Fabulous living

Fall Shows to Start Watching

Hey everyone!

Happy Tuesday! I don’t know about you, but this week is one of my favorite weeks of the entire year…what makes the last week of September so great?! Fall shows are starting back up again! As much as I love binge watching series, there is truly nothing better than following a series week to week, year to year. Call my old school, but I love watching a show and being on the edge of my seat until the next episode airs next week. 

I started getting invested with tv series and “my shows” when I was in middle school. I think the first show I remember watching weekly was LOST…what a throwback, but still such a good show. Since then I have watched shows on all the major networks, everything from dramas, to comedies, procedures, and limited series. I have a few shows that I have watched from the early seasons, but I also find new shows to get into every year. I am so excited for the lineup of shows for this year. Here are a few that I am most excited for and why…

  1. This is Us
This Is Us

I love This is Us, it’s one of those shows that is so relatable, from family issues, to relationship struggles, and the every day life. You have to watch from the beginning, so you don’t get confused with the time jumps. I am excited to see where they go this season, they added a lot of new cast members and not only have they been going back in time, but now they are going forward in time. It premieres TONIGHT at 9 pm on NBC.

A Million Little Things

I got into A Million Little Things right after the first episode aired. It follows the story of a group of friends coping with their “perfect” friend’s suicide and how his friends and family are handling it and moving on. However, there is a lot to uncover following the sudden death. The first season was so well done, I am looking forward to seeing what direction season 2 goes in and what other storylines it explores. It premieres this Thursday at 9 pm on ABC.

How to Get Away with Murder

Another Shondaland show that keeps you on the edge of your seat. After 6 years of getting away with murder, will Annalise Keating and her crew finally have to pay for their crimes?! When I first started this show when it premiered, I was immediately drawn in with the murder and mayhem. There has been a lot of secrets, covering up, and death through the years but I’m anxious to see how it will all end up. The FINAL season premieres this Thursday at 10 pm on ABC after A Million Little Things, all part of the TGIT lineup. 


If you followed my blog this summer, you know I was obsessed with Outlander this summer. I am so happy they finally announced that season 5 will be back on Starz starting February 16 at 9 pm on Starz. Although, season 4 didn’t leave us on a huge cliffhanger, I can’t wait to see what has been going in the late 1700’s in America, plus who doesn’t love Claire and Jamie?! I can’t wait until February! Luckily, I have these shows to hold me over until it comes back on!

The Masked Singer

So far, we have a mix of some drama and some intense shows, we clearly need a bit of reality tv!! Enter, The Masked Singer. I watched some of last season and fell in love with it, it takes who’s under the mask to a whole new level. I love trying to guess who is performing based on the clues they give and their singing abilities. Can’t wait to see who is on the show. This premieres TOMORROW at 8 pm on Fox. 

There you have it, a brief recap of a few shows I am most looking forward for this upcoming season. DO you have any favorites that didn’t make the cut?! Let me know in the comments below! I am always open to new shows, even if my schedule doesn’t allow it…haha! I will make it work, that’s a promise!

Have a great week everyone and watch some tv!

Fabulous living

Year of YES

Two years ago, I read a book that made me rethink a lot of things in my life. I have been a fan of Shonda Rhimes for years, I am a huge of the tv shows she has created, so it was no surprise that when she came out with a book, I had to get my hands on a copy of it. I read Year of Yes through the course of one month. I have recommended this book to many, it’s all about saying yes to things in your life. Things that may scare you, intimidate you, or excite you, say yes to them. Rhimes chronicles saying yes to everything in one year and how by the end of the year she changed immensely. She also shared how even after the year was over she continued to say yes to things. It is truly an inspiring book.

The book

After I had finished reading it, I was inspired to start my own ‘year of yes” but I didn’t know how. So, with many things in our lives, I put it off. It wasn’t until last year, Rhimes came out with a “Years of Yes” journal, so everyone who read her book, could chronicle their own year of yes. I got the journal and decided to start my year of yes. You can start your year whenever you want, whether its January 1, or June 30. I started my Year of Yes, when I started my sophomore year of college. I had said my first big yes, YES to a new job. Starting anything new can be scary but a new job, with new people, and new responsibilities made me incredibly anxious.  I said yes and didn’t look back. This school year has flown by. I can’t believe I only have three weeks left?!

The Journal

I certainly have seen a change in myself this year so far, but my year isn’t over yet. I have said yes to new friends, new experiences, new adventures and new opportunities. I have stepped out of my comfort zone and have grown into a much better version of myself. I can successfully say I am happier now then I was last August. Stay tuned to more posts about my Year of Yes as the semester winds down, but for now this is just a tease.

Motivating quotes throughout the book

I start every day with my Years of Yes journal. The journal is set up with a topic each month to say yes to things. There is a goals section where you can map out where you want to see yourself by the end of the month. Each day is split up into three sections where you can write about the things you said yes to. Inspirational quotes by Rhimes are spread throughout the book to give you motivation if you need it. I spend 5 minutes a day on this, so it doesn’t take up much time. Whether you are an avid journaler or have never done it, give it a try.

Each month has a different topic and there is space for you to write down what things you want to say yes to or what things you want to change in that month

Each day is broken into three sections,
-The Yeses I handled today.
-What I gained by saying yes.
-What were the dark and twisty parts of saying yes.
They serve as a guide for your journaling.

It may sound cliché, but this book and journal have changed my life. Give this book a chance and start your own Year of Yes. It will change you in more ways than you thought.

