Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #65

Hello all and happy Halloween weekend! I know Halloween falls on next Tuesday but I feel like this weekend will be a weekend full of celebrating. I know I plan on making some fun Halloween treats, popping some popcorn and enjoying a Halloween movie or two!

Fall out of my kitchen window is BEAUTIFUL!

As the week wraps up, I have a fun roundup of Friday Favorites for you as I link up with with Erika and Andrea .

Love in the Air– If you want a break from Halloween or fall movies and are searching for a light rom-com, I have just the pick for you! Love in the Air on Netflix is all about a woman who takes over her mother’s flight company in Australia. However, it’s on the brink of being closed and being bought by a larger company. After a rocky start when the potential new owner comes to visit, sparks begin to fly between the two. You can figure out the ending from here, but my favorite part was seeing all the beautiful sights in Australia, the entire continent looked gorgeous! If you are looking for a movie to escape for 90 minutes, this is it.

Such a cute movie!

Just Eat– Jessie James Decker’s new cook book, Just Eat, dropped last week and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I love browsing through cookbooks and choosing recipes that look good and attempting to make them on my own. There’s so many sweet and savory recipes that I can’t wait to test out these for myself and my family. Just paging through the book has my mouth watering. I have really enjoyed getting more comfortable in the kitchen and trying new recipes. I grew up helping my mom in the kitchen with cooking and baking and as an adult I have enjoyed the process of attempting family-favorite recipes and trying new ones too. 

Latest cook book!

Fall Graphic T-Shirt– I briefly mentioned this shirt in my post on Wednesday, but I loved it so much I had to make it its own favorite! I browsed so many stores for a cute, fall graphic t-shirt and thanks to YOUR recommendations I found exactly what I was looking for on Amazon and I scored a great deal on it on Prime Days! I got this shirt. I love the fabric, how it fits and how it’s just enough fall cheer without going overboard, plus it was very affordable, what more could you ask for in a shirt? I already have a few graphic t-shirts for Christmas, but I may have to check out Amazon again to see if there’s any new styles.

Burt’s Bees Almond and Milk Hand Cream– I always have hand lotion or cream on me, whether it’s at my desk, in my car or in my purse. My hands get dry in the winter and even in the other months of the year, I like to keep my hands moisturized. I have been using Burt’s Bees Almond and Milk hand cream every day and have been really enjoying this lotion. Just be warned, it is a thick and heavy cream which is great if you have really dry skin. Because it is so heavy, you only need a little bit for your hands. I always feel better after applying some lotion at the start and end of the day and this has been a good product to try and use. 

My new favorite and cream!

Kerry Washington “Thicker Than Water” article on Shondaland- I talked about Kerry Washington’s memoir, “Thicker than Water” coming out a few weeks ago and her interview with Robin Roberts. I haven’t had a chance to read “Thicker than Water” yet, but it’s on my to be read list. Recently, Washington did an interview with Shondaland about how Shonda Rhimes encouraged her to write a book in the first place. I’ve really been enjoying seeing Washington on her press tour and all the different guest moderators at her events. This article gives more insight into why Washington decided to write the book in the first place and some of the things she reveals throughout it. After all this prep, I’m looking forward to reading Washington’s book soon.

That’s a look into some of the things I have been loving this week. Some fall stuff, some shows and books and beauty products! As we gear up for Halloween-weekend, how are you celebrating? Scary movies? Costume parties? Lots of candy? I hope you have a fun and festive weekend!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Evening Routines

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! 

I hope you are having a great September. It’s the second Tuesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with  Erika and Shay

This year has been flying by, I can’t believe we are closer to the end of the year than the beginning or middle. It’s been such a good and fulfilling year, I can’t complain. 

Here’s a quick recap of all the Let’s Looks we have done this year. 

In August, we talked about our worst habits, In July, we talked about new favorite summer finds, in June, we talked about best travel tips, in May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

I love getting a look into other people’s lives and I love sharing a bit about my own too!

This month’s prompt is a look into our evening routines. My evening routine is pretty lowkey and not too exciting compared to my morning routine. It also ebbs and flows more than my morning routines.

 For me, the end of the day is all about wrapping things up and prepping for the next day so I can do my part to have a smoother morning.

After I get home from work or whatever I’m doing that day, I’ll eat dinner, visit with my family and clean up. Then I’ll do some computer work or picking up, like laundry, getting my lunch, prepping for the next day, anything that needs done.

I’ll shower and wash my face then unwind for the night. Unwinding is typically done by watching a show (whatever I’m binge watching or if there’s a weekly show I’m watching) or I’ll do some reading. If I have to be up early, I may drink some Sleepytime Tea to unwind. This is what I’m currently drinking.

My current favorite tea!

Right now, I’m watching A Perfect Story on Netflix which follows the story of a runaway bride and how she turns her life around when she meets someone totally unexpected. It’s a light-hearted mini series that’s only five episodes long, so it’s been a fast watch.

I just finished reading Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson. I have been waiting all summer to read it, but it was always checked out at the library. It was such a good and fast read all about the dynamics of a wealthy family in New York City. I loved how it was told from different perspectives and truly fell in love with the storylines and characters. Sometimes I’ll watch an episode or two depending on the time or read a few chapters or pages, it mostly depends on the day and how busy I am.

My latest read!

I try to be in bed between 9:00 and 9:30 when I’m working an early shift which means my alarm goes off at 3:30 a.m. or by 10:00-10:30 when I’m up at a normal time like 6:00 a.m.

A few things I always use before bed is my Sara Happ Lip Scrub and Slip. Since I always have lipstick on, I like to use this scrub and slip to clean and protect my lips nightly.

I also like to use essential oils at night for a good night’s sleep. I use different scents through the day, but at night I stick to Lavendar, Peppermint or mixes like Calm, Headache, or Deep Sleep.

I always use these at night.

If I also use a pillow/room mist that has Lavendar in it too and then I always apply some hand lotion before bed, Bath and Body Works Lavendar has been my go-to.

Now all that’s left is to put on my eye mask and hit the pillow. I do one final check on my phone for social media or to see if there’s any calls or emails I may have missed and then it’s time for bed.

My morning routine is way more detailed an expansive. However, at night, it’s just about wrapping up the day, getting set for tomorrow and then calming the mind and body. I’ll do some deep breathing techniques right before bed and that typically puts me to sleep.

Alarms set for the new day!

I wish my evening was more exciting, but it’s pretty subdue. 

I’m always curious to learn about other people’s evening routines! Tell me, what do you do at night that helps you get ready for a new day or unwind at the end of the day? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Sleeping!