
Leading A Healthier Lifestyle

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday!!

I hope you are all having a great week!! I don’t know about you, but this summer has flown by! I can’t believe we are getting ready for back to school. It’s certainly different not to be heading back to school when my friends who are younger than me are heading back or when my sibling are getting back in the classroom. 

One of the things that has been on my summer to do list was to live a healthier and balanced lifestyle. This was something I wanted to aim for in 2020, but then the pandemic hit, so things got put on the back burner. This summer, as more things opened up, I wanted to continue to live a healthier lifestyle. Throughout 2020, I have wanted to work out more, eat better and get more fresh air, and this summer I have been doing a great job of accomplishing all that.

Just for a quick recap…in the early months of the year, (January and February)  I was working out five days a week, it felt great to be back in the gym, then during the early time period (March-June) in the pandemic when everything was closed, I would try and get some walks in a few times a week, and tried to eat healthier. 

Finally, in the summer, once the gyms opened up (June!!!) , I was back in the gym five days a week (and I still am!!!), I also try to go for a walk every day, whether it’s a few hours or a few minutes, I love getting a good workout in followed by fresh air outside.

I also have been doing better by being more intentional with what I am eating and when I am eating, not just eating to eat but eating because I am hungry. In my life and schedule right now, it works out better to eat two meals a day, again, it may not work for everyone but in my life and my schedule its better for two health meals and no snacking. I also drink a lot of water, sometimes going through several bottles of water a day. 

My energy levels are been up and I have been feeling more energetic too! 

In life there are a lot of things we can’t control, but the simple things like eating healthier or getting a work out in or more fresh air are easy ways that I can do to make my life a bit smoother. What are things you do to make your life a bit more smoother or peaceful or ways that you promote self care in your life?!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and soak up the last few weeks of summer!!!


Fit Bit Review

Calling all work out enthusiasts!! This post is for you! Today, I am reviewing my Fit Bit, I got it for Christmas about 6 months ago and have been loving it, so I thought I would take some time to tell you what I love about my Fit Bit and how I use it.

***Please note, this post is not sponsored by Fit Bit and all opinions are my own.  😊 ***

I am always on the go and try to be active for as much as possible. For years, I had always used the Health app on my iPhone in order to track my exercise, but I didn’t like how I always had to have my phone on me to track my steps, calories, and movement. For example, when I would go on runs, I didn’t like having to hold a phone just to track my steps and miles.

A look at the Health app from my phone.

I got the Fit Bit Ulta HR for Christmas and have been very pleased with it. The fit bit tells me the day and time and tracks my steps, miles walked, heart rate, calories burned and active minutes. It is a bit pricey but it is worth it, especially if you love to be active.

Loving my fit bit!!

I personally aim for 10,000 steps, 30 active minutes, 5 miles and burning 2,000 calories a day. Some days I EXCEED my goals, other days I only meet SOME of my goals, and most days I JUST MEET my goals, it depends on my agenda. The Fit Bit has an app that works on your phone where it tracks all these features along with your food and water intake as well as steps per hour and exercise. I use the app every day and find it very helpful. I also love that I can take a run without my phone and still have all my steps logged and synced with my phone. The Fit Bit also tracks your sleep when you wear it at night. The battery is long lasting, I can go a few days without charging it but I try to charge it every night.

I use this app all the time, one of my most used phone apps.

I got my Fit Bit at Target where they have many other styles and series of Fit Bits, but the things I was most focused on were features on the Ulta HR. I like how it is small and slender and not too bulky.

I wear my Fit Bit with every outfit.

If you are a workout enthusiast, always on the go, or love to be active, I would definitely recommend getting a Fit Bit either this style or another one that better suits your needs. If you are not a fitness Guru, I would strongly suggest using the Health app on your phone, I used it for almost four years and got a lot of use out of it until I decided to upgrade it to a Fit Bit with their free app.

If you are on the fence about getting a Fit Bit or just sticking to the Health or workout app, I hope this provides you with some guidance. I have been very pleased with my Fit Bit, if you have a Fit Bit or fitness watch (i.e. Apple Watch) and love it, let me know why.

Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!


My Fitness Journey {Part 3}

Heading to the gym, bright and early!

Today, concludes my three part fitness journey.

Here’s part one. Here’s part two. Just in case you missed them. I am going to wrap up my fitness journey and share how I get motivated to go to the gym and ways to stay healthy when you can’t make it to the gym.

For my gym-loving friends, no worries, there will still be more fitness posts in the future. You can never stop being healthy.

How I get motivated:

  • Go to the gym with a friend (or by yourself)
    • It’s great to go with someone to talk to, or be there for moral support. At the same time it’s great to take some time by yourself and go solo. I enjoy both, sometimes I like to go by myself and focus on me but at the same time it’s good to go with someone to push you.
  •  Buy some fun work out gear.
    • If you haven’t been to the gym in a while or are hesitant to go, buy some fun looks to sport at the gym. I am not an “Under Armour girl” or “a just Nike gal”. I wear anything. I have gotten some of my favorite pairs of work out pants from Target and Dick’s Sporting Goods on sale. Get something that makes you happy.

      It’s always fun to match at the gym.
  • Lastly, be positive about it.
    • You wont see changes overnight but be proud of yourself for getting out there and doing it. Whether you went to the gym for an hour, found a Yoga DVD to watch and work on, or even went for a walk around the neighborhood. That’s something. You stepped out of your comfort zone and you should be proud of that. Remember to celebrate the little victories in life!

Ways to Stay Healthy:

  • Drink lots of WATER
    • It may sound crazy and I am sure you have heard it before but drink a lot of water. Some benefits that come along with drinking water includes: it increases your energy, flushes out toxins, gives you clearer skin, and it’s healthier than any other sugary drinks we put into our body every day. I go through a few bottles of water every day, easily. It also doesn’t hurt to have some fun cups or tumblers to put your water in. I got this bottle from Marshalls for under $10. I always bring it with me when I go to the gym.

      Some fun motivation to get me through my workouts
  • Look for healthier options
    • I will have a post later in the year about my favorite healthy snacks and meals but until then, reach for something healthier. Instead of grabbing the doughnut and coffee on the way to work, have some dry cereal and water (maybe even a small coffee if you need it to get through the day!) If you are really craving that chocolate cake, eat it at 4:00 instead at 10:00 so you can burn it off in the evening before bed. We all can indulge ( I love chocolate so I don’t plan on giving that up anytime soon) but, it’s all about eating in moderation. Stay tuned for a longer post on healthy eating, but hopefully this will hold you over until then 🙂

That wraps up my journey to where I am today for my fitness. This is not the end, but only the beginning let’s get healthy together!