flower plugged in, or a diffuser going. I never have them all operating at one time, but I change them out depending on what I’m feeling and what scent I’m going for. I like the freshness a wall flower provides and how it can automatically elevate a space based on scent. 

Meet the Parents Series– This may seem like a silly favorite since it’s far from new, but it’s a favorite for me this week. My boyfriend and I have been making our way through the Meet the Parents series on Netflix. I have only seen parts of the movies, but we decided to sit down and watch them together over the course of a week after work and on the weekends. One of my favorite things about streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime is finding older movies to watch or re-watch. We have been loving watching these movies from the early to mid 2000’s, from the one-liners to the quirky family dynamics, it’s been such a fun watch. If you have any classic comedies or dramas that you enjoy, drop them below!

Green Concealer– I have red undertones in my skin complexion so I often use a green primer or concealer. I had been using NYX green concealer, but when the store didn’t have any in stock, I decided to give Maybelline’s green concealer a try and have been very pleased with how it’s been working. I like how smooth the stick goes on my face. It blends in really well and it works well with the other products I use on my face, from skin care to makeup. I’ll use this stick until it runs out and then I will decide if I want to go back to NYX or stick with this.

That’s a look into what I’ve been loving and what has been working for me. Tell me: what are some things you have been loving this week? 

 I hope you have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #76

Happy Friday friends! I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend. Maybe you have something fun planned whether it’s a date night, hanging with your girlfriends or tackling some house projects.

We are in a new year and that means lots of fresh starts and new beginnings which evident in today’s Friday Favorites. I also got some fun presents for Christmas, so I’ll be sharing those in the coming weeks too. As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea. for some new favorite things this week and year. 

New Lotion-Strawberry Snowflakes– The timing worked out perfectly that I needed a new scent as the new year rolled around. I got Strawberry Snowflakes lotion and body spray for Christmas, and I have really been enjoying the warm scent with a hint of sweetness. I like body sprays and lotions that have a bit of a sweet or refreshing scent, but that’s not too overpowering or strong. I don’t splurge too often on Bath and Body Works, but when I do, I make sure it’s during one of their major sales they have throughout the year. This has been a luxurious way to treat myself every day.

New Planner– I purchased my Simplified 2024 Yearly planner back in the fall, but just started using it last week and it has been a favorite of mine. Before the new year begins, I always like spending some time setting up my new planner with dates to remember, goals to follow and items to track. I made a few minor changes of how I plan to use my planner more efficiently this year and I’m eager to see if these new systems work. It feels so good to start the new year out with a clean slate and new planner. I also will be using their mini notebooks to keep track of notes and to-do’s that come up through the week as well.

New year, new planner

Near in the Night– I purchased the second devotional, Near in the Night from Emily Ley last year, but saved it to start at the start of the new year. I typically do my quiet time in the morning, but it has been nice to wind down with some reading and reflection at the end of the day too. It’s been a soothing way to get off my screen a bit earlier in the evening and read and unwind before I head to bed. Plus, I love the way Emily writes and have really enjoyed the scriptures she chose reflect on.

Libby– Speaking of reading, it’s no secret that reading is one of my favorite hobbies. I always read every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. I recently downloaded the Libby app, which allows you to check out EBooks and audiobooks from your local library. I prefer reading hardcover or paperback books as opposed to reading them on a screen, but I have found that if I have a book on my phone, I’m more apt to read it as opposed to scrolling through social media. I’m currently reading “The Senator’s Wife”, both the book and Libby have been favorites for this book lover.

Clutch Charger-I got a Clutch charger for Christmas and this has been a favorite tech device for me. This slim, portable charger attaches to the back of your cell phone with a magnetic ring and provides a fast charge to your cell phone. It isn’t big or bulky and it charges both as a device and your phone fast. I can’t wait to use this charger more when I travel more through the year. Plus, the pink color sparks joy for me too!

That’s a roundup of some of my favorite things from this past week and from the new year.

What’s something that has brought you joy this week? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #75

Hello all! 

Happy Friday!

We made it through the first week of January! How was your first week of the New Year? Have you started chipping away at your New Year’s Resolutions or giving yourself some grace this first week of the year? I know I enjoyed getting back into a routine and doing some cleaning, we still have all our Christmas decorations up which makes our home feel extra cozy. Regardless of how you are spending this week, I hope it’s been a good one. 

I saw this quote and thought it was so timely especially if you are embracing these next few months as a slower time.

Today I’m sharing some last of holiday fun and some new favorites from this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another roundup of favorites for the first week of the new year!

Books Beach and Beyond– I heard about this podcast, Books Beach and Beyond in the fall but didn’t have a chance to start listening to it until the Christmas holiday. If you are a book lover like me, then you will love this podcast. Author, Elin Hilderbrand hosts the podcast with Tim Ehrenberg, and they talk to different authors about their books, where they get their inspiration from and what projects they are working on. The two hosts have interviewed Taylor Jenkins Reid, Colleen Hoover, Ann Patchett and Kristin Hannah, just to name a few. This podcast is so informative, and it gives great insight into the literary world. I really have been enjoying this podcast and hope they bring it back for season two in the new year.

A new favorite podcast

Candy Cane Lane-We watched Candy Cane Lane for a family movie night over Christmas break. The movie stars Eddie Murphy and it’s all about a man who loves Christmas. He participates in a house decorating contest, but gets caught up in signing a deal in hopes of winning, which results in some magic getting out of hand. The movie follows the classic Twelve Days of Christmas song as each of the items comes to life. There are a lot of good one-liners and fun catch phrases in the movie too. This was the perfect family movie that held everyone’s attention in my house. If you are still in the Christmas spirit, you can watch it on Amazon Prime.

Such a cute movie!

Wordle party game– We got the Wordle party game for Christmas and it has been a huge hit in our home. A few of my siblings and I play Wordle every day, so this game takes it to the next level. Up to four people can play the game. One person chooses the five-letter word, and all the players have to guess the word using the same rules as the daily game on the New York Times. If you are a fan of Wordle, this game is definitely worth the buy, plus it forces you to really put your thinking cap on.

A great family game

Mighty Patch– As far as beauty products go, the Mighty Patch has been a new favorite for me. I tried using the Mighty Patches after I got them as a gift and have been impressed with how well they work. These clear patches go over any blemishes you may have for a faster clear-up of your face. You can get them for overnight wear or daily wear. I tried a sample pack of both and found that the overnight patches work better. This product won’t solve all your acnes issues, but it does help if you are looking for a quick fix here or there.

Chopped Pomegranate Salad– I love a good salad, but I’m not one to purchase bagged salads too often due to the expense, I would rather make a salad with vegetables I already have at home and on hand. However, we picked up a few chopped salads to go with some appetizer nights and they were a hit. I really enjoyed this pomegranate salad, it’s a perfect blend of flavors for fall and winter.  We enjoyed this salad with some other snack bites, but it could also go great with a pizza night or with a protein like chicken or steak.

 That’s a look into some of the things that I have been loving this week, from the last bit of holiday fun to games, beauty products and food, there was something for everyone. I hope you have a relaxing and cozy weekend as we begin a new month.