Fabulous living

My Dream First Job

Hi everyone!! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a great week! Today, I thought I would give you a look into my work life. In college, I brought you into my daily school life, with work, classes, meetings, friends, and things to do. Well, now that college is over, and I’ve been working full time for the past six months, I thought it was time I introduce you to my work life. 

Following graduation, I accepted a job back home as Multimedia journalist at my local news station. For people following for a while, this is the same place where I interned at a few years back. You can read about my summer internship here. So, what does that mean? I’m a reporter, but I do everything. I pitch stories, set up interviews, do the interview, shoot the video, edit it together for a story and then front it on the news at the end of the day. I’ve also helped out doing digital and producing on the weekends as well as trying out some anchoring. It’s a lot, but I love it. I have gotten so much experience in these past six months that I never could have imagined. I have also learned about all the moving parts that go into bringing a newscast to life from start to finish.

On the job

These past six months have been nothing short of exciting. Let’s begin back in December, I started two days before Christmas, worked 12 days straight, we then went straight into winter weather news and coverage, then with spring came the Coronavirus pandemic, so during that time we adapted to a new normal, and with summer came many protests and riots. It has been a whirlwind but I have loved every moment. I have been able to cover stories about schools handling harsh weather, businesses taking on the pandemic whether it’s about closing or reopening, I’ve covered different events, highlighted different families going through their best and worst moments. It has been so rewarding to tell these stories. 

Working on the anchor desk

I have met some incredible people both on stories and in the newsroom. It’s been so rewarding to cover stories in my hometown. I’ve been given the opportunity to learn and work with people that I grew up watching. One of my close friends sent me this side by side comparison which is crazy of how far I have come. 

Crazy how much time can change when you work hard to achieve your dreams

A few months back, my college highlighted different young alumni and they asked to feature me which was an extreme honor. You can see the video highlighting a day in the life here. 

Part of my day in the life video

I have loved every minute of my job, yes, not every day is easy or fun but I have learned so much about myself and this job and my hometown through this job. I can’t wait to see what the next few years bring! 

Covering the morning after riots

Thank you to everyone who has watched and supported me through these first few months. If you are still interested or want to follow along more, you can like or follow my Facebook page for all my stories. 

Have a beautiful week and a wonderful Fourth of July!

Fabulous living

Summer Recap

Well at the beginning of the summer I shared my summer bucket list and today I’m sharing everything I got accomplished! Let’s see how we did…

Summer List

–              Complete Internship-YES

I had a great summer internship experience, you can read all about it here

Practicing my reporting

–              Go some place new-YES

I went to Taylor Swift’s concert so that counts as something new, right!?

…Are you Ready for It?

–              Take a trip-YES

My family and a took a getaway to one of our favorite places, it was so nice to get away and unwind.

Getting away for a bit

–              Sleep in-YES

I was able to snag a few days to sleep in and take it easy during the weekend and a few week days when I was off of work.

–              See high school friends-YES

It was so good to see many friends from high school, we picked up where we left off-love them!

Fourth of July spent with my favorites

–              See one (or more) college friends-YES

I’m really proud that I pulled this off, I saw FOUR friends from high school. All my friends live at least 2 hours or more away so I was so happy I was able to see them

Much needed retail therapy

–              Read SIX book (one more than last summer)-YES

I really outdid myself with reading this summer. I’ll be posting a book review soon so you can see how many I read.

–              Watch SUITS-NO

I got through most of it this summer but still have a few more episodes to go. I really enjoyed this series. You can check it out on USA or Amazon Prime.


–              Watch Evil Genius-YES

I binged watched this while I was traveling and it was so good. I would recommend it for sure, plus who doesn’t like to watch a documentary about something that happened 5 minutes from their house…true story

–              Watch Comedians in Cars getting Coffee-YES

I watched one episode (episodes are only 20 minutes) every morning while getting ready for work. It was something super light and easy to watch.

my latest obsession

–              See Mamma Mia 2-YES

I loved this movie, I have been listening to the soundtrack nonstop. It was definitely a favorite movie for me.

such a good movie

–              See Oceans 8-YES

Loved this movie, it was so well done and the cast couldn’t have been better, girl power all the way.

Another movie I loved

–              See family and spend time with them-YES

I was so happy I was able to see both sides of my family, from grandparents, cousin’s and aunts and uncles. Family over everything!

