Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #52

Hi everyone!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great last week of July! I don’t know about you, but I feel like the pressure is on to get everything in these last few weeks of summer before everyone goes back to school or college. This week has been a good mix of work and fun, which is always a win in my book.

We love a good beach day in the summer!

Today’s Friday Favorites is a mix of food, shows, books and some accessories too. As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea to share some of my favorite things from this past week.

Sweet Magnolias– I know it technically came out last week, but I didn’t start watching Sweet Magnolias until this week, hence why it’s included in this week’s favs! I have missed this show and was so happy to have it back. I’ve been enjoying the storylines, the southern charm, the drama and relationships, but most importantly the friendship. This was a fun show to watch at the end of the day or put it on in the background as I’m cleaning, doing laundry or computer work too.

Stir Fry– I have been loving a classic stir fry lately for lunches. Now, you can make it from scratch with fresh veggies, rice, and a protein and meal prep it for the week ahead, but what I have been doing is using what I have already made in my fridge. Take this stir fry for example, I had leftover rice from a dinner, added some chicken from when we grilled it the night before and then shaved leftover corn from corn on the cob for the corn and added in some fresh veggies and soy sauce to complete the dish. It took me less than ten minutes to throw it together and it gave me a few healthy and filling meals. Here’s a few other food options to add to your stir fry: If you enjoy scrambled eggs or have leftover eggs from breakfast add those in, if you like seafood, add in some shrimp for a seafood stir fry or any type of meat, from steak to beef or chicken, you can really add whatever you want for a healthy and resourceful lunch.

A tasty lunch!

Running Sneakers– If you have been following along this year or summer, you may remember that I have gotten into running this year. I have been running with the same pair of sneakers for the past few years and decided since I am more serious about running, I should invest in some running sneakers. I got a pair of New Balance sneakers and have been wearing them as I run. I really like how they provide support to my ankles and feet. I’m glad I got a sneaker upgrade before my race in a few weeks.

My new go-to sneakers

Hummus– Another food favorite! I have been loving hummus this summer. I really got into it when I was on vacation in June and have been enjoying it through the summer. I love enjoying hummus with carrots, celery, peppers, even apples. A few other ways I have enjoyed hummus is with pita, some grilled chicken, even steak, if you are looking for a protein to add. This has been a tasty summer snack.

The Guest List by Lucy Foley– This is not necessarily a beach and summer read, but I really enjoyed The Guest List by Lucy Foley. Without giving too much away, it’s all about a wedding that happens on an island in Ireland. It’s told through the perspective of the different guests at the wedding, leading up to the wedding and the wedding day itself. On the wedding night, an incident happens and the book follows the events that transpires leading up to it and following it. Throughout the book you learn all the different ways the guests are connected and the secretes that lie among them. I really enjoyed the storyline and hearing the perspectives of different characters and the plot. If you like a good “who done it”, you will like this book. The last ten pages were the best!

That’s a look into things I’m loving this week, a mix of books, shows, food, and clothes. Tell me! As we say goodbye to July and hello to August, what has been some of your favorite moments of this past month? Let me know in the comments below! Enjoy your last week of July!