Fabulous living

10 Fun Facts about ME!

Welcome! Welcome!

For those who have followed my blogs for months or whether this is your first time stopping by, I’m going to share some fun facts about myself.

– I am sophomore in college. I am majoring in Communication with a minor in Creative Writing. I plan to graduate in 3 and a half years


-Following graduation my “dream job” is to work in broadcast journalism. I’ve grown up watching the news from local, to national, and entertainment. I hope to follow in the footsteps of some of my favorite journalists.

Fun friday night working on a project for one of my favorite classes. Could this be the start of a career?

-I am a morning person. I like to get up early and I feel most productive in the early hours. On the other hand, I get very tired by night so I’m not a party animal. This is one of the harder aspects of my job since I work late hours.

6:15 the alarm goes off and it’s time to start the day. Rise and shine

-I am fortunate to live in a place where I get to experience all four seasons. Spring is my favorite season, I love the smell of grass, fresh cut flowers, and it doesn’t hurt that my birthday is in Spring either.

One of my favorite pastimes is watching the sunset

-I love to read. As a young girl I was always happiest with a book. As I have grown older, I love to read autobiographies and memoirs. Some of my favorite books I’ve read are: Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes, Going off Script by Giuliana Rancic, and Sisters First by Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush. As an avid book lover, I prefer the hard or soft cover rather than reading them online.

-I love movies. Romantic comedies are my favorite genre. I always love a good ending but some of my favorite ends are the ones that are most unexpected.

-Besides watching movies, I am also a lover of tv. I’m a die hard TGIT fan-thank you Shonda Rhimes, This is Us has been my latest obsession, and SEAL TEAM is my freshmen favorite series

Thursdays 8:00-11:00 (ABC)

Tuesdays at 9:00 (NBC)

Wednesdays at 9:00 (CBS)

-One of my favorite things to do when I’m home is to shop, whether am looking for something in particular or I’m just window shopping. I love to shop. You can most likely catch me at Marshalls, Home Goods or Francesca’s.

-I am an avid dog lover. I have three dogs at home and I am constantly counting down when I can see them when I’m at school. My youngest dog, who I still think of as a puppy is one of my greatest joys.

My two older dogs. They are brother and sister

I still picture him as a 6 pound pup but he has certainly grown

-Lastly, I couldn’t go through this crazy experience we call life, if it wasn’t for the support of my family. My family and I are very close, we share lots of laughs, and smiles whenever we are together. They truly are my biggest supporters.


And that’s a wrap! 10 (fun) facts about myself. I hope you learned something new about me or it was a bit of a refresher for you. What’s one fun fact about yourself? Let me know in the comments below!

Fabulous living

What’s Up Wednesday (10-25-17)

What’s Up Wednesday

Hello, hello! Today I am linking up with some of my favorite blogs: The Larson LingoMix and Match Mama , and Sheaffer Told me To to talk all things Wednesday, hence why I am posting this on Wednesday and not Tuesday. Don’t worry I will be back tomorrow with a fall look then I will be back to my Tuesday/Thursday posting. Once a month I will answer some questions so you know what’s going on with me. Today I will be answering the following questions. Wanna answer them too? Let’s see how much we have in common.

What I’m eating this week

I’m loving these proteins packs for lunch. They are quick and have great combinations. They are perfect for when I don’t have time to eat a full lunch.

What I’m reminiscing about

Halloween as a child! I always loved dressing up and going Trick or Treating. It’s hard being away from home during a holiday especially when I have younger siblings still trick or treating. This year I will still be dressing up, but I won’t be getting any free candy…or maybe some. We will have to wait and see.

What I’m loving

I am loving that we are finally getting cooler weather. It is consistently cool which is perfect fall weather. Also, now it is acceptable to wear high boots and jeans and not get worried to will bounce back to 70 degrees.

What I’ve been up to

Lots of school work. We are in the middle of the semester so papers, quizzes, and projects are all I have been looking at. Between going to classes and my job I’ve been busy.

What I’m dreading

Scheduling for next semester classes! Ugh, a stressful time for all. One step closer to the real world. Scheduling is always hard especially when you don’t get into classes you want are struggling for a back up!

What I’m working on

School work all day. Every day.

What I’m excited about

After looking at my calendar, I have something planned for every weekend from now until the end of the semester. From Fright Nights, to Light up Nights I am going to be busy but, I am very excited for the upcoming weeks.

What I’m watching/reading

I’m currently watching my favorite fall shows: This Is Us, Seal Team, Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How To Get Away with Murder. These shows are my motivation to get through long and stressful days.

I’m reading Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley and I’m loving it. I can’t wait until her new book comes out A Simplified Life.

What I’m listening to

I’m listening to Jessie James Decker’s new album Southern Girl City Lights on repeat. She is the only country singer I follow and I love her. This album has a great message filled with beautiful music. Get yours today!

What I’m wearing

Did someone say sweater weather?! I am wearing all the sweaters I can find. I can’t get enough. Also, check back tomorrow for my latest Look of the Day!

What I’m doing this weekend

Lots of Halloween fun! From a Costume Dance to a Fright Night, I’m excited. I’ll be sharing my costume next week with you all.

What I’m looking forward to next month

Thanksgiving and seeing some family for the holidays! As much as I love school and what I am doing, there’s no place like how especially during the holidays.

What else is new

Nothing much. Between classes, work, and the holidays I am always on the go.

BONUS QUESTION: What’s your favorite Thanksgiving Side Dish?

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, love my mom’ s recipe.