Fabulous living

Summer Internship

Hi All!

I hope you had a great weekend. I just got back from a packed full summer vacation. It was great to be off the radar for a while, but now itā€™s back to business and school mode is in full effect!

Today I am sharing what Iā€™ve been up to this summer. As you know, I have pretty busy working between my internship and summer job. I couldnā€™t have asked for a better summer internship. I interned at one of my local news stations. As a communication major, there are so many areas to work in. For several years, i have had an interest in journalism and the news. As my graduation gets closer and closer I thought it would be a good idea see if working in the media is something I would want to dedicate my career to.

View from the control room, watching the magic happen

Last January, I spent a day shadowing the news station and loved it. I learned about internship opportunities and by the middle of January I had my summer internship lined up.

Flash forward to May, I was home for less than 48 hours and I was already starting my internship. I worked two days a week from 9:30-5:30. I was able to set my own schedule. I loved going to my internship every day and learned so much.

Practicing my reporting

There is no set ā€œday in the lifeā€ as a reporter. Every day is different and new things are constantly going on.Ā  When you walk in, you get assigned a story and by 5:00 that night when the news airs, the story is done. There is always a deadline to meet. Most reporters told me they want the days to go by slower not faster. Thatā€™s one of the things I liked so much about my internship. Through the two months i was there, i learned about reporting, producing, editing, and anchoring.

Practicing my anchoring

My internship included shadowing different reporters every day, conducting a few interviews, watching that editing of news packages get done, andĀ  my favorite part, writing and editing my own stories. I even got to practiceĀ  anchoring too. I worked with producers putting in commands for the rundown, I got to help write stories with reporters. When it came to editing, a few of the photographers let me help edit the news packages, and then the anchors gave me tips on how on how to anchor best.

Covering a stand off, after doing a story on beach erosion, every day is truly different

This was a hands in experience, I got to help cover several different types of stories, from a stand-off with the Police, a murder, the mayor’s weekly news conferences, a political figureā€™s death, beach erosion, a cancelled concert, and the death of an inmate on work release. These were just a few of my favorite ones. I got to meet so many people from different walks of life and I learned so much about the city I have called home for the last 20 years.

Getting behind the camera

After completing my time at the news station, i am certain that this is the field I want to go in after graduating. It would be even more special if I could come back home and work for the same news station.

Getting in front of the camera too

I couldnā€™t have asked for a better summer or experience. I learned so much and i loved going to work every day to see what itā€™s really like being a news reporter. Hopefully, you can see me on air one day and just not online. Haha!!!
Happy Tuesday!

Fabulous living

Internships Do’s and Don’ts

With June almost through, something most college studentā€™s like myself have on their minds are internships. Whether they are in the process of completing them in the summer months or applying for them for the fall, internships are something every college student must endure.

Internships are not all that bad, they give students great experience for a career they may be considering, provide networking opportunities for college students, and may even lead to a job one day.

Off to a new day at work.

This summer I am completing my second internship and I am loving it. I am getting a lot of experience and learning things every day about a profession I am seriously considering. Last summer, I also completed an internship where I learned a lot as well. For both internships, I received college credit and they were nonpaid. Most internships only accept college credit and are nonpaid. If you have the opportunity to get a paid internship thatā€™s an added bonus-and you should accept it. Each internship is different in their own way.

I have complied a list of doā€™s and donā€™ts when it has come to internships. If you have worked or are currently working at an internship, please leave in the comments below any things you may add.


-Show up on time (whether it is your first or last day be sure to arrive on time or a few minutes early to start the day. Ā Arriving early is always the start to a good impression)

-Dress Professional (When applying or interviewing for internships be sure to ask what the appropriate attire is so you can plan ahead. As well as being professional, make sure you are comfortable. As cute as heels are they are not good for being on your feet 8 hours a day-ballet flats all the way.)

-Ask questions and take notes (Donā€™t be afraid to speak up or ask questions, you wonā€™t learn things unless you ask. It can be intimidating the first few days and you will get a lot of information thrown at you, be sure to take notes and write everything down to make sure you keep everything in order.)


-Be on your phone (Besides it being unprofessional to be on your phone while working, it takes away from the experience of what you are learning. If you find yourself with free time, try asking if there is anything that needs done or if there is anywhere you can help out.)

-Overstep or overshare (Keep in mind wherever you intern that you are an INTERN, you are not the center of attention- you are there to learn, observe, and help out where needed. You are not there to run the company but rather see how the company is run.)

-Just sit there and wait to be told what to do (Take initiative and see what you can do to help to do your part. Be a leader and show you are a go-getter and want to work hard. This will stand out to employers.)


These are just a few things Iā€™ve learned by completing two internships as well as asking employers as well as other friends who have interned at a variety of businesses. If you have interned someplace or hire interns what advice would you give to rising interns, leave them in the comments below! Good Luck with your summer jobs and internships.

Fabulous living

Spring Semester Recap

What a semester it has been!!!Ā  Not gonna lie, in January, the semester started out as a rocky one. But, I was determined not to let a few bad days change the outlook of my whole semester. Thank goodness, that I didnā€™t because this semester turned out to be my best semesters yet!!!

Throughout the course of this semester, I truly felt that I came into my own. I found my tribe of friends to lean and gain support and that made all the difference. Without a strong support system both at home and at school, it is very hard to navigate yourself through life.

During the semester, I took on more roles, and wore many hats in these short months. I took on 18 credits, added another work study to the mix, and took on a leadership role in my other job I have at school. Although my job has its stressful and unpredictable moments, I had truly had the best staff and coworkers. We all got along great and were able to have fun as a one big family. When work got tiring or stressful they made the job 100 times better.Ā  I am so lucky to have made so many long lasting friends because of this job. Whether it was staff meetings, Sheetz runs or late night adventures we all had the best time together.

Obviously, taking on all these new things felt like a lot and could be a bit overwhelming at some points. Like for example, starting my day at 6:00 am and working through 1:00, yes, I had a few of those days but they were filled with fun memories braided through the stressful moments.

One motto that I used towards the end of the semester was ā€œLive Masā€ or ā€œLiving my Best Lifeā€, a lot of my close friends were either graduating or moving to different building so during my last few weeks of school, I made sure I went out and did things with my friends to savor our last few days together, whether it was Dairy Queen trips, late night drives, or playing card games while working the late shift, I wouldnā€™t trade those memories for anything. I’m so glad I found so many wonderful people because of this job and school.

Here we are at one of our first events of the year.

Lastly, something that made this semester so great was working on myself and being my true authentic self. I learned and worked on this a lot with the help of my friend Olivia. We met a year and a half ago because our boss suggested we meet since we are so similar. Every chance we get we thank our boss for introducing us, we immediately hit it off and have been close every since. Not only can we talk about the easy day to day topics, but we often talk about the challenging stuff too. Olivia, is one of the hardest working, caring, driven, and ā€œmom likeā€ people I have ever met. She has been a wonderful mentor but an even better friend to me this past year. She has taught me a lot but the most important thing I have learned is to be my authentic self. Olivia, thank you for making this year the best one yet.

Here is a second picture of her, as we were moving out. I love this quote– a constant reminder of girl power

This has been such a good semester for me both in and out of the classroom. I have excelled in my studies, formed long lasting friendships, made countless memories but most importantly, I lived my best life as my authentic self. Hereā€™s to hopping I grow even more as a person next semester.