–              Try something new-YES

Doing my internship counts right?!

–              Go to the beach-YES

I went a few times to cover stories for my internship, but I also went to watch the sunset.

Watching the sunset

–              Take more walks-YES

I did better at the beginning of summer, but I can’t wait to be back in the gym once school starts back

–              Eat at a food truck-YES

One of my best friends and I grabbed lunch one day downtown. It was delicious and a fun way to catch up.

Grabbing lunch with my girl downtown

–              Watch the sunset and sunrise-YES

My family and I went to the beach to watch the sunset and I had  a few early mornings where I watched the sun rise.

Watching the sunset

–              See a concert-YES

I saw both the Piano Guys and Taylor Swift. Both incredible shows. I absolutely loved them


We had great seats to see her perform on one of the smaller stages

–              Spend more time outside-YES

Whether it was swimming, tanning, reading or working, I spent a lot of time outside.

Soaking up the sun

–              Go swimming more often-YES

I wanted to go in more but I got in the pool more than last summer so that counts.

–              Do more free things (Zoo, parks, festivals)-YES

I did but I could have done better, hey I had a busy summer, I did make it to the zoo, beach, and relaxed so that counts

–              Trip to Pittsburgh-YES

I went a few times for some sightseeing, zoo, a concert. I did very well in this department

City lights at Night

–              Breakfast at iHop-YES

It was more of a brunch but I got my fill of iHOP.

–              Don’t rush as much and be in the moment-YES/.NO

I wished I slowed down more but sadly I was often on the go. Always more things to work on

–              Smile more-YES

This was the summer of me! I had such a good summer and smiled a lot.


–              Be spontaneous-YES

I was spontaneous but there is always room for improvement.

I truly had a wonderful summer. I lived a lot, learned a lot and really took care of myself and had some fun. Summer 2018 you were so good to me! Fall Semester, let’s get to work!

Fabulous living

Summer Internship

Hi All!

I hope you had a great weekend. I just got back from a packed full summer vacation. It was great to be off the radar for a while, but now it’s back to business and school mode is in full effect!

Today I am sharing what I’ve been up to this summer. As you know, I have pretty busy working between my internship and summer job. I couldn’t have asked for a better summer internship. I interned at one of my local news stations. As a communication major, there are so many areas to work in. For several years, i have had an interest in journalism and the news. As my graduation gets closer and closer I thought it would be a good idea see if working in the media is something I would want to dedicate my career to.

View from the control room, watching the magic happen

Last January, I spent a day shadowing the news station and loved it. I learned about internship opportunities and by the middle of January I had my summer internship lined up.

Flash forward to May, I was home for less than 48 hours and I was already starting my internship. I worked two days a week from 9:30-5:30. I was able to set my own schedule. I loved going to my internship every day and learned so much.

Practicing my reporting

There is no set “day in the life” as a reporter. Every day is different and new things are constantly going on.  When you walk in, you get assigned a story and by 5:00 that night when the news airs, the story is done. There is always a deadline to meet. Most reporters told me they want the days to go by slower not faster. That’s one of the things I liked so much about my internship. Through the two months i was there, i learned about reporting, producing, editing, and anchoring.

Practicing my anchoring

My internship included shadowing different reporters every day, conducting a few interviews, watching that editing of news packages get done, and  my favorite part, writing and editing my own stories. I even got to practice  anchoring too. I worked with producers putting in commands for the rundown, I got to help write stories with reporters. When it came to editing, a few of the photographers let me help edit the news packages, and then the anchors gave me tips on how on how to anchor best.

Covering a stand off, after doing a story on beach erosion, every day is truly different

This was a hands in experience, I got to help cover several different types of stories, from a stand-off with the Police, a murder, the mayor’s weekly news conferences, a political figure’s death, beach erosion, a cancelled concert, and the death of an inmate on work release. These were just a few of my favorite ones. I got to meet so many people from different walks of life and I learned so much about the city I have called home for the last 20 years.

Getting behind the camera

After completing my time at the news station, i am certain that this is the field I want to go in after graduating. It would be even more special if I could come back home and work for the same news station.

Getting in front of the camera too

I couldn’t have asked for a better summer or experience. I learned so much and i loved going to work every day to see what it’s really like being a news reporter. Hopefully, you can see me on air one day and just not online. Haha!!!
Happy Tuesday!