
Currently #37

Hi everyone! I can’t believe we are at the end of January! This month went by so fast, it was definitely nice to have a slower month compared to a busy December at the end of the year. This past month has been a good mix of fresh starts, staying cozy and getting outdoors too. As the month wraps up, here’s a look at some things I have been up to.

What I’ve Been Up To: I’ve spent this past month decluttering and organizing things. After a full December, both mentally and physically, I was looking forward to some New Year cleaning. I have been participating in the Simplified Simplicity Challenge this month and I have been so proud of doing little things every day to live a simplified life. I’ll be sharing a recap of my simplicity challenge next month.

Cleaning out different areas of your life, like your purse is just one example of the daily challenges.

I also have been trying to get outside for fresh air even in the colder months, whether it’s for a walk or run, even a few minutes outside makes all the difference. I also have been trying some new recipes and enjoying some new books too. January has been slow but productive.

January has been filled with lots of snow too!
Another new recipe I tried this month, Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup by Jessie James Decker.

What I’m Wearing: I have been wearing all the layers especially when I am outdoors. I have so many scarves that I have been making a point to wear them when I’m out and about. Not only do they keep you warm, but they are also a great fashion statement too.

All the layers for chilly weather.

What I’m Reading: I’ve been reading lots of books over the past few weeks as I spend more time indoors. 

Here’s what I have been enjoying.

I Didn’t Do that Thing Today- “I Didn’t Do that Thing Today” has more of a psychological feel as opposed to a narrative feel. The author talks about all the research and interviews she has conducted when it comes to productivity. As someone who thrives on being a productive person and getting everything done, I learned a lot about not having to be busy all the time and giving ourselves breathing room and not letting a lack of accomplishment affect our days.

Spare-I have been making my way through  Spare, Prince Harry’s book. The book begins after the death of Princess Diana and follows Harry’s life to the present day. So far, I have found Prince Harry to be very real and vulnerable, but also giving historical context and perspective to different things in his life. I’m looking forward to finishing the book soon.

What I’m Watching: I have been watching and enjoying The Mindy Project. It’s so fun and easy to have on in the background as I get things done. I also have been watching some fun movies. I watched Knives Out: Glass Onion, About Fate and Something From Tiffany’s. All can be found on streaming services, they were all a mix of romantic comedies, mystery and dramas. I’ve been adding more things on my list of things to watch. 

About Fate was such a cute movie on Amazon Prime.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by a clean slate for the new year. From decluttering to starting new year’s resolutions and getting back into new routines. I love the new year and a fresh start.

Hello decluttering for a fresh start!
I’ve also been enjoying some baking too.

What I Accomplished: In addition to fresh starts, I have also been getting back into some of my favorite routines and hobbies. I got a few new cookbooks for Christmas and have really enjoyed trying out some new recipes including soups and hearty meals. I also have been so good about keeping up with friend dates, whether they are in-person or via facetime, it’s so good to get some quality friend time in.

New cookbooks means new recipes.
Winter weekends means pancakes!

Goals from Last Month: I have started on some of my New Year’s Resolutions which also gets me in the right mindset for the new year. Sometimes, the hardest part of starting a new habit is taking that first step. One of my goals of this year is to live a healthier lifestyle and I have tried to do that by making smarter food choices and moving more, we are only one month in, but we are off to a good start. I also have been checking things off my winter bucket list too!

Goals for this Month: February is all about love and Valentine’s Day and showing those in your life that you care! I’m looking forward to a Valentine’s Day date, some girlfriend time for Galentine’s Day and enjoying some chocolate and all things heart shaped. Plus, I’m excited to continue to enjoy winter by taking winter walks but also cozying up inside. 

I also went to a hockey game this month and I’m hoping to go to a few more before the season is over.

That’s a look into life recently. Some reading, some binge-watching, trying new foods, staying active and getting back into new routines.


I’ve also been enjoying some puppy cuddles too.

Tell me: How has your New Year’s Resolutions been going?